Gran Turismo World Series (Manufacturers Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 12 Mar - 22 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
Saved for posterity before the round is wiped from existence

GT1, Slot 3 (22:00)

After some delay between warmup and qualifying, the lobby for the final slot actually got unstuck. Qualifying began and I was in with @SPL170db. I managed to start P4. When the race was about to start however, there was another pause and only 9 players were left.

To sum up my race, while I managed to nail the death chicane every lap with very little to no issue, I unfortunately crashed twice elsewhere on the track, being stuck with permanent aero damage after the second one. Of course, this threw my whole pit strategy out of whack when I originally planned to go with a balanced 10S/10S/10S/4H strategy. In the end I finished P8, which was actually dead last since another person dropped out, for 136 points.

This post is a short one since I was so annoyed with not only how my race went but the fact I got shafted out of my two attempts at this thanks to whatever is going on with the servers lately, that I didn’t bother taking a screenshot or saving the replay. But the silver lining though is that my score was still enough to jump me up the rankings quite a bit for now.

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I didn't do the race this week because I'm slow at Seaside reverse but I was happy to see that I was still 12th out of 36 for Dodge, then I noticed it says that it's top 75% money. Is the money percent wrong for anyone else? Hopefully PD fixes this before the final event ends. I didn't check if the percent is accurate for overall ranking
It's not wrong. Since you're not meeting the goal for being in the top 25%, you only get money for meeting the goal underneath it, which is top 75%. You're only paid for the goals you meet or exceed, and since there's no top 33% tier, that means 75%.
I must say after running over 150 laps of this track this weekend, I am now officially a fan of this circuit in the reverse layout!!
I could never quite figure out how to take T6 nor the right/left/right sequence that you take flat out in the normal direction (T8/9/10) but once you figure them out it feels awesome when you nail them!
Have to agree. I don’t mind Seaside as a track but never got the hang off Seaside reverse. After running a lot of laps in the Silvia I find it’s a really great track in the Gr4s. They are overtaking opportunities but you have to be brave.

I remember doing Seaside reverse in the Gr3 race a few months back and that was pretty fun to race too. Definitely a very rewarding track when you nail it

Just a question regarding the lobbies not loading, but what console are you playing on for those affected? Im on ps5 and ran 2 slots in GT1 last night no worries. Another mate that's on the ps4 couldn't even get into one. I wonder if it is something that is only affecting ps4 users?
I was PS5, and had no issue in my 3 attempts.
What are GT2/3 thinking for strategy for the 20-lap Nations Cup race with the Red Bull cars this week?

I did a practice race last night and fuel isn't going to be an issue.

The race requires all 3 tire compounds, though. The strategy that's forming in my mind is this:
  • Do 1 lap on hards, either at the start or the end (hat tip to @Fezzik for pointing out this loophole last week)
  • Use softs as long as they are better than mediums -- guessing this will be 10-15 laps, but will have to test it to find the sweet spot
  • Mediums for whatever is left over
But what order? I would guess it depends on where you qualify. If you are near the front, I would think S-M-H, so you can build up a lead early in the race and spend the later part defending it. At the back, maybe the reverse, H-M-S, so you can get the best possible times out of the slow tires unmolested, then attack at the end when the front-runners are on the slower tires. What about mid-pack? Maybe M-S-H so you aren't wasting the softs in traffic when everybody is bunched together at the start of the race. Thoughts?
The rear softs last 12-13 laps for me (with a lot of wheelspinning in turn 2), the grip starts to give up around lap 10. The mediums are pretty good so I’d probably go 1H-10S-9M.
I did a race sim earlier in the week just to get an idea of how long each tire would last for 30 laps. I think I was just going to go RS > RM > many laps as I could get from each. As the fuel load goes down, hopefully RH will be tolerable for however many laps are left. I forgot how many laps I got out of RS and RM so I'll need to give it another test before next weekend, although I might be out for a friend's bday dinner and can't play it anyway.
I honestly think these length races are a MUST in the dailies (Daily D) going forward considering how much PD are pushing the e-sports angle. This race length combined with heavy damage produced some of the cleanest, most sensible racing I have seen online in this game. It's good because it gets you out of the mentality of "I need to overtake at every opportunity" that you get in daily B with the 4-5 lap sprints.
Yeah! I 100% agree.
I just tried a test to see how much my tires would get chewed on a 1 lap go around the 24 hr course. I could maybe make the fronts last 3 laps on RS but not likely, and it says 4 laps on a full tank with no fuel savings.

