Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Wall penalties seemed very sensitive and it took me 4 laps to bring in a clean lap in my quick preview of what’s next.
Definitely going to be some testing for best bb setting etc.

Getting a slight nudge in the race could cost you 1.5 seconds only to watch your perpetrator run away 😐
As my GT3 Ferrari does seem rather off the pace here, I think the plan is to either write this off as a dropped score. Or learn to do 14 laps without hitting the walls and bring home a decent handful of points by beating everyone who can't stop hitting the walls.
I am nervous for the Lambo. :lol:

During the Grand Valley Daily C a few weeks back, I found the tune I was using for the Genesis worked well on the Mustang. Might try that. As for MR cars, I have no idea. Lambo has me worried, may bail on the RMs a bit early if need be. Than again, worn RMs may be better than new RHs. I think the Ford GT 18 may be okay here. No idea.

I hate tuning. It's just a guess and check as even others' tunes may not work for you/me. add to that Bathurst is likely my worst track in the game, so any disadvantage in tuning time is compounded by my already lack of pace. Let's leave BB on and turn everything as is.

Rant off.
So how many RM laps around Bathurst are you guys getting out of your FR and MR cars?
In my case I think it would be more appropriate to ask how many cars Bathurst is getting out of me for each clean lap I set!

After spending about an hour last night in free practice I think I only managed about 6 of them, with the best being a mid 2:03. I have no idea if that's any good for ~51K DR thanks to the number of tuning options enabled this season. So many laps ruined by brushing the wall and getting a penalty or just pushing too hard and spinning out.
pushing too hard and spinning out
Which invariably leaves you pointed in the wrong direction, forcing a three-point-turn...

Shocked to say I did this race only once. That's usually never the case, either due to my own talent inadequacies or someone else's infringing on me lol.

The strength of the room wasn't very high, but I only managed to qualify 7th. Wasn't able to meet (or exceed) my best lap time from practice. But when the green flag dropped I got a slight run on P6. Going into T1 the car in P5 went in sloppy and/or was sliding a bit. Don't recall exactly, but either way, I had taken the inside line even with P6 and P5's shenanigans hurt P6's exit speed. I got the run on him for the long drive up to the chicane and ended up right on the butt of P4 and maintained that through the chicane. Inexplicably, that car went super wide in the beginning of the long right turn (maybe he was saving a slight wiggle). Now I was in 3rd place after less than a lap. Not bad! The two cars ahead of me steadily pulled away so, knowing I couldn't gain on them unless they made mistakes, I just focused on checking off clean laps. The car in 4th (aforementioned Supra) was maintaining roughly 3 seconds behind me. He'd gain on me mainly in the final sector, but I always got a better run out of T1, every lap, which erased any gains he made. Clean lap after clean lap (I was very happy, in practice had lots of difficulty not getting a cheap 0.5 short cut penalty here or there). I had noticed early on that P1 and P2 both had pretty weak network connections. Well, on lap 7 the chickens came home to roost and P2 was dropped from the race. Sucks, but I certainly didn't mind! And that's how the race ended, me about 9 seconds back from P1 and roughly 1 second ahead of P3 (i went extra conservative the last half of final lap making sure not to get penalties from excessive understeer off track).

81 Points for a GT2 DR B room isn't exactly world class, but I was happy with it and given that I made no mistakes (and who knew if additional lobbies would have higher, or LOWER, point potential, I hung it up for the night.

Final point, a quick complaint. I did not get a Clean Race Bonus for the race. Which absolutely flummoxes me. One car made very minor contact with me on lap one (after T2). He moved into me, it was incidental I'm sure and neither of us were unsettled (or had damage, penalties, etc). Beyond that, I never went off course nor got any penalties. So why the heck didn't I get the CRB?!
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2023/4 GTWS Exhibition Season 2 – Manufacturers’ Cup R2 – Watkins Glen Long Course

GT2 League - B / S Lobby – 126pts to winner

The new year celebrations are traditionally a time to remember and renew old friendships, so what better way for me to start my racing in 2024 than by competing at the first real-world track that I ever drove on in sim/game/virtual racing – I’ve been acquainted with most of The Glen since the original NASCAR Racing for PC in the mid-1990s, although that was the shorter layout that the Cup Series uses (ie no “boot”). I really enjoy its flowing nature, but even after all these years I’m still trying for a reliable, consistent, fast line through the Inner Loop (aka The Bus Stop, aka Yeet Chicane).

