Gear SHift animation and overall animation

  • Thread starter GT


I don't have the full version of GT5 prologue as I'm waiting gor the PAL version to be released in Europe.

I was wondering though about the hand animations. I read that the 900 degree rotation animation is not yet in place. But what about the gear shift animation with a stick, and more importantly, is there any animation with gear flippers as in the ferrari or the GT-R????

If not, PD must be busy to make these annoyances work right? I can't imagine that they would simply leave it like that???

Does anyone know anything regarding this???
Currently there are gear shift animations where as the revs get higher the driver will let go with one hand to get ready on the shifter then change gear and put his hand back.

Currently there are no cool crossing over hands or 900 deg movements like we saw in GT4 which is a real shame because the driving was so much more fluid but I'm sure its because its currently a demo. Remember GT4P didn't have those movements either...

As for the shifting with paddles I don't know as I haven't gotten that far but I'm sure someone else will tell you.

I hope that helps :)👍

interesting, has anyone at PD confirmed that there will be a paddle animation present in the final built or are we all just guessing??

I sure hope it will be present because otherwise it can ruine an otherwise realistic experience. I really hope this will be implemented!! But does anyone know for sure???
No one knows for sure, but PD have said they are working on hand animations.
Tourist Trophy you could change riding suits, so I can't see why not in GT5.

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