Gran Turismo World Series (Nations Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 26 Feb - 8 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
I don't mind the suspension tuning they've been giving us, I don't think that it really makes that much difference to ultimate lap times but it can help people be more comfortable and maybe use different cars that have a default setup they may not get on with.

I'm quite uneasy about the downforce tuning this weekend though, that makes a much bigger difference - it's weird watching a Group C car go around the Porsche curves like it's a 919. And I really hope they never open up gearbox tuning.
I don't like the tuning at all. As others have mentioned, I don't have time for it. I just want to jump in my car and race other people in their non-tuned car and go. Make the BoP as good as it can be (still a bit broken IMO) and let's go. I want to race other drivers, not their tunes they've spent 10 hours dialing in. It also makes it harder/impossible to learn from others' replays as you have no idea of their set-ups. This is why I don't play ACC as I just want to drop in a car and go.

I wonder how much it helps anyway and how much is placebo. In reading stuff here as well as watching videos, I've determined most people have no idea what they're talking about. And that's not from a, "I know everything and that is wrong!" perspective because that is 100% not true... but more of a bunch of contradicting information. If you want to reduce understeer one person will say to do "this" and another will say to do "that" which is the exact opposite.

Thus, you have to figure it out for yourself and...

I would like to know how to tune a car and all but for me just learning a track and and reaching good consistency and lap times is already high time consuming, so i'd say limit tuning to few variables as they are doing now.
I would like to know how to tune a car and all but for me just learning a track and and reaching good consistency and lap times is already high time consuming, so i'd say limit tuning to few variables as they are doing now.
This is me, also. No amount of tuning is going to make up as much speed as learning the track better. Aero, brake balance, tire strategy are sufficient challenges for me. Getting into spring rates and damping force, toe and camber, it's a bit much for a car you're going to run once.

I'm planning on running a stock tune with lower downforce. I'm used to reducing downforce for the WTC 700 so I think I'll handle it ok.

I'm just not sure if I want to go Group C or not.
Mistah_MCA put this together, found it helpful from a tuning perspective. Now its just down to weather.....

I second that.

I gave his medium-downforce tune for the R92C a try and promptly knocked more than a second off my optimal lap time (down to 3:20.492) and set a new FP best lap of (3:21.324). That said, I'm not sure I'd use it for a race as it only reaches a top speed of 368 km/h, versus the 374 km/h that I'm getting with my previous best tune.

I couldn't get his low-downforce tune to work for me, though. I just couldn't adjust to the new braking points, so I kept missing apexes and incurring track limit penalties. Maybe with some more practice, I could get it to work but I wasn't getting there in the few practice laps I tried.

I like his tune for the Hyundai N 2025, too. It has significantly lower downforce than the tunes that I was using, so it requires a different approach to the corners. But that also means that it has a higher top speed in the straights -- 344 km/h versus the 320 km/h in the tunes I made. I haven't matched the optimal time of my other tunes with it, but it's only off by 0.3s so I'm seriously considering using it. That might change once I try it in the rain, though, which I still have to do.
What’s everyone’s opinion on the limited tuning they’ve allowed us in this FIA season as well as the daily’s?
Like @Nakano219, I don't mind the suspension settings, where you might be able to squeeze our a few tenths off your lap time with some tuning, but when it gets to the point where you have to tune to be competitive, like tomorrow's race, it's just too much.

If PD is going to make a habit of these kinds of races, I would like to see them make it possible to inspect the tunes used in the replays by the top drivers and easily apply them to your own car, so nobody is at a disadvantage.

Of course, having better tools to share tunes with other users would be a welcome change, too. The current technique of taking screenshots of the settings detail screen is archaic and painful.
In fact suspension settings are not well done on GT7, it is quite difficult to find true differences when you should have.
Some settings can be full right or full left to be good that should never exist…
I regret Project Cars where settings where very very accurate , you could see the difference for any little change…
Anyway I like spend some hours to find the good settings😁
Last night of practice here in the Americas before race day.

I'm still expecting rain in the race, though I'm not as convinced as I was earlier in the week that we'll get it. Regardless, I'll be spending the evening preparing for rainy conditions in the N 2025, fine-tuning my aero settings and practicing against the stupidly slow AI cars in custom races.

Best of luck to everybody in your race. Looking forward to reading your race stories when I get up in the morning. Cheers! And good luck!
Just trying to judge race pace with people… In DR B and low DR A drivers.

Toyota GR10 - in dry conditions im lapping in the 3.26/3.27s. Tyres wear is good for the 8 laps. Inters I’m about 3.40.
Just not sure at all if the Toyota is competitive for my DR split. Too late to really change to a new car as well as I’ve only done 1 or 2 laps in the other cars.

