Gran Turismo World Series (Manufacturers Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 12 Mar - 22 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
The other driver should have at least been issued a penalty, I'm really curious how PD detects such occurrences between two cars. I believe in the GTWS live event they give penalties to drivers who hit someone and causes them to go off track/crash.

I always remember it looks very funky until the final round of these short seasons. This season after round 2, it counted both rounds. But now after round 3 it dropped the lowest of the 3 rounds. If 3 rounds were counted, I don't know why they'd bother dropping a score from this point, but that's what I remember from the exhibition season at the end of 2023.

The article says best 3 rounds are counted, so that's what I based my information from. I'm not sure if the Gran Turismo website has updated that information to show otherwise, I can't access the page from my work computer.
It's just weird cause my other 2 races were like P5 and P7 finishes but I was awarded a similar amount, I would expect P2 to have more points? Oh well, fuzzy math I suppose.
It's just weird cause my other 2 races were like P5 and P7 finishes but I was awarded a similar amount, I would expect P2 to have more points? Oh well, fuzzy math I suppose.
No, it's directly proportional to the average DR of the lobby at its formation; the problem is you don't know what that number actually is! :lol:

For a very rough rule of thumb, the win is worth about 0.5% of the average (mean) DR score and each position after that is worth about 5% less than that.

In an all-A+ lobby where everyone has 100,000 DR would be ~500pt for the win (I've never seen a 500pt result, but I've seen some in the 480s), falling to 475 for second, 450 for third, and so on.

At B you could be in a lobby where the average is near to 30,000 DR or to just 10,000 DR. That could result in a win being worth anywhere from 50pt to 150pt.

If the average is around 12,500pt, a win would be ~63pt and second ~60pt. If the average is around 15,000pt, a win would be ~75pt and 6th would be ~60pt. That is, as you can see, entirely consistent with the results you note, and I would surmise that your own DR is B and the bar is between 15-20% full.

Bear in mind that these are very rough numbers but they're close enough for demonstration purposes. There's also a points table you can see before the race starts - the symbol looks like a US Marshals badge.
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View attachment 1317368

Fun to continually pair with @icycls for these races! I am glad you had a second race that faired better for you :). Nice work!
yeah, sorry, I meant to congratulate both you and @Revengel in that lobby but relflectively hit 'exit' too soon. Well Done! Gtp members were well represented in that lobby (well, at least two out of the three!)

see you on Wednesday perhaps!
yeah, sorry, I meant to congratulate both you and @Revengel in that lobby but relflectively hit 'exit' too soon. Well Done! Gtp members were well represented in that lobby (well, at least two out of the three!)

see you on Wednesday perhaps!
I tried to shoot you a friend request on Saturday, btw. Blocked by privacy settings! I won't take offense if that's you're preference!

Curious to see if we get paired again Wednesday, yes. I'm really surprised that I was numbered #1, especially when the first two drivers outpaced me by about 20seconds.
Please don’t tell PD have given us weather for the final race in Manus and then they go and script the weather to start after the race has finished?
Just done some laps today for Gardens to find a setup, and see what the weather did. Found out they are no setups so make a bit easier, but the Gr4 Supra feels very understeery for me, and the weather doesn’t come….?

My times were awful as I was watching football at the same time, but this is the end of lap 14 and that big band of weather is a few miles away. Not sure if the weather will move faster in the race but I can comfortably do the 14 laps before rain. IMG_2927.jpeg
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I just did some practice on D.T. as well. The radar turned a bit green by the time I made it to about lap 5, although it never actually started to rain. I can't recall ever playing D.T.G. in the wet before. So much so that I forgot that this was a track that even had rain weather as an option. I'm using Toyota this season and interstingly I went a good several tenths faster using the FT-1 VGT rather than the Supra. Not sure if that is car or driver related though 😂

I'll bet D.T. Seaside would be a real hoot in the wet as though the death chicane isn't bad enough in the dry :D
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Please don’t tell PD have given us weather for the final race in Manus and then they go and script the weather to start after the race has finished?
Just done some laps today for Gardens to find a setup, and see what the weather did. Found out they are no setups so make a bit easier, but the Gr4 Supra feels very understeery for me, and the weather doesn’t come….?

My times were awful as I was watching football at the same time, but this is the end of lap 14 and that big band of weather is a few miles away. Not sure if the weather will move faster in the race but I can comfortably do the 14 laps before rain.View attachment 1317391
Not just me then, whew. I was doing laps in the GT1 version of the race earlier and had to go all the way to lap 18 before the windscreen wipers even came on. Unless there's going to be some sneaky settings changes, it looks like this is going to be a sprint for both GT1 and GT2/3? (Assuming tyres last, I haven't done race conditions to check that out yet.)
I wrote the description before watching and posting the video.