I can't recall, if there's no tire requirement does it let you mix and match tire compounds, at least at the start anyway....I know you can't at a pit stop. Like RM fronts and RS rears.
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Did some quick preliminary testing. The great news is I was able to dial in a tune I was comfortable with. The good news is I can get the Softs to the end of 4 laps, with my rear left completely dead as I cross the finish line, and that 4th lap being about 10 seconds slower. I also had a half lap of fuel left while pushing hard the entire time. This test me that I can most likely get 5 laps out of mediums and a tank of fuel with a bit of tire/fuel saving.

The kicker is going to be the weather and how they implement its speed. My fast lap on Softs was an 8:13….which is just about right for me. I’m sure I can knock a few seconds off with some practice. I gotta figure out how much slower I’ll be per lap on the mediums while fuel saving. It would be a shame to plan on the 1-stop, only to have rain come and you lost out on pace.

Between qualifying and race times for a completely dry race, it’ll run us about an hour and 45 minutes give or take. So there’s that to consider when the GT1 time slots are 2 hours apart.



It’s an absolute no-brainer to just copy-paste these events even with generic custom race AI, and implement all of these GT1/2/3 races straight into SP content!

Unlock the 1 hour lago maggiore mission race, add a variation of the Spa 1 hour where it’s a Gr.3 BOP’d race. Add the final Interlagos round from last season, all of the GT1 rounds from this season, and BAM!! There’s your “Gr.3 Endurance League”! It really is that simple. Then filter in the next season’s races into SP mode afterwards as additional SP content. You’ve already done the coding, so it shouldn’t be that hard.

Hell, even combine it with some of the GTWS season’s Gr.4 races, and make it a re-playable “season” where you have to pick a manufacturer and everything.

Geezus PD 🙄
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I’m in the same boat. Nothing in nations really excites me this season.

Is it too early to start talking about the ring? 10 laps, no mandatory tires - with all compounds available!!!

How many laps is GT2&3 doing?
I'm also very hyped for The Green Hell, so much that i've been practicing today already. I'm pumped. GT2 and 3 are doing 3 laps i think. Last time's Ex Manu Cup i was still in GT2 and we raced on the ring aswell. That was 3 laps.

edit: i'm looking at the schedule right now and can see that they are indeed doing 3 laps.
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I would give my Manufacturers race report from Dragon Trail Seaside, but that would mean I would have to call out a fellow GTP member who punted me off the track on lap 1, and pushed me off the track later in the race. Which I'm not gonna do.

5 minute delay between warm up and qualy. 9 people started. GT2, America slot 1.

I went from Q6 to P7.

Thanks unnamed GTP member.:gtpflag:
Did some quick preliminary testing. The great news is I was able to dial in a tune I was comfortable with. The good news is I can get the Softs to the end of 4 laps, with my rear left completely dead as I cross the finish line, and that 4th lap being about 10 seconds slower. I also had a half lap of fuel left while pushing hard the entire time. This test me that I can most likely get 5 laps out of mediums and a tank of fuel with a bit of tire/fuel saving.

The kicker is going to be the weather and how they implement its speed. My fast lap on Softs was an 8:13….which is just about right for me. I’m sure I can knock a few seconds off with some practice. I gotta figure out how much slower I’ll be per lap on the mediums while fuel saving. It would be a shame to plan on the 1-stop, only to have rain come and you lost out on pace.

