Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just seen it's a grid start on Saturday. The pack even more bunched up for turn 1. This won't end well.

The tyres shouldn't be too much of an issue in GT2/3 - 4x wear on mediums, 18 laps. You have to pit anyway so may as well just change them, that'll likely save more time than the 4-ish secs to do the swap.
Tyre wear may in fact be an issue if you’re running a FR car on Saturday. Mine after 13 laps of a race sim (neutral BB)


You probably could get them to the end but better to change them at the stop. Ruins my plan to pit lap 1 again and then run 17 laps mostly in clear space.
3 races, (2 NA, 1 EMEA) and have nothing pleasant to say. Enjoyed my driving but was not fond of the racing at all. I was the lucky victim of 3 separate pit maneuvers knocking me down to DFL (1 per race). Thanks to poor driving on some (many seem to like the sandboxes) I ended with 2 P8s and a P12.

3 turds to be specific.

I was going to write a complete write up for each race even after cooling down for a few hours I still cannot bring myself to write something "nice". Today's rant has be expressed in earlier posts but I feel it needs to be said again. A trailing car when over passing is responsible to complete the move WITHOUT pushing, ramming, and\or pitting the car in front. Not only are these traits bad but show poor sportsmanship. So I guess I need to find me someone who can teach me the proper way to be a nasty racer - anyone here qualify? If I cannot beat them with speed I may as well beat them being nasty.

Enjoy your racing.

Edit: Write up nearly complete, will post on Thursday.
Nation’s Cup, Round 3, Sardegna Road Course A

Race 1 NA Server

Running the Michelin Pilot Audi on RM tires I pulled out a 9th for qualifying. As I finished I had my first epiphany . . . why not use RS tires for qualifying? This will be corrected in the next race.

Race started pretty good, I hung back for turn 1 knowing there would be carnage – and there was. 2 cars off and another one spun around. This moved me up 1 spot and off we went to the next series of turns. Everything went good until the left hand turn 6 where 3 cars went through (including me) and the 1st pit maneuver of the day occurred. A decent from 9th to 15th was fun with my nose in the wall. Of course at this point all I wanted to do was get back to the group so speed was poured on and the wall bouncing began. It took me 2 laps to realize what was going on and my driving settled down. Epiphany number 2. Another 2 laps and I was back to the rear of the trailing group.

By lap 5 I was wondering what was going on with the large groups of cars pitting changing their tires. I had hardly no wear at lap 5 on my RMs. My practice sessions told me the tires would last to lap 10 so that is where I pitted. Coming out in 13th place allowed me some clean air and probably helped me move up to 11th place at the finish.

When the banner showed up on the screen it showed me as 8th place. Apparently the 3 in front of me did not change tires as required. Although I was given 4 points for an 8th place finish I did get a red arrow down I assume because of my original finishing position.

Race 2 EMEA Server

Running the ’16 Michelin GT-R on RS tires which I pulled out a 12th for qualifying BUT did knock down my time by 1.5 seconds. It was just a faster qualifying field.

This race started just like my 1st one, no big issues as everyone made it through turn 1 without going off into the sand but 2 were not so lucky as both pulled 2 second penalties. For me everything went fine until lap 3 where at the top of the uphill climb where the down shift occurs at the left hand turn had me going from 10th back to 15th again thanks to another pit maneuver at the apex of the turn. Apparently a CLK didn’t downshift and decided to use my left rear quarter as a braking assist. Remembering race 1 errors I went back to racing MY race and by the middle of lap 6 I was passing the back group and up to 12th.

Pit stops started on lap 7 which had me moving up to 7th place and battling with an Austrian driver named WakaWaka. Shout out to them as the racing was awesome between us for a few laps. We exchanged positions every few turns and it showed me the CLK could be beaten. My pit stop came on lap 10 with a big 12th place return to the circuit. At lap 11 I lost my racing partner as they went into the pits for their tire change. No problem as I picked up a German driver who gave me a great time racing for the remainder of the race. I beat him on the same uphill left turn to take 11th where I finished (actually) but was awarded 8th again due to people not completing the mandatory tire change.

One thing I did notice was the were more controller drivers in this race or the lag was weird. A few cars just did not look smooth in turns or down the straights (almost like the steering was being done on a controller). No problems as the racing was great for this race AFTER the pit maneuver event.

