GEAR Magazine Presents...

United States

EDIT: Time 12:00PM Eastern
Location: Nurbergring
Alright. Thought I'd do something a little fun for once. I know that this is short notice but this is a little experiment. I wanted to host an event for GEAR Magazine so I could feature something different. This is a duel competition, mainly just for fun and socializing.

If you're interested, Send me a message on my profile page, or add me on PSN (Lupo-Drifter is my tag) Server opens at 11:30, racing starts at 12:00.

-No ramming (Accidents, bumps and nudges are to be expected, but don't be a jerk.)

-Please pass cleanly and check your sides and rear.

-No drifting (if you have over-steer, that's understandable. Just keep it under control.)

-When you are near the finish line, please park off to the side of the course neatly and out of the way. This will give all the other participants enough time to complete their run.

-Please for the sake of peace and clean fun, no belittling each other.

This event will be featured and Photographed! So come dressed to impress!

Any Questions or Concerns, please feel free to ask me on here or on PSN. All questions are encouraged. Hope to see you there!
-Lobby Name: The "d"