Gentlemen, please! I believe proper introductions are in order.

  • Thread starter Capital N
Hello GTPlanet.
I am a long-time lurker on this site, and I have been a GT enthusiast since the first installment in the series, having played GT1, GT3, GT4 and GT5p, and I am eagerly awaiting the release of Gran Turismo 5.

I have a great love of cars, music, movies, games and anime, which pretty much sums up my hobbies. I live in Denmark and I am moving in with my girlfriend on tuesday (I just felt like sharing ^_^).

With gaming as my main hobby and having a very broad taste in genres, it is saying something that Gran Turismo is overall my favourite game series. It has a genre-defining, almost (written while ferociously glaring at GT PSP) impeccable pedigree, as it was the first and still, in my opinion, the best at what it does. It is games like Gran Turismo that compel me not to give up gaming as a hobby, because they do something special.

To the untrained eye it may be just a racing game, but it has always been, in fact, an ingenious blend of two completely unrelated genres: Japanese RPG and driving simulation, and... I should probably bring an end to my ramblings as I have more or less outlined my overflowing enthusiam by now ^_~

Anyhow! I look forward to the mutually respectful discussion of one of gaming's all-time greats ^_^

P.s. Feel my pain of not being able to go to Le Mans with my father this weekend!
Welcome among us "Capital capital n" ! 👍

Good luck living with your girlfriend... and dont forget to do your part of the choires...:crazy: because that will be your ticket for being able to play GT5 soon and often enough, or else you will be in a world of hurt. :scared:
Good morning, Capital N
I do hope you enjoy your stay as an official member of [booming voice]Gran Turismo Planet[/booming voice]

P.S. There's a big list of smilies here you can use instead of the text ones. (And even more useless ones here!)
Thanks:) Well, she sort of likes doing chores:odd: There is, however, a slight problem... she also really, really likes GT as well:scared: At least GT5p, since GT4 isn't pretty enough for her:grumpy: She's a bit of a geek herself, so she generally shares my hobbies. This means that if I didn't have a capable PC in addition to my PS3, we would probably engage in bloody melee whenever one of us wanted to play:D

Oh, and I knew there were smilies, but at the time of writing I lost connection to the internet and couldn't access most of them, so I decided against them altogether:P
Welcome to the jungle, We got fun 'n' games, We got everything you want, Honey we know the names.

Welcome to GTplanet. :D
Thanks:) Well, she sort of likes doing chores:odd: There is, however, a slight problem... she also really, really likes GT as well:scared: At least GT5p, since GT4 isn't pretty enough for her:grumpy:

Get two wheels and race split screen till the relationship ends in violence! :sly:Welcome to the site! 👍
Get two wheels and race split screen till the relationship ends in violence! :sly:
Not a bad idea:D Though we need to get our PS3 fixed first. It swallowed a label from a rented bluray disc a while back, and the disc drive has been jammed since that:grumpy: Which in turn means that both of us are on the verge of going into GT5p withdrawal:nervous:

And thanks for the warm welcome to all of you:)