Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just like Nation's, I was anticipating Daytona being my best result of the season. Nation's went incredibly poorly, so I was hoping for even an ounce of luck this time...

Slot 1: I qualified 4th, over a tenth off the Porsche in P3 and a distant 0.4s off the front row, consisting of a Corvette in 2nd and a GT500 GT-R on pole. The Porsche got around the Corvette for 2nd on Lap 2 at West Horseshoe, then on the following lap, the Corvette outbraked himself and ran off at the same corner, promoting me to 3rd and now the highest-placed Corvette. The Porsche eventually took the lead from the GT-R and the GT-R was content to just bump draft the Porsche, while I was dragging an AMG along with me just on the outer edge of the slipstream of the 2 leaders. Both the leading Porsche and I pitted on Lap 10, and I jumped the Porsche in the pits due to requiring less fuel.

Once the pit cycle was complete, I was still in 3rd despite having jumped the Porsche because the 2 cars ahead - the polesitting GT500 GT-R and a GT500 Supra that qualified 8th - both skipped changing tires on their stops. The pace of the leader was too much to even consider a win, but 2nd place was still up for grabs. Unfortunately it took a few laps before I started to (very slowly) reel in 2nd place. At the same time, the Corvette that had qualified ahead of me had recovered from his mistake earlier and driven his way up to 5th and was close enough to bump-draft the AMG between us. That allowed the AMG to catch me on the front straight and he also gave me a bump, which caused me to enter T1 with far more speed than I'd ever done in the race. I braked earlier than normal, but it still wasn't early enough and I ran wide at T1, allowing the AMG through. The better top speed of the Corvette meant I easily got around the AMG before the bus stop again on the same lap. The situation repeated itself again with me receiving a bump-draft from the AMG going into T1, but this time I braked (almost) early enough and only slightly missed the apex and was able to keep the spot.

A lap or 2 later, the other Corvette hit the AMG at the International Horseshoe, giving the Corvette front damage and the AMG rear damage, and allowing the Porsche that led most of the first stint back through into 4th. From there I was able to keep the Porsche at bay by about 1s, while slowly trying to reel in the 2nd-place GT500 Supra. Unfortunately I didn't really make any major gains until the final lap when the Supra really had to ease up to avoid running out of fuel, and I ran out of time to fight for P2 and crossed the line 0.8s behind 2nd place, 10s behind the winner for 295 points. I really wanted over 300 points since this was definitely going to be my best performance of the season, and the last time this combo came up in an official season in 2022, I won for 318 points; but as tempting as it was to go again, I knew 295 was still to much to risk...
Much better than expected. 2nd GT1 Americas slot, door number 2 in the 650s, 168 point lobby.

Warming up pre race I had a breakthrough in the bus stop which helped me knock a good half second off my best, down to a 1:45.5. Nice clean quali gets me Q2, almost matching my best FP time, with the top 3 separated by 0.033 seconds.

Start, I’ve got a Corvette behind, I know he’ll run me down so I let him through T1 and tuck in. A little sloppy in the first hairpin and I drop to 4th behind a 911. But it gets good from there. We in the top 4 manage to split the pack and pull away start gaining almost a second a lap, so it’s just the 4 of us nose to tail. We start to spread out near the mid point but still way ahead.

I decide to put on lap 11, sitting in the draft in P4 I save enough fuel to gain some time back in the pit with short refueling. Everyone has pitted by end of 13 and were bunched back up again. 911 in the lead, but the Corvette and the Supra GT500 are too quick on the straights. On lap 15, the Corvette dives in the second hairpin running the 911 wide and the Supra hits him causing significant damage. I’m able to run him down and take 3rd in T1. He bumps me but no damage.

The 3 of us drop him and I tail the leaders but the 650s just can’t catch enough in the draft. Gets me a fastest lap though. I was definitely the quickest driver in the infield, and the draft got me straights 🙂.

I thought maybe I could get the Vette in 2nd, but I get a penalty (just barely, maybe by an inch…) at the bus stop on lap 19 trying to get a run on him and that’s it. So I just settle in and bring it home for a nice 3rd.

