Gillet Vertigo Race Car

  • Thread starter Piglet
Spring Rates: 12/12
Ride Height: 58/60
Bound: 5/6
Rebound: 6/7
Camber Angles: 1.7/.7
Toe ANgles -.5/0
Stablizers 4/4

Brakes: 11/16

Auto Settings: 38

Downfroce: .96/1.15

ASM and TCS to your liking. (10 for ASM and 5 for TCS is stock....)
I think not.

It might not have the best top speed, but on twisty tracks, it sure "outhandles" almost any racer thrown at it.

I think it is a fun little car to drive.
In the new file I started I won the Vertigo and drov it for a while and I liked it...I used it till I got enough money to by a C5R...The Vertigo has excellant handling, too good for my tastes...The Vertigo is soo underrated....Its a good race car you can get early on...
its a NICE car.... ok? n odoubt bout it...
and its a easy car 2 win for starters too.. :D
just do the ..... japanese league amatuer*i think*
and use the save load trick 2 choose it...

u'll find that this car will almost take u all the way to pro if u tune it nicely.. :D
and it don't handle too bad for drifty either!