Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
second place is still pretty good, and you have my admiration for racing on this track and getting pole!

Still, may I present this mug to you?

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Seems there is a bit of an industry around Leclerc being stupid....

(just to be sure: I am not calling you stupid, you have my upmost respect!!)
I know you're not calling me stupid. I don't think Charles is either. I'm very happy with my result. The 911 was going to catch me with or without my mistake, so it is what it is. Just happy my record around here has kept up a little.
Good day at the office for me. After Watkins Glen being one of my weakest tracks, Bathurst seems to continue to be one of my strongest and came along to save my season. Although I need reminding of that every single time it comes up because it always takes me absolutely ages to actually get into the rhythm for it! I'm glad it's just a four round season though, I'm not enjoying the Hyundai. :P

Qualifying wasn't fantastic and I couldn't hook up a great lap, starting P9 with a 2:03.711, and from there I figured I should start on the Hards. Lap 1 was a bit sketchy but I survived and was glad to dive into the pits and get some Mediums. I would have the McLaren who started P6 immediately breathing down my neck on the exit though, as he picked up a penalty and damage on lap 1 then pit in to repair it.

I was very nervous at the start and struggling a little, so I didn't bother fighting the McLaren when he got the run on me heading into Griffins Bend. My nerves calmed a bit over the next couple of laps following him around, and I eventually took the position back on lap 7 after he got a penalty for clipping the wall at Griffins, now running P6.

I got very, very lucky myself at Griffins Bend on lap 10. I caught the kerb on the inside, almost lost it and then grazed the left-side wall trying to catch it. No penalty for that, but it did shake me up somewhat. I then had another slipup later on coming down The Esses on lap 13, picking up a track limits penalty.

By the time all the pit strategies had resolved, I was running P5 on lap 14 and chasing a Porsche that had passed me when I took my penalty the previous lap. What I didn't know was that the Lexus who had started P2 wasn't all that far ahead and carrying a whopping 6 second penalty. The Porsche passed him into The Chase, but I was too far behind to take advantage, so I ended up P5. Or so I thought, because unbeknownst to me without the position tower in VR, a different Porsche had no-stopped it on the Hards. P4 on the line, and a CRB! 🥳

Frustrating that I could have potentially had a podium if not for my mistake coming down The Esses, but I'm taking that P4 (220 points) and banking it. More people have signed with Hyundai since round 1, but this should go a long way to making sure I hold onto Hyundai rank 1. :D

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Started 9th on Hard, changed to Medium in lap 8 or 9, ended up on 7th place because the 8th place got 1 min, due to not changing tires I guess, even got Clean Race bonus 😇😂! So I'm happy with the results, no need to try to do better, because I don't think I can.
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Have they eased off the wall penalties? I did the 8am and 9am races and the penalties were as strict as ever. I just did the 2pm slot and definitely caught the wall in qualifying and got away with it. Then in the race the car ahead of me gave the wall a good rub and got away with it.

Round 1, 8am:
Qualify 12th, out of the window goes the clean race plan when I get out of shape into Forest's Elbow, just a quick tank slapper, that apparently caused 3 wall hits, so 4.5s penalty. Down to 15th I go, end of 2nd lap one of the cars ahead skips over the gravel at the end of Conrod and takes me out as they rejoin the track. I saw it coming, but couldn't see any way to avoid it. So just a practice session from here on. End up 11th though, so not a total disaster.

Round 2, 9am:
Qualify 11th, start on hards, plan to come in after 3 laps as in my last race the 12th lap on Mediums was a mistake, the tyres had lost way too much grip by then.

First 3 laps go well, until I come into the pits too fast, 3s penalty for overshooting the pit entry, plus another 1.5s for the smallest clip of a wall on the out lap. A lap later a spin heading up the mountain out of Quarry bend destroys the race, 3s wall penalties, plus a slow careful three point turn leaves me way behind. Still ended up 12th at the finish, so I wasn't the only one having a bad day.

