Gran Turismo World Series (Manufacturers Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 12 Mar - 22 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
I was going to post about the last two races, but thanks to the system streaming to YT today and not saving it, I'll only post about them briefly because I usually get my images from the YT video.

----GTWS Manufacturers Cup Season 3 Round 2 (Exhibition)----


In short, I won round 2 and didnt report much because it was pretty much straight forward.

----GTWS Manufacturers Cup Season 3 Round 3 (Exhibition)----

Today's race was far more interesting, probably my toughest yet! I have the replay saved but I wish the youtube stream worked so i could link the video.


My time trial time was a 2:17.202 Which was the fastest GT500 '99 time on the board. I felt this car was better than the silhouette or at least it suits me better. I did try to go for the meta, but I ended up slower.

Qualified 4th (wet)
Wet start but everyone started on inters, I managed to get up to the lead in the middle of the race and after a pit stop for dry tyres, I ended up being 20+seconds ahead in the lead. I'm not sure exactly how, but through eau rouge and radillion I caught too much kerb on the right side and spun!

A slight rebound off the wall and facing the wrong way with no damage or penalty given. By the time i got past the long straight the gap had come down to just 3.6 seconds.

I had to fuel save later but could keep a 3-5 second gap at all times despite the slower pace. Crossed the line with 1% fuel and a huge sigh of relief!

2:18.755 pb race lap time
58:38.583 Total time.

Once again I find that the streak is continuing of walking away from each round with a victory! (since august or so last year!)

Today was a close one and had to work hard for it.
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First lobby in the Americas; My race was Hards for 24 laps. The leader had a no-stop and finished 30 secs ahead of P2. If I had known, I would have done the same, I was burning fuel like there was no tomorrow. But I guess that is the point with dynamic weather. Still might have been wise to do it anyway, I was actually hoping to see some weather to justify a pit.

I only saw dampness on the gauge for about one lap, although the track felt damp throughout and I never had the confidence to run hard up to the brake point and power out of apexes; I ran pretty conservatively. And with nearly all of my practice with Ints and Wets, I had forgotten how to run spa full-out! I ran pretty consistent 22s(+/-) laps, only spun on t1 once when the tires were wearing out. I gave up P5 about lat 22 and P5,6,7 finished within about 1.5 secs of each other (I was P6). I don't know what they were thinking, but for me it was "I'm exhausted, let's just bring it home without an incident!".

Exhausting, but I had fun.
Been great reading some of your race reports today. Good to see some having great results or races, but also sad to see some having an awful time.

Having the unpredictability of the weather in the races I think has been fun but then the downside to this is PDs poor weather maps and indicators. Reading that some of you started on wrong tyre or pitted for wrong tyres just shows how poor the weather info is.

1. Why isn't the weather available in the lobby? Why do you have to go to track to see the weather radar and surface water info? I know the lobby has a surface water box but it doesn't really tell you much.
2. 50 miles radar is poor. Think the radar should be extended to 100 miles.
3. Radar should show a possible projected race forecast in the lobby or they should be a simple symbol projected for forecast.

I saw all the rage quits coming a mile away too. I like these long races, but PD needs to find a way to incentivize them so you don’t start with 16 (😑), and finish with 8. 125% points would be a a good way to do it. At least you’d get some guys not rage quitting.

Anyways, practiced a little for this race. Hopefully I’ll get a slot in later when my honey-do’s are finished
Yeah I expected rage quits to be fairly high. Not having the full weather info and the long pit lane loss doesn't help as your race can be over in a split second due to a poor decision. Also the biggest problem was having a rave that lasted longer than the hour. People quit so they can joing.tje next hour slot.

If they want to prevent rage quits then they need to heavily penalises DR/SR rank points. I know its not fun to carry on racing when your dead last with no chance of catching up but, I saw some in my lobby quit from P6 I assume to join the next race slot as it was 5mins before the next race.
Been great reading some of your race reports today. Good to see some having great results or races, but also sad to see some having an awful time.

Having the unpredictability of the weather in the races I think has been fun but then the downside to this is PDs poor weather maps and indicators. Reading that some of you started on wrong tyre or pitted for wrong tyres just shows how poor the weather info is.

1. Why isn't the weather available in the lobby? Why do you have to go to track to see the weather radar and surface water info? I know the lobby has a surface water box but it doesn't really tell you much.
2. 50 miles radar is poor. Think the radar should be extended to 100 miles.
3. Radar should show a possible projected race forecast in the lobby or they should be a simple symbol projected for forecast.

Yeah I expected rage quits to be fairly high. Not having the full weather info and the long pit lane loss doesn't help as your race can be over in a split second due to a poor decision. Also the biggest problem was having a rave that lasted longer than the hour. People quit so they can joing.tje next hour slot.