The attached screenshot is the narrowest the space I left was. The guy fully pulled aside of me and applied left steering input and hit me intentionally. That’s what he did, at the time from VR POV it felt like a pit. It was worse than that.

I left the space, he took it in the least clean way possible, I was literally centered on the track with centered steering input and never even got to apply right input to turn. He didn’t even give me the chance to go two wide. He chose his side to pass and did it dirty before I could react.

Even considering i left the space it’s his responsibility not to blast me off the track when he was clearly given space by me. This isn’t the Nurburgring where I have to signal and pull off.

What are you talking about? You can even see he punted me BEFORE the turn so he could have a clean shot at it.
He only turned left AFTER you'd squeezed him onto the grass. He was just steering back onto the track, and you'd left an impossibly small gap, such that's there no way he could realisticly be expected to manouver off the grass into that gap without hitting you.

Whether you actually left a car width or not I can't tell from the video, but if you did, you certainly didn't leave a car width plus enough margin to allow him to safely get passed. Remember you're not racing against Lewis Hamilton in real life, you're racing against an amateur gamer who could be driving by wiggling their joystick in front of the TV while using Bumper cam mode.

Watch your on board view from 5s until the impact, you're clearly angling across the track from left to right, in the process squeezing him into an impossibly small gap. Watch the black lines down the center of the track.
I'm in agreeance with you. Even if you hadn't left room, he still hit you when he had plenty of opportunity to not do that. He had more room to the left of you and could have gone for the pass that way.
He didn't have plenty of opportunity to back out, he was gradually squeezed off the track. It's perfectly resonable to expect the driver moving across to stop coming across before the gap's too small to safely go through. No way he had a chance to move to the left, by the time Supafly had moved across to close the gap it was way too late to switch sides.
If someone blocks then you wait for the next opportunity. Now, should a driver continuesly block and/or move under braking (illegal manouvres) then I can understatement that one would concider to use some force after some time. In this case it seems to me that the agression starts almost immideately, never giving @SupaflyIRL any chance. For me too this was not a racing incident.
If he was clearly blocked, then yes. But it was such a vague meander down the middle then slowly drifting right to squeeze out the passing car he's just asking for trouble.

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Unless there's going to be some sneaky settings changes, it looks like this is going to be a sprint for both GT1 and GT2/3? (Assuming tyres last, I haven't done race conditions to check that out yet.)
I was curious about that myself. It's 5x tire wear and 15 laps. Last round was also 5x tire wear but only 14 laps. If I recall, alot of non-aliens were needing a tire change before 13 laps anyway, although mine did survive it least in GT1 anyway, not sure if the Gr4 cars will have an easier time of making the tires last, and perhaps D.T.G. will be less punishing on them than Bathurst?
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He only turned left AFTER you'd squeezed him onto the grass. He was just steering back onto the track, and you'd left an impossibly small gap, such that's there no way he could realisticly be expected to manouver off the grass into that gap without hitting you.

Whether you actually left a car width or not I can't tell from the video, but if you did, you certainly didn't leave a car width plus enough margin to allow him to safely get passed. Remember you're not racing against Lewis Hamilton in real life, youre racing against an amateur gamer who could be driving by wiggling their joystick in front of the TV while using Bumper came mode.

Watch your on board view from 5s until the impact, you're clearly angling across the track from left to right, in the process squeezing him into an impossibly small gap. Watch the black lines down the center of the track.

He didn't have plenty of opportunity to back out, he was gradually squeezed off the track. It's perfectly resonable to expect the driver moving across to stop coming across before the gap's too small to safely go through. No way he had a chance to move to the left, by the time Supafly had moved across to close the gap it was way too late to switch sides.

If he was clearly blocked, then yes. But it was such a vague meander down the middle then slowly drifting right to squeeze out the passing car he's just asking for trouble.View attachment 1317394View attachment 1317395
Been watching in slow motion trying to see everything we can from the video. About the only thing I'll concede is that I don't think the move was intentional.

The Brazilian McLaren does get squeezed a bit, but I think the space is still enough. However, they flinch when they realize the space is closing and get onto the grass a bit and over correct into @SupaflyIRL .