Only 3 points but with a DR increase AND a CRB.

Race 3 NA Server

Running the Thrustmaster T300 NSX Concept on RS tires I pulled out a 11th for qualifying.

Back to the home server and a chance to improve on my pitiful 4 points from the 1st race. So lap 1 had 1 off at turn 1, another at turn 2, and I spun myself at the left hand turn at the top of the uphill climb. I went a little wide and the grass assisted in the spin. So at the start of lap 3 had me in 15th place following a slew of racers with penalties. Just drive and there will be places available at the end of the lap. And there were!

On lap 9 I was riding a high in 6th place when I was pushed a little wide on turn 1 putting my right side in the sand causing a removal of all power to retain control. This brought me to the pit stop at lap 10 again bringing me back onto the circuit in 14th place. I finished the race in 13th actually but again was awarded 12th due to tire infractions of another. The NSX was by far the smoothest car of the day to drive.

Too keep my calmness I did not mention the abundant amount of pushing and ramming that occurred during these races. Hopefully this behavior will die down as the season progresses.

As always, enjoy the racing!
I did a few laps in the R8 last night and the car feels really good. Might jump on one of the alts and give it a go... either the Audi or the Hyundai Genesis (not Genesis X). I just feel like using an oddball car, otherwise I am not really feeling this race.

It's hard to get into some of these tracks when we just had them in the last set or two of GTWS races (Nord (but I always love Nord), Interlagos, Bathurst) and if you go back two GTWS (GV, DT Seaside was used twice (one was reverse) and Deep Forest used twice (one is reverse)).

Yes, a couple of those are reverse but a change of scenery is nice every once in a while (except Nord that can stay on the docket indefinitely :D ).
I was able to do some full-length GT2/3 (i.e. 18-lap) test races with my short list of cars -- R8, 911, AMG '20. Here's how things are looking:

ManufacturerModelStrategyChange tiresOpt timeBest timeFull race
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RMYes1:32.7711:33.10828:40.096
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RMYes1:33.0011:33.10128:38.848
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RMYes1:32.7811:33.34828:44.016
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RMYes1:33.0441:33.18428:38.783

And here's a chart of the lap times:

Tire tread levels going into the pits:
ManufacturerModelStrategyFront LeftFront RightRear LeftRear Right
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RM75%60%70%40%
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RM70%55%70%55%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RM75%60%80%55%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RM85%75%90%75%

And at the end of the race:
ManufacturerModelStrategyFront LeftFront RightRear LeftRear Right
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RM80%70%75%60%
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RM75%60%75%60%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RM75%65%80%60%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RM65%30%65%40%

All the races were done in a Custom Race with one other car, using the race setting for tire wear and fuel use. I used S01 weather for all of them, but it looks from Free Practice like race is going to be cloudy. Edit: I also used a rolling start for test races to avoid any lap-1 battles with the other car.

The AMG looks to be the best on tire wear in the 9RM-9RM tests, which is why I picked it to test the 4RM-14RM strategy. The tires held up pretty well on the longer stint. I was definitely starting to see the tire wear affecting the lap times for the last few laps. I'd guess that the optimal strategy for that car is more like 6RM-12RM.
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As I'll likely never pick BMW for Manufacturers (unless we go full Gr3 or they fix the M4) I'm giving the M6 a go on one of my accounts tomorrow.
Still not sure about the other - the Citroen is one of my quicker options from practice and fast off the line, the Porsche is just so tidy through the infield, I'd like to try the Suzuki but it is horrendous from a standing start.
I was able to do some full-length GT2/3 (i.e. 18-lap) test races with my short list of cars -- R8, 911, AMG '20. Here's how things are looking:

ManufacturerModelStrategyChange tiresOpt timeBest timeFull race
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RMYes1:32.7711:33.10828:40.096
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RMYes1:33.0011:33.10128:38.848
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RMYes1:32.7811:33.34828:44.016
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RMYes1:33.0441:33.18428:38.783

And here's a chart of the lap times:
View attachment 1335147

Tire tread levels going into the pits:
ManufacturerModelStrategyFront LeftFront RightRear LeftRear Right
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RM75%60%70%40%
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RM70%55%70%55%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RM75%60%80%55%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RM85%75%90%75%

And at the end of the race:
ManufacturerModelStrategyFront LeftFront RightRear LeftRear Right
AudiR8 LMS Evo '199RM-9RM80%70%75%60%
Porsche911 RSR (991) '179RM-9RM75%60%75%60%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '209RM-9RM75%65%80%60%
AMGMercedes-AMG GT3 '204RM-14RM65%30%65%40%

All the races were done in a Custom Race with one other car, using the race setting for tire wear and fuel use. I used S01 weather for all of them, but it looks from Free Practice like race is going to be cloudy. Edit: I also used a rolling start for test races to avoid any lap-1 battles with the other car.