Between qualifying and race times for a completely dry race, it’ll run us about an hour and 45 minutes give or take. So there’s that to consider when the GT1 time slots are 2 hours apart.



It’s an absolute no-brainer to just copy-paste these events even with generic custom race AI, and implement all of these GT1/2/3 races straight into SP content!

Unlock the 1 hour lago maggiore mission race, add a variation of the Spa 1 hour where it’s a Gr.3 BOP’d race. Add the final Interlagos round from last season, all of the GT1 rounds from this season, and BAM!! There’s your “Gr.3 Endurance League”! It really is that simple. Then filter in the next season’s races into SP mode afterwards as additional SP content. You’ve already done the coding, so it shouldn’t be that hard.

Hell, even combine it with some of the GTWS season’s Gr.4 races, and make it a re-playable “season” where you have to pick a manufacturer and everything.

Geezus PD 🙄

Alright. Did some more strategy testing in custom races, mimicking the race settings that have been given to us. Run #1 was to fuel save with mediums and see if I could get 5 laps out of a tank while maintaining a decent pace. In typical "Green Hell" fashion, I had some moments of triumph as well as some close calls, but nonetheless, it was a solid stint. My lap times ranged from 8:21-8:19, and I finished with .1 laps of fuel in the tank. Total race time was 41:50.

Run #2 was to go like hell on Softs, and pit at the end of lap 3 for fresh tires and a splash of fuel. Lap times ranged from 8:12-8:15. Total pit stop time was 35 seconds from pit entry to first braking zone. Total time was 41:37.

I haven't done an official run on tire saving with softs to make it 4 laps, but from what I recall earlier, my fastest lap was a high 8:13, with my other laps being around 8:15-16, and my 4th lap was much slower. I originally said 10 seconds, but that might have been a tad generous. Not to mention that it was pretty damn sketchy. I think it would be fair to say, that in order to make 4 laps on softs, I would have to have my first 3 laps be in the 8:16 range, with the hopes of being able to pull an ~ 8:26 on the 4th lap. I'm sure I could stiffen up my suspension in hopes to get better tire wear, but as far as lap times would be concerned, I'm pretty sure it'll be a wash.

The advantage of going like hell on the softs for 3 laps, is you don't have to compromise your driving style and pace one iota. The disadvantage is it will take 3 pit stops, that will cost you an additional 1:10 from the one-stop on mediums. For arguments sake, lets just say my average medium tire lap times are 8:20 and my push soft laps are 8:14. Theoretically, you're going to come real close to making up the time of needing to do that 3rd pit stop at the end of 9.

One potential strategy I see working is going 3S, 3S, 4M. The extra pit stop compared to the 1-stop will cost you 35 seconds, and that last stint on mediums will cost you an additional 6 seconds a lap, for a total of 20 seconds.


Doing some very rough math, this is what I've figured out. Pit stop times are ~ 35 seconds to account for tires and splash of fuel

3S-3S-4M = 1:23.54 total race time. (You could probably subtract a few seconds from this time if you substitute in a 4-Softs variation and/or to compensate for being able to not have to worry about fuel saving for the entire 4M stint…as I used 8:20 for my average (medium tires) lap time.

5M-5M = 1:23.45 total race time

3S-3S-3S-1S = 1:24.05 total race time (you can probably subtract a couple seconds from this time as you won't need fuel on your last stop)

4S-4S-2S. = 1:24.06 total race time

Pretty incredible how close all these times are. Besides traffic, accidents, potential weather, etc. I think the biggest kicker is how good the person is at NBG. Someone that's REALLY GOOD here, will be able to make up even more time on softs. Granted, that same person will also be faster on mediums as well..... but there is a very finite line on how fast you can push the medium tires.
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All that testing is great but I'd be shocked if there's no rain.
Agreed. However, taking into account how long the total race time will be as well as 20 minutes for qualifying…you’re pushing very close to the next GT1 time slot. I hope it rains, but I think it’ll just be enough to where you have to make a judgement call wether to switch to inters or not. Or they might start us on a wet-drying track. I remember last season when we had NBG in Gr.3, some slots were bone dry, some got a bit of rain, and some got a mid-race hurricane.