If they want to prevent rage quits then they need to heavily penalises DR/SR rank points. I know its not fun to carry on racing when your dead last with no chance of catching up but, I saw some in my lobby quit from P6 I assume to join the next race slot as it was 5mins before the next race.

My report isn't so optimistic: THAT WAS THE STUPIDEST RACE I EVER PARTICIPATED IN!!!!!!!! And I'm not exaggerating.

Expect some weather they say? Nope. Lots of clouds before the race, so I go with Intermediates and try a no-stop. Well, no rain, at all. Everyone else wisely started on hards. I got passed by the field twice just hoping it would rain. By that point I was on lap 19 and only hanging on to finish so that my SR doesn't get hit because, you know, Race A has been killing me all week. But I had to pee so bad I had to try to run really quick so I didn't have an accident. Meanwhile, PD kicks me out because I paused too long. So I get the SR hit anyway. So no, I don't really think I need to get punished even more. As you say, the radar is horrible, the pre-race info is horrible, and the lack of forecast is horrible. The long pit time is horrible too. This whole race, with lots of strategic options, left absolutely none for me since I started wrong. And I had 0% fun trying. Now I have to wait ANOTHER hour just to even consider trying again. Which I've decided I'm just not going to do. Thanks, PD, for the worst race I've ever participated in. That's an hour-and-a-half I won't get back, and I won't be doing any more for a while, because . . . reasons.
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The CLK is the meta for Nations on Wednesday! Time to unleash the Red Pig again!

Just one problem - I only own a CLK on the backup account :(
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Hi all! I was lucky today😁 In preety strong lobby with @watto79 and other A+ drivers, in Q was raining a bit, qualified in P6. In race it was raining strong, two(?) drivers spinned just after start, free positions for me😉 but then Eau Rouge suprised me and I lost about 5-6 places... I dont remember exactly on which lap it started to getting dry, but few people decided to pit for hards which was not very smart move(on weather radar it was clearly to see that more rain is coming in lap or two) I and 2 or 3 drivers stayed on Inters... After another few laps I was in 2nd and even in 1st, but must pit for fuel on lap 19(?)🤔, I didnt change tyres. When I come out I was in 2nd but guy in 1st pitted lap later so now I was leading ar race with comfortable 8s gap😁 On lap 20 I saw that someone is approaching very fast, guy was clearly on hards, gaining 3s a lap... Shouldve change to hards🤷🏻‍♂️ all in all I finished in 2nd for 254pts which is my life record😁
Good luck everyone!🍻

Nice one, you had a great race. My race was kinda hilarious as I found myself in every position from 13th to 3rd. Passed everyone who binned it on the opening lap only to bin it myself on lap 2 (right in front of you I think) and found myself at the back. I had a choice between an early stop for slicks or toughing out a no stop on the IMs. Went for the no stop and jumped quite a few positions to finish 6th.

Did do a second attempt, and somehow had a worse race but got more points so thought I'd best leave it there!

Superb combo though. Much more of this please PD.
2nd crack at it went a bit better.

Jumped out of the pits for Q on IM with damp conditions. About 1/2-way into first flying lap I realized the radar is clear and the track is drying. Both me and the other driver just in front of me realized IM's weren't going to be a good idea. We inadvertently collided and sent us both off the track.....good enough reason to kill the lap and exit to the pits. Switched RH and jumped back out again with about 15-20 seconds to comfortably make 1 flying lap. If I recall when I crossed the line I was on pole but had to wait it out for everyone to finish. By the end of Q'ing I was pushed back to 4th, not too terrible.

Once again the lobby conditions were misleading like the last race, the water indicator was saying 0% but just before the counter ran down I could have swore I saw a few drips on the camera....I had already chosen IM anyway to be on the safe side which was the right strategy this time as the grid walk was clearly raining. The 3 guys in front of me on the grid must have all been on RH because right off the start one person spun and I easily walked into the lead before entering Raidillon. I was starting at FM1 and I just tried to see if I could gap from the front at the point. Turns out it was decently wet out there with the indicator about 1/2 way full, so I backed down the FM to 6 figuring I couldn't use all the power anyway. Managed to pull out to about a 5-6 sec lead I think it was. The guys who picked IM tires started filing in behind. At that point I wasn't sure if this could be a no-stop on IM the whole way so I planned to keep FM6 and just ride it out since the radar was still all wet zoomed all the way out. 2nd place was a guy in a Skyline Silhouette. He slowly started gaining on me and a few laps later when he was right on my tail I got out of the way as I figured he wasn't fuel saving. By that time the radar was clearing up so I decided to crank up the fuel as I might be needing to pit for tires anyway if it kept drying. Track was slowly drying and I was managing a fairly comfortable lead over 3rd and 4th who were going at it. By the time I switched back to FM1 after fuel saving for a bit it looked like I would have enough fuel to get to 20 laps before I'd NEED to pit.

