Gran Tour Eiger: Help...

  • Thread starter XxThePiff
Gold is pretty tough on this event. You will blitz it once you get the right lines however. The best advice i can give is to prevent any wheelspin, this just slows you up. Just have patience, it is one of the harder tests.
Pratice, pratice, pratice! This event is for sure a hard one to gold.

I managed to gold it with these aids:
* Traction control: 7
* ABS:
* The one that Can be set to none/mild/strong (cant remember if it is stability or active steering), set that to mild.

Good luck mate, i hope this helps..
I've had GT5 since release and only got gold on this 3 days ago. Here's some tips...

Setup tips.
*Manual transmission
*ABS on 1 if you can handle a little bit of lock up
*TCS off, it slows you down hugely
*Brake bias can be adjusted to suit your style. With a higher value at the back the car will tend not to understeer as bad and will dive into corners much better
*Active Steering on. Like it or not it greatly helps your lap times

Driving tips-
-Get into 4th while in the air from the jump
-Brake late and hard, get into 2nd and dive for the inside of the first right hairpin hold the line as tight as possible
- Turn left as hard as possible, tap the brake to slip the tail and hold a tiny slide. Accelerate midway through the corner and hold tight as the car runs wide towards the right hand wall
- Continue turning left while braking, and dive hard fro the apex, if your'e going slow enough you should be ready for the next corner
- Cut onto the dirt, going as fast as possible, and hold tight as you zoom toward the bridge.
- The sector time on the bridge must be 35.5xx or better. If it isn't, you will not be able to beat the target time
- The right hander soon after is hard. Rather then taking the inside line and going slow, brake later, stay wide, accelerate smoothly mid way through the corner.
- By the tunnel you should be doing about 83 mph
- Get into 3rd for the quick right-left after the tunnel, this aids acceleration out of it greatly
- For the last corner break late, stay wide and make sure you hit the exit apex going as fast as possible

#You will not get it first time, don't be discouraged if your first attempt is 1 or 2 seconds behind gold, you will cut it down quiet fast
#If your time's start to consistently slow down, go do something else. It can be easy to fall into a trap of "I have to finish it now or all my work will be wasted.." But that isn't the case. After a few hours you will be alot more focused and fast.
#Keep trying whenever you have spare time, it takes some people many hours to knock this off and some think this challenge is harder then golding Vettel. Be patient and the reward will be yours
#Don't try golding this for money/xp/gift car. You get less then 20,000cr, 3000xp and no prize car. if you want any of that, do seasonals instead

Last tip i have is to watch this video! (not mine but i used it alot) It shows the perfect lines for every corner and the speeds you should be shifting at.
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Thx you guys im still trying. You guys are great help.

Put is this way, i golded all licenses in under 3 hours. It took me almost that to get this challenge done. But once i figured out how to do it, i got gold 1/2 times lol.
I finally golded this 🤬 event with a time of 1:16:959.
Logitech G27; BRK.F: 5; BRK.R: 7; ABS: 1; split times: 35.366, 56.372

Special thanks to MrDinosaw94 for the very helpful hints and the video link!
From my experience it seems quite hard to attain gold in this event though I had been underestimating it would be easy before I actually had a go of it... Took me a while even to win bronze. :grumpy:

I think you'd have to be pretty damn skillful to pull this off though.

Beat the time by 0.005. It seems it took him a hell lot of tries to beat the time by that bit of a margin. While "gripping" has like 2 seconds of margin. 1.15 times are feasible.
In my experience the first 4 tight turns plus the last corner favour rotation of the car rather than grip. I got gold after losing grip from the back wheels ever so slightly in these corners. Point the nose of the car at the appropriate angle though. It's all about finding the right lines. Once you crack it, you'll be able to achieve the gold time in multiple laps.

It was frustrating yet great fun. I wish GT5 had mire challenges like this. That was the thing that I loved about Prologue.
Finally got it! Thanks for your tips! Thanks guys (Yes i know its been three years):lol:
I just had to have a go at this again, 3 years ago when I first tried this, I was out of my mind angry at the event being too hard. I tried the wheel, the controller, with TC without TC, AC, changed brake bias, everything i could, it took over a week to get gold and I ended up with a time of 1.16.9.
Today, exactly 3 years later I am an ex GT academy finalist and among the top 15 time trial players in the world. I did 1.16.7 first try, then 1.16.3. and after 1 crashed lap i did 1.15.8. 1.14.9 is possible if i try seriously for an evening. It made me speechless for a moment...

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