The AMG looks to be the best on tire wear in the 9RM-9RM tests, which is why I picked it to test the 4RM-14RM strategy. The tires held up pretty well on the longer stint. I was definitely starting to see the tire wear affecting the lap times for the last few laps. I'd guess that the optimal strategy for that car is more like 6RM-12RM.
How are you getting the data for that analysis?
How are you getting the data for that analysis?
Mostly by watching the replays and entering the numbers in a spreadsheet. The tire wear numbers come from eyeballing the in-car tire gauge. The lap times are displayed at the start of each lap.

The one exception is the Opt and Best times. I get those from the MFD by pausing the race just before the finish line with the 'session' view active.
I did a few laps in the R8 last night and the car feels really good. Might jump on one of the alts and give it a go... either the Audi or the Hyundai Genesis (not Genesis X). I just feel like using an oddball car, otherwise I am not really feeling this race.

It's hard to get into some of these tracks when we just had them in the last set or two of GTWS races (Nord (but I always love Nord), Interlagos, Bathurst) and if you go back two GTWS (GV, DT Seaside was used twice (one was reverse) and Deep Forest used twice (one is reverse)).

Yes, a couple of those are reverse but a change of scenery is nice every once in a while (except Nord that can stay on the docket indefinitely :D ).
Glad to hear the R8 feels good. That's my manufacturer for the other cup too. It's probably my best drive in game as its super planted on corner exits. I won't have time to practice beforehand so I'm glad you checked it out!
Races are coming up and I'm feeling like I'm way behind in my preparations. I haven't even picked a car to drive yet. At this point, I'm leaning toward the AMG just because the longer tire life gives me the most strategy options. I still want to see how far I can get the R8 Evo to last on tires, because I set a blistering (for me) 1:32.4 in Free Practice with it last night and I feel I could be somewhat competitive in it.

As for strategy, my goal is to maximize clean air. Even if I'm not the fastest around the track, if I can get some space around me, I can reduce the risk of being punted or pushed off the track. Surviving lap 1 is going to be key to a good result, I think.

Happily, I already have two great results in the bank for this season of Nations, so I'm not too stressed about finishing well. Mostly, I'm just going out to have some fun.

Best of luck in your races, everyone!
Races are coming up and I'm feeling like I'm way behind in my preparations. I haven't even picked a car to drive yet. At this point, I'm leaning toward the AMG just because the longer tire life gives me the most strategy options. I still want to see how far I can get the R8 Evo to last on tires, because I set a blistering (for me) 1:32.4 in Free Practice with it last night and I feel I could be somewhat competitive in it.

As for strategy, my goal is to maximize clean air. Even if I'm not the fastest around the track, if I can get some space around me, I can reduce the risk of being punted or pushed off the track. Surviving lap 1 is going to be key to a good result, I think.

Happily, I already have two great results in the bank for this season of Nations, so I'm not too stressed about finishing well. Mostly, I'm just going out to have some fun.

Best of luck in your races, everyone!
I'm going with the McLaren. Didn't practice at all. Hopefully I'll be able to race tomorrow and do some tests before the race.

It's a shame I didn't get to do some lobbies to enjoy the longer gt1 race. But yeah, no pressure for tomorrow. I already have 2 wins in the bag and I'm going to have fun and who knows, maybe I'll get a better result points wise now that I'm DR B.

Have fun tomorrow everyone. This should be a good one.
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Tested a few cars in FP for this one.
Genesis, McLaren, Supra, Porsche, Ferrari, Audi R8 and AMG.

Ferrari and McLaren are going head to head. Ferrari got slightly better laptime, seems quicker a bit, but McLaren is king of stability, I can open throttle very early without the risk of twitching. Both cars got very similar laptime - 32.1, could have gone for high 31s if given more work, but the laptimes are always different in FP than Quali, not mentioning the race. Tire wear is mystery.