A little past 1/2-way in the race I fouled up and spun out coming through Les Fagnes, and the 2 cars behind slipped through putting me back to 4th. Again, just put my head down and tried to grind myself back. I saw the 2 guys in front of me pit at the end of lap 16 and I probably should have done the same, but I stayed out for one more lap. At this point the track was mostly dry enough for slicks but I didn't want to chance it as I just had a bit of a feeling. Came in the next lap, grabbed a fresh set of IM and enough fuel to finish. As I came out the pits I was in 3rd (so I guess something happened to one of the 2 guys that was ahead of me), and lucky me I saw rain coming back in again. It starts raining again on the 19th lap I think it was, enough to fill the meter up 1/2-way again. It was uneventful from that point on. Brought it home in 3rd for 189 pts.
Quite a gamble of an event! I am usually a slow but consistent driver. I'm rated C/S, but most of the C drivers are faster than me, and I finish ahead of them just by being consistent. Today, I had my first-ever pole in a Sport event and my first-ever World Series victory (second-ever in a Sport event).

Qualifying: I took a gamble by starting on hards. The weather radar looked like heavy rain was incoming, but it actually was going away, and the track was bone dry. The grid was a mix of hards and intermediates. I got a surprise pole position, beating the second-fastest driver by a massive 2.324 seconds. I have no idea how I did it. Maybe others were too careful. I was the first one out, so I also got a second run, but it was 0.1 seconds slower.

Race start: I gambled once again by taking hards and fuel map 1. The weather radar once again made it look like heavy rain was coming, but it again went away, and the track was bone dry. At the start, my hands were shaking with nervousness, but luckily I made no mistakes and even kept pulling away. I felt like Verstappen.

Lap 6: However, the Huracan driver was really fast and quickly climbed up positions, getting closer to me at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. Soon, the Huracan driver overtook me cleanly and easily, but once ahead, he seemed to get nervous and started making mistakes. I got close and considered overtaking him, but I decided against it and stayed behind him, as I believed this skirmish would result in more time loss and possibly a spin out. The Huracan driver regained his confidence and pulled away at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. I admitted to myself that the best I could hope for was second place in this race.

Lap 10: We were in the green on the weather radar, and the water meter was still safely in the slicks range. The clouds were predicted to leave soon but with a tiny burst of blue before departing. I thought surely we would all stick to hards and brace through the tiny burst of blue. The blue burst arrived and left immediately, and the water level immediately rose to the intermediate range. I saw yellow flags, and I immediately knew that the Huracan driver had crashed somewhere. I was already braking earlier, and I was finding it hard to grip through the corners. I rushed into the pits, knowing from my Spa 1hr grinding that even a tiny burst of rain makes the track take a very long time to dry. I put on intermediates as the rain clouds departed, with the water level still in the intermediate range. I also refueled to a full tank.

Lap 18: I came across 3 or 4 lapped cars and discovered for the first time that lapped cars are ghosted for you. It was interesting to keep racing with them for several laps, going through each other since they and I were ghosted to each other. Funnily enough, one of them crashed out trying to avoid me at some point, completely forgetting that we were ghosted to each other. The track was bone dry at this point. The Huracan had pitted for fresh hards and somehow did not lose much time. I was leading by just over 35 seconds. I decided to go to the end, even though I was losing 6 seconds per lap compared to my best lap.

Lap 22: The Huracan and the M6 behind it were quickly gaining on me, taking out over 6 seconds per lap. It was too late to pit, and I had accepted that I would finish third. There was a green cloud coming in, but green cloud means that the water level will be in the slicks range. The Huracan was now less than 2 seconds behind me. The clouds arrived, and it turned out that it was not exactly green but more like green-blue. The water level shot up to intermediates. The gap to the Huracan rapidly increased, from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, to 8 seconds, in just a few corners. The Huracan immediately pitted at the end of lap 22. The M6 decided to stay out and lost way more time and eventually got overtaken back by the Huracan.

Finish: On laps 23 and 24, I was almost screaming with joy as I knew that I had won and that no one had any chance to catch up with me. From leading by less than 2 seconds and losing over 6 seconds per lap, I had won by 49 seconds and had even lapped some folks, double-lapping others. I had never won a World Series event before, and to win my first victory with such a huge margin, with a massive pole position as icing on the cake, was an incredible feeling. Folks were very nice in congratulating me. In happiness I forgot to save the replay for photoshoot later. :dopey:
Quite a gamble of an event! I am usually a slow but consistent driver. I'm rated C/S, but most of the C drivers are faster than me, and I finish ahead of them just by being consistent. Today, I had my first-ever pole in a Sport event and my first-ever World Series victory (second-ever in a Sport event).

