Gifted car upgrades

I recently was given a Saleen S7 from a friend who rebuilt the engine and refreshed the chassis but it wont let me buy certain upgrades for it such as ECU tuning or any exhaust mods. The car from the factory has 550hp and with the oil change i has 561hp. Does this mean I dont need these upgrades and should just add the upgrades like the Engine mods and Supercharger?
Yes you could if wanted, you couldn't get those other parts probably becuase it couldnt be installed.

Also this topic should be in the tuning section of GT5
Sorry about that, moved. Has anyone else experienced this with any car that isn't a race car or tuner car, or with this car specifically. And if so what does this mean? Will i still reach the cars peak HP number?
Do the parts you are trying to add to the car have a yellow symbol next to them? If so then that means that the part cannot be added to that car. Happens alot with race cars and air filters for example. I do have the Saleen but have not yet tried to upgrade it.
Do the parts you are trying to add to the car have a yellow symbol next to them? If so then that means that the part cannot be added to that car. Happens alot with race cars and air filters for example. I do have the Saleen but have not yet tried to upgrade it.

Yes they have a yellow mark. This isn't a race car though its a street car.
That example I gave applies to all cars in the game. If there is a yellow symbol next to a part then you can't add it to the car.