Got time for two slots in the morning only so will decide directly ahead of the race.
I like this circuit so either way, it's gonna be fun.

Good luck to all!
Did Oceania Slot 1 in the AMG '20. Started P3 and pitted at the end of Lap 6 for new tires, can't say for sure if it worked well though as I made a mistake a few laps later and lost about 10 seconds. I was going to finish P4 but there were a few smurfs in the race who pulled over before the finish line so I finished P2. An unexpected result but I'll take it.
Did the first Oceanic GT1 slot. Bottom feeder A lobby. Took a pole —-> win finish. Pretty uneventful. Good mix of cars. Might do the next slot for DR. Or might go to sleep and wake up for the European slots. Or I might work on a couple fanfics for a few hours.

Decisions, decisions
Lack of practice and unfamiliarity with the track really shows for me. Got a 1:32.950 with the Audi. Wanna try the Merc but since I already use it in the Manu cup I probably won't. Gonna give some other cars a go and see how it goes.

Huge problems for me in Turns 1-3 and 6-8. Such weird turns. In one Lap I get the first 3 realativly good and in the next lap I losse .5s there. Same with turns 6-8.

This is gonna be a tough one I think.

Edit: Add turn 12 to turns I can't drive 💀 .6s ahead before t12, drive it bad and loose all the time out of the turn to the finish line. Jesus 😅

The Audi will be the car for me though. A bit twitchy but overall really nice on this track
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I'm in a similar situation as @Moose78 , two good results have put me high in the GT2 standings. But if anyone is unprepared, it's me. Literally 0 practice after the last round. I know I'll at least use the Porsche RSR as it's my go-to in Gr.3 - best to use the car you're most familiar with when facing a lack of preparation.

Interlagos isn't a terrible track for me, but I'll be curious to see how I do with only the short 15 mins of practice before the race today. If I make it out with DR increasing, it'll be a good result.
This race is fantastic. Decided to run the Huracan for attempt 1, was fastest and most balanced for me in practice. See there’s a few high up now on the leaderboards.

Euro GT2, low B/S. #5 car, qualified P4 - on the inside, big advantage. Decent getaway and made up a place by scraping the wall at turn 1.


Great battles over the whole race for 3rd with a Merc, Audi, Mazda and Ferrari. Clean moves all over the track. I did a nice one round the outside at turn 1.


Waited as long as I could for the pit, didn’t want to come back out in traffic. Ducked in on lap 12 from P2. Tyres maybe could’ve lasted but I decided to play it safe. Came out P4 alongside the Mazda and Merc. Fun last 6 laps (I lost track, was having so much fun, chequered flag was a surprise). Finished P5, happy with that.

So many competitive cars in this one, very tightly matched.
Really enjoyed that this morning. Had one shot at the 8am race with 3 practice laps using the R8 Evo 19, qualified 2nd. Was 2nd the whole way through (aside from after pitting where 1st 2nd and 3rd dropped to 5/6/7). Was consistently 2 seconds (gap, not lap time) behind 1st and half a second (total gap) or so ahead of 3rd.

Came alive on the 2nd stint after 3rd made a small mistake and I stopped having to glance at the radar / behind me, pulled 5 seconds ahead of 3rd, and finally took the lead on the first of the 3 hairpins on the last lap after the lead guy made a couple mistakes to let me in.

Nabbed fastest lap as well. Only 100 points (I think) but still 15 more than my previous 2nd best result so I'll take that! Off out for the day though so needed a good result this morning!
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Does anyone know how soon after today’s races the table is finalised and the payout for nations cup is available?

Just asking because I’m about 5m short for the Ferrari in legends dealership and it’s the only car I need for the platinum trophy 😂 so I would love to get it before it goes out of the dealership again and would also prefer not having to grind Spa 3 times instead again! Thanks
Does anyone know how soon after today’s races the table is finalised and the payout for nations cup is available?

Just asking because I’m about 5m short for the Ferrari in legends dealership and it’s the only car I need for the platinum trophy 😂 so I would love to get it before it goes out of the dealership again and would also prefer not having to grind Spa 3 times instead again! Thanks
Should be pretty soon after the final race slot of the day. I suppose it would depend on your time zone and which class you're in.

