Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Will only be available to play sporadically today (already know no evening/night races) so I did one on the AO account this morning using Ferrari. The Ferrari is, how do I say, absolute shrimp around RA. It's a chore, honestly. Eventually I turned on CSA and that helped, but I hate CSA. I'll run it if I must, but it really kills the feeling of the car in the turns. So I turned that off and wet ASM which helped the deadly oversteer on entry. It was still unstable, but good enough. It's odd because I took the Ferrari for a spin around Nord for the last race of the season and it drove great. Guess RA isn't its track.

Anyway, it was a fun race regardless. Started Q4 with an 18.2 (I think... bad time in a bad car, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it). I really like how there's 10 min quali time now. I think it makes people feel less rushed so to speak, and more respectful during qual.

Decided to start on RMs and had some good battles with a Supra and a Porsche, and a little with an AMG. Some were on RSs and some were on RMs which made things interesting. Regardless, good clean racing from all which is all I really care about. Finished P2 behind the AMG that was on the RM-RS strat as well.


GT1 first slot EMEA

Door 10

Manu: Nissan

Not really much to say not a load pics either.

I QT 5th 1:18.2 pole was deed in to the 1:17s

Started mediums and it was a good thing to do, three in front of me battled and one went 🥲 so up to P4, they pit and I'm up to P2 and I'll be honest the guy at the front should not have been in our lobby pace wise. Long story short I cock the pit Strats up come off my mediums far to early and well 10th.

Going back to P1 he had nearly lapped everyone up until P8 😲

Quite a boring, focused intense race but purely for pace management.

Funny thing though is in race on mediums I was hitting my soft lap practice times.

I want to go again I just genuinely don't thing I can muster the motivation for it as it's a fairly "dry" race so to speak, and 28 laps is neither here or there but feels like a time filler length than a racing focused length.


There was no pit entry or exit issues that I could see but this was GT1 so I expect a little bit of experience plays in to avoiding carnage.
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