Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
with the different leagues they have now i think they really should seperate the DR for dailies and the world series. It is so easy to drop your DR in the dailies, sign in at GT2 or GT3, tank your DR back up to about where it was and when you are about to enter the world series you are high A or B again and get the corresponding points as you are not the only one who had that brilliant idea.
So instead of being in the back of the middle at GT1 or GT2 you are now in the top of a lower league. might be hollow, but still better then driving in the back in a higher league. Winning is mor fun then getting points that have absolutely no use unless you are top split.

So in my view if you have seperate DR/SR then at least you can not abuse the dailies to influence your position in the Worldseries and dominate races with lesser skilled drivers and steal their points.
The current system is so bad. Let's be honest with each other here... only the best of the best of the best are going to qualify for GTWS. Like super high A+ rated drivers, 90k+ DR points. There needs to be a separate GT-X category for them.

GT2 and GT3 can stay the same. GT1 is for A (IMO, it's the A ranked drivers that really get screwed) and A+ drivers up to 75k DR (which is half way through A+, right?). These GT1 races can be the longer stints with the different strats/quali stuff if PD really want that, but they should still have a bunch of time slots; one per hour just like GT2/3. If the GT1 events run over an hour then so be it, but keep the one per hour slots available.

GTX would then be for the people who have a legit chance to qualify for GTWS and would be for 75k DR+. They can still have the three slots as these people would make time to hit one or more of them.

PD really dropped the ball with the three slots for all of the GT1 people. A lot of people are dropping their DRs to enter GT2 and I am one of them. I just can't often make the three slots for the GT1 class. I mentioned earlier, this is the 2nd Manu I've done where I enter a GT2 race and EVERYONE is an A rank (one on the US side and one on the EMEA side from previous manu) a couple of which were 75% the way thru A. PD has painted a lot of people into a corner to if they want to do a race then they have to go to GT2 level to do it.
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The current system is so bad. Let's be honest with each other here... only the best of the best of the best are going to qualify for GTWS. Like super high A+ rated drivers, 90k+ DR points. There needs to be a separate GT-X category for them.

GT2 and GT3 can stay the same. GT1 is for A (IMO, it's the A ranked drivers that really get screwed) and A+ drivers up to 75k DR (which is half way through A+, right?). These GT1 races can be the longer stints with the different strats/quali stuff if PD really want that, but they should still have a bunch of time slots; one per hour just like GT2/3. If the GT1 events run over an hour then so be it, but keep the one per hour slots available.

GTX would then be for the people who have a legit chance to qualify for GTWS and would be for 75k DR+. They can still have the three slots as these people would make time to hit one or more of them.

PD really dropped the ball with the three slots for all of the GT1 people. A lot of people are dropping their DRs to enter GT2 and I am one of them. I just can't often make the three slots for the GT1 class. I mentioned earlier, this is the 2nd Manu I've done where I enter a GT2 race and EVERYONE is an A rank (one on the US side and one on the EMEA side from previous manu) a couple of which were 75% the way thru A. PD has painted a lot of people into a corner to if they want to do a race then they have to go to GT2 level to do it.

The problem they ran into with long races, and races every hour…. Was guys were quitting halfway through a race to make the next slot. Races were starting with full grids, only to finish with a handful.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a perfect system out there. You’re going to get your ringers no matter what, unless you sort lobby matchmaking by DR and qualifying pace. And even that won’t work well in GT1 if they don’t change the points system where the winner of split 3 gets more points than P6 in split 1. And it goes without saying that you’re still going to get some poor sports that set bad qually laps on purpose. Besides, personally I kind of like the pressure of qualifying with other people on track, namely the people who you will be racing against. A lot of times you can learn what sort of player a guy is, by how they conduct themselves during the qualifying session.

To build off you’re “GTX” idea, one thing that some racing organizations do IRL in regards to qualifying for “world-level” events, is you have to file a “letter of intent” and essentially get approved if you want to try to qualify.

…PD could create an algorithm with specific prerequisites that can approve/deny entry into a separate class within the series, with the option of extending an invitation to the top 3 finishers of each region that chose not to file an “LOI” to compete in the GTX class.

Of course this is all waaaaaaaaaaaaay too complicated for PD to actually want to solve, but there are ways.
The current system is so bad. Let's be honest with each other here... only the best of the best of the best are going to qualify for GTWS. Like super high A+ rated drivers, 90k+ DR points. There needs to be a separate GT-X category for them.

