Gran Turismo World Series (Nations Cup 2025 Exhibition Season 2: 26 Feb - 8 Mar)

  • Thread starter stpatty
Going to be all about careful driving and patience I think, no need to be the quickest, let others make mistakes and try and keep it out of the wall... the Monaco GP of GTWS :scared:
Your set time is quick! I tried to match it but am still half a second back - or around my optimal time.

The first corners are dangerous not only because it's a long straight leading into it but because of the double blind apexes up there. Not only will people second guess their braking, there will lots trying to make a first corner squeeze too. I anticipate carnage.

Yes! In my practice, I pitted to put the RH on and the AI were all putting softs on. (They all pitted end of lap 4 btw). And sometimes, you pit, they don't as Talon mentioned. Of course, if you force them to pit, you will usually run away since they don't seem to ever want to use full throttle. We need sophy smarts and elite speed on these AI races.

I haven't driven the vette much (one reason I chose it) - but does it lack top speed? I started a 2 car race, P1 in the dry and the dang audi took turn one from me!
What is your top speed on the main straight? The R8 hits 168 - 170 mph.
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I'm going to go from the back on my GT2 League account first thing and just get a feel for the race and strat for my main account as I'm using the same manufacturer for both.

As has been mentioned I do hope one day they either give us practice sessions with Sophy or create dedicated public lobbies with race settings. Probably dreaming on both of these.

And while I'm just idly thinking having 2 versions of nations and manu - one for Esports contenders that runs few rounds and one set that is for non contenders (we want to win our regions not whole nations etc) that are more frequent and longer seasons.
can't recall, but that seems about the same. I'll pay closer attention tonight.
AI cheats. I did a 12 lap race to practice, one AI car, one make (aka both in Porsches), and the time the AI makes up on the straight is insane (when it's behind). After about five laps, the AI put in a lap FOUR SECONDS faster than mine. It would've been in the top 10 times in the world. If they're ahead, then they're slow as can be. Rubber-banding even when boost is set to off.

Had the same thing at Daytona where I'd be purple (to the AI's insane fast lap) right up to the oval bits; I'd go from -.400" to +.500" just due to the AI's top end on the oval.

Another reason why "racing" the AI is lame. And I agree, let's get Sophy involved here (though, I know PD/Sony is working on it).

What would be SUPER cool is if Sophy could learn our driving styles, skill set, lap times, etc., person-specific, and mimic them. Thus, it would be a great competitor regardless of one's skill level without having to cheat/rubber-band to keep things "close."
Sadly I may skip this round. Can't find the pace I would need at my level to start near the front and leg it, and I think anywhere midpack and behind is going to be hell with the walls and the first damp laps. I've been wanting a Tokyo round for ages but this layout is one of the worst.
Unless you are worried about DR., I would say go for it anyway.
Unpredictable Midpack racing is still a lot of fun.
In a race anything is can happen.
Unless you are worried about DR., I would say go for it anyway.
Unpredictable Midpack racing is still a lot of fun.
In a race anything is can happen.
More worried about my SR.

Crashes aren’t fun and I fear there will be a lot at my level. If it was a proper track I’d give it a go but I just really dislike this layout.
Those of you practicing with custom races, does the track actually dry faster with more cars on it? Have you done a direct comparison of 16AI VS 2AI? I've always been skeptical that the game just dries a track over time and not by usage.
This Tokyo track, oh my lordy. It is so easy to understeer into the wall due to blind corners and get a damaged wheel. And that is during practice with zero pressure and with no reason to get off the racing line! I'm excited nonetheless about my first GT1 race where I have to strategize around the high chance of damage.

It seems that if you brake on a puddle, your braking distance gets increased.

I am a bit concerned about different braking points at end of the long straight at a track which is unfamiliar to most folks (me included). I'll be running -5BB throughout the race to minimize the braking distance. Fingers crossed that I don't get rear-ended hard enough at T1 to get engine damage.

Those of you practicing with custom races, does the track actually dry faster with more cars on it? Have you done a direct comparison of 16AI VS 2AI? I've always been skeptical that the game just dries a track over time and not by usage.
Tagging @GOTMAXPOWER to answer.
Those of you practicing with custom races, does the track actually dry faster with more cars on it? Have you done a direct comparison of 16AI VS 2AI? I've always been skeptical that the game just dries a track over time and not by usage.
Use the WTC600 race as a better guide than custom races. It starts in similar conditions but road tires have more grip but the surface drying will be similar to inters it's just the pace is slower.
Tagging @GOTMAXPOWER to answer.
Those of you practicing with custom races, does the track actually dry faster with more cars on it? Have you done a direct comparison of 16AI VS 2AI? I've always been skeptical that the game just dries a track over time and not by usage.
From what I've seen from previous daily races it makes no difference, all the track drying is faked that's why the dry line doesn't match where cars are driving.

