Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
EMEA, GT1, Second Slot, All A+ lobby

Picked McLaren as the Manu even before the BoP update so I was pleased to see that it held up to some of the Nerfs. Despite being able to do a 1:48.06 in practice, my quali time was closer to a 49.0 because the two clowns in front of me decided they wanted to fight and race rather than qualify, and eventually I caught up to them. I expect better from an all A+ group but I digress. Anyway, still good enough for Q4 which really surprised me based on the lobby.


Lap one, everyone in my “group” survived T1, the esses, and the hairpin. Leader must’ve clipped the dirt coming out of the hairpin and spun; now in P3.


Had a “heart-in-the-throat” moment on lap two in S2 where I must’ve braked too hard or something and the back of the car got loose. Had to wrestle the wheel but ultimately didn’t spin. Lost probably .500” but didn’t lose the car.


Next few laps was me gaining and losing time to the AMG in front all the while the now leader was inching away. Eventually I’d get a run on the AMG and we’d go side-by-side down the main straight into T1 where I was able to pull off a pass.


Now sitting on P2 I was trying to hold off said AMG while trying to real in P1, who was about two seconds up. Nothing much changed from there, was able to get P1 within like 1.5 seconds but got a pen on lap nine going thru the chicane so that’s all she wrote for even thinking about a win. By the time I served my pen on the last lap I was ~1.0 to the leader but I made up a lot of ground on the last lap so I feel like he was just taking it easy to bring it home, especially since I had that pen. I was able to serve the pen and hold on to P2 by ~.600”.

I think that’s all I could’ve done given the circumstances and will take the points to the bank. GGs to all involved, it was a clean race with no real drama which is all we can ask for!

Oh, and I got the fast lap on lap nine with no help from slip. So I guess I got that going for me.
Ran last slot in EMEA region today . . . should have skipped this race. Since it is an Exhibition season I went the VW which I believe the Beetle is going to be good but after today's race I am thinking the Scirocco is a POS. I qualified in 14th position with a awesome time of 17 weeks 4 days 12 hours 2 minutes 5.474 seconds. After going green I enjoyed watching everyone leave me in the dust. For some reason I just could not get any speed going and lingered around the rear for the entire race. Finished P14.

For Saturday's round 2 I hate the reverse track and not confident with the car so expect another finish near the rear of the field. Bring on the GR3 races now!
I tried it, GT1 lobby, started Q11 like I expected. Ok start but then some dip**** torpedoed the whole line of us at T5. I mean, he didn’t brake until he already overtook us and flew through the turn. Guess who was the only person who got hit? Yup. By the time we got to T10 and the bridge I got caught in the dirty air and spun into both rails. No penalty, oddly enough, but damage all around on everything by the motor. I had to run the entire race with full damage. I could put to repair it, but with such a stupidly short “World Series” race there was no strategy to make up for my mistake. It made for a painfully boring race with no point to keep going other than to not kill my SR.

I finished P11 by some miracle when several people quit. And now to wait for 1 1/2 hours for the next one? Nah. Thanks for phoning it in, PD. You’re making it easy for me to walk away.



Manufacturers Cup - 2023/24 Exhibition Series | Season 3, round 01
P1 for 330 points! A new record and my 7th win in championship races 😁

Once again, a lot of familiar faces in the lobby, including @Geauxgreddy in his brand new AMG. For this season I went back to my beloved McLaren 650s, which I've driven for several seasons, including when it wasn't any good. So now I have no issues running the META car, at least for this round 😅

Qualifying went quite well. It was super tight, butI managed to start the race in 3rd. When Ninjabar went wide at the exit of T1, I found a way past him for P2. A few laps later, the leader in an Aston Martin died at the exit of the chicane. From that moment on, I was in a very tense leading position and I kept it that way until the checkered flag.

I couldn't be happier with this. This game can be so amazing in moments like these.
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Second slot GT1.