Still in GT2 (I did think about entering with my A account in GT1, then realised that I wouldn’t be able to make any of the evening-only start times), so I tested the Gr4 GTR vs my old favourite, the Silvia. The latter won out in race-length runs in Custom Race because it seemed to look after its tyres a bit better in my hands, and after a while in TT mode I was able to do consistent 1:54s, getting down to a 1:54.1 as my fastest (albeit I only did a handful of laps under 1:54.5, most were between that and 1:55.) Tyre wear was noticeable enough to cause a 1.5s delta in lap times towards the end of a race length Custom run, but nowhere near enough to make a pit stop viable. No danger of running out of fuel either, so it’d be a 10 lap sprint to the flag. This was the first time I’d driven the Silvia in what seemed like ages (manufacturers’ cup last summer – I was only able to do 1 round of manufacturers’ last season, and that was Gr3 at N24) and I’d forgotten how well-balanced it felt. Would that translate to lower top-end speed? Time would tell.

Unusually for me, I did multiple runs of this, I’ll quickly go through my first runs then go into my final one in a bit more detail.

Run 1: - EMEA slot 1 - B/S – 131pts to winner

Waited until 4:10 left on the clock to go out in Qualifying, figuring that I’d still get 2 flying laps in just like those who left early. I was lowest-ranked in this lobby so I knew I’d be struggling, but I was pleasantly surprised when a 1:54.6 got me Q5.

In the race, I was able to hold station at the start, and latched on to the back of the leading group, hoping that they would pull me away from the field. One of the cars ahead of me got sideways at the Outer Loop on Lap 2 and I was able to take P4, where I stayed for ages even though the car behind was never more than 0.5s back. That lasted until lap 7 when I took the first apex of the Inner loop too tight, clipped the barrier, went onto the grass on the other side and was reset by the game – down to P12. I eventually recovered to take P10 (83pts), but decided to try again later. If nothing else, taking a slight DR hit would make it slightly easier to qualify up the sharp end, wouldn’t it?

Run 2: - EMEA slot 4 – B/S – 127pts to winner

Door 3 this time despite the DR drop, so I was a little more confident. That confidence lasted all the way to my out lap when I reprised this season’s theme of “going wide at right-handers when under no pressure whatsoever” by doing exactly that at the Toe. We all know what that means – track limits penalty and no opportunity to serve it until your first flying lap, leaving my final lap as the only way to set a decent time, meaning I had to take it easy for a “banker” lap of 1:54.8 for Q7. Not ideal.

The race started and I was in the hunt to get up to the leading group before they sailed into the distance. I drafted someone on the back straight, but the car in front of them was slow out of the Esses meaning we were 3 wide coming to the chicane with me in the middle! I decided to back out by braking a few yards early, but all this meant was that the car behind me pushed me over to the left entering the Inner Loop, meaning another penalty (why is the second apex so much more tight for penalties than the other 3 apexes on the chicane?), and to add further indignities I went off on the left approaching the Outer Loop then went into the boot alongside a Lambo whose driver seemed to be an expert at the old Movie car chase side-swipe. Once I had served the penalty after the Toe I was, of course, DFL. What followed was actually rather enjoyable from a pure motor racing point of view, albeit not great for my DR or GTWS points, as I set about making places up – partly through others going off or getting penalties, but at least 3 or 4 good overtakes, including a Gr4 GTR driver who was in the top 5 earlier on but was already struggling for grip by Lap 6 when I got past – at least that vindicated my decision to take the Silvia. A Megane had to serve a penalty on Lap 9 making me 9th and that’s where I stayed for 86 points (so an improvement despite everything that went wrong!) and although it was still DR down it was the highest position to reduce DR so hopefully it was just a flesh wound so to speak.

