Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just got a 2nd place at manufacturers and the 1st guy finished 32s ahead... My race was really clean. Then I remembered some discussion on this thread about alt accounts...

Not fun lol the rest of the field didn't had a chance. The man was 2s faster per lap!
This can happen sometimes with a DR reset due to the penalty system as well. Got one in GTS during SF19 at RBR. Next 2 races there I was over 30 seconds ahead by halfway. I never have entered a GTWS or FIA race while dropped though. I've also seen it when top splits are loaded and 1 person just misses out and gets the lower split. Last race I had at Road Atlanta I finished p5 and lapped 3 people. Main account, and I knew 2 of the 4 ahead of me, no Alts there.

It is really demoralizing though.
Didn't have much hope in this one as I suffered another 2 PS4 freeze glitches during the race. First one cost me a position on the front straight, while the second had me un-freeze right in the braking zone of T1 with a car close behind who had no choice but to punt me into oblivion as I suddenly reappeared in his path. Finished DFL 14/14. Good times.
Didn't have much hope in this one as I suffered another 2 PS4 freeze glitches during the race. First one cost me a position on the front straight, while the second had me un-freeze right in the braking zone of T1 with a car close behind who had no choice but to punt me into oblivion as I suddenly reappeared in his path. Finished DFL 14/14. Good times.
Yeah I had one when a car exited the pits when I was on the pit straight, though only cost me a few tenths
I did this yersterday with the RS.01 , qualification ended horribly since i did mistake and 5min wans't enough so i ended up in P14 lol
Race started with hards that turn 1 some people did a bowling manuaver , got me too but thankfully i recovered when i pitted for mediums after 9 laps, some people managed to hit pit walls instead of actual pit xD in the end i was P11 but somebody forgot to pit so i finished in P10 - happy days 😅
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This Exhibition Series has been pretty cool, I enjoyed it in the end even though I wasn't a fan of the tracks used. For the first time I double accounted. I wanted to try something different than McLaren but I also didn't want to abandon my favorite team, so I went with BMW and Macca. Two very very different cars.

BMW was good everywhere and I ended up P2 in the constructor standings, P73 in Americas. I got 276 points with a P3 in Round 2. The only BMW ahead of me was Calen Roach which is an insanely fast alien. So I'm best of the humans and happy with that.

With Macca I only did rounds 1 and 3. And yesterday's race was one I won't forget anytime soon. You see, McLaren is not a very popular constructor this season. A mix of general lack of pace, being an MR and having a horrendous Gr4 car kept aliens away. So this was my chance to win with for favorite constructor. Probably forever 😂.

I signed up for the 9pm slot yesterday and got into what I think was 2nd split. I knew I had to do better than 237 points (5th) to have a chance at a win and I knew I had the pace. Somehow I qualified on pole (44.5 I think) and almost led straight to finish.
A BMW was close behind throughout the first stint, but he messed up his tire choice and selected Mediums again. He overtook me in the 2nd stint but obviously had to pit again on the last lap, so I got the lead back and brought it home for an amazing 295 points finish.

All that meant I won McLaren and put it in a nice round 50th in the regional standings. My best ever final result in Manufacturers. I know it's an Exhibition, I know the aliens don't really care and that it was just one race counting, but this feels absolutely great.




Edit: included the stream link !
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Enjoyed this mini season although would have enjoyed a few more options for strategy or potentially weather changes. An 8th for 93 points at Road Atlanta and a 6th yesterday for 73 points (I must have dropped a split) were my best efforts (B/S level driver). Considering these were achieved using Citroen though I think that's not a bad effort! (Currently Citroen rank 27th out of 27 in manufacturer rankings lol). I may consider an alternative however for future seasons.....
Enjoyed this mini season although would have enjoyed a few more options for strategy or potentially weather changes. An 8th for 93 points at Road Atlanta and a 6th yesterday for 73 points (I must have dropped a split) were my best efforts (B/S level driver). Considering these were achieved using Citroen though I think that's not a bad effort! (Currently Citroen rank 27th out of 27 in manufacturer rankings lol). I may consider an alternative however for future seasons.....
Stick with Citroen - you're top of their GT2 standings, basically a factory driver now.

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Stick with Citroen - you're top of their GT2 standings, basically a factory driver now.

Ha! That's amazing, thanks for that, I feel I should do now!

I'll be qualifying for the world finals by default of being the only Citroen driver next and being lapped by the entire field, shades of HRT's foray into formula 1 😆
Great job. I want to try McLaren again, used them for one of the early tests before the MR physics changes and it was a struggle. They’re my local team - I’ll pass HQ in a few minutes on my way to work.
Imma try McLaren for first time, since I've had enough of FR understeer struggles I have at times. Yesterday's combo I would have been better off using it at Autopolis (I did some testing and compared to GT-R). Also at Alsace this week it seems miles better/faster than anything else I've tried (including the meta cars). Also I really feel like the gr4 McLaren is a bit underrated. One of the best gr4 RWDs out there, so it can hang around 4WDs somewhat still.