When we had the race at Spa the surface water was exactly the same when we had a full grid and the next race when 3 or 4 quit in the first couple of laps.

Tokyo is not the kind of track I would want to pit early for slicks either, on something like Spa or Suzuka you can keep in that one cars width but I struggle at the first and last corners here.
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From what I've seen from previous daily races it makes no difference, all the track drying is faked that's why the dry line doesn't match where cars are driving.

When we had the race at Spa the surface water was exactly the same when we had a full grid and the next race when 3 or 4 quit in the first couple of laps.
Thanks. Inters after lap 3 it is then.
Thanks. Inters after lap 3 it is then.
I've just had a look at this round in practice, if the weather is a exact match in the race I'm quite tempted to start on slicks. I drove 2 laps from the start of the session back to back:

RH: 2:08.862
IM: 2:04.522

IM are faster but not by a lot and that gap is going to come down each lap as it dries, I think with a bit of practice it's worth the risk.
I've just had a look at this round in practice, if the weather is a exact match in the race I'm quite tempted to start on slicks. I drove 2 laps from the start of the session back to back:

RH: 2:08.862
IM: 2:04.522

IM are faster but not by a lot and that gap is going to come down each lap as it dries, I think with a bit of practice it's worth the risk.
I'll have to test later this evening. The pit time is really quick here..

Edit: @GOTMAXPOWER , my above comment this wasn't to discredit your points but more-so a personal ramble to check RH's in the wet with my personal driving capacities! :lol:
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I feel some brave souls may risk it and run the RH tires from the start in an attempt to not have to pit.
That being said, I think with heavy damage, it's very risky to start on RH and hope you survive the first few laps without touching a wall or any other cars. Super aliens might be able to pull it off, though.

I've just had a look at this round in practice, if the weather is a exact match in the race I'm quite tempted to start on slicks. I drove 2 laps from the start of the session back to back:

RH: 2:08.862
IM: 2:04.522

IM are faster but not by a lot and that gap is going to come down each lap as it dries, I think with a bit of practice it's worth the risk.
Called it. :D
I've just had a look at this round in practice, if the weather is a exact match in the race I'm quite tempted to start on slicks. I drove 2 laps from the start of the session back to back:

RH: 2:08.862
IM: 2:04.522

IM are faster but not by a lot and that gap is going to come down each lap as it dries, I think with a bit of practice it's worth the risk.
You might be on to something here. I did some tests myself. It took a few tries to figure out how to drive those first couple laps on RHs -- where I can push and where I need to ease up -- but the no-stop on RHs is looking like it might be the way to go, at least for me.

One thing I should mention is that I am relying heavily on the driving line assist to know how to position the car on the grippiest part of the track. There's no way I could get around the track without hitting the wet stuff and sliding into a wall otherwise.

For testing, I ran 4-lap trials in Free Practice. I did several attempts on RHs -- numbered 1 to 4 -- and two starting on IMs. Here's how they compared:
TestTotal timeLap 1Lap 2Lap 3Lap 4
4RH (1)8:31.4862:13.3282:08.9262:05.5322:03.700
4RH (2)8:26.5382:10.7172:06.7792:04.6412:04.401
4RH (3)8:23.2432:09.4852:06.4282:04.2262:03.104
4RH (4)8:23.2172:09.7782:05.6652:04.6102:03.164


I'm seeing ~7-second advantage to starting on RHs in those first 4 laps over IMs, which is really something. I'm starting to think RHs might be the way to go for me.

Edit: I'm driving the Citreon GT, for what it's worth.
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You might be on to something here. I did some tests myself. It took a few tries to figure out how to drive those first couple laps on RHs -- where I can push and where I need to ease up -- but the no-stop on RHs is looking like it might be the way to go, at least for me.

One thing I should mention is that I am relying heavily on the driving line assist to know how to position the car on the grippiest part of the track. There's no way I could get around the track without hitting the wet stuff and sliding into a wall otherwise.

