Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Disappointed to find out that using ABS default is not only faster but safer. Makes braking no longer realistic at all, I tried it in various different cars and I was faster. Will give one of the races a shot later tonight, and see how it goes but I'm around 1, 1.5 seconds off the pace of the top 10. Wasn't expecting to be that slow but there is probably some driving trick I'm missing.

I guess I was expecting too much from GT7, thinking it would go neck and neck with the PC sims but it doesn't. Add in the flawed tire model and this ABS default thing and it's far from the PC sims. I should just approach it as a fun simcade instead.
Never been bothered about the Nations so generally don't sign up for them or if I do never do all the races.

Going to give McLaren a shot for the Manufacturers,. They are not the fastest cars but are stable and have grip to days. Which given all the pushing and shoving I experience in the dailies are good traits to have when folks go full try hard.
Purely anecdotal but I have clocked up over 3500km in my Tomahawk S VGT, you are correct in that oil degrades after 300-400 kilometers and turns "bad" after about 700-800.

I noticed Engine status and body rigidity change from "Excellent" to "Normal" after I want to say 2500km?? I'm not entirely sure as I wasn't focused on tracking it, I did change it after 3000km and it was still reading "Normal". (<- This sentence reads poorly, status returns to "Excellent" after changing, It had not yet turned "bad" or "poor" when I made the change.)

How exactly this will play out with actual race cars and the exact nature of the wear and degradation is something I will pay more attention to, will be interesting to see how it plays out.
2500km is enough to cover a normal 10 round season I think, depending on what race length PD targets. Factoring in practice prior to the race, qualifying, etc. And if it drops from excellent to normal in that timeframe it won't be a massive expense to bear.

I'm keeping an eye on my Viper to track it and will report back with my findings. But if we can race 10 races over a period of 2-3 months and have to drop ~150K for running costs (tyres not included) it won't be a problem IMO. Even if you only do championship races and nothing else you'll come out ahead on credits in the end I think.
We were stuck in quali results screen for about 5 minutes before it went on.
A couple of people wrote in chst that they had a black screen, I presume the game was waiting for them to finish which obviously couldn't happen.
Other than that, quali P6, finish P7. Solid race. I don't really like the car with those tires so probably won't bother again today
I had an absolute nightmare qualified P2 took the lead at the first hairpin gapped the field then like an idiot stomped on the loud pedal coming out of the hairpin onto the back straight and spun then spun all the way round again trying to point the right way by this point I was raging and pushed way too hard to get back into it and made several more mistakes which cost me reclaimed positions coming in dead last for a grand total of 13 points.
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It seems a few people disconnected before the race even started, but there were enough in the end. Qualified on pole, finished 1st, not much going on really...although I accidentally hit the handbrake a few meters off the start. 315 points.

I'm just watching Kie's stream now - seems like BoP doesn't reset already installed parts, e.g. the gearbox.

EDIT: At least not all of them.
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Disappointed to find out that using ABS default is not only faster but safer. Makes braking no longer realistic at all, I tried it in various different cars and I was faster. Will give one of the races a shot later tonight, and see how it goes but I'm around 1, 1.5 seconds off the pace of the top 10. Wasn't expecting to be that slow but there is probably some driving trick I'm missing.

I guess I was expecting too much from GT7, thinking it would go neck and neck with the PC sims but it doesn't. Add in the flawed tire model and this ABS default thing and it's far from the PC sims. I should just approach it as a fun simcade instead. know real GT3 and GT4 cars have and use ABS, right? What's not "realistic" is the people that think all race cars are impossible to drive IRL. know real GT3 and GT4 cars have and use ABS, right? What's not "realistic" is the people that think all race cars are impossible to drive IRL.
It is more the point that ABS in Gran Turismo has a built in stability control of some sort, allowing you to drive in ways not possible normally. This means that if ABS is enabled, you have to use it because it is definitely faster. I would like to see ABS be slower or at least the same as No ABS so it gives players a choice in how they want to compete with whatever aids are allowed.
Should they just split sport mode from the single player GT Auto nonsense completely at this point? Just give a selection of cars already BOP'd, for Gr3 races a choice of all the Gr3's etc. and then have these cars as temporary, not able to keep, not able to use in GT Auto.

Seems like they can't put these two modes together without problems and I'm not up for being cheated out of results.
Watching Kie as well and it’s a comedy of errors from PD. Only 6 people on the grid and you can run an MX5 with a bunch of upgrades and tuning on it. Good laugh though
Yeah, I’m not bothering with this after seeing that. Understandably, it is a test season so problems are not a surprise. Hopefully Manufacturers will be better.
At this point, they really should have made an open beta test.
It feels like this is what we're doing now, and most of it could have been found and resolved easily.

It feels like they just stuck the GT Sport system in GT7 without compensating for the fact tuning is now possible unlike GT Sport
Should they just split sport mode from the single player GT Auto nonsense completely at this point? Just give a selection of cars already BOP'd, for Gr3 races a choice of all the Gr3's etc. and then have these cars as temporary, not able to keep, not able to use in GT Auto.

Seems like they can't put these two modes together without problems and I'm not up for being cheated out of results.
Absolutely, I’ve said this too as the messy single player mechanics don’t make a lot of sense when they impinge on Sport mode. I was driving around for 2 days in a r8 that needed an oil change, I didn’t even think of it and was getting annoyed at my sudden loss of form. Must have thrown away tons of DR because of that. The credit crunch is problematic. I’ve got 50k left so can’t try other cars without grinding as daily payouts are pointless. I’ve no interest in car collecting, just let me enter a race and give me every group car to choose from just for qualy and racing. I’m fine with an empty garage honestly.
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Cannot get to the grid myself, all captured in my current stream.

2 more tries left...
It seems a few people disconnected before the race even started, but there were enough in the end. Qualified on pole, finished 1st, not much going on really...although I accidentally hit the handbrake a few meters off the start. 315 points.

How does the points system work? I won my race (started 3rd, no qualifying session because it was bugged) and I got 14 points. It has to do with the fact that I'm in GT3? (lowest level as I never played Sport)
Should they just split sport mode from the single player GT Auto nonsense completely at this point? Just give a selection of cars already BOP'd, for Gr3 races a choice of all the Gr3's etc. and then have these cars as temporary, not able to keep, not able to use in GT Auto.

Seems like they can't put these two modes together without problems and I'm not up for being cheated out of results.
It could be the new Arcade Mode, Simulation Mode split. But it would be GT Mode, Sport Mode split instead.
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How does the points system work? I won my race (started 3rd, no qualifying session because it was bugged) and I got 14 points. It has to do with the fact that I'm in GT3? (lowest level as I never played Sport)
The points available in a room depend on the DR of the drivers in the lobby. So if you are still a D or E driver there will be very low points payouts.
We were stuck in quali results screen for about 5 minutes before it went on.
A couple of people wrote in chst that they had a black screen, I presume the game was waiting for them to finish which obviously couldn't happen.
Other than that, quali P6, finish P7. Solid race. I don't really like the car with those tires so probably won't bother again today
This was my race:

Won't bother again with it today, especially after the bug with tuned parts came out...