Gran Turismo 5 slated for July 2008 in Japan

  • Thread starter skingg
Qjnet -

"Head of Polyphonic Digital and creator of the Gran Turismo series Kazunori Yamauchi was recently interviewed by Best Car magazine about Gran Turismo 5. He gave out a lot of information on the game as well as a list of events that fans of the series might want to keep track of.

The biggest announcement he dished out was that GT5 will be released in Japan on July next year. If you can't wait that long to get your racing fix, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be making a debut before the Tokyo Engine Show this October 26. In addition to that, he said that GT mobile will be published after GT5 is released - meaning you'll be able to take the racing experience with you on the road much sooner than expected.

To end on an even higher note, Yamauchi noted that he wanted to work on an F1 game. After seeing the great things he did with the GT series, the future looks really great for racing fans everywhere.

F1 by Polyphony Digital?
Hope they don't delay the PAL release as long as they used to... Last time was over 6 months :(
About a day old news. BTW, there is a specific thread for GT5 latest news and updates. I suggest using it next time.
About a day old news. BTW, there is a specific thread for GT5 latest news and updates. I suggest using it next time.

That thread is so bloated with offtopicness...

I don't mind this in it's own thread - besides, the GT5 subforum only gets a couple new posts each day, so it's hardly in need of spam control ;)
I gotcha but it was also posted in the GT5:P thread, and talked about. But I suppose that was off topic as well.
In addition to that, he said that GT mobile will be published after GT5 is released - meaning you'll be able to take the racing experience with you on the road much sooner than expected.

Uh... sooner than expected?
The biggest announcement he dished out was that GT5 will be released in Japan on July next year. If you can't wait that long to get your racing fix, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be making a debut before the Tokyo Engine Show this October 26. In addition to that, he said that GT mobile will be published after GT5 is released - meaning you'll be able to take the racing experience with you on the road much sooner than expected.

How can it be much sooner?I thought it was supposed to be released after Gran Turismo 4! But i don't care about that (as i don't have a PSP :( ) but as early as July next year?Yeah,but its going to be in Japanese or Chinese or something (like a bought GT4 in Chinese way earlier than the NTSC/PAL version of GT4)

Oh how i wish Malaysia could already hack the 🤬 PS3 already,then the PS3 would sell like hotcakes here with the games really cheap! :)
GT mobile?? Why would anybody what to buy that?(for sure it will be the greatest mobile driving simulator ever :) )
GT mobile?? Why would anybody what to buy that?(for sure it will be the greatest mobile driving simulator ever :) )

I've never understood why PD intested they make a movile version of GT5. It's not the type of game you want to play on a small screen handheld. You relaly want a 42" plasma with surround sound, steering wheel and pedals.

GT5 Mobile 👎
Its not GT5 mobile, Its just a PSP version of GT. After playing GT2 for hours on my PSP at work I can see myself getting a PSP version to play away from home when i have time to kill. Its great for those busy mid Mondays at the DMV or any place you have to wait. If its half decent it will sell like hot cakes.
As far as I go, I find it a bit pointless. Of course it will be profitable, since many will want it.

I for one prefer to play GT4 in front of a big TV, indoors. I fail to see how playing GT5 on a 'scientific calculator' can give anyone 10% of the thrill I'll get on my house sitting on the couch.

Let's just hope they don't slack on GT5 (like they did on GT4), just because they want the PSP version of it to be 'really nice'... :rolleyes:
GT Mobile is not GT5. Its a portable version of Gran Turismo. I'm sure 100% of GT fans prefer to play on a big TV. But you are missing the whole concept of portable gaming all together and that includes GBA,DS and PSP. And playing GT2 on PSP is a blast on the go.
"Head of Polyphonic Digital and creator of the Gran Turismo series Kazunori Yamauchi was recently interviewed by Best Car magazine about Gran Turismo 5. He gave out a lot of information on the game as well as a list of events that fans of the series might want to keep track of.

The biggest announcement he dished out was that GT5 will be released in Japan on July next year.

When is PD going to grow up?

I'm sure that I am as tired of PD using media like this as a PR arm of the company as you all are. It's just not funny anymore. Open a web site in English, maintain it up-to-date, and make your own announcements to the world. Geesh!

As for the GT5 release date, they haven't nailed down Prologue's release date yet (the last time I heard), so why bother wasting breath over something that far off?

What a waste of time!


As far as I go, I find it a bit pointless. Of course it will be profitable, since many will want it.

