Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
e: for completely related life reasons, i am barely able to get in any practice for wednesday races at all. at least with saturday races i can usually get a good chunk of time on track after work on friday. early mid-week i almost don't even have the energy for the race itself.
You're not the only one. Not a fan of Wed races. I realize any day of the week will be good/bad for someone out there... but yea, the Wed ones are rough for me personally.
I'm in the 'don't like wednesdays' club too! It's mostly about a long day and needing focus for the level of my competition. But I'm going to make an effort at sardegna since I like the combo.

Haven't felt the need to pick a manu yet, kinda watching what is happening in the dailies with the bop update. Doesn't seem to be too drastic, will still likely pick mercedes for another round.
Thanks guys, I could have sworn last time there was 4 races in a round it counted the first two then started chopping one off in round 3, but am also aware I am losing my mind at this time of year anyway for unrelated reasons. Starting to drop the lower half beginning in round 2 is an odd choice, visually.

e: for completely related life reasons, i am barely able to get in any practice for wednesday races at all. at least with saturday races i can usually get a good chunk of time on track after work on friday. early mid-week i almost don't even have the energy for the race itself.
Me too. Managed to put some time on Sunday. I'll try to get 1h in today just for time trial and hope for the best on Wednesday. I usually race the 23h00 and 24h00 slots UCT (on my US account).

My goal is to get a result that puts me at DR B for the final round (anything above top 8 should get me there).
How many laps are the Softs lasting?
CLK at sardegna? I'm terrible on tires and can get 11 laps, could maybe push for 12. I'll likely start on meds and go in early if I take heavy damage.

Edit: my test runs showed softs with aero damage (because those stupid AI will brake-check you!) seem to run laps about as fast as the meds.
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The 13 is for someone slow like me. 10-11 is probably more standard.
I'm slow and my tyres don't last 13 laps. More like 10. After that my lap times drop a lot. I didn't really compare them with RM tyres but I would guess that at that point the RM times would be better and safer.
I'm very much regretting my Dodge pick for manufacturers, even if it is only a short exhibition season. The Gr3 Viper is an absolute pig on hards and I'm having a real struggle getting it round the mountain and the nord in my practices. Predicting an avalanche of penalties and crashes. Luckily for anyone else in my races I'll be starting at the back so shouldn't collect any innocent bystanders when I go off to meet Barry. Why couldn't we have some nice softs or mediums for those rounds?
How is the gr. 4 Dodge, also bad? Did you try it already at Grand Valley?

Myself I decided to go with Honda. No idea if it is a good choise, normally I test first but for some reason I just selected this manufacturer, think because I just like how the cars look. Can only do one or maybe two rounds anyway. But have spent some time making a new livery, trying to get some subtle effects on the paintjob and adding just a bit of anime...

Tried this NSX gr. 4 at GV, so far did a 1.57.6 in free practice but no idea if that is good enough. Find it a very difficult track to master, especially with a controller.


( PS; I remember a member here complaining once about his poor pick for Manu because of the car's awful handling when someone (forgot who) replied: "You made your spin in it!!" That one made me laugh!)
How is the gr. 4 Dodge, also bad? Did you try it already at Grand Valley?
The Gr4 version is much better. Still not one of the top choices but perfectly driveable. Sadly GV is among my worst tracks but Deep Forest should be great fun, especially with the grippier tyre compounds.
How is the gr. 4 Dodge, also bad? Did you try it already at Grand Valley?

Myself I decided to go with Honda. No idea if it is a good choise, normally I test first but for some reason I just selected this manufacturer, think because I just like how the cars look. Can only do one or maybe two rounds anyway. But have spent some time making a new livery, trying to get some subtle effects on the paintjob and adding just a bit of anime...

Tried this NSX gr. 4 at GV, so far did a 1.57.6 in free practice but no idea if that is good enough. Find it a very difficult track to master, especially with a controller.

View attachment 1334356

( PS; I remember a member here complaining once about his poor pick for Manu because of the car's awful handling when someone (forgot who) replied: "You made your spin in it!!" That one made me laugh!)
I picked them a few Manus ago. The Gr4 NSX is pretty good, IMO. THe Gr3 one is just okay and it has MR tendencies, but it's definitely usable. I think it will struggle at Bathurst, but it'll be fine at Nord.
Since I want a custom livery and don't want to burn the one CLK in my garage, I'm going with the Audi. On an equalized track (custom lobby with the requisite tire/fuel/BoP settings and equal conditions turned on with S01 weather in the afternoon), I can turn high-1:35 laps on softs and low 1:37 laps on mediums. At lap 9 on the softs, the times are equal to a bit worse, and the tires are chewed up by lap 10, so my plan is to not qualify, start in the back on mediums, and change tires on lap 6. That is quite a bit slower than the times in the free practice - I got to the mid-1:34s on softs there.

For the person who asked if DRS does anything, it's not much. From the last left-hander through the first left-hander, I hit 172 mph without it and 173 mph with it. It's much the same in the free practice - I was hitting 171 at the end of the front straight without it and 172 with it.
Spent good chunk of time this afternoon testing cars for Sardegna (only FP laps, no tire wear) to get the feel which car to choose.
With GT-R'16 (my natural choice - love how it handles and sounds) I did best lap of 33.6 (race pace will be much slower).

