Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Will only be available to play sporadically today (already know no evening/night races) so I did one on the AO account this morning using Ferrari. The Ferrari is, how do I say, absolute shrimp around RA. It's a chore, honestly. Eventually I turned on CSA and that helped, but I hate CSA. I'll run it if I must, but it really kills the feeling of the car in the turns. So I turned that off and wet ASM which helped the deadly oversteer on entry. It was still unstable, but good enough. It's odd because I took the Ferrari for a spin around Nord for the last race of the season and it drove great. Guess RA isn't its track.

Anyway, it was a fun race regardless. Started Q4 with an 18.2 (I think... bad time in a bad car, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it). I really like how there's 10 min quali time now. I think it makes people feel less rushed so to speak, and more respectful during qual.

Decided to start on RMs and had some good battles with a Supra and a Porsche, and a little with an AMG. Some were on RSs and some were on RMs which made things interesting. Regardless, good clean racing from all which is all I really care about. Finished P2 behind the AMG that was on the RM-RS strat as well.


GT1 first slot EMEA

Door 10

Manu: Nissan

Not really much to say not a load pics either.

I QT 5th 1:18.2 pole was deed in to the 1:17s

Started mediums and it was a good thing to do, three in front of me battled and one went 🥲 so up to P4, they pit and I'm up to P2 and I'll be honest the guy at the front should not have been in our lobby pace wise. Long story short I cock the pit Strats up come off my mediums far to early and well 10th.

Going back to P1 he had nearly lapped everyone up until P8 😲

Quite a boring, focused intense race but purely for pace management.

Funny thing though is in race on mediums I was hitting my soft lap practice times.

I want to go again I just genuinely don't thing I can muster the motivation for it as it's a fairly "dry" race so to speak, and 28 laps is neither here or there but feels like a time filler length than a racing focused length.


There was no pit entry or exit issues that I could see but this was GT1 so I expect a little bit of experience plays in to avoiding carnage.
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Not a good day for me today. The Renault really felt out of place at Road Atlanta as a handling car. Just so, so helpless being forced into single file in the handling areas and then you get obliterated down the back straight. The lack of power was very, very noticeable on this one.

I started P10 with a 1:17.842, started on Mediums and promptly got overtaken into turn 1 by the Beetle behind me. I then had the car behind right up my rear bumper whilst reeling the Beetle back in through sector 1 on lap 2. I tried making a move on the Beetle at turn 7 (start of the back straight), only for him to bounce off of me a bit at the apex. I don't know if that was him turning in on me or netcode/lag, but I held off to let him recover and promptly fell back to P13 for it. :indiff:

Another position was lost shortly afterwards going under the Fox Factory banner as I had to lift to avoid rear-ending a Porsche, and that let the Porsche behind me slip by going past the pit entry. I take the position back at turn 1, only to then pick up a track limits penalty for sliding wide at the end of the sector 1 S-bends... :banghead:

From there, I just wound up fighting with the Porsche that slipped by under the banner, gradually falling away from everyone else. He picked up a track limits penalty on lap 9, but the polesitter had come out of the pits right behind us and utterly outgunned me down the straight. I couldn't do anything, got held up which cancelled out the Porsche's penalty and then he went for it into turn 1 so back down to last place.

The Porsche eventually made another mistake on lap 13 which finally released me, and then I managed to start going at my pace from my practice runs which gradually started to drop him.

3 people had quit by the time I time I took my pit stop at the end of lap 17 (which should have been 18 now in hindsight) and I came out in P11. I managed to reel in a Honda over my Soft stint but then couldn't do anything to get past. The tyres were just too worn by then to actually make good on any slides or mistakes he made.

P11, 154 points. I won't be going again as I'd need a miracle. There's nowhere good to make a pass without going all-in on some gutsy dive. Just hoping the Nurburgring goes better!

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In GT1?! You'd have been 7th in my GT2 lobby! I was 11th with an 18.5 :lol:
I was a low GT1 one lobby to be the supra id expect 1:16s

You don't have to be the fastest for GT1 but being A ranked at the time.....

You go with the roll you get.

But in all honesty I'm glad I didn't have your experience of push to pass stuff etc the race pace was a bit to quick for that and heavy damage

Edit: in GT2 I'd probably have been pole... but where is the fun in that, race your peers.
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You don't have to be the fastest for GT1 but being A ranked at the time.....
Indeed, I'd just expect more of a time difference. Either that or there's a lot of A/A+ drivers dropping to B to start the seasons for some reason.