I for one prefer to play GT4 in front of a big TV, indoors. I fail to see how playing GT5 on a 'scientific calculator' can give anyone 10% of the thrill I'll get on my house sitting on the couch.

Let's just hope they don't slack on GT5 (like they did on GT4), just because they want the PSP version of it to be 'really nice'... :rolleyes:

Have to agree with you there.All this talk of other "spin off" games surely will only distract from the business of making GT5.
GT Mobile is not GT5. Its a portable version of Gran Turismo. I'm sure 100% of GT fans prefer to play on a big TV. But you are missing the whole concept of portable gaming all together and that includes GBA,DS and PSP. And playing GT2 on PSP is a blast on the go.

I think you've missed the point of "portable gaming" in fact. When playing a game on the move (sat on a bus or train) you want a quick fix of action and not something in-depth and engrossing that take's hours to complete. Can you imagine trying to complete a 24 hour race on the stupid PSP???

The reason Nintendo DS has wiped the floor with Sony's PSP is because they understand what type of games people want on a mobile platform.

I don't doubt that if PD make a "mobile" version of GT5 then it will sell well, but once the novelty factor has worn off people will put it down and forget about it.
When is PD going to grow up?

I'm sure that I am as tired of PD using media like this as a PR arm of the company as you all are. It's just not funny anymore. Open a web site in English, maintain it up-to-date, and make your own announcements to the world. Geesh!

As for the GT5 release date, they haven't nailed down Prologue's release date yet (the last time I heard), so why bother wasting breath over something that far off?

What a waste of time!



It does seem very strange that PD can't be bothered to set up a English version of their current website.

The problem with reports like the one above is that things get lost in the translation and/or the media read things into nothing and hype something up with little or no justifcation, which in turn gets our hopes up.

PD should just focus on GT5: Prologue for now and not mention GT5 until it's almost upon us.
I think how this usually works is they have most of the team working on the main game, and then a small number of resources working on a demo. We should be grateful that we are getting Prologue, most companies just send out a demo with a track and some cars (like GT HD) For all intents and purposes, PD is doing us a favor by spending time to go beyond what a demo would be and give us a little more, but that doesn't mean that production on GT5 has stopped so why would they not talk about it?
I think you've missed the point of "portable gaming" in fact. When playing a game on the move (sat on a bus or train) you want a quick fix of action and not something in-depth and engrossing that take's hours to complete. Can you imagine trying to complete a 24 hour race on the stupid PSP???

The reason Nintendo DS has wiped the floor with Sony's PSP is because they understand what type of games people want on a mobile platform.

I don't doubt that if PD make a "mobile" version of GT5 then it will sell well, but once the novelty factor has worn off people will put it down and forget about it.

Wow what an insightful response(sarcasm). You can make up your own meaning for portable gaming all you like, but that doesn't change the "concept" of portable gaming. Besides brainiac, PSP has a stand by mode thats is fine for a quick 10min game of whatever, there are full speed GBA,NES,GameBoy,SNES,Genesis and many other emulators out there to get that "DS" fix as you believe in. Don't let your shallow and ignorant opinions get to you or influence others :yuck: PS2 is wiping the floor with Xbox,Xbox 360 and Wii combined, with that said its pretty pointless to bring up things like that. 20+ million sold is a good number if you ask me regardless of what someone else is doing. PSP's worldwide sales will pass the original Xbox by the end of the year in it's 3 years of existence.

If you have an opinion on something have it. But dont come out with as if its fact. Many PSP owners will buy the game, for the non psp gamers, just keep it to yourself or come up with a mature response with meaningful facts. I can respect you better when you dont sound like a kid.

If you want to have a discussion on how wrong you are we can do it via pm.
I think you've missed the point of "portable gaming" in fact. When playing a game on the move (sat on a bus or train) you want a quick fix of action and not something in-depth and engrossing that take's hours to complete. Can you imagine trying to complete a 24 hour race on the stupid PSP???

The reason Nintendo DS has wiped the floor with Sony's PSP is because they understand what type of games people want on a mobile platform.

I don't doubt that if PD make a "mobile" version of GT5 then it will sell well, but once the novelty factor has worn off people will put it down and forget about it.

I agree with him, I would play it just like all the other games I have on PSP, as a fix and something to do while I cant be playing my PS3.

