Gran Turismo World Series (Manufacturers Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 12 Mar - 22 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
I ran a full 35 lapper at suzuka last night. Since this is my first foray into GT1, I went with Genesis again (I ran it in the last manu) to have something I know and am comfortable driving. (And it seems like the meta every week now.)

I was not really competitive last week at suzuka and the genesis was not my choice for that track. In my simulation, I was driving conservatively but my pace was only 2:04s at best, lots of 2:05s. I had to pit once because of stupid AI tricks. (Actually, I pitted twice because I got in a hurry and clicked right through the 'don't repair' button - Be Carefull!!) Seems hard for me to keep a blistering pace over an hour or so.

I didn't simulate any rain; without rain it is a no-stopper. The hard tires held up, but I started having to brake earlier in the latter half of the race. (I'm notoriously bad with tires). I suppose if I have to stop for repair, I would go ahead and change tires.

So, my first GT1 series, I plan to treat this as a learning experience and not worry too much about my placement. I'll probably drop to DR B before this thing is over. I'll be the one with a 'Baby on Board' sticker, driving around the back slowly and carefully! I could even see myself getting lapped or at least timed out before I finish. Again, learning, it's all good.
I'm having some regrets over my Honda pick. The Gr3 NSX feels very unstable and twitchy over bumps and kerbs. The round at the Ring will be even more of an absolute nightmare.

Hope it doesn't rain for Suzuka. I'm having enough trouble as it is, especially the first Degner.

Since you can alter the dampers in the Suzuka round, try softning the compression in the front, and a bit too in the rear.
Extension/decompression you can either stiffen a bit in the rear, or keep it stock, and soften the front a bit
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I feel like us GT2/3 racers have been hard done by with having to balance your pick with a decent Gr3 and Gr4.
Gr4 NSX is nice, not driven the Gr3.

As for my pick, I’m going with Nissan. Didn’t really want to pick a manufacturer I’ve already used, so I was left with BMW, Nissan, Porsche, Ferrari, & Lexus. The others I’ve either used or have no intention of using.

GTR Gr3. - Suzuka GTR feels great. Nurbs 24 probs not going to enter but if I do solid pick and Barcelona it’s not bad. Ideally I’d have pick Porsche for these 3 rounds but factoring Gr4 the Cayman sucks!
Silvia Gr4 - in my test found the Silvia the better drive over the GTR.

Anyone on the DR B/A crossover? If so what race pace are people doing? I did a test race but with GT1 settings and I did 30 consistent laps at a 2:04. Fastest lap was 2:03.4. I’m not sure if 15/16 laps at 2:04 is fast enough?
I picked Nissan as well. Do you have any idea about the fuel map, suspension, or brake settings? I've only done the free practice so far and it's very hard to tell without the wear and fuel consumption. I plan on simulating via time trial later today or early tomorrow before the races start.
If you want to set up a lobby, with the race settings, you should check out the website ( I've been using it since sport. They give all the info you need, time of day, weather, tires and everything you need. They have the weather listed as S01 for this race and I have never seen them get it wrong.
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I picked Nissan as well. Do you have any idea about the fuel map, suspension, or brake settings? I've only done the free practice so far and it's very hard to tell without the wear and fuel consumption. I plan on simulating via time trial later today or early tomorrow before the races start.
Suzuka - GT1 fuel not an issue, tyres you can no stop, but some suggest you could 1 stop, but I guess it ll depends on the field spread with damage. GT2 easy no stop. just a straight out sprint. As for Brake Bias I like to run it forward so I run -3 or -2. Dampers/Suspension I've not really looked into this as I'm not too sure how the settings work. but in my test race I did 2 clicks down/softer on the rear and left the front as it was.

As I'm GT2 league I have Gr4 cars for round 2 & 3 - Using the Silvia. Im not fuel saving as both tracks you lose too much time on hard trying to save 4-5 laps of fuel. Use soft tyres and the mandatory. Again BB I run -3/-2 to the front. Suspension I left it as it was and it felt nice for me
Just a heads-up that it will rain indeed at Suzuka in today's Manufacturers Cup race so get the wet tires ready. It even has the exact rain patterns too like in the Showdown race - including it raining at the Spoon first, while the home straight remained dry for a while.

