Gillet Vertigo race car available!

I've got a Gillet Vertigo race car available for trade at reset which is in about 20 more minutes. Open to all offers, although I'm more into other race cars and colored X1's. Don't be afraid to offer what you have though, the worst I can do is say no. Please post all offers here and thanks!

Would also take an carbon X1 or Vettel X1 so I can use it to grind instead of one of my colored X1s
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Sorry I should have mentioned in the original post that I'm not really a paint collector so I'm looking only for cars at the moment. Thanks for the offer though.

andez, just wondering if you have a Ford GT LM race car, not the white one that can be won in the dream car and not the black premium one, the one that has the same gulf blue paint scheme as the '69 GT40 you have.
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i haven't no sorry, i know the one you mean, its the new shape with the old graphics on, sorry dude cant help on that one:grumpy: