Government Issued Universal I.D. System?

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
I just heard on the news last night that they are trying to pass a Government Issued I.D. that would be required by ALL U.S. citizens. This would have at least as much info as your driver's license, but probably more. The reason for this is to better control terrorists in our country. What are your thoughts on this?

Good Idea, bad idea? Why?
Aren't U.S. citizens less apt to be terrorists than non-citizens? :confused: It's kinda like targeting grandma at the airport security thingies.
I just heard on the news last night that they are trying to pass a Government Issued I.D. that would be required by ALL U.S. citizens. This would have at least as much info as your driver's license, but probably more. The reason for this is to better control terrorists in our country. What are your thoughts on this?

Why does it always have to be required ? Can't we make this optional? It could be like a speed pass at the border or airport or whatever they want to do. If that's the case then people will WANT to get one on their own - no need to require it.
yeah, I'm not down with making it required. I'm so bored of over policing the innocents to attempt to get the guilty.
The problem I have might be with a privacy issue, but more so, I don't see how this would help prevent terrorists. From some of the reports, known suicide terrorists were law abiding citizens, friendly neighbors, and asset to the community. I don't get it, and wonder what other agendas might be brewing for this I.D. system.
I wouldn't mind this, since it would make it so much easier for me to bounce back and forth to Windsor (Canada). I enjoy going to see the night life there, but I hate the boader. It wouldn't be anything more then a simple passport, but be smaller and I could keep it in my wallet. I'm down for it.
If this system is supposed to help prevent terrorism, then there should be through background check done on the card holders, which means "$$$". I really don't see it slowing down the terrorists, then again, I haven't seen any studies done on it or anything.

I am interested in finding out how it will affect illegal immigrants and also legal aliens like myself.
Well what they should do is kick those out who entered the country illegally and legal aliens should just be treated the same wheather they are green carded or an American citizen. But hey if you entered legally you should have all the rights.

However I think terrorist would just counterfit the ID cards, what they need is something computerized or something thats on the card.
If I understood this right when I heard about it (and I can be wrong here) this was supposed to be a replacement for state issued driver's licenses in order to monitor how they are given out because many states give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

I understand the reasoning behind this and I could live with this if it happens but since the 9/11 terrorists had entered the country legally and the UK terrorists were UK citizens I don't see how this helps anything dealing with terrorism.

I do see how it would help to curb illegal immigration issues by helping to prevent illegal immigrants from being able to survive in American society if they can't get a license but I believe the issue there is a border issue not an ID issue.

At best I think this is merely an attempt to standardized the license/ID issue with a federal system and take more power away from the states. I see how it might streamline a lot of processes, but I think the terrorism/illegal immigration issue is just an excuse. If they want to do this they need to give me a more legitimate reason before I will stop asking questions.
Funnily enough, the Compulsory ID cards we're supposed to be getting - you must have them, and you must pay £93 for the privilege - which were promoted in much the same way would have officially done squat to prevent the 7th July bombings, according to the minister now responsible for ID Cards.

So they've been playing the terrorist song on the ID Card fiddle (extended metaphors... love 'em) for 6 months now, before finally admitting they'd have been NFU. Yet we're still going to all have them. Hurrah!
However I think terrorist would just counterfit the ID cards, what they need is something computerized or something thats on the card.
That's what I was thinking, too.

At best I think this is merely an attempt to standardized the license/ID issue with a federal system and take more power away from the states. I see how it might streamline a lot of processes, but I think the terrorism/illegal immigration issue is just an excuse. If they want to do this they need to give me a more legitimate reason before I will stop asking questions.
Oregon(where I live) is one of those states that issues licenses to the illegal immigrants. I am all for issuing some sort of VISA for seasonal wokers, etc. for the wokers from south of the border, but issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants make very little sense to me. IMO, if the State Governments need to have Federal Government draw them a picture, so they can understand what they are doing wrong, so be it.


Funnily enough, the Compulsory ID cards we're supposed to be getting - you must have them, and you must pay £93 for the privilege - which were promoted in much the same way would have officially done squat to prevent the 7th July bombings, according to the minister now responsible for ID Cards.

So they've been playing the terrorist song on the ID Card fiddle (extended metaphors... love 'em) for 6 months now, before finally admitting they'd have been NFU. Yet we're still going to all have them. Hurrah!
No "Money Back" Gurantee? :D
So they've been playing the terrorist song on the ID Card fiddle (extended metaphors... love 'em) for 6 months now, before finally admitting they'd have been NFU. Yet we're still going to all have them. Hurrah!
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. – Will Rogers
Another step on the road to barcode ID tattoos. That'll keep us all in line!

(The concept doesn't seem as far-fetched as it did just a few years ago, does it?)
To paraphrase Robert Heinlein, any society that requires ID cards is doomed.
Another step on the road to barcode ID tattoos. That'll keep us all in line!