I decided it was as good a time as any to try the Audi for this short series. I went back and tried it at bathurst and found some forward brake bias really helps to get it off the mountain in one piece. So, why not?

For this race, I wasn't too sure; In the past I haven't kept up with my peers here although I enjoy driving it. Would have been nicer if they gave that day-night drive we had when they introduced the track. Instead, a boring afternoon sprint.

Lobby worth 196 pts, I Qued Q5(!), wearing door #12. Gave up a position in turn one, but got away without damage. A few swapping of positions in the mid race, passed by two clean drivers, good racing, they earned it. Got tapped in the rear on t1, lap 7 for some aero damage. He backed off and must have served a penalty, or something, because I had a 3second gap for the final three laps which I maintained (mostly) to finish P6 and CRB.

Better than I expected here and a much better start than I had in any of the nation's disasters.

Good luck!
Man I love this game!!! The online racing is exhilarating! My first race was trash… couldn’t even put in a lap during qualifying, I crashed during the last s turns before the finishing tunnel. Started P15 finished P10.

Second race GT1 (236 points) Qualifying went better with a 1:49.8 put me at P10…. The race was crazy intense but I didn’t make any mistakes and my pace was in the 1:49.9. People got penalties and crashed and I took full advantage! Resulting in a P5!!! Being the only 458 on the grid I was super happy! Let’s get it!!!


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Guess i wasn't quite with it tonight after my 4 hour nap, GT2 ...track limit penalty on my 2nd Qual lap left me in 9th...3 more track limit penalties in the race,lol,...still got a 7th place finish, thought about doing the last race but,naaa...i'll take 77 points and make sure i'm more wide awake for Saturday :boggled:
Americas, GT1, 2nd Slot, A+ lobby

I would like to formally apologize to Mr. Famin, Esty Besty, Gasly and Alpine for slagging their car how it felt on hards :confused::bowdown:. I was procrastinating since Monday if I wanted to do this race. I didn't feel great with the Alpine on Race Hards. Was in a decent points lobby and luckily I had a Porsche ahead of me to grab a tow down the straights in qualy, one of this car's main weaknesses. I managed to qualify 6th, which probably were the car deserved to be given Grand Valley is more of a high speed circuit, at least the main areas to pass. Picked two cars off by the end of the first lap. Then I had a Mecca in front. Figured better to help then to fight since I was in a clear straight line disadvantage. Thought we could catch up to 2nd but collectively, we were not quick enough, so I bided my time until the last lap to grab 3rd. Had a good battle throughout the first sector. Ever so slightly carried too much speed and inadvertedly pulled a F1 type box out at the apex. Luckily we didn't cost each other too much time. But once I got by the 3rd place Mecca we were in the twisty part and I was gone. This car really excels in the twisty stuff! My fear was after the chicane they would take me to Gapplebee's down the straight, but a second in hand was more than enough to secure 3rd. A win in my book given this car's characteristics and a hefty 291 points. Deep Forest is out, probably a good thing since that has more straights than Grand Valley, so next one for me will be Bathurst, man what's with all these mile long straights 😅😭

USA, GT1, Second Slot, A+ lobby, P1 = 318 points

Thankfully, this side of the pond was a lot smarter when it came to qualifying. Can't recall my time, but it was like a 48.6 or 48.7 for a Q5; I was like .003" ahead of Q6 and .030" behind Q4 (pole was a 48.3).

Not a whole lot happened in this one. I lost a spot to the Renault virtually right away. He went around the outside of the hairpin on L1 and made it stick, which gave him the inside to the next left. It was a nice pass (hey, I can appreciate a good pass even if I was the passe), fair play to him.

ETA - Now that I see the above, looks like it was @Roman_GT23 who was in the Renault. :cheers:


So now in P6 a couple of laps go by and I was able to pull the deja-vu move (per my previous race) and get around an AMG on the straights and into T1. Despite the AMG pressuring me a bit through the next half of a lap, eventually we all fell back into line and continued on.


