getting GT2 soon after mine died 5 months after getting it (when released here)
& i saw a copy on EBAY for only $20 & need to know what to do first
getting GT2 soon after mine died 5 months after getting it (when released here)
& i saw a copy on EBAY for only $20 & need to know what to do first
Did you not play it in the first 5 months you originally had it?
Hopefully you won't get a version 1.0 or 1.1 copy
isn't that only the US version?
I have version 1.0. I only have problems when I save after some test tracks, Remedy! Don't save after the test tracks and no more problems!!!
Yes, you are correct; versions 1.0 and 1.1 were the time PAL came out for Europe, Polyphony had most of the bugs worked out. But since IH8GWB is buying this game from eBay!, chances are the game could be an early NTSC, therefore it could be buggy.
no it's a PAL
is the cars steering ment to be very senstive?
yeah got it yesterday & the car steering is very sensitve(using DS2 on PS2) just a tap & the car sways very wildly
I never noticed. My immediate first thing i noticed in gT2 after playing GT1 was that manual transmissions shift alot more realistically. In gT1, when you shift gears manually, the transmissions behaves like an automatic, but i never noticed any difference with steering. What car were you driving?
Do you use original Sony DS2 controller? since I have same problem when playing GT4 using faked controller. Maybe you should try using DS1 controller.any
a quick light tap at 80Km/h(50 MPH) will sent you in a 45+ degree angle
sucahyoPAL version has twice as much bounce as NTSC 1.2 version. For spring rate I usually use half my NTSC one.
thats because we use KG/M, you use FT/LB