GIFC: Manga Cars: Twentieth Stage

Delphic Reason

Staff Emeritus
Well, I'm proud to say that we made it to Stage 20....... and this will also be the last time I will be running the comp........

It has been a great run, and I thank all of you for helping this become as popular as it has become.......

Omicron will be taking over from now on, so listen to him, and keep manga alive........

Anyway, on to the comp......

Manga Cars
20th Stage

1. You must give credit for using someone elses' parts.
2. Do not post your car until it is complete, and please put Final Entry up at the top, so it's easy to put up the poll.
3. No Flaming, and I mean it, don't test my resolve. You will recieve one warning, then you will be disqualified.
4. You can use backgrounds, but remember when voting, to only judge the car, not the background. This is a manga car comp, not a manga background comp.

Ok, this week we will be working on the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 6, Base by Ayaxr. Have fun and be creative. ;)

Contest ends May 14th


  • evo6.gif
    4.8 KB · Views: 223
Originally posted by K-1
oh Nice Base
I'll enter this one
Thanks for the Evo 6 SD

I've been wanting to use the Evo VI, for this comp, for a while.......

I want to see some dope tunes.... This car shouldn't be anything less......

Originally posted by Jeembo
why aren't u gonna be runnin any more contests?

I love running these comps, and I may take over when Omicron gets tired of it...... However, I have some new drifting projects (can't talk about them yet) that are taking all my time..... Sufice it to say, it will be worth it......

Originally posted by cerberus
I will miss you silvia....:(
also i'll be in this one since it's your last...

Thanks Cerb....... I'll still be around though, and even entering comps, but I don't have the time to run them anymore......

at least not for a while....

Freeway- looks good but i think there should be more shading

72ElCamino- Good job man but i think if your going for Drag Style Make the Back end just a little Higher or if not make the back end equal

Good job Everyone mine is almost done
Have fun, although It would have been great for you guys to have played with v2 of it, sadly I lost it on my HDD Crash, oh well....... I wanna see some good tunes there. ;)

Just as an example (since I wont compete on a contest from my own base), here is the most worked on tune that I posted, out of several that were never seen on the v1 Evo6, it was inspired by a jgtc, touring style feeling.
Originally posted by ayaxr
Have fun, although It would have been great for you guys to have played with v2 of it, sadly I lost it on my HDD Crash, oh well....... I wanna see some good tunes there. ;)

Just as an example (since I wont compete on a contest from my own base), here is the most worked on tune that I posted, out of several that were never seen on the v1 Evo6, it was inspired by a jgtc, touring style feeling.

It was beautiful when you first posted it, and it still is.....

Great job Aya....

Originally posted by NISMOskyline
SD, you better be making some kicka** drift videos, or I'll be sorely disappointed:)

Don't worry..... You will all be quite happy with the final results...... I will hopefully be finishing my latest vid today, then I have a project going with another drifter, and I have a huge video project going with 5 drifters.......

That's why I am so spent, and don't have time for the comps, right now.....

its gonna be a really busy few weeks for me here. so i might not get it done on time. im in, but only if i finish it to my satisfaction.

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