- 102
- U.K
- Darren-lad
Me and my gf fell out on Xmas day she was only in the house for like 10mins and phoned her mum to go home sense weh had a bit of a fall out about her being on her phone all the time she stoped bringing her phone down for ages because it was going off none stop but the past 3 weeks she's been bringing it down to my and shes always on it none stop now sense xmas day we've been not really talkin and where used to sendin texts back and forward right way now she's taking 4-6 hours it a time now am sure she's being meetin a other man she finshed her ex bf to me and she was unfaithful the 1st week buh gave her a chance and she truned out to be ok after 3 mouths of going out it's now comeing up for a year and maybe think it's better for me just to walk away and stay away :/