Perhaps, yes racing incident. But I don't think Supafly really did anything wrong. If I were the attacking car, I'd expect them to block by taking the racing line. We might not be racing pro drivers, that doesn't mean we should concede every time someone tries to pass us.
Had a Q8/P8 last night at Bathurst. I had signed with Genesis since my dad drives a 2018 G80 Sport, but I had to skip the first two rounds due to scheduling conflicts. Definitely planning to do the last one this Wednesday, so I can have two valid rounds. But I'm still quite impressed with my rank even with just a single round: 30th among all GT2-class Genesis drivers in the USA, and 1105th among all GT2-class drivers in the USA plus Canada. Not to mention I'm the best GT2-class Genesis driver in CT - though there's only one other driver in this state, haha!
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Not just me then, whew. I was doing laps in the GT1 version of the race earlier and had to go all the way to lap 18 before the windscreen wipers even came on. Unless there's going to be some sneaky settings changes, it looks like this is going to be a sprint for both GT1 and GT2/3? (Assuming tyres last, I haven't done race conditions to check that out yet.)
It just seems very odd from what I've tested. Having then to then not rain, so yeah unless they have a different setting for the race?
I was curious about that myself. It's 5x tire wear and 15 laps. Last round was also 5x tire wear but only 14 laps. If I recall, alot of non-aliens were needing a tire change before 13 laps anyway, although mine did survive it least in GT1 anyway, not sure if the Gr4 cars will have an easier time of making the tires last, and perhaps D.T.G. will be less punishing on them than Bathurst?
I've not tested tyres yet, but if the weather is fixed like it is then it's either a no stop or 1 stop. I don't think its worth putting of the rain hits the final lap... Need to test that though
He only turned left AFTER you'd squeezed him onto the grass. He was just steering back onto the track, and you'd left an impossibly small gap, such that's there no way he could realisticly be expected to manouver off the grass into that gap without hitting you.

Whether you actually left a car width or not I can't tell from the video, but if you did, you certainly didn't leave a car width plus enough margin to allow him to safely get passed. Remember you're not racing against Lewis Hamilton in real life, you're racing against an amateur gamer who could be driving by wiggling their joystick in front of the TV while using Bumper cam mode.

Watch your on board view from 5s until the impact, you're clearly angling across the track from left to right, in the process squeezing him into an impossibly small gap. Watch the black lines down the center of the track.

He didn't have plenty of opportunity to back out, he was gradually squeezed off the track. It's perfectly resonable to expect the driver moving across to stop coming across before the gap's too small to safely go through. No way he had a chance to move to the left, by the time Supafly had moved across to close the gap it was way too late to switch sides.
totally disagree with this, as the screenshot you chose that shows the absolute smallest gap still has enough space, there was MORE space both before and after that screenshot and there was only the threat of a close for an instant

in addition, at that "most squeezed point" there is a TON of runway left into the turn. watching his movements he's clearly a controller player and overcorrected into me after choosing to get himself into too tight a space for what he could handle and I now agree with @GlockPants that it wasn't intentional, but the decision to put himself into that space was.

finally, watch my full VR race replay for like a dozen examples of me managing close racing with other drivers including two wide through that very turn about a half dozen times. as a bonus, you'll also see this guy swerve into traffic after causing an incident on the same corner on an earlier lap with other drivers who aren't me (caught this on a rewatch this morning)
totally disagree with this, as the screenshot you chose that shows the absolute smallest gap still has enough space, there was MORE space both before and after that screenshot and there was only the threat of a close for an instant

in addition, at that "most squeezed point" there is a TON of runway left into the turn. watching his movements he's clearly a controller player and overcorrected into me after choosing to get himself into too tight a space for what he could handle and I now agree with @GlockPants that it wasn't intentional, but the decision to put himself into that space was.

finally, watch my full VR race replay for like a dozen examples of me managing close racing with other drivers including two wide through that very turn about a half dozen times. as a bonus, you'll also see this guy swerve into traffic after causing an incident on the same corner on an earlier lap with other drivers who aren't me (caught this on a rewatch this morning)
The thing is you were drifting ever so slightly to the right. I'm honestly wondering if you realised he was there or not?
I was 99% sure it couldn't rain on Dragon Trail.
Weirdly it does at Gardens, but not at Seaside.
I tried to shoot you a friend request on Saturday, btw. Blocked by privacy settings! I won't take offense if that's you're preference!

Curious to see if we get paired again Wednesday, yes. I'm really surprised that I was numbered #1, especially when the first two drivers outpaced me by about 20seconds.
thanks for the friend request, and thanks for not taking offense. I hope no one else has taken offense either. I've just always had my devices locked down as a habit because I don't really 'do' social media.

feel free to skip this next part....

I've played exactly two games online. Mario Kart Wii - when it first came out with the kids and, in fact, my handle dates back to that time! Good times!

I played a few forzas in between but never went online. Migrated to GT7 as my first GT title. Early on, at least, I didn't start a friend list because I would have been perpetually at the bottom and I didn't think I wanted that pressure (put there by myself, I know.) I wasn't competitive in the least bit.

Now? Who am I kidding? I see you guys here and on the daily forum post times and I immediately do a mental check with one of two thoughts - "I'm in pretty good shape", or more often, "Dang, I have work to do"! Never mind those insane guys over at the TT forum!