GT2 and GT3 can stay the same. GT1 is for A (IMO, it's the A ranked drivers that really get screwed) and A+ drivers up to 75k DR (which is half way through A+, right?). These GT1 races can be the longer stints with the different strats/quali stuff if PD really want that, but they should still have a bunch of time slots; one per hour just like GT2/3. If the GT1 events run over an hour then so be it, but keep the one per hour slots available.

GTX would then be for the people who have a legit chance to qualify for GTWS and would be for 75k DR+. They can still have the three slots as these people would make time to hit one or more of them.

PD really dropped the ball with the three slots for all of the GT1 people. A lot of people are dropping their DRs to enter GT2 and I am one of them. I just can't often make the three slots for the GT1 class. I mentioned earlier, this is the 2nd Manu I've done where I enter a GT2 race and EVERYONE is an A rank (one on the US side and one on the EMEA side from previous manu) a couple of which were 75% the way thru A. PD has painted a lot of people into a corner to if they want to do a race then they have to go to GT2 level to do it.
A solution inspired from your suggestion of a GTX.

When you sign up to Nations or Manufacturers you are sorted into your GT1/2/3 leagues as normal, but then you have another sign up page which is GTWS League.

GT1/2/3 Leagues - All leagues have 10 race slots and the rules and regs as per league. As much as I hate that GT2 & 3 don’t have the same race distance as GT1 I can understand there think behind that.
But this is the big thing, non of these leagues contributes towards the GTWS. Everyone is still racing for points and a league position rank, to which then PD could put on a little mini GTWS Home event. Top 100 say from GT1, 2 & 3.

GTWS League - this is an open invitation for everyone including all DR ranks and this is the only official scoring league that counts towards GTWS Finals. They are only 2 time slot for everyone to enter and race. As tidgney mentioned in an earlier post, “if your willing to spend hours putting in the graft and grind to make the GTWS, you will find that time in the day of the race to enter those two race slots”. Race distance and settings will match GT1 league, plus this will give those in GT2 & 3 a chance to race the longer races.

As for the GTWS Home event i mentioned, Top 100 from all 3 leagues (excluding the drivers who qualify for the GTWS Live Finals), are invited to an addition race series which runs over one weekend. Saturday you have one race and then the Sunday you have a different race and the combined score of both events then crowns your league winner.
Manufacturers - Saturdays race could be Gr4 cars. Then Sunday is Gr3
Nations - Saturday is a specific car (Mazda MX5 Touring Car or Super Formula). The Sunday is either Gr1 or Gr2
The problem they ran into with long races, and races every hour…. Was guys were quitting halfway through a race to make the next slot. Races were starting with full grids, only to finish with a handful.

To build off you’re “GTX” idea, one thing that some racing organizations do IRL in regards to qualifying for “world-level” events, is you have to file a “letter of intent” and essentially get approved if you want to try to qualify.
Understood, as I recall some of the high level streamers doing this before. But to me, it's the lesser of evils. If people want to drop out of a race so they can sign up for the next, then whatever. But to not offer enough time slots for people to be able to even participate sucks. People are busy. Let's say I have free time on Saturday from 4:00-6:00 so I can get a race in! Log on to see the only time slots are 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, etc. Well, I can't make the 3:00 and if I sign up for the 5:00 it won't be over in time for my 6:00 obligation. So there are more slots which is cool, but I still can't do it because of the every odd hour in this example.

Honestly, I think that would be a little much. The GTX could be 75k+ DR and if someone qualifies and can't go (personal or age reasons) then they just go onto the next one on the list until someone can go/participate.

A solution inspired from your suggestion of a GTX.

When you sign up to Nations or Manufacturers you are sorted into your GT1/2/3 leagues as normal, but then you have another sign up page which is GTWS League.

GT1/2/3 Leagues - All leagues have 10 race slots and the rules and regs as per league. As much as I hate that GT2 & 3 don’t have the same race distance as GT1 I can understand there think behind that.
But this is the big thing, non of these leagues contributes towards the GTWS. Everyone is still racing for points and a league position rank, to which then PD could put on a little mini GTWS Home event. Top 100 say from GT1, 2 & 3.

