Grand Theft Auto 3D Trilogy Remaster Officially Revealed, Coming This Year

United States
Marin County
I tend to be very, very skeptical of any GTA-related news (though, not skeptical enough sometimes) but Kotaku is as a reliable of a source as you could hope for. Rumor is that GTA 3, VC, and SA are being rebuilt in UE to be released on a variety of platforms.

As a still-frequent player of GTA SA, I have to say this intrigues me. I would certainly rather them work on GTA 6, but I'll definitely give these a go....if this is all true.

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Wish they’d made the game look like the cell shading posters.
Anyway, love the older games as they felt bigger than GTA V. More character(development) and interaction. A GTA 4&TBoGT would be welcome too.
It would be really awesome, since the maps will likely stay somewhat small in absolute terms, if you could fly to each of the other maps as each character, even if the narrative options aren't available. Perhaps they could just switch out the peds and vehicles to bring them into the correct time period. It would make the worlds feel so expansive.
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I'm not too interested in replaying slightly updated games. But I might be willing to buy it for San Andreas if the graphics are alright and the price is right.
Really interested in these, always loved this trilogy. I do kind of hope they introduce content that had to be dropped from the original releases.
I'm down for a remaster of the III trilogy. Especially Vice City, it'd be great to revisit it with updated graphics. Just hope none of the soundtracks are changed at all due to licensing issues.
I'm down for a remaster of the III trilogy. Especially Vice City, it'd be great to revisit it with updated graphics. Just hope none of the soundtracks are changed at all due to licensing issues.
lol Rockstar should rename themselves to 'The Grand Theft Auto Company'.
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I don’t think Rockstar would bother remaking these games without making them on par with GTAV in terms of detail, and that would be a gigantic task. It’s already bad enough they aren’t done developing GTAV after friggin eight years. However, GTAIV remastered would be sweet and in my opinion more realistic. It holds up so well for a 2008 title.
I’d be thrilled with a remastered San Andreas especially if they keep the soundtrack. ‘All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ’ lol that’s burned into my subconscious
Based on what that article says about a mix of old and new graphics I’m thinking it will be old models with a new shader.
You can still buy GTA SA on xbox live which makes me think they've maintained the licenses in some capacity. Some of the songs are absent, but the vast majority of them are still there.
I tend to be very, very skeptical of any GTA-related news (though, not skeptical enough sometimes) but Kotaku is as a reliable of a source as you could hope for. Rumor is that GTA 3, VC, and SA are being rebuilt in UE to be released on a variety of platforms.

As a still-frequent player of GTA SA, I have to say this intrigues me. I would certainly rather them work on GTA 6, but I'll definitely give these a go....if this is all true.

If that is true about they are going to remastered GTA 3, VC and San Andreas, well I would not bother buying them games. I still got them 3 great games on PS2 and they are still good to play, and I am with you mate they should put more effort into GTA 6.
Ah, three games on one console and no online gaming. Those were the days.

It'd be nice to have fancy looking versions but they're bound to mess something up/change too much, just like they did with the mobile/PS3/PS4 re-releases.
They should just hurry it up with GTA6. I want to play something man. That said, if 6 is nowhere to be seen and the remaster looks the part, of course I would buy it. Never played vice city and still love to play san andreas.
GTA SA is still in my regular rotation...I still think it's fantastic after all these years. I'm not sure any game has done contemporary urban RPG better. That game with overhauled visuals would be fantastic.
If they did remastered GTA San Andreas, would you still play the classic game again on the PS2 or the Xbox again ?.
Yeah, San Andreas has so much going on. (Sorry to the ladies playing GTA games)Juggling girlfriends, making sure to eat, workout, managing gang violence, flying to different locations, riding a bike anywhere, it really does have it all.
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SA was the best of the series and my favourite ever game. As the port on xbox was the mobile game with bugs, people hated it. i need SA in my collection for series x so il buy it. If it wasn’t gonna be better than the mobile port then why would they bother ? Iam excited to see what Rockstar can do to it.
They should just hurry it up with GTA6. I want to play something man. That said, if 6 is nowhere to be seen and the remaster looks the part, of course I would buy it. Never played vice city and still love to play san andreas.
I would prefer if they just stopped focusing on GTA V. The original game came out in 2013. It doesn't need to be re-released.

I'm guessing COVID slowed down the development of GTA VI. Developers are still coming out with a lot of remasters and remakes.
Booted up GTA III and completely forgot about the intro music and how it started. The bank robbery gone bad. The character looks like Bucky in Falcon and Winter Soldier.:lol: Really love Liberty City locations in the franchise.

edit: Same with Vice City. The stories in the past games are way better than GTA V. Even GTA IV & TBOGT. The vibes are awesome in the old games.
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"As spotted by Nibel on Twitter, a new GTA collection title appeared in the Game Rating and Administration Committee database. The GRAC is the South Korean governmental group responsible for reviewing and rating video games. Earlier today, a new database entry was published for something called “Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.”


As reported back in August, Kotaku was told that plans around these remastered GTA games had shifted and changed quite a lot over the last year. Originally, the plan was to release them in October or early November. But Kotaku has heard from sources that the plan has shifted once again and now Rockstar plans to release the trilogy in November."

Could be coming rather soon.
That seems a bit too soon considering there has been no marketing. Are they just going to casually release it?
More evidence

The past few months have brought many leaks and hints that GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas will be remastered and sold in trilogy form. The latest comes from Rockstar itself: After the games studio updated its PC launcher on Tuesday, internet sleuths discovered that it contained code related to the three PS2 titles.

Grand Theft Auto III – Unreal, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Unreal and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – Unreal are all listed in the launcher's data. The "Unreal" may substantiate previous rumours that the remastered GTA games would run on Unreal Engine.

It all seems a bit too easy though. I wouldn't put it past Rockstar to create some elaborate smoke screen to conceal some other activity. I'm not saying all of this is a diversion and that they are actually announcing GTA VI, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
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It all seems a bit too easy though. I wouldn't put it past Rockstar to create some elaborate smoke screen to conceal some other activity. I'm not saying all of this is a diversion and that they are actually announcing GTA VI, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
Elaborate smoke screen to throw us off the scent of no GTA VI game in sight
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It all seems a bit too easy though. I wouldn't put it past Rockstar to create some elaborate smoke screen to conceal some other activity. I'm not saying all of this is a diversion and that they are actually announcing GTA VI, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
I think releasing the remasters is part of building hype, to lead up to a VI announcement in the near future.