GOOD Attention, BAD Attention, NO Attention.


Those who are already familiar with this work will immediately comprehend what I'm talking about - and we can get into the discussion right away. I'm especially interested to hear from Japanese members, or those living in Japan and who have had experience with Masaru Emoto.
If you have actually undergone HADO treatment, that would be totally awesome to hear about.

For those to whom the book isn't readily available I will give you some quotes from the book and try outlining the hypothesis that Emoto presents:

People's Consciousness Changes Water

During the course of sampling and photographing different types of water, it seemed to me that the quality of the water crystals depended on more than just whether it was natural or tap water. I came up with a hypothesis: "Water shows different shapes of ice crystals depending on the information it has received."

He goes on to say:

To test this, I put water into two glass bottles. On one bottle, I pasted a label typed 'Thank You', and on the other, 'You Fool', in such a way that water would be able to 'read' them. The water in both bottles was the same. I then froze the water in each bottle.
The results were more than supportive of my theory: the water in the bottle with 'Thank You' formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, while the one with 'You Fool' had only fragments of crystals.

If water collects information and its crystals reflect those characteristics, it means that the quality of water changes based on the information it receives. In other words, the information we give water changes its quality.
We consistently found that water responded to positive words by forming beautiful crystals. As if it wanted to express its joyous feeling, the crystals opened up like a flower. In contrast, when water was shown negative words, it did not form crystals.
For example, when we showed water the word 'happiness,' it formed crystals with well-balanced shaped like beautifully cut diamonds. On the other hand, water exposed to the word 'unhappiness' resulted in broken and unbalanced crystals. That water seemed to have tried hard to form crystals, but it exhausted its strength and crashed, happiness slipping away from it.
We continued to show a pair of opposite words to the same water: 'well done' versus 'no good', 'like' versus 'dislike', 'power' versus 'powerless', 'angel' versus 'devil' and 'peace' versus 'war'. Water formed crystals only when it was shown positive words.
Interestingly, water responded to foregn words in a similar but not exact manner as it did to Japanese words. Water formed beautiful crystals to all the words expressing gratitude all over the world, such as thank you (English), duoxie (Chinese), merci (French), danke (German), grazie (Italian), and kamusamunida (Korean).

Fascinating stuff. What do you think?

What really grabbed me was another experiment from his work - I quote from the book again:

Giving Attention Is A Way Of Giving Energy

Because the following case was introduced in my book The Hidden Messages in Water (Beyond Words Publishing, 2004), some readers may remember it. Here I quote from this book.

A family that subscribed to our magazine conducted an interesting experiment. They put rice in two jars and every day for a month thay said "Thank you" to one jar and "You fool" to the other, and then tracked how the rice changed over the period. Even the children, when they got home from school, would speak these words to the jars of rice. After a month, the rice that was told "Thank you" started to ferment, with a mellow smell like that of malt, while the rice that was exposed to "You fool" rotted and turned black. [See figure 3.2]
I wrote about this experiment in the book [Messages from Water, Vol. 1] that I published, and as a result hundreds of families throughout Japan conducted this same experiment for themselves. Everyone reported the same results. One family tried a variation of the experiment: like the others, they said, "Thank you" to the first bottle of rice and "You fool" to the second, and then they prepared a third bottle of rice that they simply ignored.
What do you think happened? The rice that was ignored actually rotted before the rice that was exposed to "You fool." When others tried this same experiment, the results were again the same. It seems that being ridiculed is actually not as damaging as being ignored.
The result of this experiment has a significant meaning. The hardest thing for life is to be ignored and given no attention.

So there is 'GOOD' attention, 'BAD' attention . . . and 'NO' attention.
Let me get this straight, is he suggesting that water has a consciousness of it's own, and it can read?
If I had to marry "water" I would prefer "still water".

Talking to water (in my case) during freezing process would generate such crystals, I guess...

Would love to see the control groups and methods for these studies, because it seems like most any other pseudo-science to me.
If you're nice enough to water, you can do a Hadoken!
You talk to water and impurities in your spittle will cause nice little snowflake-like crystals to form when you freeze it.

And that rice rots if you leave it in a container over a period of weeks.

That's about it.
You have to be talking to mizu for this to work (or as the cool kids call it, wa-ta-ru).

People usually enjoy attention, directly or indirectly; and that much was recognized by Mazlov's Hierarchy of Needs. I don't see this being the case for plants and water, no matter what their importance in any grand scheme of the universe.
I can think of millions of people who can prove that it complete tosh.

From the way the excerpts read, I believe that the rice is cooked.

Cooked rice will definitely spoil. And I've seen both fermentation and rotting, depending on how it was cooked and stored.
Wonderful response, guys, and thank you for taking the time to give my usual 'open-skeptic' help-me-out-here questions the attention of your diverse thoughts.

At this point in the discussion, I'm going to assume (please correct me ASAP if I'm erring) that no one here in the discussion was familiar with any of this before reading the OP. I was hoping for some member from Japan to give us their thoughts on it, or at least anyone who had come in direct contact with Emoto, or the effects of the phenomenon itself.