Wow what an insightful response(sarcasm). You can make up your own meaning for portable gaming all you like, but that doesn't change the "concept" of portable gaming. Besides brainiac, PSP has a stand by mode thats is fine for a quick 10min game of whatever, there are full speed GBA,NES,GameBoy,SNES,Genesis and many other emulators out there to get that "DS" fix as you believe in. Don't let your shallow and ignorant opinions get to you or influence others :yuck: PS2 is wiping the floor with Xbox,Xbox 360 and Wii combined, with that said its pretty pointless to bring up things like that. 20+ million sold is a good number if you ask me regardless of what someone else is doing. PSP's worldwide sales will pass the original Xbox by the end of the year in it's 3 years of existence.

If you have an opinion on something have it. But dont come out with as if its fact. Many PSP owners will buy the game, for the non psp gamers, just keep it to yourself or come up with a mature response with meaningful facts. I can respect you better when you dont sound like a kid.

If you want to have a discussion on how wrong you are we can do it via pm.

1. I didn't see him say anything in his post was fact.

2. Why call him immature when you fill your post with sarcasm, names, and blatantly throw your opinion around as if it were fact (which ironically is the same reason you were getting on to him)

This of course is all my opinion...
Wow what an insightful response(sarcasm). You can make up your own meaning for portable gaming all you like, but that doesn't change the "concept" of portable gaming. Besides brainiac, PSP has a stand by mode thats is fine for a quick 10min game of whatever, there are full speed GBA,NES,GameBoy,SNES,Genesis and many other emulators out there to get that "DS" fix as you believe in. Don't let your shallow and ignorant opinions get to you or influence others :yuck: PS2 is wiping the floor with Xbox,Xbox 360 and Wii combined, with that said its pretty pointless to bring up things like that. 20+ million sold is a good number if you ask me regardless of what someone else is doing. PSP's worldwide sales will pass the original Xbox by the end of the year in it's 3 years of existence.

If you have an opinion on something have it. But dont come out with as if its fact. Many PSP owners will buy the game, for the non psp gamers, just keep it to yourself or come up with a mature response with meaningful facts. I can respect you better when you dont sound like a kid.

If you want to have a discussion on how wrong you are we can do it via pm.

I can't be bothered with you anymore. You clearly came on GTP looking for a fight and I have better things to do and waste my time reading your overlay aggressive posts.
1. I didn't see him say anything in his post was fact.

2. Why call him immature when you fill your post with sarcasm, names, and blatantly throw your opinion around as if it were fact (which ironically is the same reason you were getting on to him)

This of course is all my opinion...

Well said, in fact, exactly what I would have said.

LaBounti, while you're free to express your opinions, you're not free to attack others. Tone it down.
Sorry, I just get irritated by those who dis the PSP and end up defending it. He didn't have to respond to me so i wasn't looking for any fight. I usually don't question an opinion until mine is in question. I think we both could have handled it better but thats my personality. Apologies to all especially j8mie. If I act immature thats reasonable but my opinions are not.
Well,can we talk about GT5 again?If were still talking about the GT:M on the PSP,i would recommend you guys move it to the PSP thread,Thank You. :)

Well onto topic now,does anyone have an info on what the game content would be like?I know that they have a new interface and photo mode in the game,and maybe some newer cars,but anything else? And is it going to be sold as a disc or as a P2P download? It would be good if it was a download,then we could have a chance to play it as well.....
I think that its a safe bet that at leipzig (or whatever its called) a lot of information about GT5:P AND GT5 will surface. by butt hole is puckering until then...:guilty:
Wow reading that he actually would like to do an F1 game is massive good news for me. I've been hopeing and dreaming PD would do an F1 game based on GT Engine. Ok i must admit its mostly because i can't get all the F1 Race Circuits in GT so thats why. But if they'd put all the real life tracks into a GT Game and even a few generations (including current) of F1 car's i'd have all i want just about. hehe.
Wow reading that he actually would like to do an F1 game is massive good news for me. I've been hopeing and dreaming PD would do an F1 game based on GT Engine. Ok i must admit its mostly because i can't get all the F1 Race Circuits in GT so thats why. But if they'd put all the real life tracks into a GT Game and even a few generations (including current) of F1 car's i'd have all i want just about. hehe.

Yeah I wouldn't mind it, anything is better than the F1 games that have been made ever since Grand Prix 4.
I hope that when GT5 finally arrives in Europe, its not a load of crap. Because to be honest, when I got GT3, I was extremley dissapointed. Mind you, I dont think they will make that mistake again!