Quite frustrating to be apparently on a relatively okay pace for an A lobby but stuck in DR B and getting tenth.
Indeed, I'd just expect more of a time difference. Either that or there's a lot of A/A+ drivers dropping to B to start the seasons for some reason.

Quite frustrating to be apparently on a relatively okay pace for an A lobby but stuck in DR B and getting tenth.
It's a problem, in all honesty. You know my my pace, consistency is a bit hit and miss.

But hand on heart I'm doing GT1 with the ability of an A driver on the day or TT but B rated and the whole lobby was B rated.

By just poor results I drop down to B, there are some that clearly are much quicker dropped down.

I mean I don't mind that but it does devalue the point of lobbies not based on pace.
Started 12th after getting a 1:18.4 in quali, a second off a Dutch driver in a BMW who stuck it on pole. I started on mediums, but I suffered diffuser damage thanks to some bunching up in the esses on lap 2, so I had to suffer with reduced straight line speed for the next 16 laps. I gained some places as the soft starters pitted in from lap 7 onwards. After pitting for softs at the end of lap 18, I gained on a British Porsche (with a Swedish-themed livery somehow) who almost certainly pitted for mediums a few laps earlier, as they didn't pit again for the rest of the race. Despite my best efforts, they were doing their best impression of Sergio Perez at Abu Dhabi '21, and we were shortly joined by another Porsche, this time driven by a Russian. We ran nose-to-tail for a few laps as no-one could pass and no-one was stupid enough to role-play as Mazepin. The Brit slipped up around lap 24 at the exit of the Esses and picked up a track limits penalty, finally letting me up into 5th place...only for me to pick up a penalty myself on lap 27, letting both the Brit and Russian through. I got lucky a minute letter as the Brit had a nasty snap of oversteer exiting the first chicane, allowing me to slip past and snatch 6th and 126pts on the last lap.

The best part is I didn't get slapped with a 2 minute penalty for not pitting often enough. :embarrassed:
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I think I'm done with this season and the Lambo. Mid B Lobby. Qualified on P9 with a 1:18.5 and was 1.2s off pole 💀
Got punted in turn 1 and slipped back to P14. In the turn before the straight I got punted again and when I was going again I was already 40s from P1.

Tried to salvage something but I could not control this car for the life of me. Quit after Lap 14 for my first DR bump in a long time 😅

Don't know what happened between Race 1 and 2 but the car feels totally off since Trial Mountain.
I actually won my race, in the Hyundai not the Genesis, the woefully slow and unpopular Hyundai. Qualified P2 and ran the opposite strategy to the majority of the field. Since the last physics update I've found the RM's to be the better tyre compared to the RS, granted they are slower but I find them a lot more consistent and don't fall off the cliff as much as RS.
By the end of lap 3 I had dropped to p5 but was keeping pace with the leaders and held a healthy gap to the pack behind. Lap 6 I set the fastest lap and realised so long as I didn't mess up this could be a decent finish for me for once. By lap 8 I found myself in the lead as all the RS ahead of me had pit, my plan was to pit on lap 14 but had to bail out of it as I crossed the line and wanted to avoid the 3 second penalty, so I pit on the next lap and came out P2 chasing down an Audi. We had a great battle swapping positions all the way to the final lap where I think his tyres had gone as once I past for the final time I was able to bring it home :D
First report in a while..

Went BMW for this season
Gt1 (~200PTS for win)

First round was an unimpressive 7th at gardens. Although with little practice, I managed to qualify p5 , but managed to crash it lap 2 at the quadruple right turn. Limped for half race with damage and was a recovery race from there. 7th for 133 pts , could ve been a lot better had I not binned it.

Today at RA went a little better. (210 pts lobby)

Qualified P1 with a 17.1 and just 0.050 ahead of 2nd so I thought I would have a though run for the win.

Started mediums as I was not confident on wasting the better tyre at the start and then limping around the soft runners towards the end. P2 did as well. However P3 was on softs in a supra.

He manage to get P2 by lap 6 but didn't have the pace to overtake me before lap 9 when he went in. From here on was just driving consistently and avoiding pens.

Managed to keep a steady high 1.18 pace through the medium stint and then went in at the end of 17 for softs.