I was going to give up at this point, too slow and inconsistent, but come 1:55pm the urge to race again couldn't be resistsed.

Round 3, 2pm:
Qualified 8th, so start on Mediums, up ahead 4th goes off track at the end of Conrod, and this time luck is on my side. He causes a little chaos which somehow sees me up to 5th. Up to 4th as the car ahead takes a 2s contact penalty. Then 3rd when 3rd place pits, a lap later 2nd place pits.

Amazing, I'm now running 2nd with a clear track ahead. Odd that so many at the front of the grid started on hards, my first race I don't think anyone pitted early. After a few laps was caught and passed for 3rd, I didn't fight it, just lifted once they were alongside on Conrod. All I wanted at this point was a good consistent run and hopefully come out the pits ahead of the early stoppers.

From here on I just keep banging out clean laps, pit after 10 laps, come out 8th, just behind one driver who conveniently has a pending 1.5s penalty, and is struggling on worn mediums. One by one the cars ahead pit until I'm in 4th. A clear track behind and ahead for the last lap, so just cruised around and picked up 4th plus my biggest points haul so far, in a race I was going to write off as a dropped score.

First lap Chaos, P5 tries to pit while passing the recovering green Porsche.
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Well, that was an adventure. Just finished the first GT2 slot in the Americas, driving the Mazda RX-VISION car.

Qualifying was a mess. On the outlap, I hit a wall for the usual 1.5s penalty. I'd left the pits pretty late, so, with the penalty, getting a second hot lap in was going to be pretty tight. The first flying lap was going okay, until I rounded Sulman Park to find a car puttering along the racing line. It was ghosted, but didn't want to try my luck going through. I braked and tried to avoid it, but ended up in the sand at McPhillamy Park. By the time I crawled out, any hope of getting in a second flying lap was gone. To add insult to injury, I picked up a couple wall collision penalties on the way down the hill trying to make room for another car coming through. Ended up with Q13.

I started the race on RHs. Lost a couple positions early in lap 1, when I went wide at the Quarry, but I got them back, and then some, from drivers crashing and serving out penalties. By the end of lap 1, I was sitting in P9. Things were still pretty close in lap 2. I hit a wall on the climb up the hill, trying to avoid hitting a car that was suddenly slower in an altercation with another one. I gained a spot from somebody who'd spun out, then lost it again when I served my penalty, finishing lap 2 in P9 still. Things settled down after that.

I gained a position in the next lap from someone serving a penalty on the lap 3. And another to a car that pitted, leaving me in P7.

I pitted on lap 4. I came out in P8 to clean air and didn't see another car until lap 10, or so. I picked up a few positions along the way, as a few other cars ahead pitted. Lap 12 and 13 saw the bulk of the cars ahead of me pit, and I picked up a few more positions.

In the end, I finished P5, which is much better than I was hoping for, and improved my overall series score by almost 20 points.

That's it for my Manufacturers Cup season. I'm going to be away for the final race, so I'm glad that I was able to have a good showing at Bathurst and improve my standings. Thanks to everybody here for making this a fun season! See you (maybe) for the last couple races of the Nations Cup!
GT2 B/S lobby.
Driving the Mazda Alteza, Rear BB +5 for optimal Trail breaking stability on the hills... Or so I believe..
Drive like a charm, VR makes it easier to drive close to the walls too.
Qualified 4th, 2:05.456, best I could do in practice was in 2:04s.

I avoided other drivers mistake on the first lap, ends up first.
I am not the fastest, but I Made zero mistake, had a clean race too.
I was followed by a porsche for the whole race with ~4 second gap.

Raced with RM for the 13 first lap, RH for the last lap.
30:00.134 total race time

Not a thrilling race, but satisfying 1st place for 82 pts.
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COME ON!! Oh wow that was brilliant today!

So didn’t feel too confident at all before today’s race. The wall penalties and the nature of the track just put me off a little bit thought 1 and done today. My warm up went a bit wrong as I thought I had technical issues with my pedals, but turned out my controllers L2 & R2 were depressed against my rig and was causing the issue.

