Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
How hard was the rain? Full wets, or inters? Or was it like Suzuka where it was a coin flip.

Can’t wait! Probably gonna skip the first oceanic slot so I can get a few hours of rest, but I’ll be there at 0500 West Coast time for the second slot!!
Like Suzuka, it's right on the edge but I feel the crossover time gives the inters an edge. (Especially given that the crossover time will likely end up being longer here)
GT2 B , only once and yeah the race is very wet almost whole race
Qualified: P14 dry horrible lap , many blocking players and i wish sometimes that Ghosting was fully on in qually would been better
Race: from start some people spun or even forgot inters so i quickly managed to get P8 then i gotten 2sec penalty because some people were braking too early in top speed that made drop to P12 but wasn't long enough i gotten back to my previous place many drivers did mistakes and spins , after lap 2 track finally started to dry and i gotten into P6 but in the end i made mistake that costed me P6 in long straight so ended in P7 - overall very good race similiar or same from last year , people in GT1 will have a wet green hell for sure :D
GT2 B , only once and yeah the race is very wet almost whole race
Qualified: P14 dry horrible lap , many blocking players and i wish sometimes that Ghosting was fully on in qually would been better
Race: from start some people spun or even forgot inters so i quickly managed to get P8 then i gotten 2sec penalty because some people were braking too early in top speed that made drop to P12 but wasn't long enough i gotten back to my previous place many drivers did mistakes and spins , after lap 2 track finally started to dry and i gotten into P6 but in the end i made mistake that costed me P6 in long straight so ended in P7 - overall very good race similiar or same from last year , people in GT1 will have a wet green hell for sure :D
Nice one.

Tyre choice… so looking at a few YT streams I’ve found it appears the track is pretty wet and heavy wets is maybe the tyre to go for? Lap 3 on all the streams the track is still fairly wet, but inters look the better tyre for this lap.
I assume you went wets? Or imters?
Only P12 for me. I was very cautious in my approach, probably left some positions on the table, but I got around the Nordschleife in the wet (I used inters), in the Citroen, without incident, so I'm happy. :)

I know we said it for Suzuka, but I don't think it can't be overstated - the slower weather pattern is so much better for the game. Being able to look at the pre-race forecast and go "this rain will be around for a while" without being ambushed by a torrent building off screen makes tyre decision making way more logical. I also wouldn't be surprised if it also means the track doesn't dry as fast, since you get longer showers.
Second slot in Euro GT3. Sat out qualifying, made a cup of tea instead (fueling up). Only a couple of people caught out by the rain, word gets out quick. Still some carnage at turn 1 and throughout the GP circuit.

Think some were on inters but it was clearly full wets territory. Just tried to stay on track and pick people off. Rain got even worse on lap 2. Field gradually spread out and I found myself in a lonely but safe 7th, so I just concentrated on bringing it home there. Rain stopped halfway through lap 3 which helped.

Was hoping for a top 10 at best so 7th is a great result. Only ever racing this track in the rain.


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Thank you Asian Guinea pigs for letting us know wet weather was expected.
My Qualy lap was P3 before somebody took it giving me P4 on the grid.
As expected the pre race lobby showed rain and the radar looked o.k. A blog of heavy stuff but mainly light. So I plumpt for Inters hoping the heavy blog would be brief.
On release the meter was right at the top of the inter zone but still in it. I was cautious into T1 and rightly so as a Ferrari went past bowling giving me 2 places putting me P3. The Ferrari didn't seem to get a penalty for it. The track was still o.k. and I was struggling more with stopping and turning than going. However coming down the hill from T1 of the Nordschleife proper the car tank slapped and spun. I lost 3 places putting me into 6th. It appears those behind me were dry runners who either did not have wet tyres or were completely oblivious to the rain on the pre race screen. I pass someone who went wide at Flugplaz and go P5.

Then I catch up an Alfa and they wobble under braking into Berwerk and we go side by side. But the Alfa is good now and they keep the place. Nothing much else happens that lap. Coming onto the pit straight on lap 2 and the rain is just that bit heavier. At times the meter goes a millimetre into the full wet zone others it is still high inters. Of course my lack of grip is meaning I'm too slow and I'm back to P6 after wobbles and eating the barrier at Breidscheid. Also a random spin out of the double left between the Pflanzgarten's ruined any chance of catching those ahead. I came home a safe P6. Lap 3 was inter territory and I made ground but the damage was already done by the wet runners.
If you are in GT2 or 3 I recommend the full wets.
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Qualified 10th after bottling it at the final corner, finished 5th out of 10 survivors to gain 144 points, with a fastest lap of 9:49.4xx. I think I'll leave it at that. I stayed on Wets the whole race as I wasn't sure I'd avoid a penalty for improperly entering the pits, never mind losing track position.
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Just finished Oceania GT1 first race, here's some sweet intel for all of you (but no guarantees you'll have the same weather pattern :P).