Whenever it is exactly, you should have your pay out before the P4 leaves the LCD. I think you still have a few days for it.
**** this race and this track 😂

10am Race, low B DR and S safety, door #3, totally botched the qualy and started P15. After the t1 carnage (saw at least 3 4s penalties) I was in p7 and had a spanish driver behind me and he hit me a couple of times in the rear and crashed 2 times into my side. Then he completly divebombed me, send me flying and I was last.

Cought up and passed some cars (with luck because of penalties and crashes) and saw the same spanish player try to crash someome only to spin himself and quit.

Pitted in Lap 5 to get some clean air and had some okayish lap times. After most pitted I was in P7 and got divebombed in the infield. Quit after that.

Never had such a dirty race in GT before.
Second attempt with the BMW did not go well. #15 in a higher point lobby than I’m used to. Massively overachieved in qualy to put the M6 P7. Just about survived the esses but was on the end of a domino shunt at turn 4. Some **** in a Ferrari steamed into the pack and took out 3 of us. Ended up DFL and way behind. Worked my way up to P12 over the rest of the race but never really had enough pace, about 0.5 to 0.7s a lap short of being competitive.

It’s a good race if you can start on the front 3 rows and get away with a few other clean drivers. Back in the pack is a nightmare as usual for this circuit.
Ran the early GT2 slot on my second as part of my warmup. Wasn’t planning on doing this race originally but I’ve a free afternoon so hadn’t done a single practice lap before race qualifier.

Tried the M6 as it’s the car I’m most confident with even though I knew it wouldn’t be strong in the race. Qualified p16 😂 but I did bin both of my laps, I don’t remember the curbs in Interlagos being so slippy! I knew there was some that should be avoided but honestly I felt there was a few of them that gave decent traction before.

Went from p16 to p12 by 100m for turn 1 as I think a few people were caught by the grid start and then kept it tight to the inside on turn 1 as I gained 2-3 more places through the Senna “Esses” as a lot of cars ran wide and got caught up on each other

Slowly got to grips with the track again and began chipping away at the drivers ahead and managed to get myself up as far as p6. Mostly through drivers serving penalties and going off track, not necessarily that I was faster but more so I was just consistent.

Was stuck behind p5 for awhile he was in the McLaren. BMW just couldn’t seem to get enough speed out of the last corner before the start / finish straight as anything I would gain during the lap was lost on the straight. He did run wide at the S’s and I got in front of him briefly but here’s a part of the race I didn’t enjoy

I don’t know if he didn’t like the fact that I got past him but for the next two laps he was sending divebomb after divebomb at me. As we were only 4 laps from the end of the race and 4th place was out of sight, I began defending against him. The McLaren looked twitchy on every exit and was always very close to losing it or binning it off on some of those curbs I was talking about so I was going to defend the inside of every corner and see if I could force a mistake from him by making him have to take a wider line than he was already. The annoying thing was, he just chose not to go around the outside. I was defending the inside line to the track limits in most corners and he just decided that he would rather force his way past me on the inside anyways, even though there was no room. Like every corner I’m talking about he was off track rubbing against me car despite there being absolutely no room and eventually he got me and forced me wide onto grass which didn’t cost me much time, but he managed to get away enough that I could no longer catch him.

I don’t understand drivers like this.. I get when you go around the outside you’re at the mercy of other driver, but come on either go for the overtake or stay behind… don’t just force it up the inside because you don’t want to risk it. To me, it’s such lazy race craft. I also think my defending was abit lazy but I did Atleast have a reason for hugging the inside line while defending, I was genuinely hoping that making him take a different line would make him uncomfortable, even if it did mean me sacrificing the racing line.

Anyways, a fun race for sure! That turn 1 could be messy in GT1 with the heavy damage. I’m sure some drivers will absolutely fire it in there on the opening lap though!

Any recommendations on car? I see the Ferrari and McLaren are decent so might give them a try. I tried the AMG, but I found that I can’t even remotely get that on the throttle. Gears 1-2 are just a nightmare for me!
Two tries. GT2 low DR B.

For the first one I took McLaren, it is a nice and stable car, but turns out it needs all of the circuit to maintain its stability with good speed. So with many cars around I was just too slow and prone to errors which made me loose many places. Qualified 8th, finished 8th. Once in a clean air (at the back) it was fun again to drive this orange racer. Overtook people mainly in pitstops.