(The concept doesn't seem as far-fetched as it did just a few years ago, does it?)
Actually, it's more likely to be a microchip implant. :sly:
Actually, it's more likely to be a microchip implant. :sly:

Either way, it's still the mark of the beast.. And that of course is a sign of the end times. But I really hope America isn't the country to do it.
Either way, it's still the mark of the beast.. And that of course is a sign of the end times. But I really hope America isn't the country to do it.
It doesn't matter which country, does it? I don't think it'd be just one country, but the whole system? Mark of the beast or not, I'd be 100% against something like that. 👎
It doesn't matter which country, does it? I don't think it'd be just one country, but the whole system? Mark of the beast or not, I'd be 100% against something like that. 👎

We agree on that!
To paraphrase Robert Heinlein, any society that requires ID cards is doomed.

Not that it's any different than we have now. When you start a job they want to see your S.S. card and/or birth certificate. Cops want to see your driver's license even if you weren't driving. Let's face it, a national I.D. wouldn't change much.
Ever see the movie "Gattica"? They got their fingertips pricked as they went through security gates, and the system did instant DNA analysis IDs on them.

In "Minority Report", eyeball iris scans ID'd everybody virtually everywhere, from fairly long range. Everybody could be tracked.

If, as a society in general, we become fearful enough, we'll see something like the above in the future. We'll find the technology to do it...
meh, i think its a stupid idea and it probably won't do much but wreak some more mental havoc on some people. but anyways, i don't approve of it, but i would not be crying my self to sleep if we had them, i mean it AHHHH! GNATBLAGH!!GET OUT OF MY EYE!!!.....ok....sorry about that, a stupid gnat flew into my eye.....jerk. i mean it would just be a card, i don't know about you guys but my pants still have pockets and one of those pockets still keeps a wallet in there (back right pocket, which one do you use?) and one more card is not going to make my wallet explode.
so in the end, i don't like it, but if it happens what can you do? be a rebel and not carry a card? that will show them <8- P
I'm a against it.

This Ferderal ID card will do nothing for our immigration problem. If you think the cops arrest people for being illegal immigrants, you're seriously miss informened. However, this tactic is working well with arresting and deporting Hispanic gang members from our country. But, still, the Federal ID will do nothing to curb illegal immigration since they usually do nothing about it now. For example, a house is used for storing illegals, the local cops know, but do nothing about it. Most of the time, they don't even report it. If they did, nine times out of a ten, it would be ignored. You think it'll be any different with the Federal ID card? Not a chance.

So, illegal immigrants wont be able to get an ID, and so we'd have to make not having one on you, when stopped by any peace officer, against the law. Don't have a Federal ID, get a ticket? Nice. Of course, that wont happen, most likely, but the potentional is there, and so is the potentional for missuse or abuse of the Federal ID system.

They could store what ever they want into it. Medical records, School records, records of employment, voting, financial, etc... not just criminal records. Well, that's the government's plan. Who's to say they wont abuse it?!? I can't depend on the DMV to keep my identity secure, and I'm to trust this new "Federal ID" department of our Government? Not f'n likely!

Plus, we already have Passports that are considered ID by all 50 states in this country! Illegal's can't get them, legally. So, why do we need the new Federal ID system? To do what I said earlier. Store anything, and everything in it about you and have it all in one neat and easy system for your privacy to be invaded and possibly abused. You can't do that with the current Passport ID system, but the current Passport system can be useful for controling illegal immigrants, and potential terrorists, if that truely was their main concern.
I cant wait ! I need something to hang around my dogs neck , this ID card would be perfect !
I don't know what the big deal is.

Germany had its universal ID called 'Personalausweis' since the country's inception. In my 24 years I only needed it to watch some movies at the cinemas when I was a kid, buy booze when I was a teen and now use it to travel into surrounding countries.

And I don't see us being any more doomed than any other G8 country.
Solid Lifters
Plus, we already have Passports that are considered ID by all 50 states in this country!
I thought about that too, but Passports don't fit in your wallet. :D
I don't know what the big deal is.

Germany had its universal ID called 'Personalausweis' since the country's inception. In my 24 years I only needed it to watch some movies at the cinemas when I was a kid, buy booze when I was a teen and now use it to travel into surrounding countries.

And I don't see us being any more doomed than any other G8 country.

UK's card:

  • Compulsory...
  • ... at a cost of £93 each. Yep, we've got to pay extra for something we've got to have. Nice.
  • Will contain fingerprint and DNA profile (retinal scan mooted) data. Until now, only criminals were entered on the national DNA and fingerprint databases - now we ALL must have them. Presumably this is because all citizens are now classed as criminals if they don't.
  • Must be presented to any enquiring law enforcement officer without any reason given.
  • Introduces a new criminal offence of "Failing to produce ID Card when asked", trampling on right to anonymity and Miranda-style rights. Until this, no-one could be convicted for failing to give their details. Giving incorrect ones, yes, but not for not giving any at all.
  • Serve no purpose, other than to swell Exchequer coffers - officials have admitted that they serve no counter-criminal or counter-terrorist functions at all (7/7 bombers were legal citizens).

So, reasons to have them? None. Reasons not to have them? Several, including the primary one - there's no reason to have them.
When my last name is spelled wrong, and I try to get that corrected, I'll wind up on the next boxcar to the local "work camp".

We can't even get the "No Fly List" right, what makes anyone think a Federal ID card would work?

No thank you, and no point; I refuse to trade in all my certain freedoms for uncertain safety.