Lobby - 2pm UK, DR half A & B, I was car number #16. Points on offer 153

Quali - what a mess from me. So went out after 30 seconds to leave a gap, on the final corner I slow to leave a gap and then the car behind jumps me. I cross the line with 2:10 left and know that should get me another lap, bar no issues. Well I just clipped the wall, and 1.50. Now I thought I crossed the line and was able to start another, but the timer ran out. Looking back on the replay I see GT7 use a different start line to ACC so that why I thought I had another lap left. Anyway my 2.08.4 was good for P13

Race - I did want to start on hards so I could get the clean air after lap 1, but I totally forgot this. Race start was clean, everyone got round bar a few wall pens. I find myself up to P9 with the stoppers and the penalty takers. Lap 3 I’m P6 but this where I become unstuck. Porsche ahead was slow, like 1-1.5 seconds slow. I just couldn’t get close enough on the back straight to make a pass stick. Now if you my race back, I’m not sure if I’m just been too nice. I’m braking early and making sure to only make a pass stick when I know 100% I can, and I never felt like I had that chance. Lap 7 the oppsie happens, just took a slight clip of a wall and got 1.5 and puts me to P7. Then the kicker in the teeth, the Porsche who I was stuck behind pits and they were on hard tyres 🤬.

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I get up P5 and on Lap 13 I pit for hard tyres. I come out just behind P6 but they pitted a lap earlier so had warmer hard tyres. I was unable to make up any ground plus I was happy to settle for P7 but I was sure it would be P6 and the person in P1 I thought never pitted. Roll over the line in a nice easy manner to finish P6.

Im so happy with that result, especially in the mix A/B lobby too. 121 points take home which is better than my Nurbs points so I have 2 solid results now.

Supra…. What a dream to drive. Seriously very surprised at this car. I thought I was pretty dodgy when I saw streamer use it all last year, but today I found a set up that was so easy to drive, felt fast and apart from the 1 mistake in quali and the 1 mistake in the race, I loved it.

Live Stream -

Fantastic result and race!!!

Looks like you really enjoyed it. I feel it's one of them tracks when you get it right is much more satisfying. Bit like the nurburgring. Any tips on set up haha 😅👀
Had a good quali in first race and got 9th in a top GT3 lobby. Got blasted on the first lap straight in the middle of all the unghosted people swerving. Proceeded to drive terribly while angry. Finished P12. Needed 10th or better to improve.

Second race had a mediocre banker lap, had a great flying lap going and someone ghosted on the straight and got in front of me and blocked me slightly to the last turn with a conscious effort to stay in front of me even though their lap was already dead, then braked like 50m early and ruined my lap. Qualified 12th. Need 9th or better to improve so basically another top lobby.

Was just sitting in like 11th at one point and the only person within miles of me decides to pit me on the long straight while i was in the middle of the track not moving at all. Got passed into 13th, which was the last place on the track at that point after rage quits. At this point i'm thinking about taking a break from GT7.

I did 3RH 11RM, so i was hoping for some tire strategy/last lap magic and got it. I was 9th entering lap 13 and 8th entering lap 14. Climbed back to 6th on grid, 4th by penalty when I was hoping for at least a top 8 so I dont drop back to DR C. Finished +8 positions with a clean race on Bathurst in a top lobby for my league.

Unfortunately didn't have my mic on because i was legitimately pissed after the first race, but will definitely put up videos later.

e: here's the "racing incident". like, why?

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So didn’t feel too confident at all before today’s race. The wall penalties and the nature of the track just put me off a little bit thought 1 and done today. My warm up went a bit wrong as I thought I had technical issues with my pedals, but turned out my controllers L2 & R2 were depressed against my rig and was causing the issue.
I experienced something like this last week during the Glen race. Up until that point I was not aware the controller was still active when I had the rig plugged in but when the dog sat on my controller during the race and I became friends with the wall I learned to put the controller away during rig use.
Fantastic result and race!!!

