My brother and I have purchased every GT release there is, so we anxiously awaited GT5, that was mistake #1. Mistake #2 was we purchased GT5 from Playstation Network, why is that a mistake you ask?
It's easy to find and download games so wtf? The down side is if you DON'T like the game or feel you were lied to by promoters of the game -- guess what? Too bad for you mate.. there are NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES...So thank you and Please drive through...
Even though GT 5 has some pretty awesome graphics any thing that was fun in the game has been taken out. Now it's just another pretty face game that has mediocre play and game cherry.
Both of us (my brother and I) asked our on-line buds what they thought and they agreed, in fact most of them dumped GT 5 to make more room for other games. Some of them exchanged their GT 5 which of course are not able to do because of playstation network's inability to exchange or refund.
I've seen quite a few people in other forums and gaming sites saying almost word for word what we thought.
The worst part in our minds is the makers of GT lost their cool game play in exchange for graphics and in the process they lost us as future customers.
It's easy to find and download games so wtf? The down side is if you DON'T like the game or feel you were lied to by promoters of the game -- guess what? Too bad for you mate.. there are NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES...So thank you and Please drive through...
Even though GT 5 has some pretty awesome graphics any thing that was fun in the game has been taken out. Now it's just another pretty face game that has mediocre play and game cherry.
Both of us (my brother and I) asked our on-line buds what they thought and they agreed, in fact most of them dumped GT 5 to make more room for other games. Some of them exchanged their GT 5 which of course are not able to do because of playstation network's inability to exchange or refund.
I've seen quite a few people in other forums and gaming sites saying almost word for word what we thought.
The worst part in our minds is the makers of GT lost their cool game play in exchange for graphics and in the process they lost us as future customers.