Then tried the meta CLK aaand... didn't like it. It's crazy fast on the straights but I have to fight it to get it round the corners, very twitchy on exits, turning TCS on doesn't really change the outcome. I have it like that with metas like in TTs Supra is the meta in some cases, but I really can't drive it the way to be fast. Made my best time with CLK but only two tenths quicker than GT-R (33.4).

Then tried both NSX's, liked the newer one better. Very friendly around the corners, no craziness on exits, slower than CLK, but I did 33.5 with it quite quickly in the session so much more driveable for me.

Finally I tried the Audi and was surprised how stable it is, expected that it will be hard to turn under throttle but nothing like that. Not that agile as NSX, but pretty close, faster on the straights. I equalled my CLK time with it, exactly 33.420 to the thousandth, but overall pace was better as it didn't demand so much work in the corners. The downside is the necessity to keep the DRS button pressed, but well...

The choice comes down to Honda and Audi, will decide tomorrow, but I'm tilting towards the Audi. If the time allows maybe I'll try both.

Just noticed that wall collision penalty is off for this round. Was that the same last year? Some people might want to wallride the lefthander before backstraight...
How many laps are the Softs lasting?
In the Audi, I can get 11 full laps in before the first tire goes completely red. But the car is still quite drivable with worn tires.

I've done a couple 1RM-13RS full-field practice GT2/3 races and I didn't feel like I was losing much pace at the end, but I was finishing with 2 or 3 tires fully worn. Of course, it isn't until lap 9 or 10 that I finally get by all the AI cars since they don't pit, so I usually get my fastest laps toward the end when I don't have to deal with traffic.

I'm thinking for the race I'll do either 2 or 3 laps on the RMs because I don't trust that the tires will be able to support any end-of-race battles. On the other hand, maybe things will be spaced out enough at that point that I won't need them to. Still mulling it over...

To everybody racing at Sardenga later, best of luck!
For the person who asked if DRS does anything, it's not much. From the last left-hander through the first left-hander, I hit 172 mph without it and 173 mph with it. It's much the same in the free practice - I was hitting 171 at the end of the front straight without it and 172 with it.
Are we allowed to use the DRS? I thought that was part of the “nitrous/boost” setting that is disabled, but I honestly don’t know.
Ran a GT1 test session in the CLK.

I can get 15 laps out of the softs before the right rear is completely red. Lap times degrade slowly for me so lap 12 was only about 0.3 slower than my best lap (low 34). Lap 15 was about 0.75 slower.

I think the optimal strat for me will be 6m12s, but I know 3m15s is also feasible.
I'm slow and my tyres don't last 13 laps. More like 10. After that my lap times drop a lot. I didn't really compare them with RM tyres but I would guess that at that point the RM times would be better and safer.
The key is to compare worn softs to (less) worn mediums. The mediums may have the bar go down slightly slower but the fall off in times can be just as severe if not more. So often the solution is to run the softs slightly longer than you think you should.
Did the Audi get a BoP change in the update or something? I'm surprised to see so many people considering it, I thought it (and the BMW) just weren't good in the class.
Did the Audi get a BoP change in the update or something? I'm surprised to see so many people considering it, I thought it (and the BMW) just weren't good in the class.
No BoP changes. I love the Merc but the Audi is probably a bit calmer through the bends (plus you can actually buy one at the moment). Not my alternate choice though, if not the CLK I'd be using the 2016 GT-R. Slower for sure on the straights but absolutely on rails through the corners.
Ran 2 slots in GT2.
4pm NZtime slot: wrecked on my flyer so my banker lap started me p6. Behind a '16 GT-R. Blew past them before turn 1 and got past another driver at the second 90° left. Had an incident lap 3 where the other driver broke way early for turn 1 and caught me out. I braked and dove for the apex, made it, but turns out they were just doing an odd line. Collision, but no damage and I let them back through. They thinn I just rammed them but I was doing a shallow entry wide exit and they were way out wide on the curbs doing a strange line. Both continued no damage. After that I had a few wobbles exiting corners and beached myself on the sand once. 2 GT1 drivers running Alts finished ahead. Trolls. And the one that was massively in front pulled over and let everyone else pass before the line. I snuck home p5.

Ran the 9 pmNZ slot and was Q4 with friendly faces in Q1 and Q3. We gapped the field quickly as the fighting from p5 on back was lethal. P2 made a mistake and dropped to p3, then I got a big run on them and went around the outsidr at turn 1. Didn't clear them completely and they got the spot back heading to the tight chicane. Dropped back with some wiggles again. Pitted end of lap 9 for mediums and clear air but p2 came with me. I had a solid pace advantage on mediums and got up to p3 as the other driver leapfrogged us on the overcut. Snuck home p3, but bumped to p2 as the winner clicked the wrong tires in the pits. Shame as even if they pitted again they would have had p4, as iy was they dropped to p12. But I'll take it. As clean a run as I'm gonna make and decent enough points for me.
I've been running FP sessions for the last 2 days in the CLK in preparation for today. I'll be damned if I can get a decent lap where I nailed every sector. I've managed a few high 1'33's but optimum at end of session tells me I could be well it to the 32's, if I can put it all together. Chances of me doing that in a 2 lap qualifying session with traffic are almost zero. Grrrr!