Qualifying: I took a gamble by starting on hards. The weather radar looked like heavy rain was incoming, but it actually was going away, and the track was bone dry. The grid was a mix of hards and intermediates. I got a surprise pole position, beating the second-fastest driver by a massive 2.324 seconds. I have no idea how I did it. Maybe others were too careful. I was the first one out, so I also got a second run, but it was 0.1 seconds slower.
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Race start: I gambled once again by taking hards and fuel map 1. The weather radar once again made it look like heavy rain was coming, but it again went away, and the track was bone dry. At the start, my hands were shaking with nervousness, but luckily I made no mistakes and even kept pulling away. I felt like Verstappen.

Lap 6: However, the Huracan driver was really fast and quickly climbed up positions, getting closer to me at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. Soon, the Huracan driver overtook me cleanly and easily, but once ahead, he seemed to get nervous and started making mistakes. I got close and considered overtaking him, but I decided against it and stayed behind him, as I believed this skirmish would result in more time loss and possibly a spin out. The Huracan driver regained his confidence and pulled away at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. I admitted to myself that the best I could hope for was second place in this race.

Lap 10: We were in the green on the weather radar, and the water meter was still safely in the slicks range. The clouds were predicted to leave soon but with a tiny burst of blue before departing. I thought surely we would all stick to hards and brace through the tiny burst of blue. The blue burst arrived and left immediately, and the water level immediately rose to the intermediate range. I saw yellow flags, and I immediately knew that the Huracan driver had crashed somewhere. I was already braking earlier, and I was finding it hard to grip through the corners. I rushed into the pits, knowing from my Spa 1hr grinding that even a tiny burst of rain makes the track take a very long time to dry. I put on intermediates as the rain clouds departed, with the water level still in the intermediate range. I also refueled to a full tank.

Lap 18: I came across 3 or 4 lapped cars and discovered for the first time that lapped cars are ghosted for you. It was interesting to keep racing with them for several laps, going through each other since they and I were ghosted to each other. Funnily enough, one of them crashed out trying to avoid me at some point, completely forgetting that we were ghosted to each other. The track was bone dry at this point. The Huracan had pitted for fresh hards and somehow did not lose much time. I was leading by just over 35 seconds. I decided to go to the end, even though I was losing 6 seconds per lap compared to my best lap.

Lap 22: The Huracan and the M6 behind it were quickly gaining on me, taking out over 6 seconds per lap. It was too late to pit, and I had accepted that I would finish third. There was a green cloud coming in, but green cloud means that the water level will be in the slicks range. The Huracan was now less than 2 seconds behind me. The clouds arrived, and it turned out that it was not exactly green but more like green-blue. The water level shot up to intermediates. The gap to the Huracan rapidly increased, from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, to 8 seconds, in just a few corners. The Huracan immediately pitted at the end of lap 22. The M6 decided to stay out and lost way more time and eventually got overtaken back by the Huracan.

Finish: On laps 23 and 24, I was almost screaming with joy as I knew that I had won and that no one had any chance to catch up with me. From leading by less than 2 seconds and losing over 6 seconds per lap, I had won by 49 seconds and had even lapped some folks, double-lapping others. I had never won a World Series event before, and to win my first victory with such a huge margin, with a massive pole position as icing on the cake, was an incredible feeling. Folks were very nice in congratulating me. In happiness I forgot to save the replay for photoshoot later. :dopey:
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What a great race to get your first pole and win!
Quite a gamble of an event! I am usually a slow but consistent driver. I'm rated C/S, but most of the C drivers are faster than me, and I finish ahead of them just by being consistent. Today, I had my first-ever pole in a Sport event and my first-ever World Series victory (second-ever in a Sport event).

Qualifying: I took a gamble by starting on hards. The weather radar looked like heavy rain was incoming, but it actually was going away, and the track was bone dry. The grid was a mix of hards and intermediates. I got a surprise pole position, beating the second-fastest driver by a massive 2.324 seconds. I have no idea how I did it. Maybe others were too careful. I was the first one out, so I also got a second run, but it was 0.1 seconds slower.
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Race start: I gambled once again by taking hards and fuel map 1. The weather radar once again made it look like heavy rain was coming, but it again went away, and the track was bone dry. At the start, my hands were shaking with nervousness, but luckily I made no mistakes and even kept pulling away. I felt like Verstappen.

Lap 6: However, the Huracan driver was really fast and quickly climbed up positions, getting closer to me at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. Soon, the Huracan driver overtook me cleanly and easily, but once ahead, he seemed to get nervous and started making mistakes. I got close and considered overtaking him, but I decided against it and stayed behind him, as I believed this skirmish would result in more time loss and possibly a spin out. The Huracan driver regained his confidence and pulled away at a rate of about 2 seconds per lap. I admitted to myself that the best I could hope for was second place in this race.

