Gran Turismo 5/6 Creepypasta

  • Thread starter mechyboy27
United States
Oakland, CA
Man, it's been a while since I posted on these forums.

A couple weeks ago I was challenged to write a creepypasta on sim-racing. Keep in mind that I wrote the entire thing on the spot at 5-6 AM.


The story starts back on December 4th, 2013. Gran Turismo 6 was due to release the next day so I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate the release with one last big shabang. I booted up GT5, and started the 24 Hours of Nurburgring.

Now the Ring and I always had a love/hate relationship, just due to the difficulty of the track, so it was my duty to see how many laps I could do without going off track or crashing.

Now this race was always weird to me, because it always included Prototypes in the race, even though the 24 is known for the GT3 top class. I ignored it anyway and went to the trusty RX-7 Touring Car, because **** it, finishing is a blessing.

The starting grid was so:

1. J. Daniels - GT by Citroen Race Car
2. B. Schumacher - R8 LMS Race Car 09
3. K. Massa - Zonda LM Race Car
4. B. Perez - Ford GT LM Race Car
5. - Storm V12 Race Car 99
6. P. Johnson - McLaren F1 GTR Race Car 97
7. N. Dawson - RX-7 Touring Car
8. Y. Bianchi - R8 LMS Race Car(Team Playstation)
9. D. Yee - Dunlop ER34 Skyline 07
10. E. Molina - Corvette C5-R (C5) 00
11. M. Tsuchiya - R10 TDI Race Car 06
12. K. Kilgore - 905 Race Car 92

Something was off, the Lister Storm didn't have a driver name attached to it. The actual name of the model was somewhat blurry as well, which threw me off, considering the others were as sharp as the TV intended. I decided to snap a quick picture and upload to a few various forums, seeing some instant response out of GTPlanet. Most of it bringing up some old urban legend that if your opponent didn't have a name, it's best to burn the game.

I restarted the race, just to get rid of the lack of name, and weirdly enough, it gave me the same grid.

Dumbfounded, I called my friends, Eric and Kiara, mostly to see what the hell went on, and while they were here, to help me with the 24.

They got to my place on short notice, wrote it off, and went on to start the race. Kiara started off first, since she has a super aggressive tendency on cold tires, so she'd be good enough to get us in our top 5 goal.

About an hour into her first 4 hour stint, we were essentially in no mans land, getting into our groove, with only minor problems with the no-name Lister Storm being a bit agressive in the GP section of the first lap as she tried to pass it.

The no-name Lister was battling with P9 for a minute, going back and forth for a while, but catching Eric and I off guard because its still off. Kiara didn't really notice, she was focusing on her struggling pace, she was never really much of an endurance driver, so she's still learning.

Kiara finally switched out, Eric stepped in, and we were on to our second stint. At this point, the Lister worked his way up to P7, having to pit 2 laps later than everyone else. Given that we pit every 7 laps, watching the Lister go as long as it did on pit cycles was intriguing, to say the least.

2 hours into Eric's stint, the Lister caught up to us on its pit strategy, and really started giving us problems. It was real aggressive, pushing Eric off track, trying to spin him out, even flat out dumping him at the GP hairpin. The next pit, he decided he got tired of it's ****, and decided to let me take over. At about this time, our pit stops synced up, and the Lister and Eric both entered the pits at about the same time.

No-name took less fuel, but as it passed us in the pits, it stopped next to us. I'm thinking it's another odd glitch in the game, which it was famous for, but the car never moved until the AI allowed us go.

Night time fell upon the race, racing through nothing but the headlights illuminating the track in front of us. We made it past the R8 that passed us earlier, it holding up the Lister until the GP portion of the track when the weirdest thing happened that made me pause the game.

The name for the Audi greyed out,and there was a visible Red X where the accident took place.

Eric and Kiara were in the kitchen making snacks, but I called them both to the room to show them what was going on. The game then went on to unpause itself, making me jump, but wouldn't repause until the Lister caught back up to us.

The game then paused itself, showing no options but only the words "NO ESCAPE" in blurred out font.

Kiara booked it, she was a creepypasta fanatic, and wanted no part of this. Unfortunately for her, the power went out when she tried to open the garage door. That's when we all went crazy, I tried to trigger the latch that allows the garage to open manually when the TV and PlayStation came back on, but even more was off.

Gran Turismo was notorious for their damage model, or lack thereof, but when we saw the car, it was destroyed. Like it was rammed by 4 busses at each side simultaneously, then escaped a near death with a crusher.

"NO ESCAPE" changed to "SHE'S FIRST" and Kiara cried. She tried to run to my room, but fell while climbing up the stairs. She tumbled down, and in the process, broke her neck, smashing her head against the wall on impact.

Now normally, my black senses would tell me to break a window and run like hell, but damnit she was my ride or die and I had to be sure.

Her eyes we're glossed over and wide open, and she had no pulse. It was over.

I started crying, Eric was still freaking out. Then we looked back at the TV.


We went on the assumption that Eric was the target, and tried to come up with a plan.

We found a pot, broke the nearest window, and ran like hell. We both left our phones at home, and the nearest police station wasn't for another mile. So we booked it.

We hit the block and stopped dead in our tracks. There was a Lister Storm parked across the street. We live in America, and just seeing one on a day like this was just a giant "NOPE".

We started booking it down an alleyway, not trusting anything that was happening, until things just stopped making sense.

We stopped to catch our breath for half a second, looked up, and saw the same black Lister that we noticed earlier, but this time a man stepped out, wearing the same stock helmet and suit present in Gran Turismo games.

We both split in different directions, and the mysterious man chased after Eric. We both turned our separate corners when I heard a gunshot.

I stopped and turned pale. Do I go to check on him or do I keep running?

I chose the former.

I stalked around the block to find my best friend dead, lying in a pile of his own blood.

I stifled my yell, trying not to let this lunatic know my location, if he didn't already.

6 minutes of running later, I found the police station.


That's when I looked outside. He was there.

He gave me a slow wave then lifted his visor, revealing nothing. All I see is the back of the helmet.

That's when the neighborhood blacked out. I heard a bit of russeling, 7 gunshots, and the lights came back on.

He was standing right in front of me, gun in hand.

He pointed at the TV screen, which now showed the same screen from my house, but the words now said "BYE BYE"

Then he pulled the trigger.

I'm telling you this from beyond the grave. If you play Gran Turismo 5, and you see a car without a name, turn it off, burn the game, save your own life.

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