Good luck out there today, everyone. 🤞
Decided last minute to pull a @Yard_Sale and have a race (or two) with the Aussies in the NSX GT500. Very little practice; qualified mid-pack, finished both races mid-pack. Had some good battles along the way and at least there was some strategy required. The NSX is so fun to drive. Is it competitive here against the CLK? LOL No. But it's all good.

Did the Audi get a BoP change in the update or something? I'm surprised to see so many people considering it, I thought it (and the BMW) just weren't good in the class.
I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm driving it because it was the fastest for me of the Gr.2 cars I could buy and practice with outside of Free Practice. I found that if I switched between the Audi for offline practice and CLK for Free Practice, I wasn't driving either car very well. I decided to focus on getting good with the one car that I can use everywhere, and that's the Audi.

Edit: Last time I checked, there were a few Audis sprinkled in the top 200 lap times, so it seems like it should, in theory anyways, be capable of keeping up with the CLK.
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Might give this race a miss. Just tried the 1pm slot on my 2nd account to warm up and the racing was an absolute disaster. Turn 1 off the start a lot of the soft starters got overzealous and 3 of outbraked themselves across the racing line and left like 7 cars in the gravel or spun out on the exit, me being one of them as I started on mediums hoping to get myself some clean air early on by pitting after lap 2 for the softs and undercutting.

My strategy was some what successful, I went from p16 to to p6 by lap 10 thanks to driving errors and me getting clean air but my lap times weren’t great and just got back into traffic towards the end of the race as I was too far back after pitting

Then my race unraveled again. I don’t know if this was a skill issue on my part, but I found myself extending the track as much as possible, opening each corner for myself like I was doing the practice laps, but I felt like that just created invitations for the drivers behind to just lunge me constantly into corners where going 2 wide is just a disaster for both drivers, especially the one on the outside - such as Turn 1, Sharp left hander onto the back straight etc. Can I get some thoughts on this? Because I was leaving my inside open alot and I do think it’s maybe poor race craft on my part, but it just resulted in getting run deep into the corner and the inside drivers out braking both of us and resulting in contact

So maybe it’s naive of me to think I can just follow my own racing line without defending too much. Maybe it’s also naive to expect the overtaking driver to get the move done cleanly.

Anyways, I may run it later on my 1st account, I expect the driving to be better in GT1 but I’ll have to massively improve my times to compete in that too!

Might have to practice some different lines or defensive lines for a couple of hours as the tow is quite strong in this race and leaving the door open like I have been is just an invitation to go for a move

Good luck to anyone participating! Difficult race for sure. Not sure on strategy yet. Early undercut might be viable if you feel like you’re the fastest on track but I certainly wasn’t in my race earlier. I did 2m12s for 14 laps and still had plenty of tire left at the end of my race! So 12 laps on softs should definitely be doable! Just watch those exits as the car is on ice for much longer out of corners

Edit: Also, increase braking distance by 10% for the mediums, for those who haven’t ran it on mediums yet 🤣 I got caught out a few times into big braking zones
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I don't know about the race, but it is active in practice. I found it too distracting to be able to run laps any faster with it.
It’s always been available in race. Drag reduction system. Not NOS 🍻
Well, the reason I ask is because you activate the DRS using the NOS button, so I assumed they just disable that switch rather than try to distinguish between the two. Regardless, it is a pain to use.

I woke up not feeling like this is going to be my race today. Because I’m stuck with three evening slots two hours apart from each other, and I’ll miss the first one, I’m not inclined to give it much thought or effort to participate. It’s a bummer because I was looking forward to some longer races, but Saturday was such a joke that it pretty much took the wind out of my sails for the series.
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Decided last minute to take the CLK and started on P2. Had a awesome race with the guys on P1 and P3. Lead changed multiple times and finished P3. The first 5 cars within 6seconds. Started on the softs and after lap 10 my times dropped by over 1s so I switched to medium but made some stupid mistakes and struggled hard with the medium tires.

Overall I'm extremly happy with the race even though my points did not improve. Most important thing was a fair and clean race and I had a blast. 😁
Not sure on strategy yet. Early undercut might be viable if you feel like you’re the fastest on track but I certainly wasn’t in my race earlier. I did 2m12s for 14 laps and still had plenty of tire left at the end of my race! So 12 laps on softs should definitely be doable! Just watch those exits as the car is on ice for much longer out of corners
I don't expect to be anywhere near fastest on the track, but I'm thinking I'll go with a 1RM-13RS strategy anyways. I've done enough practice races now to feel comfortable driving the car (Audi) with worn tires at the end and I'm willing to deal with that if it means I get an extra lap or two of clean air after I pit.

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