Looks like you really enjoyed it. I feel it's one of them tracks when you get it right is much more satisfying. Bit like the nurburgring. Any tips on set up haha 😅👀
Thanks. I think this was one of my best drives in a GTWS event. Felt like my pace was decent, didn't make too many mistakes through the mountain and I just kept it clean and tidy.

I experienced something like this last week during the Glen race. Up until that point I was not aware the controller was still active when I had the rig plugged in but when the dog sat on my controller during the race and I became friends with the wall I learned to put the controller away during rig use.
Haha so easily done too something like I done. What's annoying was it took me about 10 mins of unplugging my wheel and pedals, closing the game and then when I did a console restart I went to grab my controller to find it leant up with the buttons pressed 🤣
Kind of a dud race, no?

Started 10th in the 2nd EU slot. Finished 6th, mainly from attrition. Thought that my 458 would be a massive handicap down the mountain - and it was. But me having to tiptoe through the downhill section to avoid spinning was never really a hindrance, because everyone else was going the same to avoid wall penalties.

I’ll probably go again, because why not? But…meh
I tried to do this race again (guess it's not illegal) after my morning troubles.
Well, that went a whole lot better.
Again not that stellar quali lap, but somehow I managed a pole by 0.3s

Cool, that's a first.

Start went not too good, pretty bad exit from 1st corner and guy in 2nd overtook by the second turn. Tried to concentrate on running smoothly, but I kissed the wall once or twice. Soon dropped back to 4th, but the gap behind started to build and relaxed a little to run quasi-decent laps. Few laps in I double spun at the top of the mountain (the clearing where the grass is, I clipped it) and miraculously did not touch any walls.

The guy in 1st disconnected or got distracted, dropped some places and left. That's the reason the battle for first opened, because he had a good pace. Thanks to the walls I got up to 2nd. Guy in first in the RSR had a decent pace, so I just concentrated on myself. But he must've made some costly mistakes that brought him back to me. He pitted on lap 9, I decided to stay and do fast lap and pit myself. All went according to plan until I braked too late entering the pits and had to cut a turn. On the pit exit (some 2.5 seconds ahead of 2nd place) I received 3.5 seconds penalty for the cut. Served it and dropped back to 2nd.

Thought it was over, but the RSR once again must have hit the walls few times and on lap 13 I had him in front of me with 3.0 seconds to serve. Reclaimed first position and kept it for the remaining lap.

I won in Ferrari, never thought it would happen.

If it wasn't for a pair of wall-scrapes, or too much of a sense of fair play, or the fact I stopped qualifying for Sport mode races, I could have had my first win. As it was, I missed out by less than 0.3 seconds. The longer tale:

I grabbed @hookedonturbo's calculator for a decent tune of my Corvette, which got to under 2:07 in official testing on RM tires and under 2:10 on RH tires. Instead of qualifying in my low-point all-D/S room, I took 16th and last while wearing door number 8 and RH tires. That was my first mistake, as the top time was 2:10.

Despite the first of my 2 wall scrapes coming out of turn 6, I still worked my way up to 7th by the time I came in for my RM tires at the end of lap 4, coming out 11th. Even though I had another wall hit (influenced by traffic ahead also going into the wall) coming out of turn 6, I sliced and diced my way through the field until I got to the bumper of the leader on Conrod Straight on lap 13, who was now on RH tires. I got by him and the first of the 2 lapped cars in our way on Mountain Straight, and got to the inside of the 2nd lapped car while doing some late, brave braking at Griffins Bend. I felt I didn't quite stay inside far enough when I heard a crunch behind me, so I let the other lead-lap car through. I saw he had a wall-hit penalty, and as I felt at the time I had a hand in it, it was only a 2-car race, and the same 5 points were available for 1st through 4th, I not only gave him back the lead, but let him finish serving the penalty in the lead. I couldn't get the job done in the last 3 corners, so I ended up 2nd.

