Gillet Vertigo or Escudo Pikes Peak

How much is the Vertigo...?

If I were you, I'd go with the Escudo, it has the highest HP capability out of ALL of the cars on GT3.

We have both on our GT3, but we hardly ever use the Vert...
Well the vert is 1200000 and the scudo is just 100000 so i'll prob go with the escudo.  I actually already tried both of them out, and i messed around with the scudo but could only get it to go like 512 mph or something like that, but idon't know what i didn't do.  Anyway thanks
You can get the escudo for free by beating the rally races (not difficult) or get the vertigo by beating a series race (euro championship)  So figure out which one you will have the hardest time winning and buy that.

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