I feel like physics changes have altered my taste more from FR to MR again and also pacewise, weirdly enough. Although some MR cars still horrible to drive, like Lambo for instance. I used to always run MR in GT Sport gr3 towards the end. Prefered R8 LMS and Citroen overall, Ferrari was a good quali car for me and even Alfa worked on technical tracks.
Imma try McLaren for first time, since I've had enough of FR understeer struggles I have at times. Yesterday's combo I would have been better off using it at Autopolis (I did some testing and compared to GT-R). Also at Alsace this week it seems miles better/faster than anything else I've tried (including the meta cars). Also I really feel like the gr4 McLaren is a bit underrated. One of the best gr4 RWDs out there, so it can hang around 4WDs somewhat still.

I feel like physics changes have altered my taste more from FR to MR again and also pacewise, weirdly enough. Although some MR cars still horrible to drive, like Lambo for instance. I used to always run MR in GT Sport gr3 towards the end. Prefered R8 LMS and Citroen overall, Ferrari was a good quali car for me and even Alfa worked on technical tracks.
I was testing the GR4 McLaren for a league race last night with Fuel usage set to 5x and found it was at least 1 or 2 laps less than most other manufacturers at this track making the same lap times. Is the real situation or was I driving it incorrectly? I like the car handling (I'm a Porsche driver usually and like MR cars) and the manufacturer but this would be a deal killer for me in races.
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I was testing the GR4 McLaren for a league race last night with Fuel usage set to 5x and found it was at least 1 or 2 laps less than most other manufacturers at this track making the same lap times. Is the real situation or was I driving it incorrectly? I like the car handling (I'm a Porsche driver usually and like MR cars) and the manufacturer but this would be a deal killer for me in races.
The Gr.4 McLaren has a slight different engine map.

This one you should rev less than others cars, shifting at 2/3 of the RPM bar (don't remember the RPM number). You can extract optimum engine performance and decrease the fuel consumption by doing this ;)
I was testing the GR4 McLaren for a league race last night with Fuel usage set to 5x and found it was at least 1 or 2 laps less than most other manufacturers at this track making the same lap times. Is the real situation or was I driving it incorrectly? I like the car handling (I'm a Porsche driver usually and like MR cars) and the manufacturer but this would be a deal killer for me in races.
Yeah like dkstz said just shortshift since that car has a weird powerband, which works on low revs better actually. The gr3 McLaren does struggle with fuel though according to Kie and from what I've seen. But I am willing to sacrifice something, if it means I will be slightly quicker. Not like every race is a fuel saving one in gr3 manu races.
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My stats for this season.
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Obviously Gr3 were my best rounds.
My randomisation process for the next season has been done and the results are interesting. :scared:

I will let you know closer to the time.

You’re a bit ahead of me.

If we have another short season, my 2 accounts are practically identical now in DR so I can use it as a proper test - leaning towards Genesis and Renault.


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At risk of being lapped in to tomorrow’s Nations race, I’m so slow in that car. Also very much doubt I can do 20+ crash-free laps with others on track and tyre wear, it’s bad enough just in practice.
Well that was absolute mayhem.. No one really got a clean lap in quali because even if you binned it getting back upto speed on that short track without wrecking the next person in lines lap is basically impossible.. Started 8th and finished 5th, that included two proper wall hits and spins.. This is more a race of avoiding chaos than a race of going fast.. Good luck all..
All I’ll say about the x2019 is that not even auto drive can get it back on the track without spinning after you’ve been pushed off. This round is just a frustrating, randomized meme.
Everyone put your skates on for lap 1 turn 1 lol

Finished P2 in top split just by keeping myself on the track

Lap 1 carnage looked like this; similar scenes with less cars on lap 2 and 3 as well.

It's a bit of a gamble, if you back off too much you risk someone hitting your rear, at which point you will just understeer off anyway. Tough combo.
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B/S Euro split. Got lapped. Also lapped someone. Only 6 finished on lead lap. A marmite car.

Made a few errors, moved up from start P11 to finish P9 only through others’ crashes. Had to have TC on 3 and some weak counter-steer to have any control.

A tip - brake and steer right as soon as you get control leaving the pits, otherwise it’s almost a guaranteed 3 sec penalty.

