Ghetto Detroit Roads

:odd: I think he wants this type of scenery... a former industrial city street scenery... in disrepair with graffiti.
Must be, because the roads here SUCK. I was at the Belle Isle GP in 2012, where I had a 2 hour picnic while they were fixing the potholes and seems in the road mid-race.
Must be, because the roads here SUCK. I was at the Belle Isle GP in 2012, where I had a 2 hour picnic while they were fixing the potholes and seems in the road mid-race.

This suggestion kind of stood out to me... Not because I want something like this. (I'm not a big fan of the city tracks in general.) But because recently my spouse has been playing another racing game, and I've been playing Gran Turismo 6... and we've noticed the difference - how the tracks in GT seems SoOO clean comparatively. Like no marbles, not a lot of dirt being kicked up everywhere.
I imagine lots of peeps would like dirt & grime & realistic flaws in the roads, etc.
I have to say in GT5 I kind of enjoyed when a flaw would show up on a Mt Aso track. But for the most part I guess I kind of like that GT makes everything pristine... kind of like a car showroom. :lol: I think that's just the GT way.

I wonder if I prefer things in the game to be nice and well maintained... because I live in Pennsylvania... and driving here is a NIGHTMARE on the roads with the pot holes & cracks, and closed roads, closed bridges, scary bridges, etc. It's not a pleasure to drive most of the roads around here. Real commuting in northeastern Pennsylvania is a big downer. 👎 They did a study & found that the disrepair of the roads in PA are actually causing people a lot of huge extra expense in car repairs & fuel (and we can attest to this too) - that's how bad the traffic roads are in many parts of PA. So frankly, I don't want that in fantasy race tracks. :lol: Costs nothing extra to maintain the roads in a video game, after all. :lol:

But I think mainly the OP in this suggestion is specifically more interested in just a city neighborhood of some type that isn't all commercial bright lights and spiffy - but more of an out of the way run down kind of back street of a city.
Not that the streets themselves need to be in bad condition... but the surroundings not uppity and pristine commercial types (like most of the city tracks in GT are at touristy locales).
I'm surprised this suggestion hasn't gained more likes, frankly.