General Photography Competition - Trial Week - Poll

Theme: Open (Trial Week)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Welcome to...
The General Photography Competition

Trial Week

Bear in mind that this will be a Trial week, to test the competition, the interest in the competition and some of the rules. The winner of this week won’t get to choose the theme for next week. If you think that there is or are some rules that should be changed, please send me a private message, and explain the reason.

Theme: Open

Has this is a Trial week, I chose this to be a open theme.

Image Submission Rules:
  • Only one entry may be submitted. It must be your own work and it can’t be one entry already submitted in another competition;
  • Don’t post any other Image beside the entry. If you have any honorable mention, please post a link to it;
  • The photograph shouldn't have been taken more than two weeks before this week started;
  • The entry must have a “Final Entry” written in the post, as well has a title or the name of the subject photographed;
  • The entry may only be changed once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry);
  • Submit your entry either on thumbnail or as a preview linked to the full size image. The preview must not be larger than 400 pixels (to either side).
  • Don't ask others members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills;
  • In the poll, don’t vote for yourself.

Image Editing Rules List:

Image Adjustements:
  • Crop;
  • Resize;
  • Rotate;
  • Border;
  • Levels;
  • Curves;
  • Colours;
  • Hue and Saturation;
  • Exposure;
  • Shadow and Highlight;
  • Any Blending Mode.

  • Brush;
  • Gradient;
  • Blur;
  • Dodge;
  • Burn;
  • Lasso;
  • Pen;
  • Type (for signature).

  • Blur;
  • Noise;
  • Sharpen.

You can use layers for overlay and layers adjustments
No Plug-ins for any of the mentioned adjustments and filters are to be used.
You may not use objects that are not in the original Image.

Failure to follow the rules will result in disqualification from the competition.

If you have any question or any complain, please, send me a Private Message.

Above all, have fun and enjoy yourself.​

21st, September 2008​
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You mean I can't use Noise Ninja for noise reduction? Doesn't everyone use that?

Mind you, I have a 5d, so noise isn't such an issue for me. I'm just thinking of others you know. :P
I hope this is ok;
EDIT: Misread the weeks rule.

BTW, it should read 'The photograph shouldn't have been taken more than two weeks before this week started'
I hope this is ok;
EDIT: Misread the weeks rule.

BTW, it should read 'The photograph shouldn't have been taken more than two weeks before this week started'

Thanks, it is edited. 👍

You mean I can't use Noise Ninja for noise reduction? Doesn't everyone use that?

Mind you, I have a 5d, so noise isn't such an issue for me. I'm just thinking of others you know. :P

There are other ways of reducing noise, without the help of Noise Ninja. Also, plug-ins are a bit unfair in the photo editing part. Say, (for example) I have a plug-in that makes my image fabulous with amazing colours, every picture stays amazing with that plug-in, and the only thing I have to do is push a button, while others have to do a whole process just to try to achieve those results. I don’t know if I am getting myself clear, but I rather that people do things manually that have one or two plug-ins that do everything and voala, an amazing image.

If that noise ninja is really essential, I may make an exception, but it is quite unlikely that I’ll do that. But thanks anyway. 👍
You mean I can't use Noise Ninja for noise reduction? Doesn't everyone use that?

Mind you, I have a 5d, so noise isn't such an issue for me. I'm just thinking of others you know. :P

What is noise ninja? I haven't heard of it...
I don't know what size I can enter shots at, but this is a resized one but I can change it if need be.

Final Entry

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I don't know what size I can enter shots at, but this is a resized one but I can change it if need be.

If you could post a preview of 400px linked to the full size (any that you want) I would thank you.And it is stated on the rules.

Anyway, I am happy to see one entry (after so many days)
I would enter but haven't received my camera yet. Hopefully it's here on Monday so that I can start taking pictures with it.
^^^ Great tones and focus, and good work on the exposure, considering it's a partial sun/shade photo, but the flower itself comes out as a bit too centered on the frame. At least to me.

Really like Speeds' shot too, nice catch on that one.

Man, I really gotta get myself a decent camera. Not being able to have wide angles, better zoom, switch lenses and always having to shoot with a high f. really sucks...

LdS - I think the 2-week rule may be hurting this competition from getting more entries in. Especially since it's a trial week, it would be a good idea to leave it more open to grab participants in.
Just my thoughts, buddy. 👍
LdS - I think the 2-week rule may be hurting this competition from getting more entries in. Especially since it's a trial week, it would be a good idea to leave it more open to grab participants in.
Just my thoughts, buddy. 👍

Thanks for the input. Glad someone point out some problems in this competition. I opened the trial for (besides entries) having some input on the rules, and what should be changed. Has for the time frame, I agree that if this competition goes ahead I’ll open the timeframe a little more (like one or two months). My initial thoughts were to put 2 week in the trial and one week in the normal ones, but I am seeing that it is a little bit impossible to do it. Even though, this is an open theme, and you can throw in here any photograph you want. Thanks 👍
I'd like to at least submit an entry, but most of my shots are crappy and the last decent one I took was on Aug 30th... No worthwhile pics after that. :ouch:
It's no different than the tiebrakers on the GT4 Photomode, usually the two contenders voted for each other. 👍
I voted for you dude, seemed the only thing to do really. Shame we didn't have much of a competition with the rest of GTP, but I'm sure some of the guys lurking in the photography section will submit some in next weeks comp.
I'll probably enter once there's more of a theme. I've not had time to take many shots recently but I'm hoping to get out and about a bit more soon. 👍