At this point I have a 5s lead over second which would eventually extend to more than 10s by the end of the race.


Pretty boring race , or as Max would say just lovely.
Brought home the win and 210 pts for my best finish ever in a GTWS race.

Pretty shocked to find that my pace was so superior to everyone else since normally I'm not great with gr3s


Good luck to everyone running the last slot.
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Well ended up running a 13M/15S in the first slot in the Mazda - which isn't exactly optimal! But after qualifying 5th and running quite well I had a big moment coming out of the final corner on L10 which almost put me into the pits, lost a bunch of places and couldn't get any pace going so I binned off the tyres and treated the new softs very gently! Gentle enough to pull an undercut on multiple cars and still have enough tyre left at the end to only drop two places to 9th

Ran my alt in the BMW in the second slot off 20 miles acclimatision to the car and no fuel/tyre wear running and that was a lot of fun if extremely chaotic. Pole, made a mistake which cost me the lead then the lead car had no front left tyre remaining and was trying to get into the pits from here with a poor exit...


He braked, I got front end damage and after pitting I spent 20 laps chasing the Nissan from a 4s deficit. I caught up, but couldn't pass and the guys who started mediums and caught up to us with us struggling behind the Porsche were able to get ahead with their fresh soft tyres at the end, but it was a really enjoyable race
Indeed, I'd just expect more of a time difference. Either that or there's a lot of A/A+ drivers dropping to B to start the seasons for some reason.

Quite frustrating to be apparently on a relatively okay pace for an A lobby but stuck in DR B and getting tenth.
There is a huge time difference, the person I suspect was A+ nearly lapped the whole field and that's just a second or so quicker a lap.

I'm still about 1k on the leaderboard for practice and I'm a fast ish B driver.

The A guys/gals are about the same pace wise but the A+ stuff is mu best QT race pace for most of them.
Not a good day for me today. The Renault really felt out of place at Road Atlanta as a handling car. Just so, so helpless being forced into single file in the handling areas and then you get obliterated down the back straight. The lack of power was very, very noticeable on this one.

I started P10 with a 1:17.842, started on Mediums and promptly got overtaken into turn 1 by the Beetle behind me. I then had the car behind right up my rear bumper whilst reeling the Beetle back in through sector 1 on lap 2. I tried making a move on the Beetle at turn 7 (start of the back straight), only for him to bounce off of me a bit at the apex. I don't know if that was him turning in on me or netcode/lag, but I held off to let him recover and promptly fell back to P13 for it. :indiff:

Another position was lost shortly afterwards going under the Fox Factory banner as I had to lift to avoid rear-ending a Porsche, and that let the Porsche behind me slip by going past the pit entry. I take the position back at turn 1, only to then pick up a track limits penalty for sliding wide at the end of the sector 1 S-bends... :banghead:

From there, I just wound up fighting with the Porsche that slipped by under the banner, gradually falling away from everyone else. He picked up a track limits penalty on lap 9, but the polesitter had come out of the pits right behind us and utterly outgunned me down the straight. I couldn't do anything, got held up which cancelled out the Porsche's penalty and then he went for it into turn 1 so back down to last place.

The Porsche eventually made another mistake on lap 13 which finally released me, and then I managed to start going at my pace from my practice runs which gradually started to drop him.

3 people had quit by the time I time I took my pit stop at the end of lap 17 (which should have been 18 now in hindsight) and I came out in P11. I managed to reel in a Honda over my Soft stint but then couldn't do anything to get past. The tyres were just too worn by then to actually make good on any slides or mistakes he made.

P11, 154 points. I won't be going again as I'd need a miracle. There's nowhere good to make a pass without going all-in on some gutsy dive. Just hoping the Nurburgring goes better!