Didn’t quite match my best season score from the Suzuka Civics - that was much more my kind of speed.
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Found the car to have more control than when I tried it at Trial Mountain.
Managed to get my time down to a 1:01.8 in TT.
Never got a good lap together in Qualy either due to having to overtake people who'd made a mistake or catching them at the wrong place which meant having to deal with dirty air. Still managed to squeak out a low 1:02 for P8 on the grid.
Of course even changing to 2nd got me a bit of wheelspin on go and I lost a few positions having to sort out my wobble. But made a few back up when 3 or 4 people skated off at T1. However a Spaniard punted me at the right hand turn at the top of the hill. On the replay he never even braked. I kept her straight and got back on track. However in the next sequence my car decides to go on dirty tyres and I meet the barrier. Now down to DFL after another spin on the exit onto the straight. Over the next couple of laps I pass others having trouble and am on another Spaniard on lap 8. We have a good battle until the last corner, well take a look yourself.

At the time I felt they did this on purpose. From the video I'm about 70% sure that's what happened as they didn't even turn despite it being a right hand corner. The only doubt comes from 2 things. 1) We were side by side for half a lap with no incident. 2) cars do bounce left over that crest. Again I experienced this on entry to the pit granting me 3 seconds. They really need to sort this entrance out. Have the line further down or not at all. The grass can act as the line.
I pitted lap 9 as I was once again DFL. This proved to be a good thing as I could utlise my new softs in clean air. By the time the pits shaked out I was into P10 as a few had also quit. I passed a Czech driver how went off and was starting to close in on the group ahead. There was a huge gaggle from P3 to P8 and I was hoping a few would find trouble. Only 1 did and I claimed the Polish driver on the straight. From there I stayed to cross the line P8 where I started. If it wasn't for an incident or 2 I would have had a shot at P3.
From the replay I can see that I was one of only 2 to have no assists on. The other guy quit lap 3. So to be pushed out on lap 1 leading to a few other spins and to have been shoved off again later on to finish around 10 to 15 seconds off P3 is a proud result for me considering.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

I am trying to view completed season results but I can't because it thinks I am in Europe even though the game recognises that I am competing under the Australian flag.

As a result it isn't calculating my position.
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Slot 1: Got blue screen before the lobby finished loading...

Slot 2: Qualified 5th, finished 2nd after taking advantage of 3 cars in front dying at various points in the race. With 245 points from the Suzuka round, even winning this race wouldn't have changed anything, as the win was only worth 239 points.

Slot 3: Qualified 5th again, and just like the previous slot opted to start on Mediums, hoping to not waste the Softs fighting with those in front of me. Unfortunately I got mobbed on the opening few laps as I was just trying to keep my car pointed in the right direction while I waited for the Mediums to come up to temperature. I also went off track at T1 on Lap 2 but managed to avoid the tire walls and keep it pointing straight, and ultimately fell down to P9 before eventually making my way up to my final finishing position of P4.

Slot 4: Qualified P2 before falling back to 4th after the 2 directly behind me got past because they started on Softs. While the leader built up over a 10s lead, 2nd and 3rd could never really seem to build a gap to me, and were never more than 4s ahead. Eventually the leader spun in the 2nd half of the race, as did one of the other players in front of me, and I jumped back up to P2. In spite of now having the tire advantage, it took me 3 laps to set up a pass on the new leader because of the dirty air, but I got him to outbrake himself at the chicane to give me the lead and the eventual win. It was only worth 233, so once again it changed nothing in the standings.

Slot 5: I qualified P2 again, and this time elected to start on the Softs. The polesitter binned it again very early in the race, and I was able to grow my lead out to over 5s before pitting. While I was faster than P2 on the Softs, they slowly closed the gap down lap by lap on the Mediums (aided by a couple mistakes from me at T3). I was able to grab another win by a rather narrow margin for this race, coming home less than 2s ahead of P2 and less than 5s ahead of P3. This time the win was actually worth something meaningful, netting me 255 points, improving on my previous result by 10 points, but I figured I could do better...

Slot 6: Had my worst qualifying of the evening and started P6. Since I was mid field, I decided to start on the Mediums again, then promptly followed the car directly in front of me (also on Mediums) off the track at T8 and into a spin, my first time doing that all day. Surprisingly I lost only 2-3 spots, but I spent the rest of the first stint mired in 7th-8th place. During the pit stops, someone came out of the pits and jumped onto the racing line directly in front of me, causing me to run into them and giving me a 2s penalty along with wing damage, causing me to lose another spot and get stuck behind a slower car that hadn't pitted yet. In spite of this I eventually made my way past both of them and one other to make my way up to P4 for 246 points, with @D_Dragline being the next car up the road, but more than 10s ahead. Being only 1 point better than my previous score, it was an easy decision to go yet again.

Slot 7: Right after my worst qualifying performance, I had my best one (in terms of lap time) and lined up P3, less than a tenth off pole. Starting on Softs, I inherited P2 almost immediately when they ran wide at T1 after the start, then took the lead when the leader did the same thing on Lap 2! I kept the lead for the rest of the race to bag my 3rd win of the day by 20s and take 279 points. Now I was sure I couldn't do any better in the points so I called it a day.
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