Key points - RS last 4 laps, RM last 6 laps, RH last 8 laps (but you won't need it). Fuel last just about enough for 5 laps if you short shift (can last longer if it rains because you're going slower).

Quali - bone dry.

Race - rain for around 4 laps with varying intensity (the bar never dropped below 50% wetness). Then gradually drying and by lap 6 it's good for slicks. Dry until the end.

Car is Corvette. I just softened the dampers by 5 all the way round to make it more compliant over the bumps and improve traction in the wet. Honestly you could just go default and it'll probably be fine.

Quali 9th. Started with Inters but really should've used Wets (I expected the rain to ease off quicker). Dropped to the back of the pack. Lots of people pitted for slicks early but I stayed out till lap 5 so I can just pit once for Mediums, refuel full tank and stay out of traffic. I was in 5th coming out of the pits but the pit exit was still wet and had a little wobble, and got the pit exit penalty :( The guy ahead of me also did the same mistake. Dropped to 6th as I served the penalty and had an intense last few laps with 4th-6th all running within a few seconds of each other. 5th place guy slowed on the last straight as he miscalculated the fuel. Almost caught the 4th place guy at the line but finished 2 secs behind. Then 3rd place guy suddenly disconnected before the countdown timer finished (RIP). So got promoted to 4th in the end :) Without the penalty could've been a podium, but hey ho I'll take it.

I took it very conservative during the rainy bits, TC1, short shifting and even using FM6. No point being in the thick of the pack and risking damage due to someone wiping out. Also added advantage of being less stressful, so mentally I could belt it when the track started to dry (got the FL at some point too). Near the end my left leg started getting sore (left foot braking means you're constantly hovering above the pedal). But thankfully having 2 cars in my sight helped me focus (and no one behind to add pressure helped too). This race is as much a mental game as a skill game.

Really fun, tiring and satisfying at the same time. I kinda hoped it would be dry-wet-dry, or even a full day-night cycle, but that's probably too diabolical :lol: Looking forward to Le Mans next week :)

Good luck everybody. Don't stress too much about settings, strategy and whatnot. Just enjoy the experience and do your best 👍
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Now that was a lot of FUN!

12pm UK slot - Lobby was a mix of DR A & B - Car #14

Quali - Not my best lap but qualified in P10 with a 8.22

Race - Nearly forgot to equip the wet tyres. In the end I went for Heavy Wets as I knew the 2nd lap gets really wet. In the end did I make the right call? I think Inters are the better tyres as long as you can survive that heavy rain in Lap 2.
Race starts and it’s pretty chaotic. Cars all over the place but still fairly clean driving. I’m stuck in a mid pack battle all race from P3-P12. As we hit the Nordschleife the pack ahead start to some door banging on the narrow parts and I’m always gaining and losing a few positions. I think I was every position at one point in that race. Last lap I’m in P7 and I genuinely thought I had a shot at finishing P5, but the heavy wets towards the end just didn’t off me much grip and allowed the quicker drivers to catch up and I finished P8.

Took home 105 points out 146. Im a little disappointed on the points but happy with my result. I could go again but it’s a total lottery that race I think on where you finish. Ill take it and leave it.

Have to say Nordschlefie is a track I enjoy driving, to race on not so much, ut after actually doing some TT this week and then the race today, I absolutely loved that today! PD nailed the weather settings for GT2, but I can image for GT1 it would be great race.

Can’t be bothered to make a video so just make do with a live stream for anyone who wants some weather ideas for later.

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Now that was a lot of FUN!

12pm UK slot - Lobby was a mix of DR A & B - Car #14

Quali - Not my best lap but qualified in P10 with a 8.22

Race - Nearly forgot to equip the wet tyres. In the end I went for Heavy Wets as I knew the 2nd lap gets really wet. In the end did I make the right call? I think Inters are the better tyres as long as you can survive that heavy rain in Lap 2.
Race starts and it’s pretty chaotic. Cars all over the place but still fairly clean driving. I’m stuck in a mid pack battle all race from P3-P12. As we hit the Nordschleife the pack ahead start to some door banging on the narrow parts and I’m always gaining and losing a few positions. I think I was every position at one point in that race. Last lap I’m in P7 and I genuinely thought I had a shot at finishing P5, but the heavy wets towards the end just didn’t off me much grip and allowed the quicker drivers to catch up and I finished P8.
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Took home 105 points out 146. Im a little disappointed on the points but happy with my result. I could go again but it’s a total lottery that race I think on where you finish. Ill take it and leave it.