At this point it was looking like One Of Those Days where every single run is spoiled by one or two moments and it seems impossible to get the run that you know you’re capable of, and things only get worse as we get later in the day and others also get a little more desperate. I did consider taking the 86pts and running, it wasn’t a bad score but was 30-35 down on what I knew I could get, but if I kept getting low finishes my lobbies would reduce in points, wouldn’t they?

It is said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. With this in mind, I started wondering how I could change things up a bit to my advantage. Unlike the last round, this race allows a small number of suspension settings to be changed, so I went looking for any setup tips. Most were for the road car version of the Silvia, but there was one elsewhere on here about setting up the Gr4 Silvia as a good car for World Circuit races – obviously I wouldn’t be able to apply all of it but I could use some of it, so I did. Thanks to @BongoFury23 for the tips.

I didn’t have time for a race-length run so I just did TT laps until the next slot. Was it faster? Not in terms of balls-out lap times – my 1:54.1 from earlier still stood – but I was now getting in the 1:54.4-1:54.5 much more consistently, the car was also more consistent to drive, meaning that most crucially I now finally had a line and approach to the Inner Loop that was consistent, that I was comfortable I could repeat 10 times, and that was reasonably fast too.

Run 3: 5th EMEA slot – B/S – 126pts to winner

Thankfully only a very small drop in the points on offer, and a slight lowering of my door rank to 5. The added confidence I had in the car now meant that I could get good speed out of corners without worrying about going wide, meaning I felt comfortable attacking the track a bit more in qualifying, resulting in a 1:54.4 for Q3, behind two Supras.
Past experience had taught me that the Silvia isn’t the quickest off the line, so I was watching the radar for the Q4 Lexus as we started, and up it came to my right as we approached T1 – I left them room and went round the outside, they had to go tighter on the exit and couldn’t get the throttle back on as quickly, and they were also concerned with P5 attacking them, so I kept the place. Up the Esses and along the back straight we were being left behind by the Supras and their posher cousin was still looking for a way past me. I positioned slightly defensively on the straight and took my new line and approach into the Inner Loop – perfect, the Lexus was instantly the best part of a second behind. Meanwhile, the 2nd place Supra has not had such a good time through the chicane, then goes slightly wide through the Outer Loop and also doesn’t quite nail the line going into The Boot, so has to go defensive against me into The Toe. This means I get a much better drive out up the hill and over the penalty line, they cover me by moving right but to their credit they do leave room, I get by, keep it tight through The Heel and am away into 2nd. They don’t fade away – they were within a second of me until lap 5, and indeed would briefly take P2 back at T1 on the second lap, but they went wide on the exit and I regained second. The leader has by now gone off into the distance, and by lap 2 has 2.5s lead. They are very fast but prone to track-limit penalties – they’d get to 2.5-3s lead, then I’d round The Toe to see them ghosted up ahead and be back within a second or so. This would repeat a couple of times, then on Lap 6 I notice that I’m closer to them coming out of T1 – they’d outbraked themselves, and not only had they got another penalty for going wide they would have to carry a loss of speed all the way to the Inner Loop. By The Toe I am only 0.6 behind so was able to pass when they served their penalty (and kudos for following the WG etiquette of moving to the right when you are serving a penalty, allowing unpenalized cars to take the normal line up the left). The Supras appear to be running out of rubber – P3 has dropped back a couple of seconds and the former leader is a bit squirrelly coming out of tight corners. I keep it tidy through laps 8 and 9 and hold onto the lead. The polesitter shows their quality though, and despite being compromised for grip gets an excellent run through the last turn on lap 9, draws alongside as we enter the final tour, and retakes the lead. There were a couple of half-chances to have a go back through the boot for the final time, but it would have required a significant send, and I had too much respect for this driver and the competition in general to try that (plus the points on offer were too decent to throw away😊). So P2 for 121 points – new GTWS high score, beating my 120 from SSRX last season.

