Gran Turismo 2 Complete Car List?

  • Thread starter gto930
If there is a list with every car that is hidden or you have to wait a certain day to purchase, could someone post it here? And if its not too much trouble, could you post the days that these cars become available? Thanks, and great site:D
These are all used-only. Thanks to whoever made this list. Come day 600, the cycle just repeats.

1-9 whiteGT4 '88, redGT4 '88, gold2000GT '68, silverGT-R '71
10-19 MediumGrayMetallicGT4 '88, silver2000GT '68
10-19 white2000GT '68, white Skyline 2000 RS-X '84, white360
20-29 GrandPrixWhite240Z '71, blueImpreza22B '98
30-39 GrandPrixMaroon240Z '71, whiteRS-X '84, redRS-X '84
40-49 gpm240Z '71
50-59 redRX-7 '83, redSkyline '84, whiteSkyline '71
60-69 whiteRX7 '83, silverRX7 '83, whiteRS-X '84
70-79 silverCelica '84, whiteRS-X '84
80-89 silverCelica '84, yellowRX-7 '83, whiteRS-X '84
90-99 redGT4 '88, redCelica '84, Impreza22B
100-109 redGT4'88, redRX-7'83, silverRS-X'84, redRS-X'84
110-119 redGT4'88,mgmGT4'88, silverRS-X'84
120-129 whiteRS-X'84, LemonYellowSubaru360'69
130-139 redCelica'84,LemonYellowSubaru360'69
140-149 mgmGT4'88,silverCelica'84,blackRX-7'83
150-159 silverRS-X'84
160-169 redCelica'84,redRS-X'84, silverRS-X'84, GrandPrixWhite240Z'71
170-179 gold2000GT'68, mgmGT4'88
180-189 --
190-199 red2000GT'68 ,silverCelica'84,mgmGT4'88,silverRX-7'83

200-209 '83RX-7 GT turbo, and brilliant red Subaru 360
210-219 silver Celica'84
220-229 red Celica'84, white'71Skyline
230-239 redCelica'84, red240Z'71, red360, yellowRX-7'83
240-249 --
250-259 yellow360, silverCelica'84, yellowRX-7'83
260-269 silverRS-X'84, redCelica'84
270-279 red Celica'84, BeachWhiteSubaru 360
280-289 black 2000GT'68, black RX-7'83, white Skyline'71,white360
290-299 red2000GT'68 , silverRX-7'83, silverRS-X'84
300-309 mgmGT4'88
310-319 silverRS-X'84
320-329 redGT-4'88
330-339 maroon240Z'71,silverGT-R'71,red360,redGT4'88
340-349 silver2000GT'68, silver RX7'83, redRS-X'84
340-349 silverRS-X'84,silverSkyline'71
350-359 silverCelica'84, redGT4'88, silverRS-X'84
350-359 Impreza22B
360-369 redRS-X'84
370-379 redRX7'83, blackRX7'83
380-389 2GT4's, yellowRX7'83, blackRX7'83, gpmaroon240Z'71,
390-399 2GT4'88s, whiteSkylineRS-XTurbo'84

400-409 redGT4'88, whiteRS-X'84
410-419 silverCelica'84, blackRX7'83, whiteRX7'83, whiteRS-X'84
420-429 silverCelica'84, whiteRX7'83, whiteRS-X'84, white360, yellow360
430-439 silver2000GT'68, white2000GT'68, whiteRX7'83, red240Z'71
440-449 mgmGT4'88, redCelica'84, red240Z'71
450-459 redCelica'84, silverRS-X'84, GT-RNismo'90, red360, blue22B
460-469 GT-RNismo'90, red360
470-479 silverRX7'83, redRX7'83, whiteRS-Xturbo'84, gpmaroon240Z'71,
470-479 redGT-R'71, whiteGT-R'71, GT-RNismo'90
480-489 white2000GT'68, mgmGT4'88, silverCelica'84, redRX7'83,
480-489 GTRNismo'90, silverRS-X'84, redRS-X'84
490-499 silverCelica'84, white240Z'71, white360'69
500-509 redGT4'88, whiteGT4'88, yellowRX-7'83, gpw240Z'71, blue22B'98
510-519 redGT4'88, whiteGT4'88, gold2000GT'68, gpw240Z'71
510-519 silverGT-R'71, yellow360'69
520-529 silverRS-X'84, redGT-R'71
530-539 redGT4'88, whiteGT4'88, yellowRX-7'83, redRS-X'84, red240Z'71
540-549 redGT4'88, mgmGT4'88, red2000GT'68, redRS-X'84, whiteRS-X'84
550-559 redCelica'84, whiteGT4'88, black2000GT'68, ggmNISMOGT-R'90
560-569 redCelica'84, redGT4'88, whiteRX-7'83, ggmNISMOGT-R'90
570-579 whiteGT4'88, black2000GT'68, silverRX-7'83, whiteRS-X'84,
570-579 redGT-R'71, ggmNISMOGT-R'90
580-589 silverCelica'84, redGT4'88, whiteGT4'88
590-599 mgmGT4'88, whiteGT4'88, redRS-X'84, whiteRS-X'84
What I'm working on now, is in my opinion, the true "Ultimate Car List". It's a database of all the cars, by manufacturer, and in my opinion their most important stats. The collumns are name, year, drivetrain, min HP, max HP, cost new, looks, whether it has a special event or not, and its weight. I'm getting there with it. Once it is done, I'll post it in here. I can't even begin to imagine how many hours I put into it.