Go Axle It's Ya Birthday, We Gonna Party Like It's Ya Birthday...

  • Thread starter W3H5


New Member
Akk ak ak, akkk, akk aakk akk aaakk akk aak akk, akk aakk!

For anyone not knowing Martian that message reads: Mr Tramp, today is thy day of birth on which many moons ago thy mother birthed thee kicking and screaming (probably euphemisms) in this glorious world of men, woman and ladyboys.

Happy Birthday, mate. Have a good'un. :cheers:
Well in that case, we gonna sip some grog like it's ya Birthday...
Happy birthday.

I fear for the posts that come later on...
Chances are AT is still asleep or busy with his work which gives lots of time for people to post the most obscure birthday wishes before he gets online and thinks 'WTH!?'. :lol:
I think I know who this thread is for....... it's a bit confusing Happy Birthday! :cheers:
Happy Birthday, don't let the bed bugs disembowel you... Oh wait, that's not the right expression... I think I can get this...

Happy Birthday, and a good tasty beer? Maybe, either that or steak. Well, happy birthday nonetheless. :cheers:
Oh for the love of God, who started this thread? :rolleyes:


Yay! Birthday time! Cheers guys... mostly... I think. :D I'd come round and high five you all, but that's way too expensive and I don't have enough airmiles.

So, let's get down to it then - where are my cake and presents?

Start with a base.

BTW - just in case it's really your birthday - Have a good one. Ack ack.
So, let's get down to it then - where are my cake and presents?

There here, (Shem made me the present organiser) but you don't have enough airmiles..

Looks like I'll have to keep them here then.. :( ;)