Saw a A+ driver I’m the Porsche (GrC) only doing 215mph down the Mulsanne which is only about 10mph slower than what I’m in doing the Toyota, but I just can’t take the same cornering speed so losing a lot of time there. Corning speed I’d say is just my talent
I couldn't get his low-downforce tune to work for me, though. I just couldn't adjust to the new braking points, so I kept missing apexes and incurring track limit penalties. Maybe with some more practice, I could get it to work but I wasn't getting there in the few practice laps I tried.
The low downforce tune was the hardest lap for me to record. Windfire and a few others toyed around with it (they had 640 front downforce, ~1050 rear downforce) and are in the 3:12 range for Free Practice. I have no idea how they minimize the time lost in the turns, but they go over 240mph down the straights and make up the time lost... :scared:
Ended up switching to the Hyundai myself after watching @Mistah_MCA's video. (Thanks!) I've tweaked the tune a little as it was a bit too oversteery for my liking but it's ended up being my fastest car overall, even in the dry.

Now... am I imagining things or does the Hyundai VGT just casually forget to wear the tyres? I did a full length GT1 custom race and this is what the tyres looked like when I pit at the end of lap 10...


And then after going full race distance without changing them at the pit stop...


I actually double-checked afterwards to make sure I'd set the race up right with the 2x tyre and 2x fuel, and I definitely had!
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Just did the first GT2 Asia/Oceania slot, no rain. Was a pretty lonely race as only a few people seemed to bother tuning, so the faster drivers were way up the road from me and everyone else was way behind.
Watching 3 different GT2 streams on YT (GT1's don't start for several hours still). They all look sunny and dry for the full 8 laps....looking like it's scripted weather again. So for the GT2/3 folks ilikely a straightforward dry race sprint....whatever car you're faster in the dry with.

GT1 guys we have to wait a bit to see if the 2nd 1/2 of the race gets wet.
The low downforce tune was the hardest lap for me to record. Windfire and a few others toyed around with it (they had 640 front downforce, ~1050 rear downforce) and are in the 3:12 range for Free Practice. I have no idea how they minimize the time lost in the turns, but they go over 240mph down the straights and make up the time lost... :scared:

Thanks so much for the valuable information on different approaches for setup in this race. I’m still way off the “fast” times but have found personal best times using your guide!
Cheers! GL tomorrow and may your laps be dry 👍
Just did the GT1 race. Full dry conditions. Just go with the R92CP and pit halfway. Becareful of the rear stepping out when the tyres are worn. Most people go with full downforce or default based on their top speeds. Just go with whatever you're comfortable, there's not much in it.

I used the Hyundai in anticipation for rain. Gamble didn't pay off. It's 1-2 seconds slower than the Nissan in the early laps but the tyre wear is so good it's about even later in the stint. In fact I just pit for fuel, no tyre change and can still keep up with R92CPs in the end. Might be a good choice for those in lower splits if you're struggling to tame the Group Cs. Downforce 850/1400, suspension settings copied Mistah_MCA's video in the last page.

Here's hoping the TBA Nations race is something interesting. The rest of the both seasons looks dull with no weather otherwise.
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Just did the first GT2 Asia/Oceania slot, no rain. Was a pretty lonely race as only a few people seemed to bother tuning, so the faster drivers were way up the road from me and everyone else was way behind.
That's a bummer. I was really hoping for rain. Back to the garage for the Hyundai, then. Bringing out the Nissan.

I've got plenty of time yet to practice yet before the first slot in the Americas. Got to figure out which tune to use for the race.
I did my fastest lap time with @Mistah_MCA's mid-downforce tune (many thanks to @Mistah_MCA for that!), so I'll definitely be using that for qualifying. It's probably going to depend on where I qualify. If I can get pole, I'll probably stick with it. If I'm further back, I'll go with my lower downforce tune that has a the higher top speed in the hopes of gaining positions in the straights.
Well that was a cracking race made complicated by the different types of machinery involved. Ran the Nissan and just wild to see the VGT's appear alongside out of nowhere after having smoked them on the straights. It's quite a jarring experience.

Qualified 2nd and that was even with a .5 penalty for running wide at the right hander onto the mulsanne straight (hate that turn) though with 1st a further 5 seconds ahead I don't think I would have had pole anyway and to be honest at this point I settled into what I expected to be a battle for 2nd as we all watch 1st disappear into the sunshine.

Not to be though as he managed to spin it at race start way before even Turn 1 and I was through although the cold tires meant it became a bit of a shoving match - which on the plus side meant I could basically skip a turn or two as I'd been pushed onto the tarmac first.

Opening up on the straights and over the lap a Mazda VGT became an annoyance as I couldn't seem to leave him behind and he wasn't exactly looking to pass fairly in the turns. This shoved me back into a Spaniard in a Group C Mazda and it became a three way battle with the VGT really causing us both problems before eventually losing himself trying too hard and slipping back towards the chasing pack - thankfully didn't see him again and I believe he quit later on.