Us renault drivers are gluttons for punishment.
This was a story about, it's not where you start, but where you finish today. I originally signed with Renault on my alt account but due to family and life commitments, I missed the first 2 rounds. I decided to sign with Nissan on my main, after some rigorous testing. It's also a Manufacturer I know very well. It turned out to be the right choice for this round. I was in an extremely fast lobby. Qualified wirh a 1:17.2 in a 316 pt lobby (for first) That was only good enough for 11th! The guys at the front were hitting mid 16s. Just insane pace. Anyway, I started with mediums and slowly carved my way through the field as drivers infront made mistakes and crashed out. I was closely followed for the whole race by a German in a Porsche, but I was able to keep him at bay. You know things are going well when you don't get passed in a race. By the end of lap 18, I pit for softs and came out in 7th place. With 6th only 2 sec ahead of me. By lap 26, there was a collision between 5th and 4th, which meant I was able to capitalise and move up to 6th. The 5th place guy in a Toyota had front end damage, and I was able to catch him with 2 laps left. By the last lap, I was 5th and managed to gap the Porsche and Merc driver behind me. Finished with 263 pts and gained 6 places. A good day at the office indeed. In that sort of company, that was probably one of my best ever performances in GT7. Onto my favourite track for the last round, including daily C at Nurb 24. Next week is going to be epic.
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Started 11th after making a mess of qualifying. I aborted a lap after the right hander before the straight, slowing up to let some cars past because I though I had enough time to make it to the line. Ended up about 2 seconds short.

That made it sound like that was my sole reason for starting 11th. I've barely raced here I don't know what I was doing.

Started on mediums, pitted lap 10, avoided everything and ended up 5th. Another GT-R who had started 3rd and had an... eventful race was chasing me and had taken the lead, but he got a track limits penalty on lap 17 then got another one on lap 20. I got one shortly after but I was far enough ahead to stay there.

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta _.jpeg

I only really made up places via other people having a shambles (I would've been 6th but the Ferrari in 3rd wasn't using TCS and had a few spins) but after the last two races I was due some luck.
Bit of a mis-step for team GTP Renault Lavazza today.

Decent quali of 17.1 was enough for P4 and started on the mediums, but lap one the Porsche behind decided to squeeze up the inside at the first chicane...


Racing indecent I think, I didn't see him coming but perhaps unnecessary on lap 1 of 28. He sped off and I flew across the grass trying to rejoin without causing a pile-up. Now I was at the back but had some fun battles trying to recover...


Took rear damage on lap 3 fighting over P12 but it wasn't a major issue and after stopping at lap 17 I was in 10th, even with a silly 3 second penalty for crossing the pit lines by a tiny amount. Now the soft stint to try and claw my way back into the top half...


The next two cars were really struggling so picking them off turned out to be quite easy, but that was a far as I could get, P8 and a fun recovery drive. :cheers:
Today was decent gaming session on GT7, but it had its fair share of ups and downs especially in this GTWS round 3 race! Last time slot at 7pm race C-B class race.

Logged on and got prepped for the round 3 race at RA, did some mods to my Aston racer. Then opened a roulette ticket 3 star from yesterday. Got some cred or parts cant remember.

Went into sport mode and did some practice runs and the car was behaving very strange on the RM tires, so much understeer on turn 1 and the last chicane turn, also as if the car had no downforce, this new physics model coming back and punishing me I dunno why. Could have been my setup of assists, switched over to RS tires and did some more laps and it wasnt the best, clocked a 1:20 and left it at that.

Onto qualifying as the entry had started, it started off ok, then I got on lap 2 got stuck behind a MAZDA Racer that was slowing me down, but he kept getting faster as I chased him, traffic behind started to push bump there way past, got a couple of penalties that were just unlawful but oh well, it slowed me down so tried and pushed the last few laps before the timer ran out. OK cool onto the Race!

Race started off well, good start strong as the aston is on the get go. I passed a Mclaren GT3 and then everybody got shaky on the ESSES leading up the hill, but I kept my ground. Was locked into 9th place chasing some cars, then moved up to 8th and was chasing a ferrari guy, unfortunately, the guy span out at Turn 5 and could not avoid him in time, and bumped so got served a 3 sec forced collsion penalty, was gutted, but served it at the penalty marker and fuffed it out.

Kept chugging on and worked my way up to 6th after a few guys spun out, I kept pushing the RS tyres up until I passed some guys on the pits and got up to 3rd place. I held that until I had to pit, started losing grip on lap 12. Pit entered but my entry was bad so as I exited I realised the game gave served another 3 sec penalty, oh joy!

Served that and kept pushing the Aston hard and stay consistent in 6th place. Then was chasing the 5th place guy and overall finished the race in 6th, but it got bumped to 5th due to a 2min time penalty served by a portuguese ferrari guy which bumped my placement up on finish!

Collected a cool 35-36points and ready for Round 4, the green hell it seems will be fun lets go!

Enjoy pics!

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