(Tested on a GT3 League race. Actual rain pattern may differ depending on the race.)
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Looks like I'll miss the first couple rounds while I'm out a wheel. I don't really feel like I'll be competitive trying to relearn how to race with the pad, especially since moving up to GT2.
Respect to Polyphony for deciding to start hiding wet weather in races without giving any hints in the schedule. :lol:

This is definitely going to spice things up going forward! My only concern is that if it's fixed weather patterns (since Suzuka sounds like it is a replica of the Amsterdam final), there's going to be a big advantage to seeking information in advance from the Asia and Oceania regions and/or the earlier timeslots for GT2/3, rather than having it be a surprise. 🤔
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Just a heads-up that it will rain indeed at Suzuka in today's Manufacturers Cup race so get the wet tires ready. It even has the exact rain patterns too like in the Showdown race - including it raining at the Spoon first, while the home straight remained dry for a while.

(Tested on a GT3 League race. Actual rain pattern may differ depending on the race.)
Will be in the first EURO slot in 10 minutes so hopefully can catch some people napping with this info!

It's the only way I'll get a good result at Suzuka :lol:
Weather radar broken, it stayed the same all race despite a dry start and then heavy rain towards the end.

I messed up. The rain was quite light and only in one spot at first so I stayed out, just whacked up the TC. Moved up from 11th to 5th as others span. When it did get heavy on lap 12 or 13 I was already past 130R and primed to put on the wets. Stupid me, concentrating so much on getting a clean entry without penalties - I clicked on “don’t change tyres” option!

No way to cancel and pointless to crawl round a whole lap so near the end. I quit (don’t care about my DR/SR). Will try again after some breakfast.
Important note: The weather is moving at a normal real-life speed in this race instead of the normal mach 10, so zoom your weather radar in all the way!

Weather radar broken, it stayed the same all race despite a dry start and then heavy rain towards the end.
It was definitely moving for me on the most zoomed in setting, you could see a cube over just Spoon at about lap 9, before coming over the rest of the circuit a couple of laps later.
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The weather definitely caught some people out in my race. 9am slot in EU.

Qualified 6th and had a great clean race picking up places through the first half. Made it up to 2nd when it started spitting around lap 8 I think. I messed up the chicane a lap later and thought 'what the hell' and pitted for inters from 5th.

Thought I'd blown it up for the first half a lap as people went past, then after the hairpin I was just sailing past everyone. So much so I picked up a 3 sec penalty for ignoring yellow flags. I couldn't see them at all in VR, was too busy aiming at the gaps! 😁

Passed the leaders a lap or 2 later and it was getting really heavy on the start finish. I think my last lap was probably 20s slower than usual, but survived for the win.

Started 7th, happy to get Suzuka out of the way to be honest and move on to tracks where I'm more competitive.

The rain helped, knowing to go steady through spoon while on dry tires gained me 3 places and jumping to wets got me into 4th to finish.

Happy with that and appreciate the heads up on here :cheers:



Lol what surely with rain that's going to be approaching a 90 minute race in GT1 league then, if not more?
Am I crazy? I don't understand why anyone would ever want to do this? Let alone be happy about being forced into that long of a race?

I think this exhibition will be a fun experiment in how many credits I can get for parking the car in the pits on lap 1..
Is the rain appearing at all levels and not just GT1?

Eventful 2nd run in GT3, to put it mildly. 3rd on the grid. Dropped to last by lap 7, just awful driving by myself.


Pitted as soon as the first rain drops appeared.


How can the NSX be so much better in the wet?! Drove back through the field, almost grabbed 2nd as 4 of us ended up together heading into the final chicane.


Couldn’t get the power down enough and crossed the line in 4th.


Great fun. Any Gr3 race should have variable weather or tyre strategy - I know they can’t give us rainy Gr4s and hand the AWDs a massive advantage.
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I am in GT3 and this was my race....

Well.. got my Q destroyed by both myself and a Porsche so started as P14, then in L1, T1 someone collided ahead and the guy that went off rejoined straight into me giving me a 3 second penalty.
I mostly droned around in the last 4 places until rain appear at Spoon and the leaders start pitting. That sends me to P8, but the Porsche from Q has made some mistake or pitted and comes back behind me, hits me 3 times in a lap with damage every time, so I let him pass. I pit on lap 12 and come out as P12 on intermediates, then as the race finished I crossed the line as P7.
In hindsight I should probably had picked heavy wets but it worked OK
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Just a heads-up that it will rain indeed at Suzuka in today's Manufacturers Cup race so get the wet tires ready. It even has the exact rain patterns too like in the Showdown race - including it raining at the Spoon first, while the home straight remained dry for a while.

(Tested on a GT3 League race. Actual rain pattern may differ depending on the race.)
Darn I should have come here first and got myself sorted.