Lap 10: We were in the green on the weather radar, and the water meter was still safely in the slicks range. The clouds were predicted to leave soon but with a tiny burst of blue before departing. I thought surely we would all stick to hards and brace through the tiny burst of blue. The blue burst arrived and left immediately, and the water level immediately rose to the intermediate range. I saw yellow flags, and I immediately knew that the Huracan driver had crashed somewhere. I was already braking earlier, and I was finding it hard to grip through the corners. I rushed into the pits, knowing from my Spa 1hr grinding that even a tiny burst of rain makes the track take a very long time to dry. I put on intermediates as the rain clouds departed, with the water level still in the intermediate range. I also refueled to a full tank.

Lap 18: I came across 3 or 4 lapped cars and discovered for the first time that lapped cars are ghosted for you. It was interesting to keep racing with them for several laps, going through each other since they and I were ghosted to each other. Funnily enough, one of them crashed out trying to avoid me at some point, completely forgetting that we were ghosted to each other. The track was bone dry at this point. The Huracan had pitted for fresh hards and somehow did not lose much time. I was leading by just over 35 seconds. I decided to go to the end, even though I was losing 6 seconds per lap compared to my best lap.

Lap 22: The Huracan and the M6 behind it were quickly gaining on me, taking out over 6 seconds per lap. It was too late to pit, and I had accepted that I would finish third. There was a green cloud coming in, but green cloud means that the water level will be in the slicks range. The Huracan was now less than 2 seconds behind me. The clouds arrived, and it turned out that it was not exactly green but more like green-blue. The water level shot up to intermediates. The gap to the Huracan rapidly increased, from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, to 8 seconds, in just a few corners. The Huracan immediately pitted at the end of lap 22. The M6 decided to stay out and lost way more time and eventually got overtaken back by the Huracan.

Finish: On laps 23 and 24, I was almost screaming with joy as I knew that I had won and that no one had any chance to catch up with me. From leading by less than 2 seconds and losing over 6 seconds per lap, I had won by 49 seconds and had even lapped some folks, double-lapping others. I had never won a World Series event before, and to win my first victory with such a huge margin, with a massive pole position as icing on the cake, was an incredible feeling. Folks were very nice in congratulating me. In happiness I forgot to save the replay for photoshoot later. :dopey:
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Damn, what an interesting race, so much happened with the weather especially 😳 Congrats for your first FIA/GTWS win. Those are never easy to win.
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I was surprised by the staggered standing start. I thought this was supposed to be a rolling start. Anyway, I was shocked to get a countdown with only three cars standing while the rest of the grid was already driving away. What was the reasoning behind this weirdness?
I jumped in the 1pm America's slot this afternoon, I am pretty confident at Spa as I had a close 3rd place finish here last season. The lobby surface water indicator must be broken as I could clearly see and hear heavy rain. I panicked and out on Wets for qualifying but Inters probably would have done, I put in a decent lap for P5. Based on qualifying I switched to Inters for the race, we load up and it's starts pouring. The field takes the green and we tip toe up Eau Rogue, and at the top, two 911s tangle and collect an AMG allowing me to shoot to P2 on the Kemmel straight. Thinking I've made out like a bandit, I brake for the bus stop when another 911 comes flying in sideways and knocks 4 of us around like bowling pins. I regroup in P7 to try and get back in the groove, but on the final corner of lap 2 a stack up ahead causes slowdown and another 911 bumps me in the LR corner and sends me around again. Now I'm back to P10 and start logging laps.

The rain picks up and fills the water gauge to 2/3 and I'm getting nervous. Other cars are slipping and sliding but I drive cautiously and cruise around them in my Corvette. Finally the rain let's up, and by lap 12 I have made it to P5 and I pit for slicks. I must have had a great stop as I came out in 3rd place (cut pit lane unfortunately) and start cranking off laps. P2 spins in turn 1 around lap 17 moving me up again, I'm playing in VR so I have no idea of the intervals and I can't even see the leader. To my around lap 21 I get can see P1 and I'm making up huge ground. As we take the white flag I've made it to his bumper, when I realize I'm practically running on fumes. I thought I took extra fuel when pitting, but I fooled myself due to the slower pace in the rain. I do what I can, but between short shifting and sliding on one corner exit I can't make a move. I cross the line 0.7s behind in P2 with 1% fuel remaining. Afterwards in the lobby I find the winner was fuel saving and I caught him off guard, he had 1% left as well. All in all a great race, but what could have been if not for the two spins and the penalty (or some extra fuel).
Great fun in this race. The “changeable” vibe was very interesting and a welcome change from previous events. I hope they continue like this in future.