GTWS League - this is an open invitation for everyone including all DR ranks and this is the only official scoring league that counts towards GTWS Finals. They are only 2 time slot for everyone to enter and race. As tidgney mentioned in an earlier post, “if your willing to spend hours putting in the graft and grind to make the GTWS, you will find that time in the day of the race to enter those two race slots”. Race distance and settings will match GT1 league, plus this will give those in GT2 & 3 a chance to race the longer races.

As for the GTWS Home event i mentioned, Top 100 from all 3 leagues (excluding the drivers who qualify for the GTWS Live Finals), are invited to an addition race series which runs over one weekend. Saturday you have one race and then the Sunday you have a different race and the combined score of both events then crowns your league winner.
Manufacturers - Saturdays race could be Gr4 cars. Then Sunday is Gr3
Nations - Saturday is a specific car (Mazda MX5 Touring Car or Super Formula). The Sunday is either Gr1 or Gr2
Not bad, not bad at all.
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Another issue with regards to timing is that the lack of cooldown time as in GT Sport era. In GT Sport it goes like this (Road to GT7 Series as example):

18:00, 19:20, 20:40, 22:00, 23:20 (JST)

Note that different time slots have 20-minute difference, which means next slot doesn't open in middle of the previous slot's race (usually). In GT7 it goes:

18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00 (JST)

With no cooldown time, new slots tend to open in the middle of the previous race's slot time (assuming 30 minute race and 5 minute qualifying).
Did some practice laps for tomorrow's race. I was quite surprised when I entered the track as it's not the layout I thought it was. I was expecting the full course... guess I didn't look closely enough.

I am not very familiar with this layout so it took some getting used to. Times, all on RMs, below:

Supra - 19.6
20 AMG - 19.9
McLaren - 20.2

None of them really felt like solid laps. I think the MR cars will do well here.

The McLaren really surprised me on how off the pace it was. I was expecting it to be very good here but it just didn't seem happy. I think some of the turns are too sharp and it just doesn't have the stones to exit them quickly; it didn't seem happy in either applicable gear. Admittedly I did the fewest amount of laps with it as I was getting annoyed.

I was also surprised with the Supra... it was quicker than I expected. Although it did want to spin out a lot.
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I've been doing a few laps to test tyre degradation with the 4C. Easy to do 15 laps on mediums, even more if it was needed, but the car was starting to feel weird. Fuel was just the exact amount for 25 laps (25,5 at most) without saving.

Best lap 1:21.6 (on quali conditions) and laps around 1:23 while on traffic with mediums (on race conditions).

I love how little I have to worry about spinning with the 4C.
I hate to break it to people, but this round is going to be BRZ.. daylight… everyone else.

I’ve just done a lobby where a BRZ ran 6h19m. The RSR can do 11h14m but 15 would be very sketchy. This probably equates to giving the BRZ a 5 second head start.
I’ve just done a lobby where a BRZ ran 6h19m. The RSR can do 11h14m but 15 would be very sketchy. This probably equates to giving the BRZ a 5 second head start.
A McLaren did 10H15M and half life was still left in the mediums on the final lap.
@ 1:15:53
A McLaren did 10H15M and half life was still left in the mediums on the final lap.
@ 1:15:53

After 14 laps on mediums the RSR still has about 33% life left, but it’s doing lap times equal to the hards. The BRZ I raced was doing fast laps on mediums for 18 laps. The 19th he binned it, but it didn’t seem to be a tyre problem. And it’s not as though there’s a payoff with slower lap times. The BRZ is able to run Q times at the top of the tree as well.
Did the first slot and likely only this one as I don't see myself getting a better result and want some time to play F1 today.

Qualified 6th, I'm okay here though I much prefer the full layout of this one.

From the jump I was all over 5th and knew there was a top 5 here, if I hadn't have got it in the end I would have probably tried another slot. Once one of the leaders dropped back after a penalty as well and they started battling in front of me I knew it was on and managed to get one of my favourite overtakes:

Just give that to me on a plate, thank you lads. :cheers:

From there I pulled ahead of the car behind and despite coming out of the pit stop in traffic and getting a couple of bumps from that once all was sorted through I was still in 4th, miles behind the front 3 but crucially about 5 seconds up on 5th.

Think the 3 cars who ended up battling behind me were all a bit faster than me to be honest over a lap but I never dropped 3 seconds randomly like these guys would occasionally do, my one talent in this games is knowing when I'm hitting my limit so mistakes are very rare.

4th place, probably lower if I tried again so as above, leaving it there for this one.

