I finally won Grand Canyon Easy yesterday--and it wasn't easy. I'm about 33% through GT4, so my skills are somewhat developed, but still, this track gave me a friggin' workout!.
Using the practice mode, I tried all the likely 4WD cars in my garage including the Toyota Rally Raid, Two Lancia Rally cars (don't remember where I won those), the Subaru Rally car as well as my original Impreza (my first ever car)
But you know what I ended up tuning and winning with? I used the 2004 Land Rover Range Stormer Concept that I won at Special Conditions Cathedral Rocks (Trail I).
I tuned the bejeebers out of it. I ended up with some combination of stock exhaust, middle stage engine tuning, faster clutch and midweight flywheel, plus some tweaks to the suspension and a little lightening up of the overall weight.
Playing with the tuning, I was able to balance its properties of higher rolling mass for stability, low rev torque for grunt work, and softer suspension for calmness and grip.
It's a rig that beats all the rally-specific cars I've tried and it does it real calm and cool.
It was probably the hardest I've worked to win a race, in many ways; tuning, learning the course, learning how to drive on dirt, etc.
It was very rewarding to have finally won. Now on to harder versions!
(Yes, I know this is a 3 year old thread...)