Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Whats the word on using standard and premium cars in the same race?

I'm not here to bash this game, I'm here with many others in a disappointed shattered state.

I just still can't believe how much time they must have spent on the photomode. I will probably never touch the damn thing.
If your expectation is perfection, you can only get disappointed. I'll enjoy the loads of features I'll be getting and I'll be a happy camper.

sounds like we are on the same page, i am all ready to go, its almost worst coming here, i am almost glad i found this place recently, i would be yelling at the screen for alot longer, the game and info we have is truly amazing, am i missing something. Theres more features in this game than three games put together.

I noticed at 1:26, subtitles are wrong. Missed, "while filming for the show".
and also at 1:39 to 1:42 when the Aston leaves it first looks like it leaves ones and then the next scene its back where it was leaving again 👎
I think the game was rushed, no way a perfectionist like Kaz would let this slip through.

And what happened to sparks?

Your subtitle complaint has already been addressed. But it's a fairly common thing in movies to film and TV shows to film and something from two different angles. It has nothing to do with the game being rushed, it's simply a design choice to show you two different angles of the Aston leaving that area.
People who had their expectations high, like me, will be very disappointed by the Standard cars. I really thought it would be hard to notice any difference between them and the Premium ones apart from the interiors, but I was terribly wrong. The wheels even look 2D. Yes, that Accord looks good, but its wheels look 2D, too. I hope other Standard cars look at least as good as the Accord, because if they don't, I'll forget they exist in the game.

Seriously appears that most of the standard cars are just strait ports from earlier gran turismo's.
Tell everyone what: If you can build a better racer with 1000 cars and xx amount of tracks in almost 6 years, then you can come and complain and say Kaz failed epically. Otherwise, just be happy for what you me.

Yes and don't say a movie is bad unless you are a top notch director.

Don't say a restaraunt is bad until you have a michellin star.

Don't complain the president is making bad decisions unless you have run a country better.

I said it before and I will say it again: trying to make a rule that you have to be able to do it better to critique a product is just ridiculous.

I may not be all all star quarterback, but even I call say a guy screwed up if he throws across his body with his weight on his back foot.

You better tell all those professional video game reviewers until they can code a whole game they better quit there jobs.

Man the apologists/defense force is vicious around here.
AHAHAHAHAH look at that mirror. It's not like kaz made this game himself lmao. HE has a team of professionals.

Like I said in another post I think they were spread thin with GTHD, Prologue and the PSP game. Along with GT5, that's a lot for a team to handle, and explains why it took so long to get GT5 done, if you even want to called it done.

Im sure the game will be good, but there will always be people unhappy with the fact that only 220 cars in this game are of the quality we expected from GT5. That's a relatively small number when you consider that 800 cars in this game are basically just ported over from last gen.
Yep that's what they'll look like. I've never wanted them in GT5, they just ruin a otherwise perfect game, well nearly perfect.

And you who said the Civic looked good, well this Micra looks pretty good in low quality aswell doesen't it! Hah hope you guys learned something there.

Out with the standard cars, 200 premium cars are more then enough. The time spent on the standard cars btw, would have resulted in more premium cars. Question is, why are standard cars in the game? What were they thinking? :crazy:

Tell everyone what: If you can build a better racer with 1000 cars and xx amount of tracks in almost 6 years, then you can come and complain and say Kaz failed epically. Otherwise, just be happy for what you me.
Lay off that stupid childish argument please, this Standard Car issue, for one, is not acceptable, and no one is going to tell us what we can/can't say or think. I'm so tired of yo guys who are trying to "protect" your favourite franchise...
Whats the word on using standard and premium cars in the same race?

I'm not here to bash this game, I'm here with many others in a disappointed shattered state.

I just still can't believe how much time they must have spent on the photomode. I will probably never touch the damn thing.

Premium and Standard cars can run in the same race.
Where are you getting the 6 year figure from? Didn't GT4 release in 2004?

2004 -> 2010 = 6 years in my reckoning?

im unsure, was just saying lol.

to make myself politically correct to ensure further flaming does not occur, ive been waiting a HELL OF A LONG TIME for this awesome game :nervous:
And does anyone know if any of the LMP cars are premium models, If I can't take a LMP car around the lesarthe in cockpit mode I'm gunna **** even bigger bricks.
So can we still modify Standard cars?? obviously excluding adding new wheels, but what about engine tuning,suspension,weight reduction.....etc
I must wonder at what point they decided that there would be a standard and premium versions of cars. To me thats fine but there are alot of cars they could have just left out of the game all together that nobody gives a crap about and spent that time building premium models... Seriously who needs 4-5 models of the 3000gt including cars that aren't even AWD....
You can't even spell "fail" right. You act like painting Standard cars means nothing. I would have traded custom rims for custom paint in GT4 in a heartbeat. We lose rims, but we gain so much more.

Think the misspelling was intentional.:sly:
Quite obviously you've never played Forza 3.

I have played Forza 3 and at least you can make decisions on wheels as well as tire widths on all cars. It is ridicockulos to allow these features on some and not others.... It seems like someone dropped the ball here. My only hope for the game is flexible online lobbies with multiple modes and voice chat. If the online game play is anything like GT5P I will be moving away from PD for good. Biggest issue I have with Forza is a piss poor physics engine. Atleast the wrecks appear more realistic than GT to this point...
I have played Forza 3 and at least you can make decisions on wheels as well as tire widths on all cars. It is ridicockulos to allow these features on some and not others.... It seems like someone dropped the ball here. My only hope for the game is flexible online lobbies with multiple modes and voice chat. If the online game play is anything like GT5P I will be moving away from PD for good.

This made me laugh so hard, beer came out of my nose... :crazy: