I'm a against it.
This Ferderal ID card will do nothing for our immigration problem. If you think the cops arrest people for being illegal immigrants, you're seriously miss informened. However, this tactic is working well with arresting and deporting Hispanic gang members from our country. But, still, the Federal ID will do nothing to curb illegal immigration since they usually do nothing about it now. For example, a house is used for storing illegals, the local cops know, but do nothing about it. Most of the time, they don't even report it. If they did, nine times out of a ten, it would be ignored. You think it'll be any different with the Federal ID card? Not a chance.
So, illegal immigrants wont be able to get an ID, and so we'd have to make not having one on you, when stopped by any peace officer, against the law. Don't have a Federal ID, get a ticket? Nice. Of course, that wont happen, most likely, but the potentional is there, and so is the potentional for missuse or abuse of the Federal ID system.
They could store what ever they want into it. Medical records, School records, records of employment, voting, financial, etc... not just criminal records. Well, that's the government's plan. Who's to say they wont abuse it?!? I can't depend on the DMV to keep my identity secure, and I'm to trust this new "Federal ID" department of our Government? Not f'n likely!
Plus, we already have Passports that are considered ID by all 50 states in this country! Illegal's can't get them, legally. So, why do we need the new Federal ID system? To do what I said earlier. Store anything, and everything in it about you and have it all in one neat and easy system for your privacy to be invaded and possibly abused. You can't do that with the current Passport ID system, but the current Passport system can be useful for controling illegal immigrants, and potential terrorists, if that truely was their main concern.