For the second one I went with Ferrari. Good, fast car, eats rears a lot. Felt better with it. Qualified 9th, guy in front of me slept on the start and I had to do quick manouver to notg hit him and Ferrari in low gears is a slidey one and I didn't put TCS for the start so I lost the rear a little, but recovered from that in the midst of whole bunch of cars. Careful through Senna esses and I found myself on the outside for the braking to turn 4 where I was divebombed on the side by some Greek ****. Spun. 15th. Free air :lol:
Catching people ahead was fun I even held the fastest lap for most of the race (demoted narrowly by the guy in front who chased P1).
Climbed my way back to 8th at the end (crossed 9th but someone did not pit).

I just like driving at this track, even at the back of the field. It didn't do anything for my points tally because for me to gain something I needed to be around podium in both races. At least I didn't loose DR, 8th was the last place to gain a bit.

121 points is my final result.
Nation’s Cup, Round 4, Interlagos

Race 1 EMEA Server

Running the Michelin Pilot Ferrari 458 on RM tires I pulled out a 7th for qualifying running a 1:35.676. This pretty much where I was running during all the practice sessions. Side note: The top 7 were all within 1 second of Pole.

For the next 8 to 9 laps life went on with my positioning varying between 4th to 6th. Pit stops started at lap 10 which moved me up to 2nd for a few laps until I entered the pits on lap 13. Now at this point I was trying to drive and perform complicated mathematics in my head. Could I cheat by staying out (my tires were looking good) and finish near P3 or P4 (after the 1 minute penalty was assessed) . . . but made the correct choice by pitting. Coming out in P6 pretty much had me driving qualification laps until the end. Did not have anyone around in front of or behind me for 5 seconds.

Only 4 points but with a DR increase AND a CRB.

Gran Turismo® 7_20240309052807.jpg
I've finally decided on a car to drive. After doing some more testing and a few lobby races, I'm going with the R8 Evo. It is, by far, the car that I'm fastest in. I love how it handles in the corners on the infield. It may not have the top speed of other cars on the final high-speed run to the finish, but I can live with that.

It also isn't great on tires. For my GT2 (18-lap) race, I'm going to be aiming to pit on either lap 6 or 7, so I can take advantage of lighter car for the longer stint and stretch out the life of the tires as best I can, and get some clean air. In the lobbies that I did last night, I was the first to pit when I went in on lap 6, which surprised me. I would have expected some of the cars with better tire wear to pit earlier.
It’s a good race if you can start on the front 3 rows and get away with a few other clean drivers. Back in the pack is a nightmare as usual for this circuit.
This is what I was afraid of. I’ll be back of the pack because I don’t know this track at all. If I race (and that’s a big IF) I’ll just not qualify and start from the rear and watch the carnage.
Don’t know if this fair or not, so looking for thoughts

Ran another race in the Ferrari this time. Qualified P5. Got a good start and got a jump on P4 and P3 and made my way to the inside for turn 1 to avoid carnage. When as per usual a driver further back lunged me pretty hard on the inside. Pushing me sideways


Almost immediately after this I got rear ended by a driver who was following close behind me and got another massive shunt (Not his fault nor mine)


Which forced me into the run off area but my car was facing directly towards the apex of corner 3 so I just let the momentum take me and I began accelerating


I completely cut turn 2 and ended up the straight 1 whole second ahead of P3 and it kept me in touch with the leader and by the time I was at the bottom of the straight me and the leader were 2 seconds clear of everyone behind.

I did contemplate whether I would get a penalty but I didn’t, and I did contemplate giving places back as I did definitely gain a massive advantage as I even had more speed entering the straight than the leader but when I looked back there was 4-5 cars coming together and I wasn’t sure who had lost out to me so I just continued driving.

In the end I did finish 2nd, 3 seconds behind the leader but 12 seconds ahead of 3rd so I’m not sure if it really mattered in the end. 1st place was a good driver and we did battle sporadically before he pulled away but I felt the leader who set an impressive quali time was just going to run away unopposed had I backed off him

Thoughts on this? Was it fair to just drive the run off? Or should have I slowed down more / given places back? At the end of the day it is a game but I don’t really get enjoyment from these sort of scenarios as it kind of ruins my immersion, which is why I play the game, regardless of if I’m fast or slow, I just want good racing.