I was able to pull away from the AMG a little but spent the next half dozen laps staring at the tail pipes of the aforementioned Renault and another McLaren... the whole time trying to keep them within reach as the delta stayed between ~.500-~1.2".


Last lap the Renault makes a move and gets P3 from the McLaren. I get a run on the McLaren coming to the line but miss out by .023" to finish P5.

I just wish the race was a little longer or had some start involved, but I love this combo so I guess I can't complain.

Board 5, Q5, P5. Manu round #1 is in the books.

Across both accounts' races, the driving was very respectful and clean. Nice to have when the cars are so close virtually the whole time. I didn't receive damage in either race and brought the car home looking as pretty as it left. Cheers to all the drivers involved.

Is it Nord yet?
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Well, this morning started out about how one would expect, had you and your cousin done this much damage last night:


Our wives still out drank us 😂

….So predictably I hit the snooze button on the first EMEA slot, and after a couple coconut waters and a strong cup of coffee, I was ready to go for slot #2.

…which didn’t last that long as I got obliterated in the double left hander after the downhill right and hairpin. Major damage to my car, not a scratch for the perpetrator. Parked it in the pits and took dog 1 of 3 for a walk.

—-> had a Gatorade and two advil

Slot 3 EMEA, I qualified with a 1:49.3 which is very good for me on this track, landing me 4th. I was pursuing P3 hard for the first 3 laps until
I was able to slip by in T1. Two Porsche’s in 1st and 2nd slowly walked away from me the rest of the race. P3 and 187 points. I’ll take it

——> made some fried chicken and waffles

Slot 1 N/A region. Low A+ lobby at ~270 points or so

Q’d 4th with another 1:59.3. Was going for a strong exit out of the right hander going onto the second bridge, and was going to be able to go for an overtake on P3, when I kissed the wall on exit and got a 1.5 second penalty. Served the penalty the next lap and 5th and 6th got by me. Chased them back for the rest of the race, got one back and almost got back P5 with a last lap move.


Not quite close enough. P6 for 212 points. Gotta go again.

Second slot, NA region. 275 point lobby.

Totally botched qually and landed 12th with a 1:59.8. Made a couple moves on lap 1 getting into P9. Got knocked into a wall earning me another 1.5 second time out - ffs. Served the penalty which ushered me back to 13th. Got a .5 second penalty on lap 3 in the chicane 😑

Slowly ate my way through the field, and found myself in a fun P6-P9 battle for the last 3 laps. A last turn bobble by P7 exiting the chicane granted me his place, where I finished with a 1/10 to spare. Finished 7th for 201 points and a slight DR bump. Fun race, but I’m done for the night. Time to cook dinner!

Some race pics of my Second N/A slot






At least my head isn’t pounding anymore.
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Second slot GT1.

I decided it was as good a time as any to try the Audi for this short series. I went back and tried it at bathurst and found some forward brake bias really helps to get it off the mountain in one piece. So, why not?

For this race, I wasn't too sure; In the past I haven't kept up with my peers here although I enjoy driving it. Would have been nicer if they gave that day-night drive we had when they introduced the track. Instead, a boring afternoon sprint.

Lobby worth 196 pts, I Qued Q5(!), wearing door #12. Gave up a position in turn one, but got away without damage. A few swapping of positions in the mid race, passed by two clean drivers, good racing, they earned it. Got tapped in the rear on t1, lap 7 for some aero damage. He backed off and must have served a penalty, or something, because I had a 3second gap for the final three laps which I maintained (mostly) to finish P6 and CRB.

Better than I expected here and a much better start than I had in any of the nation's disasters.

Good luck!
I've been missing being paired in the same lobbies as you! I had a similar race in the Audi. Qualified P2 and made too many mistakes to fall back into p6. Some of the braking points were a bit funky with this car wanting to suddenly kick out its rear end. I lost control a couple of times when in the heat of battle.