The race reports have been fun to read. Regarding the following:

But I had to pee so bad I had to try to run really quick so I didn't have an accident. Meanwhile, PD kicks me out because I paused too long.
Not so much Push to Pass as Pause to Pass……
That is the Belgian Air Force practicing for the race start
This is true, albeit very, VERY, slowly. If you looked closely you could see parts of an aircraft in the red explosion.
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Got kicked out of a race because my WiFi apparently dropped. My PS5 is now connected to PSN but I keep getting this error message in game: NP-104627-0. I can't get back into the game at all. Has anyone experienced this?
Got kicked out of a race because my WiFi apparently dropped. My PS5 is now connected to PSN but I keep getting this error message in game: NP-104627-0. I can't get back into the game at all. Has anyone experienced this?
Restart your console.
So I saw all the weather being random and total carnage happening. And I went in anyway.
For whatever reason I'm not very good at Spa and something about the place just doesn't work for me, and I entered in my Hyundai Genesis which has a slow top speed so I was hoping for weather. Be careful what you wish for:nervous:

Qualified P10 of 14, but wasn't too worried as I passed a lot of people during qualifying in different stages of driving and the race would be long. Started and got passed before Eau Rouge as someone got alongside and I backed out, I'm not that crazy yet. Motor along and people start binning it, and then coming on and blocking the racing line. I try to give room but forgot the outside line was a nightmare in those couple of esses before the back straight and spin out down to P13. Manage to get it straight and drive over the next few laps passing spun out cars and a couple of my own passes to put me P7 and it hasn't rained in ages. I pit for Hards and quickly gain a lot of pace until La Source the next lap. When I pulled my best idiot line by getting my tires on the wet.

After this I figure I'll stick with it as I'm fairly stubborn. Plenty more spins and lost time, the I start gaining. And it starts raining again. Suddenly I'm P13, then P12. It starts to get too wet so I pit for Inters and come out ahead of the car behind as they pulled a similar stunt in turn 1 like I did. Others pit and some just try to stay hards and I manage to keep closing gaps. Last 2 laps was a 4 way battle for P8. All of us miles off the pace and 1 lap down, but had something to battle for. I managed to move up to P9 but that was the extent of it. Crazy long race and it seemed like a straight no stop on Inters was the best bet if you had any weather other than a dry track.

Think I'm done for the season after that one
A case of Hero to Zero for me yesterday. Track for qualy is dry. I put it P2 with my lap. There was a small bit of mizzle on the radar but it would soon pass so it was a definite hard start for me. P1 slides wide into Les Combes under my pressure and I skip past to take the lead. I hold a 2 second gap for a few laps. Some of the light blue stuff comes across on the radar and of course it's still driveable under those conditions. However there are a few small darker blobs. I see no need to pit. However one of the blobs blows over the track and even though it's short it turns it all to ice. I'm not the only one to slide off but I seem to handle it the worst. Seeing as the heavy rain was short I decided to stay out hoping the water returns southward on the slider quickly and thus saving me pit stop time. The track dries slowly and I spend around 5 laps struggling with Malmedy, Pouhon and Fagne dropping seconds like a stone. By the time the track dries enough the damage is done. I pass another poor sod who mucks up the entry into the pit but I'm too far back to make any more places up. So P12 it is for me.
I like the concept and I hope this becomes something similar to a daily. But I really need to work on my strategy call after getting it right earlier in the season to get it so wrong here.
Slot 1: Qualified P9 when I probably could've started 2nd because I wasn't paying attention and drove off at Eau Rouge like an idiot on my 2nd attempt. Pole was almost 2s quicker than 2nd. I started behind an NSX and tried to get past before Eau Rouge since it didn't get off the line well, but ended up going side-by-side and had to back out. Outbraked myself into Les Combes and lost a spot down to 10th, then made the spot back up again passing another car at Campus before the same car spun me at the exit of the bus stop at the end of the lap, so I spent the next several laps near the back of the field. The rain came at Lap 9 so most of us pitted. I opted for the Inters but was floundering all over the track. During the course of the pit stops, I actually made up several places to 7th, but the same car from earlier spun me out at Blanchimont, so I elected to pit again for full Wets and came out at the back of the pack again. The Wets were definitely faster, and I made my way past several others who had issues on their Inters and got up to 5th place at the end, only 20s behind the leader in spite of being taken out by the same car twice, and pitting an extra time. Given that I should've easily wont this race, I opted to go again.

Slot 3: Top Split with @F1Bernardo, @OutlawQuadrnt, and @Geauxgreddy. Qualifed P10, with Greddy slightly behind in P12 and Bernardo way further up the field. I got mugged at the start down Kemmel because I had to check up for Outlaw's Renault in front since of me it accelerated slower than my Corvette, and lost 2 spots to Greddy and someone else down to P12. Headed into the bus stop for the first time, there was a traffic jam and I almost had to come to a complete stop, at which point someone turned into me and spun me. Once again rode around at the back for a few laps until the rain came, and made up a bunch of spots in the pits. I then proceeded to completely drop it at Eau Rouge (on full Wets when the track was in Inters range!) and fell back to DFL, pitted a few laps later when the track dried out again to swap back to Hards. Once again I screwed up Eau Rouge a few laps later when I got my tires off the dry line and drove straight into the outside wall, giving myself engine damage in addition to spinning. The rain came back on the final lap and I elected to pit again for Inters even though I'd only have to drive them for a lap, since I'd long since ruined my race anyway, and finished P10 of 11. At least one of us got a decent finish - congrats on the P4 @F1Bernardo!