It's a fun track and a lively race, enjoy everyone!

The moment I saw Sardegna B on the schedule for the Manufacturers series I knew that was my best chance for a good result. I am good at this track, although oddly enough I never feel real comfortable at it. And the Ferrari gr. 3 is a handfull at this track. Practice times were promising though but the actual race is offcourse A whole different matter.

B/S lobby and like in Formula 1 these days the excitement was in qualifying. Got out in second position, tried to get a decent gap between first and third but the Supra in first was so slow I had to overtake it at the third corner. Managed to do that clean and was third place after lap 1. The next two laps were pretty good and I ended up with pole with a 1.20.4 and a bit. Slower then my practice times but was really not expecting to get into those 1.19s. Second was an Italian Lambo who got the pole in my previous race at Road Atlanta.

Started on the mediums and the start went well, made the first corner and after three corners I was already a second ahead. Then noticed the Lambo crashing at the end of the first lap. An F-type was now in second but could not match my pace. Was doing good enough laps to get away about a second per lap.

After 14 laps I was 14 seconds ahead and could not believe how easy it went. So got in the pits and all I had to focus on was getting the hard tyres on. Pressed the right button and went out again and then I noticed that the F-type in second went in the pits and he was actually on hard tyres!? No wonder I was having it so easy! But still no worries, focussed on keeping the car on track and under control and he could never treaten me, even on those mediums. Ended up winning with about 9 seconds ahead of the F-type.

The Italian got fastest lap, faster then my qualifying time so he could have been a real threat had he not crashed in lap 1.

So a nice win, with pole and CRB. Good luck to you all racing today!!

gt7 tt.jpg
So first time doing Manu in an eternity. Only 2 slots of AUS starting at 8pm (???). Stuff around all arvo waiting for the race. Lobby loads and it’s frozen.

Just sensational stuff. See you all in another 8 months.
What I'd like to share is this:

The penalty system still does that? 🙄

I'm guessing the car that rammed you went left and hit the wall since there's someone on the gravel when you look backwards.

I had a similar experience a few years ago in GT Sport.

Seems like if a collision occurs and one/both cars hit the wall, whoever hits first is deemed innocent... 😒
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As I hadn’t done a test race in the Corvette and so not sure how long the tyres would last, decided to enter slot 1 and treat it as a free practice. Qualified P7 with the lucky 13 board. Started on the hards and pitted lap 1. Managed 15 laps on the mediums before pitting again. Finished P10.

Now I know what the car can do I will do a proper run later. Not sure which way is the best strategy though - probably start on the mediums so I don’t end up miles behind before the stops.
First slow this morning in GT3 for me. Started 8th and finished 7th covers up quite a lot of stuff happening! 😁

Had a nice free practice session before the main event, shaving down my time and getting some consistency together. Qualifying starts and I make it out of the pit first, nice, we are off to a good start.

Make it round the first few turns and then put a wheel on the grass just before the banked turn and end up backwards. Trying to get back my rhythm I mess it up again before finally starting a fresh lap which turns out to be my last, and good enough for 8th.

Not terrible, so I stick on the hards and the race gets started. Lovely and clean through the first few laps, I'm close behind 7th having a great time as people in front catch the dirt and spin, fight and end up going off, all sorts of mayhem. I'm up to 5th now and fighting with 2 ahead and I manage to spin it again. There seem to be no small mistakes on this track!

I get caught up in a pack in 9th (ish) and I'm swallowed up and spat out the back trying to avoid everyone, into 12th place. People start taking pit stops by this point which gives me a bit more space to get my act together. I manage to keep it straight from then on and after a stop for mediums on lap 13, plus a few more quick laps, I'm back up to 8th with no-one in sight. Which is where I stayed until the end. A car in front got himself a 1:00 penalty and disappeared down the leaderboard leaving me with a 7th place and 36pts.

Hectic, and very good fun, especially in VR. That big drop after the banking is awesome!


Now I know what the car can do I will do a proper run later. Not sure which way is the best strategy though - probably start on the mediums so I don’t end up miles behind before the stops.
For me, it will depend on where I qualify. If I'm starting top 5, I'll start on the RM to build a gap from the field. Otherwise, starting on the RH.

Starting on the Hards gives you more options on when to pit. You can undercut around lap 10 and do the last 15 laps on the Mediums. Or overcut and pit after lap 15-20 doing the last 10 or so on the Mediums. Being on the faster tire at the end, I think, will benefit you more when the field has spread out and you can make the most of the Mediums.