For me, the biggest takeaway from this testing was knowing what I had to do with my approach, to get certain tire/lap combinations to work.


I could easily see them starting us on a wet-drying track. Then just like that, that radar that shows the past weather becomes relevant, as does the feature of being able to zoom in very close
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Tuning-wise, have you Ferrari guys been able to mellow the 458 out a bit?
I used the Praiano's tuning setting for the suspensions at Suzuka a couple of weeks ago and I think it helped to make the car less tricky, last saturday I just drove the stock car cause the gr4 is good as it is imo.
For the Ring...I tried again the praiano's one yesterday but I don't know, as you know there are only a couple of things that we can change and using only those values extracted from a full setting is kind of weird cause every value is connected to another so...I don't know, I'd add that honestly the 24hrRing configuration is still tough for me, I need to prepare the race....
So, every suggestion is gold :D
ps. brake balance seems almost useless imo for the 458, but it's personal
I guess this means GT2 and GT3 races are a no stopper on softs, if weather is not a factor.
Confirmed, tried it out last night, about ~50% left on the rear, 60-70% on the fronts, 1/4 tank of fuel left at the end (AMG '20, brake bias full rear). This is with my severe lack of track knowledge, I'm sure it will be a bit better as I learn it and I'm not constantly scrubbing through every corner.
I would give my Manufacturers race report from Dragon Trail Seaside, but that would mean I would have to call out a fellow GTP member who punted me off the track on lap 1, and pushed me off the track later in the race. Which I'm not gonna do.

5 minute delay between warm up and qualy. 9 people started. GT2, America slot 1.

I went from Q6 to P7.

Thanks unnamed GTP member.:gtpflag:
Maybe I owe you some humility here, because it was me. I apologized to you in-game but I guess you never saw it given this post.

I don't recall pushing you off later but I do recall being spooked and unprepared for you to brake much earlier than I do into that final S bend. My race craft had been off all weekend, so again I apologize! The bumps weren't intentional, just not a professional driver myself.
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Points will be tallied when all the slots are finished - check back later on.
Thanks Mercia, even if my region and friends have points tallied?
Did it end up updating for you? Curious now.

Assume it did? Likely just problems all over the place at PD.
Hey Mercia,

Nope still shows that I got 0 points for the round. I’m annoyed now, going from getting close to 4m credits first round to 2.3m. I should be quite competitive in the coming rounds to have a chance of getting anything
Sorry for the dumb question.

I completed two races yesterday, finished 11th and 2nd . I logged in this morning and noticed that for round 2 it’s telling me I got no points. Has this happened to anyone? I’m in Australia for reference.
Are you sure you didn't try a third race and quit or get disconnected?
It only keeps your last race score and if you quit or disconnected, you would have gotten zero and that would be your score....
Too much ring talk, we have Maggiore first in this frolicsome Red Bull. Having so much trouble getting out of turn 2 - just looking at the throttle leads to catastrophe. It's going to be very dangerous with other cars around in the race. I'm definitely starting on the hards and pitting lap 1 to get in some space.

Have to give it a go. I moan so much about boring races with no strategy, can't now skip a round that makes us use all of the compounds. Will need to buy the car (for a nice livery) as it won't let us use the 25th Anniversary edition.
It's going to be an intense race in GT1 doing 30 laps in those cars. I'm going to be turning down the force feedback and dressing for a gym workout, then setup a fan blowing straight at me. Still not sure this will stop my brain overheating before the end of the race.

Really looking forward to the Ring as well, practising in the beast that is the Scooby BRX is the best fun I've had in this game for a while. I'm back to GT2 for that, so with only 3 laps I'm kind of hoping my first race or three aren't that good so I can go again.