Looking at the replay afterwards with all race info turned on, the two Supras had more white on their tyre gauges than I did – perhaps the Toyotas wore their tyres less but were somehow affected by it more? In any case, the tweaks to the suspension did help me out with tyres a bit as well towards the end of the race, so that was good.

Overall, a good day, really enjoyed the car and track combo, even though I had to go for 3 runs due to my own errors. One thing I did find remarkable was the lack of Mazda3s – I would have thought at least some people would have chosen the Hiroshima marque for a series with two Gr4 races, but I didn’t see a single one all day. Is the Mazda Gr3 car that bad? I drove it in the GTWS season in summer 2022 and thought it was alright.

I can’t do Bathurst due to prior commitments – probably a good thing for my scores, I love Mount Panorama both for its history and as a track to drive on, but the one thing I’ve never done there is place well, last time there was a daily there I struggled to get into the top 10. So I’ll get straight on with familiarising myself with Dragon Trail Gardens for round 4 next week – at least it isn’t the one with the Chicane Of Death (er – I think – let me just look it up again…)
@D_Dragline already answered.

But just to add, it's a decent way to see how your DR will be affected by the results. If you're a high number and you finish lower position than the number you might lose DR. Versus having a low number and finishing above and gaining.

I'm not sure on all the math, truthfully I haven't paid too close attention to it. So far, the only public lobby racing I've done so far is in these championships.
I’ve not played GT7 for a while and last time I did competitive on line racing was before the DR system was implemented. In both my GT2 league races, I noticed the top 8 all gained +DR and the bottom 8 all lost -DR. I assume this is correct or wrong?
Ive read people saying the +/- DR is dynamic and depends on who you beat and lose too, but then also I’ve seen people say top 8 gain and bottom 4 lose not matter who your racing.
Not sure if it’s different in Daily races?

When I was doing my profiling tests of the Gr.4 and Gr.3 cars in the Daily Races with rental cars, the top speed of the M4 was consistently 13-14km/h slower than the fastest one (usually the MAZDA3), and even 3-5km slower than the next-slowest car. It really is atrocious how badly they have crippled that car under BoP.
Where did you shift it?
According to the chart it has a massive plateau after about 6k revs. This seems to be just before any red appears on the gauge (If not having a tacho on the screen).

As promised here is my Nurb race as seen from the TV cameras.

Last time I drove the Gr4 M4, you have to short shift it. You shift at like 20-25% on the rev bar. If you rev the car the out its so slow. That’s why it’s worth learning Manual gears as Auto gear in the M4 revs the car out.


Not sure if anyone is drivimg the Supra at Bathurst, but I found a ok setup. Feels pretty stable, but whether it’s fast or not in not sure. Did a 2.05 flat, but I know I can do 2.03/2.04 (GT2 driver).

I’ve not played GT7 for a while and last time I did competitive on line racing was before the DR system was implemented. In both my GT2 league races, I noticed the top 8 all gained +DR and the bottom 8 all lost -DR. I assume this is correct or wrong?
Ive read people saying the +/- DR is dynamic and depends on who you beat and lose too, but then also I’ve seen people say top 8 gain and bottom 4 lose not matter who your racing.
Not sure if it’s different in Daily races?
As I understand it, you sacrifice a portion of DR to people who beat you and take some DR from those who you beat, with the value scaling by the number of positions between you and your DR difference.

I reckon you're probably very likely to see it 8 up/8 down in GTWS since everyone's DRs are usually pretty closely matched. Dailies probably have less people to match together, so the wider DR ranges that result could skew it and change the ratio, especially if one of the highest DR players finishes towards the back.
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Is PD absolutely trolling us with these wall penalties at Panorama?! I had a good run through the mountain, exit at the bottom breathing again, look up and I am about to serve a penalty. No idea where or when I sneezed on the wall (never mind the many times I actually did hit one!).