Tbh, anything above 7th in GT1 I'll take as I'm trying to maintain DR A this year.
Manufacturers Cup - 2023/24 Exhibition Series
Season 3, Round 01
Grand Valley Highway 1 - GR3 '20 AMG
Lobby A+/S

Slot 1

As mentioned above, I was joined by @Spider-Racer who is on an absolute roll lately. I hung out in the pit for about 40 seconds to get a clean open track to work in. I had a tendancy to overdrive the track so I wanted to relax and put in a nice smooth qualy lap. I think I relaxed a bit too much as I ran a 1:49.3xx fpr a Q9. I've done 1:48s in practice qualies, so I was a bit disappointed with my effort.

However, that all went away when I got in the race. The drivers were very clean and respectful...but raced hard. It was simply, FUN. Thats like 5 or so in a row. The common factor seems to be this group of 2nd split guys that I keep finding (quite of few of which are on here). Maybe its because we've raced with each other so much. But I have to tell you, I'll take a p12 to p16 if its racing like this. I did end up picking up 3 spots and taking home a p6 and 261 points. So, it was a good result as well. Not @Spider-Racer p1 and 330 points good...but good :D And, best finish of 4 AMGs in the lobby. So, I'll take it! Now, just gott keep @Spider-Racer from video sniping me all the time ;) Congrats again.

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Pretty uneventful race (not a bad thing!) to secure 3rd place for 145 points.

GT1, 2nd Americas slot. 158 points for the win, door #7. Fresh new Rush livery on the AMG 🙂.

Qualifying, set a low 1:50 bank lap, didn’t feel good but was provisionally 2nd. Went for a harder push lap but it felt like I had the wheel glitch and ran off the track in the infield, so boxed the lap. Bank lap ended up good for 5th.

Started the race and stayed 5th until the bridge taking 4th due to a penalty in front of me. Race spread out and I spent the next 7 laps edging away from a Genesis in 5th and lightly pressuring a Ferrari in 3rd. Eventually 3rd succumbs to my light pressure and hits the wall so I pass him with the penalty and spend the last 3 laps edging away from him.

All in all, a great result, easy smooth drive for 10 laps. And got 1 million credits on my roulette ticket to boot!
Lobby A/S, GT2, First Race.I finished in 2nd position and am pleased with the result. But “probably the fifth turn” made me nervous.Yes, I can accept that on the first lap I braked too early, because I didn’t know how the car would behave with fuel, but on the third lap I think it was entirely my opponent’s fault.
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In the Manu Cup i did my first 2 ever online races yesterday. My goals where not to crash, don't ruin somebodys race and don't become last... you know wht haeppend

race 1: I qualified a very surprising P5! But in the race i spun in the 1st lap and in the 2nd. Last place until the end. Managed to half the gap to ther guy in front of me, but a very lonely race.

race 2: Qualified 7th. Managed to spin only once this time and closed tha gap to some drivers who also had some trouble. Some penaltys for them and me later, i actually gained a position by overtaking somebody by going faster than him and became 11th!

In the end i realy enjoyed it. Two goals reached and i can't wait for the next round. :cool:
As expected, punted off from a midfield pack on lap 4. DFL, can’t be bothered to continue, currently sitting in the pits waiting for the race to end.

Same thing happened on the alternate account with the Peugeot RCZ.

Seems I can only get a clean battle and good race by qualifying on the front 2 rows. Any further back and it’s just too messy, especially on a track like this. Unfortunately I’m just not fast enough for that the majority of the time. Last night despite having the #4 board I was 1.5 seconds off the pace.

Need a break from this game. Going to skip the rest of this season. Hopefully the proper one will have some nicer tracks suitable for racing (Nord is not a racetrack) and some strategy.
Reverse? Oh, crap!

How did I not notice that this race is on the reverse track? Guess I'll be focusing on learning how to get around this course without killing myself.