Starting on the Mediums, seems to me you'd force yourself to run to lap 14-16 before pitting for the Hards.
I’m glad I skipped the ring on Wednesday to practise for this instead.



The closest, hardest, most nerve-shredding race I’ve done in a long long time.

Again my “lucky” #13 board in Euro GT2. Spun on my first lap in qualification so had to go safe after that - only managed a low 22 for P9.

Meant to start on the the hards but forgot to change them in time. Up to P5 after the first lap, some shoving and punts, I just held my ground. Picked off P4 and started to chase down the 3 leaders, 2 Porsches and another Ferrari. P2 & P3 (German 911 and Finnish 458) seemed more concerned with fighting each other so I was able to catch and pass them. Set off after the French 911 in the lead, eventually it settled into a 4 second gap ahead and behind.

I drove at 95% and avoided any errors, plan was to pit last and avoid traffic. It worked out - the leader pitted lap 13 to put on hards, I was last in on lap 15 along with a BRZ.

Came out in P1 again, for about half a second before the French 911 came flying past. The other 911 (German) had started on hards and was very fast now on the mediums. As there was a 7 second gap back to the Finnish 458 on hards in 4th, I decided not to fight and settled into P3.

The front 2 Porsches had a few scraps over the final 10 laps - the German went off twice but still had pace to rejoin. I had P2 for a while but couldn’t hold off the German or make a move on the Frenchie.

Ended up P3, just a couple of seconds off the win. Fantastic race, just needed a bit better qualification and I could’ve had that one.
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Just had a weird new bug. Everything was fine except no results showed up in the post-race lobby. No positions or anything, just a blank pane on the right of screen. I wonder if the points will be recorded?

If they’re only going to run 3 GT1 slots then they bloody well better make sure none of them get invalidated due to bugs…
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Not a great race today 😤 all down to some mindless idiot!

GT2 - 1pm (BST), in an all DR B/S lobby.
Car - Genesis X - was car #3 today

Quali - awful! Just couldn’t get a lap together at all. Was doing 1.20.6/7s in the TT. In the session 1.21.225


Race - so as I was starting P13 and I went with hard tyres. I was hoping for some slow runners towards the end to make places up. As it turns it out any chance of a good result went out the window on lap 1. Some Dutch driver just decided that push to pass was the best way to make places. They hit my rear which started a spin for me but they got away with nothing and carried on like nothing happened. Turns out they did the same move later in the lap to someone else! End of L1 I’m last, 20 seconds behind P1 and 9 seconds behind P15, on hard tyres whilst the rest are on mediums. L9 I’m now up to P14, (one car quit L2) and the car ahead spun. Then the most disgusting thing ive seen… the Dutch driver who took me out then purposely punted an innocent driver off. This allowed me to gain 2 places and P12. So I watch the replay back and this Dutch driver was making lots of mistakes running wide, and then eventually spun. For what ever reason they decided to completely destroy the Frenchman’s race who in the whole race did nothing towards the Dutchman. Dutchman then quits the race. I’m hoping PD ban the idiot from GTWS. Race goes on and I pit on L11. Had a couple loses moments which cost me a few seconds, but I managed to make an undercut work and jump to P11. Was closing in on P10 but just not enough laps.

Overall P11, poor race from me. My pace on the hards wasn’t too bad. mid-high 22s and the mediums I was doing low-mid 21s. I reckon I have ok pace to go again and score better points, but the car not stable enough for me round this track. P11 and 77 points. Watkins Glen is my aim for my big points.

Retirements - 2 car who quit.

This the idiot crushing issues

GT2 B , i did the race twice

1st try - Qualified P6 with 1.20.9 not bad , Race i started with RH , in the begining it went quite good as usual punt fest in the first corner managed to get into P4 but it went downhill from me , few laps later masive penalty for me 6 seconds for dirty overtake meaning during yellow flag ... couple of porsches were on gravel waiting for something lol , on lap 14 went to the pits for RM and not much else happened - P9 meh

2nd try - Qualified P10 very bad lap , Race started with RM this it went way more smoothly for me in the first corner mananged to get in top 5 been circling around P4 to P6 , did couple of mistakes into gravel costing me time , went to the pits like after lap 12 P10 , after others went to pits manged to get P4 , after laps later fought couple drivers but lost the P4 and then dropped to P6 , in final laps one top guy got wiped out P5 for me and then in the final corner P4 did a mistake getting a track limit penalty so in the final ended in P4 - much better race very nice :P

Gran Turismo™ 7_20230617144808.jpg
Gran Turismo™ 7_20230617144922.jpg
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Here we go, 20 minutes ago I got knocked offline. Now the lobby is about to open and the game won't load. Have been trying since disco, all PS services are working normally. Keeps timing out with a code [CE-222032]. Looks like I shoot for the next timeslot. Good luck everyone.