However, I see that I've provoked some of the finest minds at GTP, and this is a good start. And thanks to our astute German military driver, who has actually brought us back some images that are connected with this. And Omnis - when I start thinking of Dr. Nakamatsu, my brain starts oozing out of my ears. He's not human - and I shall duly investigate him one day. :lol: I first heard of him, while researching the effects of oxygen deprivation and the resulting 'thinking' patterns within the brain . . . and decided to take a breather and leave him alone for awhile, while I tackled some easier puzzles.

Let's clarify this issue a bit:
What is the concept that is being presented to us?

That . . . "Consciousness Changes Water"
This is what he touts as his (? ;) ) 'thesis'.

What does this mean - this 'consciousness changes water' thing?

We will have to tackle the concepts of the words themselves, first - so let me try to put in in some 'other' ways - maybe we can then hone it down to specific words that will truly pinpoint the concepts of the words themselves before using the words to conceptualize the larger concept.

Consciousness changes Water. Or - Attention morphs liquid. Intention influences chemical. Or . . Water is a chemical that can be changed by Thought.
(Dont even start thinking of That Cat at this point - you'll end up always nondetermined.)
If you have other ways of defining the concept we're actually skeptical about, or prone to believe, please throw it in here. His way of putting it (his thesis) is quite simple:
"Human Consciousness Changes Water."

Now we have to prove or disprove this.

We've heard this thesis before. Water can be changed to wine. People have walked on water. (I think Chris has a trick up his heels, though - Chris Angel, that is). There is what is called 'holy' water - a magical potion (more easily transmutable than lead into gold) that allegedly has a good vibration that neutralises opposing bad vibrations. There must be a dozen more examples of this supposedly 'magically' transmutable characteristic of our plain and simple old water - the lifeblood of our planet.

That, it is the lifeblood of our planet, is true, is it not? All life contains some percentage of it. However, some lifeless things also contain some percentage of it.
But that will now take us down the part of defining what 'life' is - so to keep our investigations simple, we will take life that contains water, as people, plants, animals (and so on) and water as that stuff we are used to as a norm - out of a tap, out of the lake, from the sky, from a hole in he ground, etc.

Baby steps.. . .

So he says that human consciousness changes the 'structure' of the water. According to what's reported he measures visually, and via radionics, (using an American-designed HADO device) the specific vibrations at the molecular level. He has documented these changes using a plethora of different tests in different situations involving subjects that range from a few at a time to several thousand Japanese at once.
We'll put aside as to how the changes effect us, or how the changes occurred, for a moment and look at the changes themselves.

To put it in a nutshell - he says that positive vibrations change water to a positive state, and that negative either leaves no change at all, or that the change is an 'ugly' one. (When I dig deeper I see no 'bad' or 'good' here - just a change towards this side or that.)

Fiddle-faddle, we would say. Bosh. Why the hell can't we change water into wine then, and save ourselves a trip to the liquor store?
Well apparently we don't have that strong a consciousness, our will being awfully weak and all. (I can't even keep away from meat, alcohol and tobacco!) But others can do it. They can make water solid enough to walk on, they can part the whole damn Red Sea if they wanted to. Frightening. Water listens to them. Water retains information and is changed by it. Water can be changed into medicine. (Yes, he's done it - and to all accounts keeps doing it - which is my interest in find someone who has undergone such therapy - and getting some information directly.)

To be honest, what's frightening is the fact that we are about 96% water when sperm and egg meet. We hold on to that water, though reducing it to 80% at birth and remaining watery at around 70% at adulthood. So if water is being changed by thoughts (or human consciousness) then the negative thoughts of others are effecting your 'water' - congealing it into an uncrystalised mess, while when people 'stroke' you, and make you feel good, your water takes a beautiful shape and you positively glow.
Obviously we can give ourselves good attention, too, not having to be totally dependent on others for good vibes.

And what interested me most was the experiments that show that not only do water-based substances (such as rice) change in diverse ways when different information was projected at it, but that the test receptacle that was ignored (no attention) fared the worst.

Ignoring our bretheren seems to be not a good idea; they may rot and come back to shoot us.
More on this later . . . photon's walls-of-text kill my time, but your thoughts are gold to me - and so I mine you. ;)
The question is control. An experiment performed at home or in public and set by the subject (as opposed to the observer) is not controlled.

If you want walking on water or the changing of water to wine, you can go watch Criss Angel.

If you want pages spontaneously turning or spoons bending, you can watch old videos of Uri Geller.

But obviously none of these things are products of mental control or projection.
I think you guys missed the whole point.
The thing is supposedly about "Good" or "Bad" vibes (for lack of better words).
Your way of thinking affects things around you (in this case water).
Easy as that.
I don't see the scientific method being employed here in any way.Who is holding these "hundreds of families" accountable to the scrutiny of strict testing procedures that must be identical in each and every instance?Aren't these families just mailing in their miraculous results and then being taken at their word?...
That's not science,that's pseudo-science.

He's not selling water,he's selling snake oil.