Edit: I was just checking the standings. Happy to see GTPers @flip6981 and @GlockPants are rocking the GT2 top-20 in the North America region (6th and 16th, respectively). Well done! :gtpflag:I'm also happy to see that I am the only driver in Canada to sign with VW, which should make it pretty easy to clinch the domestic/local gold.

Edit #2: For anybody else in the same boat as me, @Tidgney's lap guide from the Daily Races a few weeks ago is a great resource for learning the track:
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Glad you are back! As you were no longer active here I was worried that you might have issues again with your previous brain condition. Was hoping you simply did not have time to play or got bored with the game! Same with for example @seth-Logan and others, suddenly there gone and you wonder what happened...

And I will never make A+. Midd B is were I am and about my level. Maybe can get high B but I do to few races and no dailly races I so progress is slow. So far done just over 40 races since the launch of the game.

Daily life takes up to much time. I have a mother with severe Alzheimer in an institution, a father who is not doing so great either and my wife has some health issues. So that takes up a lot of time. Also I work at the Police (not the band) and we are basically understaffed and overwhelmed on daily bases so I make a lot of hours and at odd times .
And when I get home late after wrestling with some drunk fellow who pissed all over himself I just want to shower and relax and not be involved in a racing game. (I do love my job :D)

Now I have won much more in GT7 then in GTS. That's mainly because I am selective in the races I do enter. Also for some ridiculous reason this game only has 16 cars on track, while GTS had 20. So that is 4 less opponents to worry about.
And many races, especially earlier in the game were all tyres and fuel +1, that made it easier for me.

But most wins are just because the others might be faster, but mess up their pitstops, get stupid penalties or crash into each other giving me easy wins, just like today. Thank you very much!!!
Thanks MCL. Yes i wondered what had happened to Seth also!?! I haven't had the best of times recently health wise but it could be worse so taking the positives. Sorry to hear about your family too and understand how consuming it is. I hope you have had time to see Excelsior though!! (forgive me if i've remembered that wrong and insulted you:lol:).

To be honest, the main reason i've been gone for so long is that i dont like whats happened to GTWS. I just don't have the time or desire for the long endurance races or don't want to be fiddling with setups which i have absolutely no idea about. That along with the constant selection of my least favourite tracks being picked! I won't be driving in this Manufacturing series again sadly. If they put Sardegna B and Blue Moon Bay in the Manufacturers calendar one day i'll be back! :lol:

Well done on your results when you have raced though!
I'm gonna try to put some practice later today for rd2. I'll be on around 10pm uk time if anyone wants to do practice lobbies.

Btw, is there a thread, or a discord for gtp, where we could arrange online lobbies? I'm not talking about leagues, I'm thinking of spontaneous online lobbies or lobbies to practice for gtws races. The other day people were asking how to find those lobbies and one solution, I don't know why it didn't strike me at that time, is to create our own practice lobbies. There's plenty of us to fill a 16 car grid.

@Famine will I be infringing any rules if I set up a lobby with GT Planet on the lobby name and advertise it here if it's sole purpose is to practice for gtws races. Thanks
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Didn’t start the series how I’d hoped but it was another Wednesday where I could only make the final slot GT1 na.

Qualified q7 and within a half second of my FP so was beginning to think that it would be a good showing.

I picked up a penalty by just pushing the limit on the left side on the downhill and then had a diver on the inside of the hairpin who rubbed me all the way through so clean but aggressive when my main goal is to get through the first few danger zones clean and then start racing. During this hairpin turn I got rear ended and got damaged but once again the car that hit me had zero damage to their front?

