Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Not to be a troll or anything but what quality ?, The kind of quality we saw on a previous Gen console tarted up a little, How a game can be perfect in Kaz's eyes when standards are not perfect is beyond me buy hey we all have our opinions i guess

I don't believe Kaz believes GT5 is perfect. However he has provided a game that will appeal to the majority.

Let me ask you a question. Which would you prefer 1000 premium cars but no weather, day/night, online, track editor, Nascar or what GT5 currently has to offer.

My answer is obviously what GT5 is currently offering. Just remember this is still a video racing game and the focus of which is on racing. I didn't spend a fortune on a PS3 console, G25, just to sit there admiring the car models.

One of the biggest flaws with FM3 is the lack of racing features. They might have many many online leaderboards, painting, and yes you can change the rims! However as an actual racing game its crap compared to FM2.

Standards are on par with this to be honest.
Actually no. GT5 does the same thing. Photomode uses a higher quality model than the gameplay does. But it shows how powerful the graphics engine is and could be if you wanted single car races i guess.

No they dont. The effects are differnt yes but not the model itself. And lets be honest. The lighting does a LOT here. And thats also the reason while forzas cars even in Photomode looks like cars from some sort of comic.
Yet you think that Forza 3 shot wasn't? I guarantee you it was. I have used FM3's photomode before, and trust me that pic's been shopped.

It was? They looked sorta similar... Sorry about that. Does anyone have a good ingame photo of the MP4-12C for Forza 3?
Yeah KAz cares alot about the llok. The look of the car the look of the lighting or the look of the rain etc. He is just a perfectionist and they wont reach his perfect Gran Turismo for a few generations more^^

Do you have anything to back that claim up?
I don't believe Kaz believes GT5 is perfect. However he has provided a game that will appeal to the majority.

Let me ask you a question. Which would you prefer 1000 premium cars but no weather, day/night, online, track editor, Nascar or what GT5 currently has to offer.

My answer is obviously what GT5 is currently offering. Just remember this is still a video racing game and the focus of which is on racing. I didn't spend a fortune on a PS3 console, G25, just to sit there admiring the car models.

One of the biggest flaws with FM3 is the lack of racing features. They might have many many online leaderboards, painting, and yes you can change the rims! However as an actual racing game its crap compared to FM2.

Ill be honest I would actually prefer say 300 or so premium cars over the 800+ last gen re-hashes and im inclined to think we would still have the features you listed, But GT is as much about racing as it is about carporn these days
You guys are going beyond ridiculous. Are you LITERALLY putting things like changeable rims ABOVE everything else? You're basing your purchase of this game off of a feature that most will use only a few times? You're making it sound like GT5 is the worst racing sim to have hit consoles since NFS Shift. If you literally think that, you're DENSE.

I'll say it again; GT5 is packing more into ONE GAME than ANY other racing sim on the market, at a general level of quality not seen elsewhere. Not to mention that if they were to get all these features to the level you all WANT it to be, they would need another two or more years. Do you really want that?

Stop complaining and enjoy the game when it hits...

You're kind of down playing it a bit. This game is a victim of 6 years of hype. If after all that time you're going to put a game out with only 220 cars that are completely done, people are naturally going to complain about that as you can see. It's very understandable.

Years ago I didnt think there was any chance this game would have less than 400 premium quality cars. Upgrades are kind of important to people. Considering you cant change the wheels on 80% of the cars in this game, with how long we've been waiting this is really hard to defend.

Maybe you personally dont care about upgrades, but many of us do.
Do you have anything to back that claim up?
You really need to back his up?

Then read the interviews. He is never satisfied he always find things he doesnt like or which he wishes to improve. He also already talks about GT6 because he is still not satisfied. Read all his interviews where he goes sooo much in graphical details he wants to archieve. For example the correct reflection of a the rain on the road etc.
People really want to bring Forza 3 in here? ok be my guest


Dont even compare the 2.
I'm sorry but the resolution between GT5P shots and FM3's are not the same. Your "comparison" is not fair.

p.s. And I'm telling you this even if I'm not a fan of Forza
p.p.s. Please don't turn this thread into another Forza vs GT thread
You really need to back his up?