Over the last portion of the race it became a chase as the Spaniard could pull away out of each corner but I would manage to catch up by the next. Respectful racing, if not particularly close I didn't expect to pass but just got the jump on him on the last lap and it looked like he lost the rear end coming out of mulsanne corner and this gave me a vital bit of breathing room to bring it home without too much pressure.

Was contemplating if I had time today to run it again so I'm pleased I was able to snatch the win and avoid that entirely - fun race overall!

A couple of questions, as I currently don't have the ability to look it up for myself at the moment.

Is this a no-stopper GT2/3? Or any required tire change?

Already sounds like the early runners here reporting dry conditions for the entire race.
A race where I was the victor of circumstances this time.
I tried taking some downforce off the 787B to grab a few extra mph's down the straight and it did not like some corners like Indy. Plus it's brakes were made of cakes. I did beat my previous best on the 1 clean lap I had so I know the pace was there. However I decided to keep the Hyundai even knowing it was dry. The better consistency I had from it would be better over the course of the race.
In the pre race TT I went better than my Mazda time so I knew I should be able to mix it with the Gr C's
Lobby was mostly Nissans, with a 787B, Porsche and Sauber here and there. One other person also ran the Hyundai (but maybe stock for them.) One madman picked the Longboi! Wrong Nissan mate.

Qualy was ruined by a Nissan who mucked up the outlap. I kept behind to benefit from the slip on the straights as they still gapped me by 2 tenths. However I quickly caught up from the Porsche curves onwards. I must have lost between a second and 2 seconds not trying to ruin their lap. However I was still P5 with an almost identical time to the other Hyundai.

Race starts and it's fairly even into Dunlop. My better brakes allow me up the inside and a Nissan punts me. I do not suffer and end up 2nd with a small gap to the chaos behind. Nice for a change. The Mazda ahead starts to pull a little on the straights and a Nissan gets me on the second straight. (Gunna be one of those races I think.)
I stay 3rd and keep everyone in sight. The Nissan ahead runs wide through the kink at Indianapolis and beautifully keeps it slow and right allowing me to sweep around the outside with no trouble. I'm quicker than the Mazda ahead over a lap so it is a case of when I would catch them. Sector 1 seems to be where I gain the most. However lap 3 the Mazda goes deep into the Porsche curves. I catch them ghosted and see a gap in the 3rd corner especially as they would run wide. However there is contact and I hear a 2nd one against the wall. I wasn't sure quite who was to blame. They had just unghosted and looked like they swung across at me from my perspective. Looking at the replay afterwards I would like to think I couldn't have done more. They broke right on me and there was a little netcode involved too. So racing incident at best? (Below for comments)

From there I just ran away despite a couple of track limit penalties. Those behind too busy fighting each other in what looked like a good battle as the tower on the right kept changing several times per lap.
I got fastest lap which vindicated my thought that I was the fastest overall across the lap. I'm guessing nobody else tuned this low down the pyramid.
Lap 8 and it was a simple case of brining it home to win by 15 seconds.


My 3rd in Nations and 3rd overall. Got a little lucky at times but I also think my pace deserved it too.
Also Longboi came home 12th ahead of 4 cars.
Oceania slot 1, door 8 in top split. Ran the Huyndai.

Qualifying lap was ok, but not great. Finished up Q5 surprisingly.

Up to p3 immediately after the start. Dropped to p4 by the end of Mulsanne. Briefly back to p3 by the start of Mulsanne second time.

Then, like the idiot I am, I got the kink before Indianapolis wrong on lap 2 and hit the wall at 300kmh.

Pitted to repair damage and dropped down to p13.

Ran clean after that in an entirely dry race and pitted at the end of lap 12. Rejoined p10 and ran down p9 and p8 in the final 3 laps for a p8 finish and 211 points.

The Hyundai is competitive and if I hadn’t crashed the damn thing, and had to 2 stop p5 was mine for the taking.
Sitting duck on the straights was almost made up by taking the porsche curves flatout.. i should run this race again with the meta, but i can't be bothered, the track is fun to watch on TV but not that fun to actual race..
I think it's just the setup of this race. Le Mans just doesn't work in GT7 for competive fun races. Le Mans is all about Multiclass endurance madness and even a 1 hour race doesn't cut that, let alone with 1 vehicle class restricted to 16/20 cars on the grid. I used to run 12 hour races at La Sarthe on Project Cars 2 with LMP1/LMP2/LMP3 and GTE cars (PC2 grid would let you have around 40 cars on track, for PC1 that was around 50 even) and it was some of the most fun i've ever had in racing games.
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