Must be my service, ACC won't load up either.
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Only 1 shot today.

Managed to get some work in on the track lsat night. Gotta say I really enjoy this track. Flows really nice. Turn 1 is always one of my favs. The 650 doesn't like it as much thought. She needs more grunt in those up hill sections.

Quali had me starting P12. Had plenty of free air but never got it hooked up. Noted I was door 11 though I guess that was about right.

Race time and I start on hards. Think only 1 other person did and they were inside the top 8. Couple of cars passed me by on the opening couple of corners. I was not gonna fight them due to the combination on them on the better tyre and myself going for consistancy over outright pace. That proved right as some fighting up front took out 5 cars on the slow uphill left. I'll take that. Up to 10. Second lap I make a lovely pass up the inside on the sweeping right T5 and then a few more exit stage right at turn 8.

Puts me up to P5 but I decide off roading looks more fun thus dropping me down to P8 where I pit lap 11. I come out behind a supra and we had a great battle for a couple of laps. Once all had made their stops I was P8 and in a close battle with 7th. Some super racing for a couple of laps took place. They were in the Supra so had plenty of power and it was a struggle to get by. However he made a mistake into the last turn and I had a run finally into the home straight. Finshed up P7 overall.

Just finished slot 1 with @xxPinkyKissxx and um, not quite what I had hoped for. :P It's been a while, but that continues the trend where if we race each other and Pinky qualifies in front of me, I always end up binning it without fail. :lol:

@xxPinkyKissxx - Sorry I didn't say hello when the lobby loaded. I was trying to get the VR screen to centre properly and when I saw the Supra being driven by the infamous French rammer I may have gotten distracted... I only realised you were in the same race when I saw your message after the warm-up ended.

I don't know what was going on but the car just never felt right. The back end felt so slippery, far more so than during my practice runs. I did the race with TCS1 and I'm thinking I might do the next one with TCS2 for safety. Starting on Hards was necessary beginning from P11 with a 1:20.000 but good grief they were awful.

Lap 1 was very difficult as the Citroen in front of me was very, very unstable. He was very slow coming out of the sharp right uphill which caused me to give him a slight bump and allowed a Ferrari past me. The pressure from the Ferrari then made the Citroen bin it out of the sharp left at the start of sector 3.

I then ran wide onto the gravel at the same turn on the following lap, ultimately dropping me down to P15 at the start of the main straight as my dirty tyres made me get the last bend wrong and go over the grass. Things then got even worse at the start of lap 3, and I'm assuming my tyres were still dirty. Even with just a gentle touch on the throttle coming out of turn 1, the car spun and I was a long way off the back in P16.

I'd dropped about 11 seconds from the spin by the time I reached the end of sector 1 and since I can't see deltas in VR, I thought that's probably going to be the end of it for me. I'm a stubborn git though, so keep going just in case!

I caught up with the Ferrari at the end of lap 7 after it had binned it where the Citroen had earlier, then was very surprised when it went into the pits. I could see an Aston Martin in the distance and was slowly gaining on it over the course of the next few laps, ending up being about 2.8 seconds behind when I came in to the pits at the end of lap 10. I eventually caught up with it on lap 14, but couldn't get past it. We both caught up a BMW a bit later and the Aston and BMW ended up really going at it.

I managed to get past the BMW after it served a track limits penalty, but then ended up giving the position back catching a near-spin on the following lap coming out of the uphill right-hander.

With a few deaths along the way, I ended up finishing where I started in P11. From the looks of it, I could have potentially been in the fight for P6/7/8 if not for my major mistake, but oh well. Hopefully the next try will go better.

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Not a great race today 😤 all down to some mindless idiot!