Then read the interviews. He is never satisfied he always find things he doesnt like or which he wishes to improve. He also already talks about GT6 because he is still not satisfied.

Read all his interviews where he goes sooo much in graphical details he wants to archieve. For example the correct reflection of a the rain on the road etc.

Oh, gotcha, so he said he's a perfectionist. That convinced me, thanks.
It's like Kaz and PD are reaching the marketing prowess of Steve Jobs and Apple.
All it'd take in FM4 is for them to change the lighting engine and get the photomode/menu screen models during races and GT5 wouldn't have as big a lead as it does now. The cars look great in the menus with the fixed lighting. T10 just don't get the luxury of time that PD do.
And improve the physics, apply day/night transistions, weather, head-tracking, 16 car fields, increased wheel support.

In other words the really important stuff in a car sim. :)
Don't see why people are going insane over the standards, I'm actually surprised at their quality.

I am not surprised. I will give you 3 reasons
1) they have to be played with premiums
2) PD is behind the making of this game
3) the reputation of the series is on the line and it will derail GT6 sales.
I think we have established that GT5 looks better now lets not turn this into a Forza vs GT comparison thread.
You're kind of down playing it a bit. This game is a victim of 6 years of hype. If after all that time you're going to put a game out with only 220 cars that are completely done, people are naturally going to complain about that as you can see. It's very understandable.

Years ago I didnt think there was any chance this game would have less than 400 premium quality cars. Upgrades are kind of important to people. Considering you cant change the wheels on 80% of the cars in this game, with how long we've been waiting this is really hard to defend.

Maybe you personally dont care about upgrades, but many of us do.

Let me ask you a question though. Once you have performed these upgrades on your car aren't you going to want to use this car online or racing around Monza in the pouring rain or even driving your car around a track that you created. What about driving your upgraded car around Nurburgring at night in the pouring rain against 15 other online racers!

The point is everyone is moaning but they are forgetting everything else GT5 has to offer.
People really want to bring Forza 3 in here? ok be my guest

Dont even compare the 2.

I played Forza1 on the original XBOX the other night and was genuinely surprised by how good it still looks. Cars have incredibly detailed damage and rich enviroments. Just saying
You're kind of down playing it a bit. This game is a victim of 6 years of hype. If after all that time you're going to put a game out with only 220 cars that are completely done, people are naturally going to complain about that as you can see. It's very understandable.

Years ago I didnt think there was any chance this game would have less than 400 premium quality cars. Upgrades are kind of important to people. Considering you cant change the wheels on 80% of the cars in this game, with how long we've been waiting this is really hard to defend.

Maybe you personally dont care about upgrades, but many of us do.

Then you people are seriously underappreciative of what you're being given here. Even if some things are not what you expected, you're still being given a very generous amount in this game. To discredit that is fallacy.
I'm sorry but the resolution between GT5P shots and FM3's are not the same. Your "comparison" is not fair.

p.s. And I'm telling you this even if I'm not a fan of Forza
p.p.s. Please don't turn this thread into another Forza vs GT thread

They are both the same resolution..what are you talking about?
Oh, gotcha, so he said he's a perfectionist. That convinced me, thanks.
It's like Kaz and PD are reaching the marketing prowess of Steve Jobs and Apple.

I dont think he says that from himself he ist just a real car maniac and his strictes critic. And you can see that he lives for cars and want to share is passion. I dont think its made up like many other people in this industry. He is just like that.
I dont think he says that from himself he ist just a real car maniac and his strictes critic. And you can see that he lives for cars and want to share is passion. I dont think its made up like many other people in this industry. He is just like that.

I can see him talking about it and I can see that a big percentage of people base their love for the series on those statements. Let's leave it at that.