Really pleased with the tight race for almost the whole time. I hope for more like that in the future.
What a waste of time!
Race 1
I qualified P6. After the start i managed to avoid the the chaos, loose a position, gain a position ...
After lap 1 im in P4 behind an Audi. He's fast on the straights, but damn early on the breakes in the infield. I only just managed to avoid crashing into the back of him several times. So i went to pass him at the "Bus Stop" chicane. I'm later on the brakes, take the inside line and ... didn't knew what excactly happend. During the race i thought we made a side contact and he went off. Only in the replay did i see, that i was maybe some pixels to close to him, so that i just chrashed into his back.
After that i didn't accelerated like usual (hoping the Audi makes it quick back on track and i can let him pass) and get hit by another 911. I spun, he spun ... All caused by my missjudgement!
Funny sidenote: I did an offline test race to check tyre wear and fuel consumption. I'm pretty sure i choosed the right fuel factor. In that test race, fuel was not an issue. So i pitted in this race changed tyres and hit "don't refuel" without checking the fuel gage. U know what happend ... end of lap 12 i went out of fuel and had to stop a 2nd time. Didn't become last only because a spanish guy went completly out of fuel.

Race 2
Again P6 in qualy.
In the race i make it thru turn 1 and watch the guys in front of me fighting. Seems i was so fascinated by their fight - i forgot to brake for turn 2! After a little offroad trip i'm DFL. After that i can regain some positions but a romanian guy turns me over in the infield. race over. P12
Well there was no dirty driving in my race, and the Viper had pace again, unfortunately the driver of the Viper was a complete idiot.

GT1 slot one, two quali laps with silly mistakes and I lined up near the back. Good pace brought me forward but going side by side at the bus stop (stupid) put me on the grass and back to where I started.

Then after working hard overtaking a couple of cars I hit the inside tyres at T1. Engine blown, race over. Doh.

Only other notable moment was coming across the Porsche I banged doors with at Suzuka. They were slow at T1 and I had a run through T2, but on realising who it was I backed out. Suzuka was a racing incident but I felt bad, plus was worried about some delayed retribution! Shortly after they went and sat in the pits so possibly they banged doors with someone else this time.

I would have loved to go again but I didn't have the time, plus it's been a good season so far with some solid points finishes, anything extra is a bonus now. Onwards to Fuji...
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Manufacturer standings as of Round 5, before any disqualifications:

Cutline (standings wise, top 9 appears to be locked in; Aston Martin gets back into the cutline after the DQ wave while Ferrari collapsed again and both Peugeot and Alfa tied):
 9 Lexus    +30
10 Aston M. +7
11 Peugeot  0
17 Genesis  Partner
12 Alfa R.  0
13 Honda    -1
14 Lambo    -1.5
15 Ferrari  -10.5
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Manufacturer standings as of Round 5, before any disqualifications:
View attachment 1357523

Cutline (standings wise, top 9 appears to be locked in; Aston Martin gets back into the cutline after the DQ wave while Ferrari collapsed again and both Peugeot and Alfa tied):
 9 Lexus    +30
10 Aston M. +7
11 Peugeot  0
17 Genesis  Partner
12 Alfa R.  0
13 Honda    -1
14 Lambo    -1.5
15 Ferrari  -10.5
I'll openly admit I've never liked the partner brands getting a free pass to the finals and thus will be pretty biased on this, but Genesis getting in from as low as P17 in the standings is just embarrassing.
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Well @Moose78 this was quite an experience to pick a somewhat non meta car, however I don't think I'll be doing it again as I don't have the pace to beat the meta at the level where I'm at , so for upcoming seasons I'll be into the most popular brands.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. There was a brief window after the first round of the recent BoP updates where the Renault was the meta. I remember Omega made a video of the best Gr.3 cars and he ranked it at the top. Then it got nerfed in the BoP changes just before the Manu Cup began. I hope you had fun trying a different car, anyways.
(I'm unable to check atm) Anyone get any rain so far during free practice? If it's not in FP, does it never come at all?
I did 10 laps in FP earlier this morning. No signs of rain. Looks like we are in for a sunny afternoon sprint.

