I have a theory about PD/Sony withholding information in game. Some may call it a cynical conspiracy theory and it's not what you might call very "fleshed out" and, also has the benefit of absolutely no empirical evidence to support it. Be that as it may, here it is.
The third party software builders, whether that software is P2P or F2P doesn't matter, are, if not directly employed by Sony/PD, at least, directly or indirectly connected to someone(s) at Sony/PD. If all the data those third party applications display was displayed in game, those apps would become, for all intents and purposes, useless. Withholding certain displayed data drives many/some to acquiring those third party apps and, in some cases, secondary hardware devices to run/display that content. It's all about who's in cahoots with whom and/or how much moolah is flowing between those in cahoots. I reckon those cahoots gotta eat too.