Gran Turismo World Series (Manufacturers Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 12 Mar - 22 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
This is probably the first manu season where I'm strong on all 6 tracks. Time to improve my DR at A+ and see where it takes me. 35 laps at Suzuka is dream land. Thanks PD, this makes up for a slightly disappointing (short) Nations schedule. Now who do I sign for?
For me gt1 is not even an option since I'm forced to use my US account and race on the first time slots.
Why are you forced to use your USA account? How many do you have?

Biggest shock in GTWS history - first round of manufacturers cup is on the N24.

My favourite track, but I know that's not the case for everyone.

to be honest this season again does not excite me; again the Ring, again Interlagos. all gr 4 are sprint races with RH and no tyre wear! Fuji could be a bit of fun but have other plans that day. May pick on or two races like Deep Forest or Suzuka but not going to really participate in this season...again.
35 laps for the GT1 elite. Meanwhile the rest are back to being treated as second-class citizens with a frankly insulting 15 laps.

Shorter seasons every time, barely any strategy, nerfed events - there’s no point playing unless you’re A or above.
I hate the fact they split the racing between classes.
I totally understand that potentially people in GT2 & GT3 may not like the longer race and they may prefer Gr4 cars, but I wish PD would give people the choice. I know for the last season I would selected the longer race format in GT2 league and the option to drive just Gr3 cars. But then I didnt mind Gr4 on the odd occasions and also some races were enjoyable having a few less laps.

One thing though I do miss l, is the 10 daily slots. Hate that I only have 3 slots now and all 3 slots are kinda awkward times
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to be honest this season again does not excite me; again the Ring, again Interlagos. all gr 4 are sprint races with RH and no tyre wear! Fuji could be a bit of fun but have other plans that day. May pick on or two races like Deep Forest or Suzuka but not going to really participate in this season...again.
I really miss driving GR4s in GT1 league. I don't understand why PD made GT1 league GR3 only? I'm guessing it's because they couldn't get the BOP balanced for GR4 class.
Yeah, that page isn't correct. Deep Forest isn't high-speed, Watkins isn't high-speed.

The only place on the internet that I think has this information for sure correct is this @Tidgney video (at least it's what I always check when it's a track I don't know):

Ye I went through the tracks myself and logged it in my spreadsheet. I need to get that changed to a google sheet so people can view that to be honest! My whole idea is to get my website updated with information about the cars (From the Car Profiles), tracks etc. aswell as all the other bits and bobs but its a time thing for me 😭

If the info is wrong, blame whoever wrote that
Yeah. It's wrong. Nurburgring and Daytona are the only high-speed BoP tracks.
I really miss driving GR4s in GT1 league. I don't understand why PD made GT1 league GR3 only? I'm guessing it's because they couldn't get the BOP balanced for GR4 class.
I'm right there with you. Wish they kept some Gr.4 races in GT1.

I'm surprised -- and somewhat annoyed -- at all the BoP changes right before the season begins. I'd done a bunch of testing prior to the start of the Nations Cup on my shortlist of manufacturers. This casts doubt on all those results. At least now we know the race details and can expect the BoPs to stay where they are until the end of the qualifying season. Looking forward to getting home and trying these out.
Yeah. It's wrong. Nurburgring and Daytona are the only high-speed BoP tracks.

I'm right there with you. Wish they kept some Gr.4 races in GT1.

I'm surprised -- and somewhat annoyed -- at all the BoP changes right before the season begins. I'd done a bunch of testing prior to the start of the Nations Cup on my shortlist of manufacturers. This casts doubt on all those results. At least now we know the race details and can expect the BoPs to stay where they are until the end of the qualifying season. Looking forward to getting home and trying these out.
I'm looking forward to seeing your results before I put pen to paper.
Yeah. It's wrong. Nurburgring and Daytona are the only high-speed BoP tracks.

I'm right there with you. Wish they kept some Gr.4 races in GT1.

I'm surprised -- and somewhat annoyed -- at all the BoP changes right before the season begins. I'd done a bunch of testing prior to the start of the Nations Cup on my shortlist of manufacturers. This casts doubt on all those results. At least now we know the race details and can expect the BoPs to stay where they are until the end of the qualifying season. Looking forward to getting home and trying these out.
same Gt1 driver who likes Gr4 more than Gr3.
So much to digest here:

1) Manu is disappointing. So many tracks we've done recently. We literally just had Nurb*, Interlagos, Deep Forest (reverse layout but still) and Suzuka in last Manu/Nations... with both Fuji and Suzuka making an appearance in TGR coming up as well. Many with no strat. RH with 1x. I hope there's rain or else it's just more sprint racing.

*I am not upset Nurb is on the table again; my favorite track! But, if we look at things subjectively it comes up a lot.