Edit: I'd have done a full 12 laps, but I had mistakenly remembered the race as being only 10 laps long. Should have checked.
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Slot 1 was a disaster and almost didn't want to race anymore, but trying slot 2 ended up being so much better. Started 12th and kept a good pace with no huge mistakes and finishing in the top 5. Super close battle at the end between 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th. If only I can have drivers like these in every lobby. I didn't think the nsx would do well here but really happy with the performance.
I was hoping for a better race at Daytona but the BMW was just not as strong as I expected.

I stunk it up in qualy so P13 start. My race pace was acceptable and once the field spread out I just drove to the best of my ability. P9 finish with no drama. The #1 GT2 BMW driver finished P7. We had a handful of laps together, but couldn’t really work together to move up. His pace was just better than mine.

Typical top split GT2 lobby:



This driver tried to dive bomb at turn 1 way pass the yellow lines is where the invisible wall is. I wasn't up to speed because of serving a bs 2 sec penalty but I was already at the braking zone thought I gave him enough space because I figured he was coming in too fast and would over shoot the turn but he ended up going in deep. Bounces off the invisible wall into me and I get the penalty. Subaru driver then sideswipe me into the wall for thinking it was my fault. I really don't know about this game anymore.

Wow that is bad! End of the day that invisible wall shouldn’t be there in the first place. Why PD program ed that into the game I don’t know? But then to slam you into the wall due to PD is just bad sportsmanship. Stuff like that needs people banning for a week or two.

Manufacturer standings as of Round 5, before any disqualifications:
View attachment 1357523

Cutline (standings wise, top 9 appears to be locked in; Aston Martin gets back into the cutline after the DQ wave while Ferrari collapsed again and both Peugeot and Alfa tied):
 9 Lexus    +30
10 Aston M. +7
11 Peugeot  0
17 Genesis  Partner
12 Alfa R.  0
13 Honda    -1
14 Lambo    -1.5
15 Ferrari  -10.5
That’s a good mix cars this year. Good to see some surprise entry’s (Chevy, Audi, Lexus, Aston and Peugeot)
As someone else said I hate Genesis gets a free pass. Two year in a row now they will be getting a free spot. Should be top 12 manufacturers then the 2 sponsor teams. That mean Alpha and Honda would qualify and we have 14 teams

Are Nissan no longer a partner?
Manufacturer standings as of Round 5, before any disqualifications:
View attachment 1357523

Cutline (standings wise, top 9 appears to be locked in; Aston Martin gets back into the cutline after the DQ wave while Ferrari collapsed again and both Peugeot and Alfa tied):
 9 Lexus    +30
10 Aston M. +7
11 Peugeot  0
17 Genesis  Partner
12 Alfa R.  0
13 Honda    -1
14 Lambo    -1.5
15 Ferrari  -10.5
Decent year-to-year turnover. Ignoring the free pass partners:

IN - Chevrolet, Audi, Lexus, Aston Martin, Peugeot
OUT - McLaren, Nissan, Lamborghini, Honda, Renault
I don't want to sound mean, but I've been reading some post race comments about why bother putting in all this time if I get crashed out, or heavy damage is stupid etc. and while I emphasize, I find GT7 let's you get away with it easy. Let me explain.

I know this is not an iRacing forum, but I am going to compare it to iRacing's crash physics and even real life as examples. Yes heavy damage sucks, even if you're just out there minding your own business and get caught in someone else's problem. However, GT7 still let's you drive, albeit at a reduced rate of speed until you come into the pits and fix the damage. In IRacing, arguably a more realistic platform, if you replicate some of the damages in GT7 in IRacing, you're towing yourself in the pits. That's say 1-2 minutes lost. Not to mention that in IRacing some of the required and optional damage time can equate to an hour, as opposed to several seconds in GT7. Is your race ruined regardless, yes and it sucks, but it could be worse. And you're paying a lot more for content in iRacing than you do in GT7.

