Gold times after update 1.13

The Netherlands
Anybody also kind of disappointed what PD did here?
I SPEND HOURS to gold the license test, hours to gold circuit experience, and nou I'm suddenly down on the leaderboard cause the difficulty level has been adjusted....with the physic update
My gold times are meaningless now and slow all of a sudden...
This kind of hurts, and now I have to do them all over again

How do you guys feel about this?
I must have missed that it updated. So is it even more difficult to get gold now on licence and circuit experience? Or what exactly has changed?
I’d be upset but currently just trying to gold everything not trying to set best times. PD did this starting with GT5. It also doesn’t matter to me cause there’s not even a global or regional leaderboard for license or circuit experience
I'm not really buying your argument here. If you really care about staying on top of the leaderboards, you know that others practice, get faster and eventually post better times even without any changes to the physics. So if you want to stay at the top, you have to constantly keep trying to get faster and faster yourself and beat your own times. The fact that you're complaining about having to defend your top times makes me think that you aren't serious about keeping your leaderboard spots.
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True, and for some it is indeed a opportunity to reach for gold now cause otherwise it was not possible, but is hate the fact that they just lower the bar, that platinum trophy suddenly is a whole lot less worthy.
But I have to deal with it I know 😄 but doesn't mean I like it
I'm not really buying your argument here. If you really care about staying on top of the leaderboards, you know that others practice, get faster and eventually post better times even without any changes to the physics. So if you want to stay at the top, you have to constantly keep trying to get faster and faster yourself and beat your own times. The fact that you're complaining about having to defend your top times makes me think that you aren't serious about keeping your leaderboard spots.
No it is not the leaderboard that I am caring about, that is just friends, it is the fact that all those hours of golding the license en CE isn't a reference anymore, imo it is hard to sell that a licence test suddenly is easier, just bitter after hours of trying to get everything gold, so it has nothing to do with others that practice, it is the fact that you can't compare.
I'm suddenly down on the leaderboard cause the difficulty level has been adjusted....with the physic update
My gold times are meaningless now and slow all of a sudden...
This kind of hurts, and now I have to do them all over again
Where were you previously on the leaderboard? If anything out of the top 20 then it's irrelevant anyway.
As someone who golded 85% of the CEs before 1.13, here is my idea:

New physics drop, leave the bronze/silver/gold times the same, thus they'll be easier to obtain. ADD a platinum time as well. If your pre-1.13 gold time, beats the platinum time you just automatically get the platinum and get paid out for it. If you pre-1.13 does not beat the platinum time, now those who already had gold pre-1.13 have something to go back and try with the updated physics model... and get paid out as such.
As someone who golded 85% of the CEs before 1.13, here is my idea:

New physics drop, leave the bronze/silver/gold times the same, thus they'll be easier to obtain. ADD a platinum time as well. If your pre-1.13 gold time, beats the platinum time you just automatically get the platinum and get paid out for it. If you pre-1.13 does not beat the platinum time, now those who already had gold pre-1.13 have something to go back and try with the updated physics model... and get paid out as such.
That would not be a bad idea indeed 😀
This is always going to be the case with online Gran Turismo games now. They've adjusted the physics in every single game since GT5 Prologue. Sometimes they reset the leaderboards, sometimes they don't.

Only way to ensure your times are always relevant is to set them after they've finished updating the game in 18 months, or at least finished tweaking physics.

Just how it is nowadays seemingly, the game on day 1 will not remain the game for very long. It's one of many reasons people don't like online era GT games, PD just can't resist fiddling with them, and know they don't have to get it right on day 1 like they used to.
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Early achievements in online games are ephemeral. Eventually you will fall behind in some measure unless you constantly work to stay ahead of the curve, which is not fun (to me) at all. I’m not really sure how to respond other than echoing what another poster said—run through the challenges again in 18 months when everyone else has moved on.

It does not necessarily seem worth it to me, but to each their own!
Early achievements in online games are ephemeral. Eventually you will fall behind in some measure unless you constantly work to stay ahead of the curve, which is not fun (to me) at all. I’m not really sure how to respond other than echoing what another poster said—run through the challenges again in 18 months when everyone else has moved on.

It does not necessarily seem worth it to me, but to each their own!
That is true, it is not worth to me either and way to much work to do them all again, has to be fun right 😀
Wait, can someone actually post an example where the Gold times were changed? Or was it like the GT5 Vettel Challenge where only the Bronze times were changed because even those Bronze times were really hard for 99% of people?

I didn't notice this because I Golded everything way before this update.
Is it really adjusted though? Some are still impossisble for me, personally. It's good how it is because it's not meant to be easy of course.
Yes, especially the rwd cars behave differently now, there are a lot of rwd cars now that can be driven without TCS, there are more predictable, for example, you can drive the nordschleide CE full lap without TCS on the M6 now, that was hard before!

Wait, can someone actually post an example where the Gold times were changed? Or was it like the GT5 Vettel Challenge where only the Bronze times were changed because even those Bronze times were really hard for 99% of people?

I didn't notice this because I Golded everything way before this update.
The times didn't change, everybody is just a second quicker due to the new physics lol
Beat them again then? The game has only been out for two months, so eventually some players were going to beat your times anyway.
Of course, and that's the fun in it, if people/friends get better and beat the times I love that!, maby I will do them again, we will see 😄
The fact that you're complaining about having to defend your top times makes me think that you aren't serious about keeping your leaderboard spots.
It's not so much that, as that some of us have already invested considerable time into doing basically the best times we could do. I probably spent 1-2 hours, for example, on the Dragon Trail Seaside circuit experience, and it sounds like I'd now need to put the same amount of time in again to set new faster times that represent the same standard with the new physics. It's a bit annoying but I think the physics was bad before and did need improving, so I'll accept the annoyance of our hard work basically being erased. AND of course we won't even get any credits for doing them again.
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Yes, especially the rwd cars behave differently now, there are a lot of rwd cars now that can be driven without TCS, there are more predictable, for example, you can drive the nordschleide CE full lap without TCS on the M6 now, that was hard before!
Hm, ok! It's tempting to try the Nordschleife CE. But I'm in a good mood right now and would like to stay that way. 😬
It's not so much that, as that some of us have already invested considerable time into doing basically the best times we could do. I probably spent 1-2 hours, for example, on the Dragon Trail Seaside circuit experience, and it sounds like I'd now need to put the same amount of time in again to set new faster times that represent the same standard with the new physics. It's a bit annoying but I think the physics was bad before and did need improving, so I'll accept the annoyance of our hard work basically being erased. AND of course we won't even get any credits for doing them again.
So I have at least one person that gets me 😄, I think you nailed it, that is what I mean, (probably bad way of writing from my side)