Put my RC-F 12th on the grid. Seems like a couple of people were annoyed at each other as it seemed they raced and took each other out. The good news is that this granted me a couple of spots. The bad news was they were right behind me.
Lap 1 and no issues, at least for me. I was up to 8th after some spins. I knew my place and didn't fight some faster people when they got close and took advantage of spills. Keeping the car on the track would be my best bet. And then it happened. The sky darkened and the weather radar showed only some brief showers, nothing to worry about. However soon Spoon became an ice rink even when no rain showed over the circuit. (Something broken there)

As it was one corner I could live with it especially as others were also having issues. I was up to 4th at one point.
However it did eventually spread across the rest of the track and so I dived into the pits. Only to suddenly realise that I hadn't bought wet tyres. :banghead:
With 2 laps to go I crawled around and waited for the timer to count down after the inter runners finished. I was best of the dry tyres and came home 7th. Not a bad result and some decent points too.
Buy some inters at least people!
GT2 B - Went with Lexus , Qualification went okay since it been while ago that i driven it got into P10 with 2.04.867

Race - started okay but soon some people started pushing to sides , even they caught me and then i spun on the spoon like on lap 2 or 3 xD - that got me into like P13 thankfully managed to back to top 10 after people started dropping like flies :D
rain really helped me from P10 to P4 where i ended - not bad race even tho those inters barely hold up in last lap
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GT1 here - got the exact same weather pattern as the GTWS Manu Cup. Rain started around lap 11-13, and switch to dry tyres around lap 23-25. I stayed out too long for the first switchover, but nailed the second one. Went from 8th to 5th in the end. Pretty happy considering the Corvette is the most unsuited car to rain conditions :lol: I think the top 2 drivers are DR sandbaggers tho (they're consistently lapping 3 secs faster than everyone else). So I'll take it as an effective podium ;) Probably could've got the win if I wasn't trying to be a hero during the first switchover, but live and learn.

The whole thing took around 90 minutes including quali. Love these longer races, you can really settle into a rhythm and people are less crazy and not divebombing as much (the threat of damage also helps). Definitely a step in the right direction 👍

Nurb 24 is going to be the highlight this season for me. The other 3 races doesn't have weather so it's just going to be a boring extended Daily C. PD really should add weather to all tracks in GT8.

Edit: also don't forget to change your oil before the race if you've been practicing! Don't want to lose a few crucial horsepower in the closing stages.
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As for how my race went, it was a bit silly (upper GT2, GT by Citroen Race Car, slot 1) - I pitted far too early for inters thinking the rain would come quicker, to the point I burnt them out and had to two-stop for a second set on lap 9, leaving me last, about 1:20 behind. But then the late-race rain hit at the perfect time so that the majority of the field had to do most of a lap with dries on a wet track, and by the time everyone else pitted I ended up in P7. I then passed someone who had put full wets on into Dunlop before they could heat the tyres up, securing P6.

I don't think I can do better than that again in the Citroen, so just the one run for me today.
What lap does the rain come in GT2 leagues?

Inters or full wets? I know in the showdown most picked inters
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GT1 here - got the exact same weather pattern as the GTWS Manu Cup. Rain started around lap 11-13, and switch to dry tyres around lap 23-25. I stayed out too long for the first switchover, but nailed the second one. Went from 8th to 5th in the end. Pretty happy considering the Corvette is the most unsuited car to rain conditions :lol: I think the top 2 drivers are DR sandbaggers tho (they're consistently lapping 3 secs faster than everyone else). So I'll take it as an effective podium ;) Probably could've got the win if I wasn't trying to be a hero during the first switchover, but live and learn.

The whole thing took around 90 minutes including quali. Love these longer races, you can really settle into a rhythm and people are less crazy and not divebombing as much (the threat of damage also helps). Definitely a step in the right direction 👍

Nurb 24 is going to be the highlight this season for me. The other 3 races doesn't have weather so it's just going to be a boring extended Daily C. PD really should add weather to all tracks in GT8.

Sounds like a lot of fun indeed! Did you use Inters or Wet in GT1 race? Thx
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Sounds like a lot of fun indeed! Did you use Inters or Wet in GT1 race? Thx
I went with inters. At its worst half of the track was full wet conditions (from Spoon all the way to the first corner was pretty bad). It's manageable with inters but if you want to play it safe you can stick full wets (especially if you drive FR car). The only issue is you might have to switch to slicks sooner while parts of the racing line are still semi wet because the wets don't survive that long on a drying track.

Just depends which scenario you're more comfortable:
1. Driving with inters on a full wet track.
2. Driving with slicks on a drying track.