I'm finally planning on getting a DSLR camera now that I've got a good paying job.
However, it is unclear to me which camera to buy.
Contenders are Sony, Canon and Nikon. I was first thinking about a Nikon D40 since they now are relatively cheap, but my cousin recommends a Sony kit. I don't want to price to be sky-rocketing high so I'd like to keep it fairly cheap...
Any suggestions? Nikon D40? D40X? Sony? Canon EOS series?
Here my humble opinion:
About nikon:
D40 is a reletively old DSLR (6MP), great as a starter but the D40x (10MP) or the newer D60 (10MP) would be my choice. Nikon however isn't that great in photo quality in high ISO settings ( max 800 ISO, D60 -D300 and D3 are an other story...)
Someone mentioned you choose by lenssystem. I sure do agree on that.
As Nikon has a wide variety in lenses, Canon has a more broader variety.
With Nikon , theres cheap and then the pro stuff kicks in.
Canon has cheap ( as in kitlenses ), amateur ( f4 ranges and L) and pro lenses ( as in f1.2, F2.8 L lenses).
If you stay with the nikon , the latest 18-55 and 55-200 VR lenses would be OK
About Canon:
If you'r looking at the D40 the canon match would be the 400D.
Lenses the stabilised kit lenses if you're on a budget.
Want more quality, then look at the amateur range, cost a bit more ( or buy secondhand) , but it could make a difference between getting the shot or not.
About Sony:
Not much experience, but lot's of minolta lenses should work on the Sony DSLR range.
But in the end, it's about going to a shop and take a few DSLR bodies in yer hand and try to work with them. Which one is easy to operate, lays fine in your hand, menu's etc.
Don't buy a setup because it's cheap. You should buy a setup you could easily work with and when doing so enjoying it.
You could also try to look in some Photography forums.
Many people asked the same questions there, maybe you find some answers there too.
And to end it , starting with a DSLR is most of the time getting more stuff each time.
Like flashlight, more lenses ( wide angle, zoom or telezoom ) so don t forget the bag you'll put it in .