Have to say Nordschlefie is a track I enjoy driving, to race on not so much, ut after actually doing some TT this week and then the race today, I absolutely loved that today! PD nailed the weather settings for GT2, but I can image for GT1 it would be great race.

Can’t be bothered to make a video so just make do with a live stream for anyone who wants some weather ideas for later.

Mind sharing your suspension settings?
Any other GT1 guys notice that fuel consumption seemed higher than normal? I filled up to the diamond at the beginning of my last stint, and had .8 laps of fuel left to start the last lap.

Alright, no problem…I’ll just short shift.

I had to short shift, go fuel map 6 and coast into every corner and maintain half throttle down the last straight, and still ran out of fuel as I crossed the line!

I wonder if PD finally implemented conditions where air density affects fuel consumption, aero and whatnot. Makes sense because humidity is always very high during a storm, air density is much higher, thus requires more fuel for a clean burn.

Any other GT1 guys notice that fuel consumption seemed higher than normal? I filled up to the diamond at the beginning of my last stint, and had .8 laps of fuel left to start the last lap.

Alright, no problem…I’ll just short shift.

I had to short shift, go fuel map 6 and coast into every corner and maintain half throttle down the last straight, and still ran out of fuel as I crossed the line!

I wonder if PD finally implemented conditions where air density affects fuel consumption, aero and whatnot. Makes sense because humidity is always very high during a storm, air density is much higher, thus requires more fuel for a clean burn.

It’s because it averages your previous use to calculate the diamond.So when you’re driving in the wet and using less, it assumes you’ll continue doing that.
Nice one.

Tyre choice… so looking at a few YT streams I’ve found it appears the track is pretty wet and heavy wets is maybe the tyre to go for? Lap 3 on all the streams the track is still fairly wet, but inters look the better tyre for this lap.
I assume you went wets? Or imters?
For me inters were enough , not sure for the GT1 race tho
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It’s because it averages your previous use to calculate the diamond.So when you’re driving in the wet and using less, it assumes you’ll continue doing that.
Totally get that. But this was at the end of lap 7 so the track was dry, and I was totally pushing by then. Regardless, I’ll remember to take another lap of fuel next race 😂
Chaos and mayhem sums up America slot 1 in GT2. Hard to tell if it was dirty driving or stupid driving, but got spun out, rammed out or pushed out all race long. Went from Q3 to P8 running IM the whole race. There was a time or 2 when full wets would have been better. Oh well, may run again.
You had enough rain to motivate IM for the entirety of the race?
Lots of carnage in my D/S GT3 room, of which my part was entirely self-inflicted. I skipped qualifying in my Corvette Gr.3 as some of the drivers had mediums or hards on for that, so I started 10th (with 2 of the 16 disconnecting before qualifying ended). Despite my warnings to the room before qualifying the race would be wet, a few still had slicks on, and the carnage ensued immediately. I made it through that on my full-wets and got up to 4th when I nosed it hard into the inside barrier at Bergwerk. I lost about 30 seconds while trying to make sure I didn't come out in front of anybody else, and almost got DQ'ed.

I persevered and otherwise kept it clean, making a sweet outside pass for 4th in the Dunlop hairpin on lap 3. My pace was good enough to almost catch 3rd by Pflanzgarten. After messing up Kleines Karussell by thinking the outside had more grip than the banking, I didn't think I had a chance, but he bounced off the barriers between Hohenrain and T13, and I snuck on by for a 3rd. I'm mad at myself for that off and for not qualifying, as my best practice lap was 3 seconds faster than the pole, and I made up over 6 seconds on the lead after I got back on track.

I'm not rolling the dice again as I got 18 points and my next race will be in a C room.

Slight edit after reviewing the replay - corrected where I caught 3rd.
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So for GT1 legue…start with soft and then depends if it is going to rain or not? Just came back home and wanted to take part to the last slot.
So for GT1 legue…start with soft and then depends if it is going to rain or not? Just came back home and wanted to take part to the last slot.
Qualify on softs, start on wets, the weather is scripted to always rain at the start of the race and then switch to slicks on lap 4/5