I reviewed the replay afterward, and saw that he simply sent it too hard into Griffins Bend. Oh well; it didn't cost me anything other than a bit of DR and what would have been my first win on the GTP account (I do have a Daily win on a technicality on the Plus account).
I havent raced much in the last three months due to reasons, other than a few daily race A's.

Decided to jump back in for the Manu's this week. The Nord and Watkins Glen rounds were horrible for me, due to rustiness, horrible lack of muscle memory and zero confidence. Finished 13th and 12th respectively in DR B lobbies.

Today was thankfully different. I think Bathurst is the best track in the world. I love that it punishes the impatient first lap heroes who just cant help themselves. A toxic level of over confidence here will destroy you, and thats why I like it. Not much practice but the Supra felt fine, managed to my surprise to qualify P4. On lap two P3 broke earlier than I expected at turn 1, resulting in me taking avoidance action which somehow turned into a clean overtake. The two drivers in front of me pitted surprisingly early on allowing me to get the lead. Not used to being infront I nearly got the fear, but kept it together and managed to get zero wall penalties. I wasnt particularly fast but avoiding the walls while others clearly couldnt served me well and I got six second gap.

I did 9 laps on RM then pitted for RH. I never would have imagined I could win a GTWS race but colour me suprised when it happened.

Hope the mountain gets an overdue return to the daily races soon.
well..... That was a disappointing afternoon in the Ferrari.

First slot that i done, i qualified P9 and finished P7. I started on mediums and the race went fairly well but then a BMW hit the wall and spun into me, giving me wheel damage which made me lose at little bit of time on my in lap before pitting, and then i got overtaken by a GTR on mediums as i left the pits, pushing me down to P7.

In the 2nd and final slot, i qualified P12 and finished P13. In this race i started on Hards and the race was going fairly well and i moved myself up to P9 but i couldn't move up further because the Supras in front of me were slightly faster in a straight line and they were slightly faster over the mountain. I was hoping to gain some positions when people in front pitted for hards on the last lap but that never came to be because at the end of lap 11, i got pushed off the track at the exit of The Chase.
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Just hit the last slot in EMEA GT1. Qualified 4th with a high-2:02. Was running 3rd most of the race when I decided to pit at the end of 8 for Hards, as I had just got passed on Conrod and was sitting in 4th, and didn't want to lose overall pace battling with him. My hards stint went fine, but it just goes to show you how much slower the 458 is over the course of the lap, because by the last lap when the rest of the field had just exited the pits for their 1 RH lap, I found myself just behind a train of 5 cars that ran all the way to 3rd 😂

Was able to gain a position from someone serving a wall penalty and finished 7th.

I can't decide whether I liked this race or not. Having to tiptoe around the course made for a very realistic, but not super interesting race. Can confirm that the base 458 setup is better than anything I was able to come up with. I'll probably run 1 slot on my N/A main account, just for fun
Can confirm that the base 458 setup is better than anything I was able to come up with.
Yeah i pretty much ran the stock set up as well. The only thing i changed was the rear compression damping ratio. I made that softer by lowering it to 22 to help with the right rear tyre wear.
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Mixed results today, with ultimately a good result. Two races were necessary.

GT2 B/S Lobbies, both good points on the table.

Race 1

Door #5, qualifying went about as well as I could hope for. I waited about 30 seconds to exit the pits and took an easy out lap. I had time for two flyers and managed Q1 on the second lap with a 2:03.651 which was about 0.010 seconds off my best FP lap.

The race however, disaster. Lap 1 everything was going ok until I made it to the downhill section.


I hadn't had trouble there in my warmup laps, so it took me by surprise and I was dead last by the time I was able to reverse it of the error. Playing in VR, I can't find my paddles while the wheel is upside-down and it was a mess. I'm just glad it was a mistake that only ruined my race.

I kept the rest mostly error free, but there were a couple wall penalties. Made it up to P11.


I needed to run again.