Now let's go to the pro side. How do you think some of these teams feel when they spent not only hours, but thousands of dollars in investments just to get wiped on lap 1/2 and get taken out. I'm sure they're more frustrated. Perfect example look at the Stenhouse/Busch incident last week, in an exhibition all star race of all things.

I'm not being mean or judgement, just trying to add perspective. You fall down get your butt up and go again!
I don't want to sound mean, but I've been reading some post race comments about why bother putting in all this time if I get crashed out, or heavy damage is stupid etc. and while I emphasize, I find GT7 let's you get away with it easy. Let me explain.

I know this is not an iRacing forum, but I am going to compare it to iRacing's crash physics and even real life as examples. Yes heavy damage sucks, even if you're just out there minding your own business and get caught in someone else's problem. However, GT7 still let's you drive, albeit at a reduced rate of speed until you come into the pits and fix the damage. In IRacing, arguably a more realistic platform, if you replicate some of the damages in GT7 in IRacing, you're towing yourself in the pits. That's say 1-2 minutes lost. Not to mention that in IRacing some of the required and optional damage time can equate to an hour, as opposed to several seconds in GT7. Is your race ruined regardless, yes and it sucks, but it could be worse. And you're paying a lot more for content in iRacing than you do in GT7.

Now let's go to the pro side. How do you think some of these teams feel when they spent not only hours, but thousands of dollars in investments just to get wiped on lap 1/2 and get taken out. I'm sure they're more frustrated. Perfect example look at the Stenhouse/Busch incident last week, in an exhibition all star race of all things.

I'm not being mean or judgement, just trying to add perspective. You fall down get your butt up and go again!
There's a big difference between how iRacing and GT7 actually model and enforce crashing and driving standards though.
Gran Turismo, for pretty much its entire competitive scene, has enforced that contact doesn't really matter that much and that any damage gets repaired and you can just carry on with your day.

The way everyone drives reflects that has always been the case. Cars are solid blocks, they bounce off eachother, they get pinged around, they shoot momentum into eachother like they're breaking the laws of physics. If you hit someone, it's genuinely no big deal to you, but they'll take the 50mph you were carrying and get launched into a wall and now with heavy damage, have their race irredeemably ruined because of dodgy physics.

In iRacing, cars are squishy, they're fragile, people want to avoid eachother because if you don't, you're both out the race. In GT7, the victim gets off worse. People are well in their right to be annoyed about that. I can't divebomb someone into narnia in iRacing because I'm out too. In GT7, I gain a position.
I don't really think you can compare apples and oranges on these things.

The fundamental gameplay choices follow very different ethos.

One is designed to keep you racing at all costs the other is designed to say "you bend it, you buy it and suck it up"

It's not even about deformable physics or energy displacement, inertia transfer or even momentum.

Is the way GT does it fit for purpose for competitions...I don't think so personally but for a lot of reasons they chose this way with FIA support. My guess is this is one of those realism over game play things.
GT1 - Second Slot - Hyundai

I didn't have much hope for this event as life had caught up to me and limited my practice time. I rushed home from work to manage 30 minutes of practice before the race started. Compared to my friends list leaderboard, I was at least a second off the pace.

Surprisingly, I was given door number 1 which has never happened to me before. I didn't think I'd hold onto to the sentiment behind it with performance though.

Qualifying was smooth. Everyone seemed to have/leave space. The first lap put me in second but I botched the second lap and couldn't improve so I eventually ended up qualifying 8th. I figured I would shoot to stay in the top 8 to improve DR overall.

The race was incredible (except for one McLaren driver who seemed to think punting was cool). In the first few corners, I managed to avoid contact and squeeze my way up into 5th. I thought from there it would be a race of attrition for me. I held onto 5th until lap 7ish where a faster Mazda driver came through. He wasn't able to break away so we had a couple of laps of fair-play battling until the pit stops where he undercut me and I fell victim to the previously mentioned McLaren driver.