Slot 5: An even more stacked Top Split with @Mistah_MCA and @F1Bernardo again on his alt. Qualified P13, with Mistah and Bernardo completing the back of the grid with me in 14th and 15th respectively. We made up a spot to P12 when one of the front-runners was spun at Bruxelles, and I made up 2 more, once again at the bus stop at the end of the opening lap when 2 cars came together at the exit (and for once the car that got spun wasn't me!). A few laps later, another frontrunner spun at the bus stop, giving me P9 briefly until the car that spun early on Lap 1 passed me into La Source a few seconds later, demoting me back to P10. A couple laps later and I was back to P11 when another one of the early race casualties passed me into the bus stop that he'd spun out in earlier.

The radar showed weather moving in on Lap 9, which must've spooked a couple of the cars ahead, because they pitted for inters when the track was still bone dry, moving me back up to 9th. 8th place (one of the cars recovering from an earlier spin) had a sloppy lap, allowing me to eventually take the spot when he served a track limits penalty, and on Lap 10, when the rain finally started having an effect, another car spun at the exit of Bruxelles and promoted me to 7th. With the moisture level finally creeping up towards the 2nd bar, several of us pitted at the end of the lap for Inters. Surprisingly, quite a few chanced it for another lap despite the radar showing a wall of light showers. Of course, that didn't work out well, and by the time everyone pitted, thanks to those who pitted too early, those who pitted too late, and those who were just struggling to stay on track, I was in 4th place by Lap 13! Unfortunately I wasn't able to hold that spot and lost it on Lap 19, then lost P5 on the final lap. I just barely held off @Mistah_MCA for P6 at the line, worth 294 points. I knew it wouldn't get any better than that.

Spa 24h layout_.jpeg

Me, @Mistah_MCA, and @F1Bernardo, 6th-8th at the line, from 13th-15th at the start.
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Well, its been a long while, but what a race to come back to! Qualified 1st in a pretty mixed lobby with no practice before hand, so was a bit nervous. At the start, after 3-4 laps it started to dry, then 5-6 more the heavens opened, each time pitting dry-wet-dry respectively. In the middle of the race got in a battle with a corvette that was great (until they spun), then I opened up a gap (until I spun on the wet part of the bus stop chicane)


The final 6-7 laps were all about chasing 1st who stayed out on Inters. It was 8 seconds, then 6, then 4, then 2. Second to last lap , messed up Blanchimont and got a 1/2 second penalty! Almost got close, but a second will have to do for the GTWS return!



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I did three slots yesterday, two with my main account in my beloved McLaren and one with the NSX in the alt because I am thinking about non-meta MRs for next season. and i got my first 300+ score in Manu!!!

Slot 1, 650s: complete disaster of a race, finished P8 of 13 a long way off, spun multiple times and my brake pedal was failing.

Slot 2, 650s: got my pedal straight in time for the race and jumped in. I was joined by my GTWS buddies @GTWolverine @Geauxgreddy 😀. This time I nailed Qualy... It was dry and tbh my McLaren was spectacular in sector 2.
So there I was, starting P2. What do I do? Lose the car in Eau Rouge all by myself and end up somewhere in the midfield...losing a lot of places. First two laps or so were pure carnage, but somehow I wasnt completely obliterated and was somewhat lucky to stay in track and slowly gain some positions back.
When the rain came, I switched to inters and decided to stick with them as the track dried. Made my way to P3 and would have had a podium if someone else didn't punt my in the penultimate lap...that was quite annoying. Regardless, I at least kept P4 and with that my first ever 300+ score in Manu! To do so with the McLaren at a Spa endurance with mixed weather was the icing on the cake. I am really happy with that.


Once that was done, I decided to test the NSX.
Slot 3, NSX: again with @GTWolverine , but now also joined by @Mistah_MCA. I just had a relaxed race in this one...trying to keep pace with them as the NSX ate its rear tyres. It was nice, I traded positions with Mistah twice and the three of us stayed somewhat cclose throughout the entire race and finished 6/7/8.
As for the NSX...not a fan, if I'm honest. I drives OK, is stable on power, but burns the rears too much, at least with me behind the wheel.

Next weekend is a family birthday, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to race.
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Well, now I’m really angry. I watched some replays of yesterday’s race and discovered it was a rolling start for everyone in the world except the last few cars in my heat (including me). For some stupid reason we were stuck in a standing start at the countdown. To make it even stupider, my car was stuck in REVERSE until the countdown was done, at which point I was so confused trying to shift that I oozed to a start in third gear! By the time I got going the leader was at least twenty seconds ahead and by the time I made T1 the field was all the way up the hill already and hitting the chicane. I feel like this race was a curse for me, given how it ended (see my previous rant), but now I’m angry all over again because PD can’t even get a rolling start right?!