Race 2

Door #14, qualifying was ok. I missed the first minute or so of the session for a restroom break. So I only had time for one flying lap. I'm glad it was a decent one. I managed a 2:04.258 which was good for Q2, about 0.8 seconds behind pole. So going into the race, I accepted P2 would be a good result if the pole sitting Supra was that much quicker than me.

The race was actually quite good. No catastrophic errors. The Supra ahead at one point had a track limits penalty exiting S2 and I got ahead while they served that. Then the next lap or two I get a wall penalty, give the position back.

I get one more wall penalty a while later and drop back to P3, but the rest of the race is error free. It was going to come down to strategy now.

The Supra and myself started on RM, but they pit early at the end of Lap 9 for the RH's. Too early, I think. So while they go for an undercut, I decided to extend my stint and try the overcut.

I pit at the end of Lap 12 and exit just behind the Supra.


Literally this close. I'm almost certain if I waited to pit after Lap 13, I'd have had enough of a lead to finish P1. The overcut was very effective but ended up P2, 2 seconds behind the leader.


This is a good result, though. Worth 104 points.
Yeah so i'm not gonna lie. Bad day. Possibly my worst competitive race of all time. Which sucks because 1. Bathurst is my favourite track OAT next to the Ring and 2. It's my birthday so i was hoping on a somewhat good result haha.

Ate some quick cake before the race start:

Due to the ocassion i only had time for the last slot unfortunately.
GT1, 911 RSR with the 2019 Kiwi #912 12H Bathurst Winner for Earl Bamber Motorsport. (Although somewhat edited to my own accord).


To be honest, it's like the universe came together to have me mess everything up for today's race. Don't worry, no kangaroos this race, just me.

First off, i had urgently take a pee just when quali started. This meant i left the pit late and it turned out i missed the second lap by HALF A SECOND. This was crucial as i messed up the first lap: went off at The Chase and set a 2:07, which meant 13th. The fact that the whole field were Supra's, Genesis', GT-R's and RX Vision's didn't help either.

My strategy was to do 1H/13M. So the first lap wasn't bad. Made up 3 places into 10th and i thought to myself, okay this is gonna go down to attrition. Little did i know I WAS the attrition:lol:. Here we go:

Forgot to pit the first lap. Another lap on those nasty hards. Second lap, i mess up pit entry and actually miss it. ANOTHER lap on those nasty hards. Third lap. As others pit, i'm now in 6th. Ofcourse i hit the wall at Quarry corner. 3 second penalty. Mess up pit entry AGAIN but atleast i get in.

I switch to mediums, repair damage and leave the pit in dead last. I already knew my race was over but to make it worse, i got a 3,5 second penalty.

But that is not all! Another wall hit at Quarry stacks up to a 5 second penalty. Kissed the wall at Elbow for a whopping 6,5 second penalty. Served it on the straight and knew my race was definitely over. Was that the last penalty? Of course not, here you go, another 1,5 during lap 5. Went to pit again for damage. Didn't switch tyres.

From leaving the pits on lap 6 to lap 13 i finally got the hang of it and didn't get any penalties. My lap times were consistent, around 2:03 to 2:05. Shame that it was already to late. Atleast someone left so that wasn't a definite 16th place. Still had a good 1 lap battle with another Porsche for a rewarding 14th place:cool:.


So that's my race. Not very good and not much of a birthday present. But hey, time to smash the last race in the season next wednesday.

Enjoy the pics and have a good weekend everyone!

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Yeah so i'm not gonna lie. Bad day. Possibly my worst competitive race of all time. Which sucks because 1. Bathurst is my favourite track OAT next to the Ring and 2. It's my birthday so i was hoping on a somewhat good result haha.

Ate some quick cake before the race start:
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Due to the ocassion i only had time for the last slot unfortunately.
GT1, 911 RSR with the 2019 Kiwi #912 12H Bathurst Winner for Earl Bamber Motorsport. (Although somewhat edited to my own accord).

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To be honest, it's like the universe came together to have me mess everything up for today's race. Don't worry, no kangaroos this race, just me.