GT2 - 1pm (BST), in an all DR B/S lobby.
Car - Genesis X - was car #3 today

Quali - awful! Just couldn’t get a lap together at all. Was doing 1.20.6/7s in the TT. In the session 1.21.225

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Race - so as I was starting P13 and I went with hard tyres. I was hoping for some slow runners towards the end to make places up. As it turns it out any chance of a good result went out the window on lap 1. Some Dutch driver just decided that push to pass was the best way to make places. They hit my rear which started a spin for me but they got away with nothing and carried on like nothing happened. Turns out they did the same move later in the lap to someone else! End of L1 I’m last, 20 seconds behind P1 and 9 seconds behind P15, on hard tyres whilst the rest are on mediums. L9 I’m now up to P14, (one car quit L2) and the car ahead spun. Then the most disgusting thing ive seen… the Dutch driver who took me out then purposely punted an innocent driver off. This allowed me to gain 2 places and P12. So I watch the replay back and this Dutch driver was making lots of mistakes running wide, and then eventually spun. For what ever reason they decided to completely destroy the Frenchman’s race who in the whole race did nothing towards the Dutchman. Dutchman then quits the race. I’m hoping PD ban the idiot from GTWS. Race goes on and I pit on L11. Had a couple loses moments which cost me a few seconds, but I managed to make an undercut work and jump to P11. Was closing in on P10 but just not enough laps.

Overall P11, poor race from me. My pace on the hards wasn’t too bad. mid-high 22s and the mediums I was doing low-mid 21s. I reckon I have ok pace to go again and score better points, but the car not stable enough for me round this track. P11 and 77 points. Watkins Glen is my aim for my big points.

Retirements - 2 car who quit.

This the idiot crushing issues

TC and Countersteer are a good guide for someone who doesn't mind leaning on others. They would have spun themselves from the contact with you without those assists. I feel for that Frenchman. (A first time for everything I suppose

Test Match Special on the radio and a GTWS race should make for a good afternoon. However it was a bit of a non event my race. I love this track but the Vette didn't seem to. Very inconsistent. I did not know whether my lap would have a random spin, cake tin brakes or understeer. It was a constant battle which meant I had less speed than others. Surprised me a little as she actually felt good at the Nord on Weds.
I managed to put her P11 on the grid and went for a hard start for a medium finish.
I made a place at T1 in my only highlight.

It only lasted a couple of corners and the rest of the next few laps it was a case of watching the battle ahead slip away whilst trying to minimise my pace whilst those on softs got past. I binned it a couple of times and came in on lap 10. I came out last and began my attempt to get back up the back. A few places made from spinners and pitters put me back up to P11 where I finished.
Not a place I would get decent points it would seem so this would be a one and done. Hopefully the next rounds will give me a better chance in the battle with @Fezzik
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All I can say about this race is I’m really pee’d off. Was the race I was looking forward to most, I enjoy the track and put in a fairly decent fastest lap in practice.l and was running into the late 33 min finish time in full race practice. Secretly had hopes of a podium finish.

Appeared in a strong lobby with @Zorz (first time in ages now he’s an A+ superstar haha) and that famous French guy amongst others only to see it was a head wind which is the worst on this track. Qualifying wasn’t fantastic either but got a 7th. All went wrong from there…


Started on mediums as I figured id be quicker getting into a rhythm and can get by a few hard runners early. That was a mistake. T1 forgot the Hards would be braking a little earlier than me and I bumped into the back of the car in front. Not very hard but game decided hard enough to give me a 2 second penalty so was back to about 12th after that. Great start! From there it was a case of just making back the positions as best I could. Was working until lap 6. I was back up to 7th again when a Renault put a back wheel on the curb and spun into the side of me taking me out:

Joined back on and kept going. Found myself running 2nd at one point as my tired lasted until lap 15 amazingly. Came out in 7th. Some madman pitted next lap after running to lap 16 on Hards?! So into 6th. Couldn’t stay ahead of the medium runners behind and finished 8th. Would have had at least 6th if it wasn’t for the crash. Was just a rubbish performance really, scruffy driving. Car just didn’t want to turn for some reason, especially at the right hander at the bottom of the hill.

Thanks to PDs 3 slots only, that’s me done as I can’t enter the other 2.
Just finished slot 1 with @xxPinkyKissxx and um, not quite what I had hoped for. :P It's been a while, but that continues the trend where if we race each other and Pinky qualifies in front of me, I always end up binning it without fail. :lol:
The pinky curse strikes again :lol:

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