I pit on the end of lap ten to get new tyres and fuel. A Lexus driver lost it and went wide onto the grass allowing me to pass into p5. The next couple of laps I was in clean air and seemed to make up some time. I was sitting in 5th until lap 17 where that McLaren and Mazda driver tangled in the midfield, taking each other out. From there, the Lexus driver had already narrowed their gap from 2.5secs behind to less than 1sec. I was in the fight for a podium! I wasn't focused on catching the leading two as they were 8 seconds up the road, but more focused on keeping that Lexus behind. They had a few goes at me but on lap 19 they made a small error just before the first banking which allowed me to break their slipstream. I think that is where I managed to hold onto 3rd. On the final lap, they closed the gap to 0.2sec behind for a photo finish.

TLDR: Qualified 8th, finished 3rd. Highly unexpected and enjoyable race.

I don't really think you can compare apples and oranges on these things.

The fundamental gameplay choices follow very different ethos.

One is designed to keep you racing at all costs the other is designed to say "you bend it, you buy it and suck it up"

It's not even about deformable physics or energy displacement, inertia transfer or even momentum.

Is the way GT does it fit for purpose for competitions...I don't think so personally but for a lot of reasons they chose this way with FIA support. My guess is this is one of those realism over game play things.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I would say iRacing is more inclined to keep people playing.. because if they're playing, they're paying. It's a subscription based game (on top of content costs) and if people are miffed for whatever reason and quit playing, that sub expires, they stop paying and buying content, and that money stream is gone.

In GT7, you pay, they've got your money. What happens to you afterwards matters a lot less in an economy that's not strictly driven by player subscriptions.

I think the current issue with contact/damage etc. is purely simulation related because of that. The games contact engine isn't built for proper crash physics and having a historic precedent of years where the game has understood that itself makes for a very very unfun time when that's flipped on it's head and now has people at the mercy of not being pinballed to death in a race they, at most, have 3 chances to compete in.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I would say iRacing is more inclined to keep people playing.. because if they're playing, they're paying. It's a subscription based game (on top of content costs) and if people are miffed for whatever reason and quit playing, that sub expires, they stop paying and buying content, and that money stream is gone.
Quite honestly, I don't agree. They aren't a large company and the revenue is more about sustainability than massive profit taking.

They also aren't shy with banning people even well known people.

Conflating revenue and gameplay ethos is a bit of a stretch for me.

The upshot is one company wants to make a game representative of real motorsports the other one wants to make a game balanced around inclusivity and market size (accessibility)

iRacing and ACC (PC) are niche compared to GT or even Forza let alone Mario kart.

The objectives of the games are all very different to suit their own purposes.

I put in some good practice for this race and with prior experience with 787b. I got my free practice down to 44.898.

GT1 slot 1 Door 10 177 points up for grab.
The Jaguar is pretty fast here on top end. I quali P1 with 45.283, 0.6 faster than P2.


I survive turn 1 and take it cautiously till we get on to the oval. I determined to make a gap so that I can just time trial and not be under pressure. Unbeknownst to me P2/3 bump and pick up aero damage on lap one. I stay out till lap 12 and pit for tires and fuel maintaining my ~10s lead. I finish P1 for 177 points, my best haul yet.


I was really happy with my consistency and only had 1 pen from the bus stop.
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Quite honestly, I don't agree. They aren't a large company and the revenue is more about sustainability than massive profit taking.

They also aren't shy with banning people even well known people.

Conflating revenue and gameplay ethos is a bit of a stretch for me.

The upshot is one company wants to make a game representative of real motorsports the other one wants to make a game balanced around inclusivity and market size (accessibility)

iRacing and ACC (PC) are niche compared to GT or even Forza let alone Mario kart.

The objectives of the games are all very different to suit their own purposes.

That's what I mean though, on paper they're inclined to keep people playing because they pay.. but in practice they don't, because that's not what the game or community are standing for - and instead standards and expectations are shaped around the game itself.

I don't think there's any relation between payment model and gameplay, I thought thats what you were saying!
That's what I mean though, on paper they're inclined to keep people playing because they pay.. but in practice they don't, because that's not what the game or community are standing for - and instead standards and expectations are shaped around the game itself.

I don't think there's any relation between payment model and gameplay, I thought thats what you were saying!
I think we are saying and agreeing the same thing using different words 🤣