We don't have a lot of races here, but I am fairly confident that it was never this sensitive. What are they trying to protect here?

Yikes. Between this and heavy damage, this is shaping up to be a war of attrition and could get brutal.
As I understand it, you sacrifice a portion of DR to people who beat you and take some DR from those who beat you, with the value scaling by the number of positions between you and your DR difference.

I reckon you're probably very likely to see it 8 up/8 down in GTWS since everyone's DRs are usually pretty closely matched. Dailies probably have less people to match together, so the wider DR ranges that result could skew it and change the ratio, especially if one of the highest DR players finishes towards the back.
Yeah you’re probably right actually with that. Daily races you have a spread of DR, where as in GTWS it should be more closely matched.
So . . .

Last night boiled down to the following for me:

  1. Stay Clean.
  2. Don’t hit anything.
  3. Try not to let anything hit you.
  4. Manage Tires
  5. Pick your battles carefully.
This is pretty much how it played out.

During qualifying, the time I spent practicing paid off with a good (but not great) qualifying session. There was a yellow Merc in front of me that had more grunt out of the turns . . . but I would catch up (and needed to slow down) during most of the technical sections of the track. This would come into play later but I still managed to qualify 5th. Said Mercedes was 3rd in qualifying.

Race starts and the top two things are: Stay Clean and Don’t Hit Anything. I stay in the slip of the GTR in front of me, slowing down so I don’t run into him, and get a bump draft from behind. Later, going into the bus stop I can see there’s a dark Mercedes (was the 2nd qualifier) dueling with the GTR and I started to join in the fun. However I decided to back out of the move (2 wide does not work in any chicken in the game . . . much less three wide) as I remember #5: Pick Your Battles.

Smart Choice.

I settle in for the long haul; the dark Mercedes gets a penalty and I gain a position. The GTR is pulling away from me as I made a couple of small mistakes . . . but they were large enough to lose the slip.

However, not all is lost.

The yellow Merc from qualifying is overtaken by the GTR and I begin to gain on him. I’ve managed my tires so around lap 8 I begin to push a bit. My times are consistent; he continues to fall back. I can tell his front tires are close to dead by this point of the race.

With three laps to go, I pick my battle.

I get a great run out of the bus stop and instantly I’m on his bumper. I consider a pass on the next left-hand turn, but back out of it. I continue my run towards the uphill right hander that’s long and sweeping. I know I have more grip and more tire and take the inside line. I get a great run and exist out of the turn with my freshly gained position.

I spend the rest of the race putting in consistent laps and not making any harsh braking/turning moves. Never hitting anything and keeping within the track limits – sometimes a challenge with the bus stop, I reach the end.

I finish with a podium – 3rd to be precise – and a Clean Race Bonus to boot.

Have to say I loved this race, and this is the best I’ve been after two rounds since . . . sometime in GT Sport I think.

Looking forward to Bathurst as I’m playing with House Money. I'll have to hop on that track tonight and see what's up with my tune.

TL;DR: Being patient and conserving tires paid off in a podium finish.
For all my MR brethren out there, a little trick I found that works for me when coming down the mountain and approaching the dipper, is to actually upshift as you approach it. Even though you’ll still be on the brakes, upshifting helps stabilize the chassis by nullifying decompression braking - and the associated weight transfer that really upsets these cars
Quick race receap. +5 positions with a nice consistent and clean effort.

Last slot (19:00) in the PST time zone. It's the only one I can get to on a Wednesday. Wasn't sure what to expect as I normally race the early slot.

Came in as car #13 in a 15 driver lobby, so pretty much nowhere to go but up. 166 point lobby. Quali was only so-so, a few minor mistakes lost me a few tenths that would have given me a couple more spots, but ended up P11. Not much to speak of, but helps with my usual first goal (after being clean) or outperforming my car number.