I'll probably keep it like this for now, but I reserve the right to change my mind!
The thing is you were drifting ever so slightly to the right. I'm honestly wondering if you realised he was there or not?

In the VR portion of the replay you can see me checking to see which way he’s going to pass, he chooses right and makes contact with my right rear before he even leaves the POV of the rear view camera in the cockpit of my car... I had zero point zero seconds to react to the move... I didn't "realize he was there" because he made contact before he got there. Literally watch the replay...

you can tell the exact instant when he makes contact because my FFB yanks my steering a little to the left, at that point he is still in my rearview camera
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In the original press release for the Manu Season it states 14 laps for all classes, when you look in game, for GT2 it says 11 laps. If it's 14 for GT2, my Mustang will be struggling on the last lap, especially with the lack of front grip. Would have been nice to have some suspension tuning like we had at the Glen.
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In the original press release for the Manu Season it states 14 laps for all classes, when you look in game, for GT2 it says 11 laps. If it's 14 for GT2, my Mustang will be struggling on the last lap, especially with the lack of front grip. Would have been nice to have some suspension tuning like we had at the Glen.

Yep showing 11 laps with 1x fuel and 4x tires for GT3
In the VR portion of the replay you can see me checking to see which way he’s going to pass, he chooses right and makes contact with my right rear before he even leaves the POV of the rear view camera in the cockpit of my car... I had zero point zero seconds to react to the move... I didn't "realize he was there" because he made contact before he got there. Literally watch the replay...

you can tell the exact instant when he makes contact because my FFB yanks my steering a little to the left, at that point he is still in my rearview camera
I meant if you realised he was there at all, about to even make an overtake attempt.

A key part of improving in this game is looking at incidents you get involved in and asking if there was anything you could have done differently. I have watched the replay and the other times you went 2 wide through that section you left the other car a LOT more space than in this incident.

If you feel there's nothing to learn then I guess we're golden 👍 Great job still finishing 4th despite what happened.
Just tried a custom race at DTGardens, 15 laps, 5x tire.

I ran a no-stop at watkins and I likely finished about the same as if I had pitted. But just one twitchy finger in those last laps could have ended it in tears.

This one, for me, is a clear 'stop for tires'. It feels like the track's sole purpose is to shred tires!
Just tried a custom race at DTGardens, 15 laps, 5x tire.

I ran a no-stop at watkins and I likely finished about the same as if I had pitted. But just one twitchy finger in those last laps could have ended it in tears.

This one, for me, is a clear 'stop for tires'. It feels like the track's sole purpose is to shred tires!
those uphill short distance 90 degree turns (on the top left of the map as it appears in game) are going to cause absolute chaos on loose tires, especially without the ability to loosen the suspension

kind of like the tight uphill left or dipper on bathurst
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Weirdly it does at Gardens, but not at Seaside.
Not weirdly, mercifully. The CoD in wet conditions sounds torturous to me.

The fact that suspension can't be softened up to alleviate some tire wear at DTG might mean that a no-stop is a no-go for me anyway.....assuming it does stay dry in the race.
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Races are coming up soon. Best of luck, everyone! May your travels through the mountains be swift, with nary a glance of the walls.

I started using Praiano's tune for the RX-VISION last night. I'm faster with it than with the stock tune, but somehow it still isn't feeling quite right. I might spend a bit of time fine tuning it before the race.

But mainly I'm going to be focusing on doing full Custom Races with a full field of cars and all the penalties and damage turned on.
Just curious, do you always go with the rx vision? For Bathurst, I practiced with the rx and the atenza, and the later felt easier to drive and more stable.

Anyhow, your strategy works, just saw your name on the leaderboard as #1 GT2 Mazda driver in Canada. Congrats!
Just curious, do you always go with the rx vision? For Bathurst, I practiced with the rx and the atenza, and the later felt easier to drive and more stable.
This is my first season with Mazda. I've done both of the Gr.3 race in GT2 with the RX-VISION. For the race at Nurburgring, I actually ran some test laps with both cars and found I was faster in the RX-VISION. For Bathurst, I was already comfortable with that car from the earlier race, so I just went with it without any tests. Didn't really feel there was a lot of time to try different cars.
Anyhow, your strategy works, just saw your name on the leaderboard as #1 GT2 Mazda driver in Canada. Congrats!
LOL! Not Canada. Only the province of Ontario. And that, only by virtue of being the only driver from there competing. So technically, it also makes me the worst driver in Ontario. I have mixed feelings about that... but no qualms about collecting the credits for it. 🤑

Edit: Oh, maybe you're right. I thought you were talking about my local region ranking, which I always find funny because I've been the only driver there for the past couple seasons. Thanks, for pointing out the Mazda ranking, though. I seem to remember seeing that we were side-by-side on that list. Best of luck in the next round. :cheers:
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