Gillet Vertigo Race Car gains PP??

  • Thread starter Catlin
I was just seeing which cars i could use for a 650pp race and decided to use the Gillet Vertigo Race Car,its starting PP is 664 but when i add Stage 3 Turbo kit the power jumps from 932hp to 959hp and the pp Decreases from 664 to 650..

I was just seeing which cars i could use for a 650pp race and decided to use the Gillet Vertigo Race Car,its starting PP is 664 but when i add Stage 3 Turbo kit the power jumps from 932hp to 959hp and the pp Decreases from 664 to 650..


Performance Points are based on how useable power and torque are over the entire power band, not peak power. I've seen this on other cars too, I think the vw bug and bus both have more power with a stage 2 turbo but more pp with a stage 3 turbo because the powerband is so narrow with a stage 2.
Performance Points are based on how useable power and torque are over the entire power band, not peak power. I've seen this on other cars too, I think the vw bug and bus both have more power with a stage 2 turbo but more pp with a stage 3 turbo because the powerband is so narrow with a stage 2.

Correct 👍
On ever car in the game the Mid Range Turbo provides more torque at a lower RPM. Having this amount of torque at a lower RPM helps with pulling out of corners and is most of the time more useful then just have the maximum amount of power, especially with race cars.
The Gillet Vertigo is quite simply bizzare.
With max (35/60) DF, no turbo gives me 695pp, stage also gives 695 yet stage 3 gives only 693pp.
With stock DF (20/45), no turbo to stage 3 does as the OP states (664 vs 650), and stage 2 sits at 660pp.
With minimum (15/30) DF, however, it goes 637/639/642 with the increasing turbo level.

You may notice a suprising drop in PP from max to minimum DF levels, which is another point. At stock DF (20/45) and no turbo, adding on 1 rear DF gives 2pp extra, whilst giving it either turbo upgrades and putting on 1 extra rear DF yields a full 3pp extra. This large increase carries on until almost maximum rear DF level, varying between a 2 and a 5 pp increase (stage 3 turbo).
Setting no turbo and decreasingrear DF from the standard does not do anything extreme barring the first decrease.

Also, with stock DF and a stage 3 turbo (650pp), 1-3kg of balast reduces pp down to 649, yet from 4-59kg of balast the pp rises to a max of 660pp, and then falls as it should to 655pp at 119-133KG of blast (still higher than with no balast at all) and then increases AGAIN up to the maximum of 200kg of balast, sitting at 657pp.
A stage 2 turbo will yield a simmilarly erratic change of pp, ending up at 656pp with 200kg of bias.
Yet have no turbo installed and the pp will decrease, as it should, to 655pp.

Thats not all, either. Yes, the power limiter is also broken.
Stock DF/no turbo: pp increases as power is decreased until around 86.7%/676pp , where it starts to fall finishig at 623pp.
Stock DF/Stage 2 turbo: Same pattern as above, peaks at 82.8%/676pp, finishes at 625pp.
Stock DF/Stage3 turbo: Same again (barring a slight decrease with for the first couple of %), peaking at 81.6%/676pp and finishing at 627pp.
A simmilar rise-then-fall occurs at maximum DF.
At minimum... oh dear, it decides to take a fall-spike-fall approach.

Either the Vertigo is bugged or whatever formula PD use for PP is seriously messed up by something unique(?) to the Vertigo.
The Gillet Vertigo is quite simply bizzare.
With max (35/60) DF, no turbo gives me 695pp, stage also gives 695 yet stage 3 gives only 693pp.
With stock DF (20/45), no turbo to stage 3 does as the OP states (664 vs 650), and stage 2 sits at 660pp.
With minimum (15/30) DF, however, it goes 637/639/642 with the increasing turbo level.

You may notice a suprising drop in PP from max to minimum DF levels, which is another point. At stock DF (20/45) and no turbo, adding on 1 rear DF gives 2pp extra, whilst giving it either turbo upgrades and putting on 1 extra rear DF yields a full 3pp extra. This large increase carries on until almost maximum rear DF level, varying between a 2 and a 5 pp increase (stage 3 turbo).
Setting no turbo and decreasingrear DF from the standard does not do anything extreme barring the first decrease.

Also, with stock DF and a stage 3 turbo (650pp), 1-3kg of balast reduces pp down to 649, yet from 4-59kg of balast the pp rises to a max of 660pp, and then falls as it should to 655pp at 119-133KG of blast (still higher than with no balast at all) and then increases AGAIN up to the maximum of 200kg of balast, sitting at 657pp.
A stage 2 turbo will yield a simmilarly erratic change of pp, ending up at 656pp with 200kg of bias.
Yet have no turbo installed and the pp will decrease, as it should, to 655pp.

Thats not all, either. Yes, the power limiter is also broken.
Stock DF/no turbo: pp increases as power is decreased until around 86.7%/676pp , where it starts to fall finishig at 623pp.
Stock DF/Stage 2 turbo: Same pattern as above, peaks at 82.8%/676pp, finishes at 625pp.
Stock DF/Stage3 turbo: Same again (barring a slight decrease with for the first couple of %), peaking at 81.6%/676pp and finishing at 627pp.
A simmilar rise-then-fall occurs at maximum DF.
At minimum... oh dear, it decides to take a fall-spike-fall approach.

Either the Vertigo is bugged or whatever formula PD use for PP is seriously messed up by something unique(?) to the Vertigo.

This is why that we, as GTP'ers, will never truely crack the code in order to calculate a cars PP. Too many variables. Unless Albert Einstein somehow raised from the dead and helped us :) .
There is some issue in the game where you have to "get in" into a car to show it's true PP value.

It isnt exactly a bug, PD have done something with the PP in a previous update and every car that you havent selected before that update shows different PP in the garage and different in car settings.
Its something like the "RM" in the car name and/or like the Merc CLK LM car.

They really need to add an "update all car data", like the thumbnails, it may take 300 hours to complete but at least it will be faster and easier than doing it manually.
It's a good thing the pp for the vertigo is so odd, i used it to finish the b spec nurburgring race with no problems. Just increase the top speed to 255 and youre good to go.

thinking about it now, wouldnt handling have something to do with this? the 7 has the same thing going on, and both of the cars share many similar characteristics.