Race starts, I'm behind a BRZ who gets a terrible start. I pulled along side and had him by a nose into T1, so up to 10th. I cruise around behind a couple guys in a Supra and 650S, never really in position to make a move. A few laps in, yellow flag in T1, car sitting backwards off track, up to P9. A couple more laps and the Supra ahead is struggling to keep it straight, ends up with a penalty. This lets the 650S go and pulls me up right behind. Sitting behind another lap and he's still struggling, eventually I pass when he gets sideways. After that he couldn't really get it back together and he dropped back, so now P8.

I caught back up to the 650S but couldn't get by, so decided to wait for a mistake, tire degradation, or something. Next thing I know, leader is sitting in the wall in the downhill lefthander, so boom P7 (looking at replay, he disconnected for sure). I kept dogging the 650S, but couldn't get enough to get by, and he wasn't messing up or losing pace. People at the back chose to pit, but nobody in front of me did, so that wasn't gong to help either, so I decide consolidating P7 is the right move. However, we get to lap 14 and yellow flag in the final hairpin. Come around the corner to see an AMG ghost accelerating away, 650S gets by, but I'm not able to. They start fighting.

For the final lap, I'm sitting 1.2 back from the fight but start to pull closer around mid lap. In the last right hand hairpin the AMG gets a track limit penalty slows up and I'm now 6 tenths off. We're past the penalty line, so if I can stay here, I've got him by default. I'm not close enough for a move, but I stick my nose in to keep him off balance, which works wonderfully and we come through the final turn nose to tail. He serves 1 second on the results, and it's P6 for me, with a CRB to boot. 131 points.

I came into the race knowing I would no-stop unless I took damage, but really wanting to focus on consistency and cleanliness, knowing that tire degradation and mistakes were inevitable. Likely the same thing will be true this weekend at Bathurst with the crazy wall penalties on the mountain.
made it up to 8th and then tragedy stuck (dog bumped\sat on my controller) causing a catastrophic meeting with a wall pushing me to DFL. P14 to end the race.
And that is exactly why we sim-racers are better then the real racers! Drivers like Verstappen or Hamilton never had a dog in his car that bumped his steering wheel or sat on it, or in my case a cat attacking your fingers during a race, or recently a wife flashing her boobs just for fun to distract me. Once they can deal with incidents like that then only do I consider them as better them me!
Is PD absolutely trolling us with these wall penalties at Panorama?! I had a good run through the mountain, exit at the bottom breathing again, look up and I am about to serve a penalty. No idea where or when I sneezed on the wall (never mind the many times I actually did hit one!).

We don't have a lot of races here, but I am fairly confident that it was never this sensitive. What are they trying to protect here?

Yikes. Between this and heavy damage, this is shaping up to be a war of attrition and could get brutal.
There is, unfortunately, also a part on the mountain where you can get a shortcut penalty. It's not usually 1.5s like a wall penalty, but, you do have to watch out for those too.
There is, unfortunately, also a part on the mountain where you can get a shortcut penalty. It's not usually 1.5s like a wall penalty, but, you do have to watch out for those too.
Oh, right! There is a shortcut penalty, along a walled section! Always thought that was bizarre - how do you take a shortcut within walls?

edit: shortcut, i.e., track limits.
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I was able to go 14 laps on RMs against AI in a custom race starting midfield against 16 with 5x wear in a McLaren. Worst tire was like 90% worn at the end (right rear). I’ll probably go 2RH 12RM to get out of traffic with like +2 front BB

e: i'm considering turning my mic on for this race so it can be heard in the VR recording. i intentionally keep it off usually so i can rage but i feel it may turn to pure comedy on this weekends race
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I am nervous for the Lambo. :lol:

During the Grand Valley Daily C a few weeks back, I found the tune I was using for the Genesis worked well on the Mustang. Might try that. As for MR cars, I have no idea. Lambo has me worried, may bail on the RMs a bit early if need be. Than again, worn RMs may be better than new RHs. I think the Ford GT 18 may be okay here. No idea.