First off, i had urgently take a pee just when quali started. This meant i left the pit late and it turned out i missed the second lap by HALF A SECOND. This was crucial as i messed up the first lap: went off at The Chase and set a 2:07, which meant 13th. The fact that the whole field were Supra's, Genesis', GT-R's and RX Vision's didn't help either.

My strategy was to do 1H/13M. So the first lap wasn't bad. Made up 3 places into 10th and i thought to myself, okay this is gonna go down to attrition. Little did i know I WAS the attrition:lol:. Here we go:

Forgot to pit the first lap. Another lap on those nasty hards. Second lap, i mess up pit entry and actually miss it. ANOTHER lap on those nasty hards. Third lap. As others pit, i'm now in 6th. Ofcourse i hit the wall at Quarry corner. 3 second penalty. Mess up pit entry AGAIN but atleast i get in.

I switch to mediums, repair damage and leave the pit in dead last. I already knew my race was over but to make it worse, i got a 3,5 second penalty.

But that is not all! Another wall hit at Quarry stacks up to a 5 second penalty. Kissed the wall at Elbow for a whopping 6,5 second penalty. Served it on the straight and knew my race was definitely over. Was that the last penalty? Of course not, here you go, another 1,5 during lap 5. Went to pit again for damage. Didn't switch tyres.

From leaving the pits on lap 6 to lap 13 i finally got the hang of it and didn't get any penalties. My lap times were consistent, around 2:03 to 2:05. Shame that it was already to late. Atleast someone left so that wasn't a definite 16th place. Still had a good 1 lap battle with another Porsche for a rewarding 14th place:cool:.

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So that's my race. Not very good and not much of a birthday present. But hey, time to smash the last race in the season next wednesday.

Enjoy the pics and have a good weekend everyone!

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Happy Birthday anyway! And wish you a better race next time.
Yeah so i'm not gonna lie. Bad day. Possibly my worst competitive race of all time. Which sucks because 1. Bathurst is my favourite track OAT next to the Ring and 2. It's my birthday so i was hoping on a somewhat good result haha.

Ate some quick cake before the race start:
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Due to the ocassion i only had time for the last slot unfortunately.
GT1, 911 RSR with the 2019 Kiwi #912 12H Bathurst Winner for Earl Bamber Motorsport. (Although somewhat edited to my own accord).

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To be honest, it's like the universe came together to have me mess everything up for today's race. Don't worry, no kangaroos this race, just me.

First off, i had urgently take a pee just when quali started. This meant i left the pit late and it turned out i missed the second lap by HALF A SECOND. This was crucial as i messed up the first lap: went off at The Chase and set a 2:07, which meant 13th. The fact that the whole field were Supra's, Genesis', GT-R's and RX Vision's didn't help either.

My strategy was to do 1H/13M. So the first lap wasn't bad. Made up 3 places into 10th and i thought to myself, okay this is gonna go down to attrition. Little did i know I WAS the attrition:lol:. Here we go:

Forgot to pit the first lap. Another lap on those nasty hards. Second lap, i mess up pit entry and actually miss it. ANOTHER lap on those nasty hards. Third lap. As others pit, i'm now in 6th. Ofcourse i hit the wall at Quarry corner. 3 second penalty. Mess up pit entry AGAIN but atleast i get in.

I switch to mediums, repair damage and leave the pit in dead last. I already knew my race was over but to make it worse, i got a 3,5 second penalty.

But that is not all! Another wall hit at Quarry stacks up to a 5 second penalty. Kissed the wall at Elbow for a whopping 6,5 second penalty. Served it on the straight and knew my race was definitely over. Was that the last penalty? Of course not, here you go, another 1,5 during lap 5. Went to pit again for damage. Didn't switch tyres.

From leaving the pits on lap 6 to lap 13 i finally got the hang of it and didn't get any penalties. My lap times were consistent, around 2:03 to 2:05. Shame that it was already to late. Atleast someone left so that wasn't a definite 16th place. Still had a good 1 lap battle with another Porsche for a rewarding 14th place:cool:.