The time loss on the straights made it so I couldn’t quite stay in slip stream. Raced hard and overall clean racing for the remainder but couldn’t recover from the penalties and damage so p10 it was.
Well that was a crock of ****. While sitting in "free practice" before the 7pm EST race, when the clock struck 7 the countdown changed to "finding a room" (or whatever it says). Then after 15-20 seconds the message just disappeared. I was still in the practice lobby. Backed out of that...surprise! No race for you. Okay...Tried again for the 8pm race. Was kicked out of the practice lobby twice while waiting (got host connection error messages). Restarted the game and got back into GT7 at 8:00 and was shut out of the 8pm race. Didn't bother trying for the 9pm race; I have better ways to waste my time.

Anyone else have this issue last night/yesterday?:grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:
I wasn't really in the mood to try the race last night at Grand Valley, and I don't even know if I'll be interested in doing the Manufacturers Cup at all - at least, this particular season of the Exhibition Series. I just don't see the Gr.3 race at Mt. Panorama going well, for one thing. And for Saturday's race at Deep Forest, I'm working most of that day, and then I might be meeting with a friend that evening. I think for now, I'd rather focus on the online time trials and Weekly Challenges.

EDIT: Besides, once the proper GTWS (and the GR Cup) kick off - which I think will be soon after this Season 3 of the Exhibition Series - I think the payouts for your rankings are much higher, aren't they? Not to mention that I'm very sure that we'll have a lot more than four races over two weeks to do our best for each championship.
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I've been missing being paired in the same lobbies as you! I had a similar race in the Audi. Qualified P2 and made too many mistakes to fall back into p6. Some of the braking points were a bit funky with this car wanting to suddenly kick out its rear end. I lost control a couple of times when in the heat of battle.

Tbh, anything above 7th in GT1 I'll take as I'm trying to maintain DR A this year.
Holy Cow! Just checked the GT1 manu standings and we are the only two driving the Audi?! That seems odd....

In the past it seems the audi didn't have the top end speed, and this manu series has all those looooong straights in every track! I almost discounted it for that reason. But last weekend, I tested audi and genesis and I, personally, was driving them at similar lap times. (Your mileage may vary).

Yesterday, it was the insane slipstream that got me passed twice at turn 1. My first lap, i fell off the front pack just enough that I couldn't take advantage. But I stayed close and was insanely lucky that I had a gap on lap 7 when I took damage because I starting falling off that front pack hard. Still not a fan of heavy damage. In all but one time, in my memory, I was the blameless victim.

I'm not a gearhead and don't look too closely at those bop updates, but it seems the audi is more capable since the last one. Still, I'm surprised more haven't chosen it. Just have to keep it under control and bathurst with 28 laps on hard will be a challenge, no doubt.

Let's Go!
Holy Cow! Just checked the GT1 manu standings and we are the only two driving the Audi?! That seems odd....

In the past it seems the audi didn't have the top end speed, and this manu series has all those looooong straights in every track! I almost discounted it for that reason. But last weekend, I tested audi and genesis and I, personally, was driving them at similar lap times. (Your mileage may vary).

Yesterday, it was the insane slipstream that got me passed twice at turn 1. My first lap, i fell off the front pack just enough that I couldn't take advantage. But I stayed close and was insanely lucky that I had a gap on lap 7 when I took damage because I starting falling off that front pack hard. Still not a fan of heavy damage. In all but one time, in my memory, I was the blameless victim.

I'm not a gearhead and don't look too closely at those bop updates, but it seems the audi is more capable since the last one. Still, I'm surprised more haven't chosen it. Just have to keep it under control and bathurst with 28 laps on hard will be a challenge, no doubt.

Let's Go!
Yeah, it does seem weird that we're the only two. If you can manage the low-speed turn-in, this car is a dream to drive. I found that the Porsche, 99' GT-R and Genesis were eating tenths in my slipstream but in the twisty sections, this car feels much faster because of its incredible turn-in. I used it for the last round of Nations at Interlagos too and found it to be a great fit for that track.

Bathurst will be tougher, especially the dipper but I don't think we will fall too far behind on the straights anymore. Good luck out there and I hope to see you on track again soon!