I hate tuning. It's just a guess and check as even others' tunes may not work for you/me. add to that Bathurst is likely my worst track in the game, so any disadvantage in tuning time is compounded by my already lack of pace. Let's leave BB on and turn everything as is.

Rant off.
As a fellow Lambo this mini-season, do you happen to have a decent suspension setup or know where I can find something halfway decent lol. The car had insane under steer at the Glen for me. It also feels like the straight line speed of the lambo is lacking compared to some other like Toyota and Porsche.
I've finally managed to get my muscle memory for Bathurst back and find a tune that feels comfortable. I'm now down to a 2:02.8 IIRC in free practice, much happier with that.

For those looking for race conditions data to compare against (approx. 51k DR), tyre wear wasn't a big concern in the Hyundai running BB+5. I could have easily no-stopped it on Mediums if not for the mandatory lap on Hards, so ended up going 13M/1H. Big, big relief after the car was binging on front tyres at Watkins Glen. My race pace was pretty much low 2:05s the whole way with a 2:04.8 on lap 7, and a couple of scruffy laps that just peaked into the 2:06s. The tyre wear only started becoming noticeable around lap 10 or so, but didn't really cause any serious drop off.

The end race time was 29:38, and thanks to the AI getting ridiculous rubber banding combined with me taking a pit stop, it actually beat me by 0.7s. :dunce:
As my GT3 Ferrari does seem rather off the pace here, I think the plan is to either write this off as a dropped score. Or learn to do 14 laps without hitting the walls and bring home a decent handful of points by beating everyone who can't stop hitting the walls.
Han Solo Good Luck GIF by Star Wars

I’ve not played GT7 for a while and last time I did competitive on line racing was before the DR system was implemented. In both my GT2 league races, I noticed the top 8 all gained +DR and the bottom 8 all lost -DR. I assume this is correct or wrong?
Ive read people saying the +/- DR is dynamic and depends on who you beat and lose too, but then also I’ve seen people say top 8 gain and bottom 4 lose not matter who your racing.
Not sure if it’s different in Daily races?
As I understand it, you sacrifice a portion of DR to people who beat you and take some DR from those who beat you, with the value scaling by the number of positions between you and your DR difference.

I reckon you're probably very likely to see it 8 up/8 down in GTWS since everyone's DRs are usually pretty closely matched. Dailies probably have less people to match together, so the wider DR ranges that result could skew it and change the ratio, especially if one of the highest DR players finishes towards the back.
I'm wondering if it has been simplified in GT7 as opposed to GTS. GTS ran like you said in that you gain from whom you beat and vice versa. However it seems as if it is now dependant on finishing position. So you can beat a DR letter ahead and finish 9th which is the first of the loosing positions for DR and loose. In GTS you probably gained in that position as you had beat a better driver. It's another shame of loosing 4 players per lobby that you have to finish further up to gain so it makes it easier to loose DR than gain.
There is, unfortunately, also a part on the mountain where you can get a shortcut penalty. It's not usually 1.5s like a wall penalty, but, you do have to watch out for those too.
The Dipper has always had a seemingly random track limit. It seems pointless but I think you have to run close to the inside wall to trigger it. Most times you should run through the corner fine.
As a fellow Lambo this mini-season, do you happen to have a decent suspension setup or know where I can find something halfway decent lol. The car had insane under steer at the Glen for me. It also feels like the straight line speed of the lambo is lacking compared to some other like Toyota and Porsche.
I don't, sorry. I'll probably just run stock and BB -5 (subject to change based on tire wear).

And that is exactly why we sim-racers are better then the real racers! Drivers like Verstappen or Hamilton never had a dog in his car that bumped his steering wheel or sat on it, or in my case a cat attacking your fingers during a race, or recently a wife flashing her boobs just for fun to distract me. Once they can deal with incidents like that then only do I consider them as better them me!