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So that's my race. Not very good and not much of a birthday present. But hey, time to smash the last race in the season next wednesday.

Enjoy the pics and have a good weekend everyone!

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Happy birthday 🎈
Very sorry to hear about your cat loss.
Time to get the 2024 mojo going and leave the rough spots in the rear view mirror. Cheers to having a great year from here on. 🍻
GT1 EU race one, not the most exciting racing but hooning over the mountain in the sunset was very enjoyable.

Quali P5 and no drama. Started on the mediums as I'd done zero practice with the hards. Lap 3 I nudged the barrier and got damage, was ok to drive but top speed took a hit. I knew there would be some sort of setback in this race, at least it was self-inflicted.

Despite the damage and losing one place taking the time penalty, I stayed close to the Porsche ahead until pitting on lap 11. A quicker driver had been reeling us in and I knew it was time to stop, rather than risk a three-way dice over the mountain on old tyres. The Porsche didn't pit at all and did the whole race on hards, holding up the driver who eventually finished second!

After the pit stop I lost a place on cold hards but managed to grab it back when they out-braked themselves at the end of Conrod, ending up P7 with a reasonable 170ish points which I will gladly pocket. Great fun but wasn't tempted to go again.

My son went twice though in GT2 ending up with a creditable 5th which he was very proud about. At the end of his second race he messed up the pit-entry and dropped from 3rd to 8th, which he was very upset about. I said "keep going, people will make mistakes" and lo, two cars went wide at the final corner and one person didn't change tyres! Always listen to your old man's advice...:cheers:

NA GT1 1st slot

Well, not too eventful. I fouled up qualifying and started 9th on the grid, by the times on the board I probably should have been in top 5 at the start.

Anyway, started on RM, couple of guys got penalties, I got a 1.5 penalty. Made a couple of passes, couple of people ducked into the pits early. When all was said and done I was basically alone in 5th for 85% of the race....which is exactly what I was hoping for, clean air and no one near me to bump into when racing down the hallway corridors. Ducked into the pits for RH at the end of the 13th lap and lost one position and finished 6th.

All in all a decent clean race (at least for me) and I think good enough that I don't want to chance running it again haha.
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GT1 first slot, AMG. My strat on starting on hards was.... spot on. Qualy was about my average clean lap and start P9. Immediately get hit on t1, and shoved across the grass into... the wall. PD's crappy penalty code hits me with a 1.5secs before I even get out of sector 1. Really, PD, if your code can't determine that I was shoved, you are not trying hard enough.

Damage, penalty, dead last into the pit. Make it back to P10, but double digits behind P9 and I am just pacing them for the last few laps. Didn't even get close enough to jump any late pitters.

Might try the last slot later, even though my pace is probably only mid-field pace. However, I'd like to have a fair shot at finding out.

edit: I should mention the driver did wait, and I think they pitted twice to repair, finishing near last. still...
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Well after a crash course circuit experience I queued up the race, looks like my concerns were unfounded as I was able to qualify P1! Quickly gave up that spot in the race though after a bit of slidey on cold tires. Was able to run a nice 3-4 flawless laps before stupidly getting a 3 second penalty for brushing the barrier. Since I had built up such a wide gap at that point I decided to pit for tires as well, not realizing I’d have to put on RH. That put me in the thick of the pack, trading positions till the end. Fortunately I was able to regain P2. Despite some rather dirty blocking techniques from those around me (Gimpy in particular).

Anyhow, did much better than expected, could have had a cleaner race but I’m happy w the result.

Ran slot 1 in GT2 this morning in an all B/S lobby worth 124 points. I managed to run 14 error free laps and went Q5 to P4 for 108 points. Not enough to better my score, but happy to add another top 5 in this series to go with a victory at the Nord and a P5 at Watkins Glen.

I ran 10M 4H as I was stuck behind a Ford GT with no way by hoping to sneak by on the pit cycle but that never happened.

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