GIMP on Windows?

  • Thread starter Kent


Staff Emeritus
United States
Southern Louisiana
Is GIMP on Windows XP worth the download trouble?
Does the program still run well?
GIMP's site doesn't even release windows versions and it makes me worry. :scared:

With that in mind, please chime in with opinions of GIMP when running on Windows XP ("home" if possible).

I'm using XP Home, I switched computers and needed to write a new operating system on the "new" PC. With that switch I lost all my resources except "paint." Not even the lacking "picture it" is on my PC and suddenly I'm missing my image manipulation software. :ouch:

If there was a better place for this question and discussion, just point me there and I'll get this thread out of the way. :cheers:
I have GIMP running on XP at work and it's fine. I don't use it often, but I've had no issues.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I loaded the GTK then 2.2.17. 👍
Everything seems to run fine and now I've just gotta learn to use the program. Mostly resize, blur, and crop work but it's nice to see such a well developed program freely used on the net. 👍

Thanks again. :cheers:
I have 2.2.14 (virtually the same as 2.2.17), so if you need any help, just shout. 👍
The windows version is hard to find on the gimp website so click this.

I have 2.4 running on Ubuntu well but I dunno about windows.