2) Looking forward to Nurb and Daytona RC... both on a Weds when I don't have time to play. Awesome. I might have to make time for these two but still... CMON MAN!

3) Nerf basically all the Gr3 MR cars. Great... can't have them being better than the mighty Toyota or Genesis. :rolleyes:

I am going to try and make the Nord, Daytona and Fuji races as they're the only ones that somewhat interest me. I will say that picking a manu will be difficult. Porsche seems like it'll be strong and where I am leaning thus far, but it won't be good at Daytona. I feel like Toyota will be a popular choice again since it'll be good at Nord and Daytona, and decent at Suzuka and Fuji maybe.
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I'm looking forward to seeing your results before I put pen to paper.
You might be disappointed there. My short list consists of the manufacturers that nobody in Canada picked last season -- Citroen, Dodge, Hyundai, Renault, and Suzuki.

Besides, I'm such a mediocre driver, I barely trust the results of my tests for myself, so I wouldn't put too much stock in what comes out of them.

Anyways, I'm always happy to share what I find. Your mileage may vary, of course. :cheers:
Biggest shock in GTWS history - first round of manufacturers cup is on the N24.

A decent list on paper. But off the paper it is a little disappointing.
A few repeats of combos, when we needed some fresh air.
Again poor time slots for GT1 and disparity between 1 and 2/3.
As no-one from outside the world tour can give feedback (and why would they when it suits them) it won't be changed.
It's all getting stale.
However I am excited to get to testing on the Nords.
Very annoyed with how PD is running these series but I'll do this one. The chances of still playing GT7 for the next proper season in 2025 is pretty remote, so I probably will try one last manufacturer I haven't raced with before (in official or exhibitions).

Will have to look back through the records but I think that's a choice from Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Hyundai, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Porsche, Toyota and Volkswagen. Too much to test so I may just let the dice decide from that dirty dozen.

I've only just realised the 917 "Living legend" for the next round isn't actually a 917. No, it's some god damn ugly imposter, barely looks like a 917. I thought we were going to be racing real 917's, possibly the greatest race car ever built, well pissed off.
The Living Legend is much better than the old one, which frankly belongs in a scrapyard. I need to do some practice for Saturday, don't think I've ever raced full Maggiore backwards.
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Did this third round twice, but I don’t feel like I did too great either time. First attempt was a Q12/P12, then later I got a Q8/P11. But hey, at least now I have two rounds registered, and I definitely plan to do the remaining three since they genuinely look like fun.

EDIT: I should also recall that for the periods that the same number of rounds are counted - such as after the first and second rounds, where the best single round is counted - it may be normal for me to maybe lose a few positions in ranking if I don’t get a better score for the next round than the last one. However, as more rounds are taken into account into the final score, I may actually gain some positions, especially compared to players that might drop out altogether, or ones who don’t score as consistently well.

Definitely looking forward to these latter three rounds, for sure. Even if it might take some time for me to get used to running the full Maggiore course in reverse.
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You might be disappointed there. My short list consists of the manufacturers that nobody in Canada picked last season -- Citroen, Dodge, Hyundai, Renault, and Suzuki.

Besides, I'm such a mediocre driver, I barely trust the results of my tests for myself, so I wouldn't put too much stock in what comes out of them.

Anyways, I'm always happy to share what I find. Your mileage may vary, of course. :cheers:
I'm always appreciative of any research you guys put in, so don't delavue yourself.
GT1 North America Slot 1 with @SPL170db

Man, I was a full second off my practice times and qualified 13th in the BMW with a 2:05 something. Also finished 13rh for 115 points...

Had some great battles with another BMW and a Lexus. The race was fun but where is my pace today?

Gonna start drinking beer so we'll see if I join the next slot or not.
I think I was in that lobby with you. Qualifying was horific, I was held up by the slowest driver in the lobby, directly in front of me. Some great battles but ended up intentionally crashed out... Oh well... Wasn't able to join later lobbies so on to the next one I guess. Hope you had a better experience in the later lobbies and enjoyed that beer :cheers:
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I'm very close to GT1 (A rank) for the first time ever.

But the lengths of those races.... I don't think have the time for the Wednesday races especially. I like to play on my lunch break, and maybe a 2nd race before the Mrs gets home / dinner. Haven't really got time for 35 laps etc... So I'm gonna enter this before (and if) I go up a rank I think. Hope that's considered acceptable, as I know then I may (potentially) appear as an A rank in GT2 class. That's literally my only reason - it's either I do GT2 or not at all in some races.

Edit: just seen it's only really Suzuka thats a marathon and that's on Saturday. Most of the others are just an extra 5-10 mins which isn't that bad. What are the time slots like for EMEA in GT1?
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