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I'm wondering if it has been simplified in GT7 as opposed to GTS. GTS ran like you said in that you gain from whom you beat and vice versa. However it seems as if it is now dependant on finishing position. So you can beat a DR letter ahead and finish 9th which is the first of the loosing positions for DR and loose. In GTS you probably gained in that position as you had beat a better driver. It's another shame of loosing 4 players per lobby that you have to finish further up to gain so it makes it easier to loose DR than gain.
A few weeks back I gained DR with an 11th place finish in a full 16 player race. I can't remember the exact circumstances of other drivers DR, who quit, etc... but I was surprised by the blue up arrow next to my name. It's definitely not a normal occurrence that's for sure.
I’ve not played GT7 for a while and last time I did competitive on line racing was before the DR system was implemented. In both my GT2 league races, I noticed the top 8 all gained +DR and the bottom 8 all lost -DR. I assume this is correct or wrong?
Ive read people saying the +/- DR is dynamic and depends on who you beat and lose too, but then also I’ve seen people say top 8 gain and bottom 4 lose not matter who your racing.
Not sure if it’s different in Daily races?
As I understand it, you sacrifice a portion of DR to people who beat you and take some DR from those who beat you, with the value scaling by the number of positions between you and your DR difference.

I reckon you're probably very likely to see it 8 up/8 down in GTWS since everyone's DRs are usually pretty closely matched. Dailies probably have less people to match together, so the wider DR ranges that result could skew it and change the ratio, especially if one of the highest DR players finishes towards the back.
I'm wondering if it has been simplified in GT7 as opposed to GTS. GTS ran like you said in that you gain from whom you beat and vice versa. However it seems as if it is now dependant on finishing position. So you can beat a DR letter ahead and finish 9th which is the first of the loosing positions for DR and loose. In GTS you probably gained in that position as you had beat a better driver. It's another shame of loosing 4 players per lobby that you have to finish further up to gain so it makes it easier to loose DR than gain.
A few weeks back I gained DR with an 11th place finish in a full 16 player race. I can't remember the exact circumstances of other drivers DR, who quit, etc... but I was surprised by the blue up arrow next to my name. It's definitely not a normal occurrence that's for sure.
Guys, it's exactly as @Zorz said. It's been discussed many-a-time. This is from @Famine (the first sentence sums it up perfectly):

DR is solely determined by your race finishing positions: a straightforward exchange of points between you, the people you beat, and people who beat you, scaled according to the relative difference in points between you.

But you do. The further ahead they are of you in terms of raw DR points, the less you lose, but you do lose points to them unless the difference is enormous.

For every car you finish in front of you gain:
80 - ((Player DR - Rival DR))/500)DR

For every car you finish behind, you lose:
80 + ((Player DR - Rival DR))/500)DR

As you can see, unless the difference is in excess of 39,500pt, you'll lose at least one point.

In a race where everyone has identical DR, this is the change in points after the race:
1: +1200
2: +1040
3: +880
4: +720
5: +560
6: +400
7: +240
8: +80
9: -80
10: -240
11: -400
12: -560
13: -720
14: -880
15: -1040
16: -1200

Thus, DR is not just as simple as "top eight gain and bottom eight lose." The reason it probably looks like that in the WS races, is because they're typically (in my experience) much higher participation than jumping into a random daily, thus everyone's DRs are very close. In my US GT1 race at Nord, I honestly couldn't tell the A+ bar fill-in difference between the #1 board and #16 board, so it worked out in that case that the top eight gained and the bottom eight lost.

In theory you could gain DR finishing P15 and lose it finishing P2.

An example of the former is if you're a D rated driver and the other 15 drivers are all A+. The 14 that finish ahead of you will take less combined than what you take from the one you finished in front of because the delta is so large between A+ and D. An example of the latter would be the opposite (an A+ rated driver finishing P2 whereas all the others are D).
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