For testing, I ran 4-lap trials in Free Practice. I did several attempts on RHs -- numbered 1 to 4 -- and two starting on IMs. Here's how they compared:
TestTotal timeLap 1Lap 2Lap 3Lap 4
4RH (1)8:31.4862:13.3282:08.9262:05.5322:03.700
4RH (2)8:26.5382:10.7172:06.7792:04.6412:04.401
4RH (3)8:23.2432:09.4852:06.4282:04.2262:03.104
4RH (4)8:23.2172:09.7782:05.6652:04.6102:03.164


I'm seeing ~7-second advantage to starting on RHs in those first 4 laps over IMs, which is really something. I'm starting to think RHs might be the way to go for me.

Edit: I'm driving the Citreon GT, for what it's worth.
My only worry about starting on slicks is if the car behind is on inters and brakes where they can into turn 1 you're getting a destroyed car.
Y'all forgetting if you're on RH you aren't going to have a nice track all to yourself. If you're four seconds slower than IM runners they're going to be very impatient with you. All it takes is one tap on the wall (which go offline at all and it's all but inevitable to happen while on slicks) or contact with another car not expecting you to be going slower and it's all for naught... especially in GT1 with heavy damage.

Might even be a strat to start on RH and start in the back to avoid any IM runners.
My only worry about starting on slicks is if the car behind is on inters and brakes where they can into turn 1 you're getting a destroyed car.
Right. That would be my main worry, too. I'm wonder if qualifying on RHs (assuming it's done on the wet track) would ensure that you get placed towards the back behind the IM runners. Suppose another option would be to pull an @Eggstor and skip qualifying.
Or even better, hopefully it turns up with some random, and completely different weather to throw out everyone's planning. The fixed weather patterns and pre-planned meta-strategies real spoil the whole wet weather racing experience.
Like that N24 even back in March. I did four of those and at times was none-too-pleased by the random weather*, but now that it's over I can say it was fun (and the weather worked out in my favor so that helped too!).

*I will say random weather on a track like N24 is much more 'dangerous' than a smaller track for obvious reasons so it'd be cool to see it on a regular sized one as well.
One thing I should mention is that I am relying heavily on the driving line assist to know how to position the car on the grippiest part of the track. There's no way I could get around the track without hitting the wet stuff and sliding into a wall otherwise.
Have you tried raising exposure setting? It seemed to make the dry line a bit more visible.
Have to say that it is so much fun to learn a 'new' track. I am really improving which each practice I do and starting to appriciate this track. All the test effort done by @Moose78 and others is very much appriciated by the way! Only issue for me is that I most likely can not race with my main account, which is a shame because the AMG is doing well there.

I created a US account so that I can still race after doing an evening shift but I selected the Lexus for that. I only did that because I have an RC IRL but I do not like the handling of the gr3 car, especially in the last corner. I am about a second slower with it compared to the AMG.

But as it is my first race with that account I will be competing pretty much at the bottom of GT3 so I might still have a chance. Made a simple DHL livery for my car spefically for this race in the (idle) hope that they will improve in their deliveries to me....

My only worry about starting on slicks is if the car behind is on inters and brakes where they can into turn 1 you're getting a destroyed car.
Just a small thing- before the "update", even on lap 1, hards had shorter braking distance than inters. Which makes sense since the braking is on the dry line. So there was never a risk from inter runners behind.


It is now a real mystery post the "update", since we likely can't accurately test IM wear via custom race. I'm thinking to run IM from start to the end. I will wait on Saturday to find out from other races whether this will result in IMs wearing out completely.
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Just a small thing- before the "update", even on lap 1, hards had shorter braking distance than inters. Which makes sense since the braking is on the dry line. So there was never a risk from inter runners behind.


It is now a real mystery post the "update", since we likely can't accurately test IM wear via custom race. I'm thinking to run IM from start to the end. I will wait on Saturday to find out from other races whether this will result in IMs wearing out completely.
Not for me they weren't 😅. I was using the driest line but even that was slightly above the first bar on the surface water meter, I was being a bit cautious too since if you miss the corners by a metre on inters you're fine, if you do the same on slicks you crash.
Have you tried raising exposure setting? It seemed to make the dry line a bit more visible.
Can't say I have. I don't really know what it does, to be honest. What benefit would that have over the driving line assist? The assist is pretty darn visible, if you ask me.
So I am very tempted to try Saturdays race after seeing Mikails tweet today. The rain aspect does intrigue me.

Picked Chevy as my car, as why not? Done a few laps and it feels ok.

Whether I race or not….i think I’ll see how the wall penalties go in Asia lobbies and also how rough they are. Not sure if I can be bothered if it bouncing off walls and pitting every lap to fix my damage