It must have made my comment yesterday about the start seem really weird, too, since I had no idea it was supposed to be different.

Ah well. Jokes on me. I’ll chalk it up to an exhibition. . .
Started 13th after messing up the last chicane in qualy, B's with some A's in a GT3 lobby feels a bit harsh? But okay..

Race started dry and I got off to a good start finding myself up in 7th as others clashed or span off. Rain started around lap 9, I tried to see what the leaders were going for before I pitted but wasn't able to in time so opted for inters and it was the right call as the rain stopped 3 laps later and the track began to dry. Had myself up in 5th at one point but went back to dry's maybe a little too late and was caught by a couple of fast guys who had pitted again at the right time.

Fun race though, lots to think about even though I was in space for most of it.
2022/2023 GTWS Manufacturer Cup
Exhibition Season 3 - Round 3
Spa - Group 3 - 24 Laps

When it was first mentioned that the race was 24 laps AND there was dynaminc weather, I was honestly pretty excited. I like the unpredictability, it just makes for a fun race. That proved to be the case in practice. While I enjoyed the conditions, I can't say I enjoyed spinning out as often as I did. I regularly get Greddy Passes, because I'm not very fast, but usually pretty darn consistent. I just couldn't find that consistancy in the Ford GT. Fun car to drive, but I couldn't make it do what it was capable of doing.

Slot 2 - I was paired up with @GTWolverine @Spider-Racer and @OutlawQuadrnt in the lobby. On top of that, many other familiar names that I either practice with or have raced with a ton. So, I was pretty excited for a good race. As GTWolverine mentioned, I started at the back in Q12, with GTWolverine just ahead and SpiderRacer waaaaaaaay up front. Couldn't even see his car from where I was. LOL. The start of the race, for me, was pretty awesome. Close racing at Spa is fun and we had a tight group heading down the Kimmel Straight. We picked up Spider Racer along way as he apparently had an issue in Eau Rouge. I was trying to figure out how to move forward in the group when disaster happened. I spun on the curb exiting Blachement putting me all the way back in the pack. Then in the bust stop I picked up a position due to a mass collision invloving like 6 drivers in separate incidents.

BUT, I kept at it and before I knew it, I was in the rain and racing with GTWolverine and Spider Racer in the wet. After swapping positions with GTWolverine due to a penalty, I was looking pretty good. Then disaster struck again, I got a 3 second pit penalty and spund out a 2nd time and fell right back down the ranks. But, thanks to rain, I was able to scratch and claw back up to p8...and after dying a 3rd time on lap 23, I managed a p8. No idea how. SpiderRacer was able to snag a p4!! Congrats on those 300+ points!!

I raced again on the alt account, and picked up a friend request from a TPC driver. So that was cool. Finished that one in p4 after sitting in p2 for like 18 laps. Again, spinning the Ford. sigh. Oh well. It was a good clean race though, so I enjoyed it.

I had really been looking to this long-ish race at Spa in potentially changing conditions, but unfortunately it didn't go very well at all. . I have been battling a cold and almost didn't enter, and probably shouldn't have. Only managed one qualy lap and would line up in Q12. Too many mistakes from me and I basically hung around the back for the entire race and couldn't even finish before the timer ran down (by around 2 seconds). My left leg fell asleep around halfway through which added to my woes.

The track stayed dry throughout and the field was able to do the whole race on the RH. I came home in P11 for 109 points.

I'd like to send out an apology to @C_Raccoon23 for the unintentional squeeze in the early laps. Pretty bad awareness on my part, glad it didn't mess you up too badly.
Hopped into yesterday's race with not much practice. I was in the lobby with @afc5150 and I qualified 6th. There was no rain. Unfortunately, during the race there were a few incidents that caused me to fall back to 12th. So in an attempt to salvage things, I decided to risk a no-stop, which the RC F managed to do. It somewhat paid off and I recovered, finishing 9th.



I'm actually most disappointed by the fact that it was a completely dry race. Even a bit of rain would have made things more interesting. I also do the WTC 800 Spa 1 Hour event on a regular basis, so it would have been nice to put that experience with the weather to use.

I had really been looking to this long-ish race at Spa in potentially changing conditions, but unfortunately it didn't go very well at all. . I have been battling a cold and almost didn't enter, and probably shouldn't have. Only managed one qualy lap and would line up in Q12. Too many mistakes from me and I basically hung around the back for the entire race and couldn't even finish before the timer ran down (by around 2 seconds). My left leg fell asleep around halfway through which added to my woes.

The track stayed dry throughout and the field was able to do the whole race on the RH. I came home in P11 for 109 points.

I'd like to send out an apology to @C_Raccoon23 for the unintentional squeeze in the early laps. Pretty bad awareness on my part, glad it didn't mess you up too badly.
No worries! Get well soon. :cheers:
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