Graphics issue solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thread starter squeakD
WAHOO! Graphics issue solved folks :)

Folks.., gotta pass the word around. As much as we don't want to accept it.., the graphics issue (regarding the washed hatching) "is not" a result of the game or the Playstation 3. It's our Flatscreen TV's.

We have multiple flatscreens in our home. They range from the very popular Walmart brand Vizio..., to a VERY expensive high end LG model. Wouldn't you know it.., once I hooked my new PS-3 up to our high end LG model.. BAM! The problem was gone.

So we're just going to swap out the systems. XBox in our bedroom (my daughter will just have to find a way to adjust to playing it in there..) Besides., the Xbox doesn't have this issue on the Vizio model from Walmart.

I honestly don't know why there's an issue though. Both units are 1080p HD and hooked up via HDMI cables. A few people have pointed out that it's possibly due to the quality of the video outputs between the PS3 and Xbox 360.

I'll pass this on to everyone I talked to on YouTube with the issue ( A LOT OF THEM HAVE VIZIO'S FROM WALMART TOO). To those here having the issue.., I say look at your TV's. I'm sure other models by different makers have the same issue as well.
Good, glad you found a fix. I however only have Samsungs, both 1080p and both show the issue with Gt's graphics. I just live with it.:ill:
all the tv's we have are vizio (I love them). The only tv that isn't is in my room because I still have a tube tv. I'm in the market for a 50" LCD or LED and I was prob going to get a vizio.

we had a 42" sharp and that POS broke in less then two years and it would of cost more to fix it then to buy a new one.
Have you tried 720p mode? It renders natively at 1280x720 resolution, but the 1080i/p modes are rendered at 1280x1080 (if I remember correctly) then scaled up to 1920x1080 which may be some source of the issue as there is a loss of detail between the introduced lines.
Have you tried 720p mode? It renders natively at 1280x720 resolution, but the 1080i/p modes are rendered at 1280x1080 (if I remember correctly) then scaled up to 1920x1080 which may be some source of the issue as there is a loss of detail between the introduced lines.

I haven't tried the 720 mode. After seeing this game in true HD.., I really don't think I could stomach 720p :)
What's the issue? What's washed hatching? Can you explain further?

It's a very annoying problem with how the graphics look in certain areas of grey/black. It's not related to the issue with shadows.., but you can really see it in the tunnels, night racing, and when racing in the rain.

There are these vertical lines that have an odd "cross-hatched" effect. They almost seem to be pulsating too. Basically it's such an obvious deterioration in the graphics that if you have to ask what it is.., you most likely don't have the problem 👍
Were getting a Panasonic VT25 Series(their best plasma, which is the best of the non-pro home theater tv's) this Thursday, I'll see how that compares to the video problems I'm getting with their "old"(1 year) G12 panel plasma display. I'm hoping the 3D processing will clean things up too...roger, thats 54" of 3D goodness 👍
Not all TV's are created equal. There far more happening "under the hood" of your TV then just the type of console or connection.

Check out the AVS Forums - you'll see all kinds of talk about different Televisions' ability to display proper color reproduction, black levels, brightness and contrast.
I do have to say that I think Budious has made an excellent point. It makes sense that considering the "up-conversion" with this title.., that some makes and models (although being 1080p) could have an issue with this.

I was thrown back tonight too. After moving our 360 back to our Vizio.., I about fell out of my seat when I fired up Forza-3. All this time I didn't realize that the Xbox's games look better on the Vizio than our very expensive LG model. I then fired up Race Pro and about shat my pants. Granted.., this title isn't known for strong graphics.., but it looked 10 times better on the Vizio. (On a side note.., PD could take a lesson from SimBin with the rain effect). Race Pro's rain effects (although not as strong graphically).., still look more realistic because of how the water on the windshield and windows react in relation to speed.
24" LCD computer monitor user here, had the funny hatching since the 1.05 update...tried a second 24" and a 42" plasma. All have the same problems for me.
i use a 32" Vizio LCD and play in 720p, and I have absolutely no idea what this thread is about. 👍
i use a 32" Vizio LCD and play in 720p, and I have absolutely no idea what this thread is about. 👍

720p is most likely why you don't see it. Curious though.., how does the game look in 720p?

Here's what I think is the final verdict. I think ALL of the flatscreens have the issue (to some degree). Some are so subtle that you need to have your face on the screen looking for it.., and others (like my Vizio 32" 1080p HD) had it so bad that it slapped you in the face and you simply couldn't miss it.

If I put my face smack up against the screen on my much higher quality LG.., the hatching is EXTREMELY faint. I did a night race and the difference between my LG and the Vizio is night and day (as cheesy as that probably sounds too). It looks amazing on the LG! I wanted to hug the damn TV too.

If I had to put it on a percentage scale.., I'd say that moving from the Vizio to the LG with my PS3 has fixed the problem by 99.99% What little effect is still there is SO small that I have to plaster my face to the screen and REALLY look hard for it.

Ahhhhhh.., these graphics are just INSANE. On the LG TV I feel like I'm looking at an entirely different game. There's that much of a difference folks.....
I'm also not really clear on what the issue is, but I bought a Westinghouse 32" LCD for like $499 in 2007 (heh, it even has HDMIs!) and since it was on the forefront of the cheap TVs, it's been pretty touchy on other PS3 titles - especially via 1080i. "Black crush" (i.e. dark shades of gray not displaying distinctly but forming a "black hole") has been it's biggest problem for sure.

I've managed to deal with it permanently (I think at this point) though, by turning on the Super White and Deep Color HDMI options in the PS3's Display settings and then adjusting my TV. Every manufacturer's LCD TV will of course be different than the others, but almost any should have some standard config options so it can be able to be configured to look it's best - which they often don't seem to until someone spends some time and effort to do so.

Sorry some of this probably really basic, but here's what I've found:

Brightness and contrast are important to get an accurate balance between shadows and light (they default to 50/100 in the settings, about 40 contrast and 65 brightness seems to work for me).

Once you've done that, it's all about color. Most TVs have a Color Temperature (or similar) setting that you can cycle between normal, cool (more blue), and warm (more red). If you've got the ability to set the temp for RGB manually, do that and set each value to about 248/255. Otherwise, you're best off to leave the temp normal.

About all you could possibly have left to diddle with about now is Saturation (Hue shouldn't ever be changed off default) - and if you were able to jack up the color temp manually like I was, you probably want to change this now as well. Just a bit under 50 with the color temp processing that's going on above results in the crispest, cleanest color display without any bleed or anything like that. If you get to the point where you are able to do this, you may want to adjust brightness/contrast again to accommodate the changes.
I had this problem, I tried on both my t.v's which are 1080p and they were both showing it although it was better on one of them. I have now got rid of it completely by changing the display setting in GT5, it was on anti flicker reduction so I put it on normal and the problem was solved. Anyone having this problem should try their t.v on each setting in the options to see if it improves.
This probably most likely has to do with refresh rate. If you're using an LCD TV and the refresh rate is only 90 or 120Hz, you will notice graphical issues (caused by the TV), same as if you watched a fast moving film or football game on it. Plasma's don't have this issue, and many newer TVs (even Vizio) run at 240 Hz which eliminates this problem. Its not specific to cheap TVs, if your LCD is older than like 2008 its very likely 120Hz.
I've no idea what these glitches are can somone please explain them to me.

It happens when you go into a tunnel or dark area of the track, the best way I can explain it is a pixelated mess :scared: which is very noticeable. If it was happening on your t.v you wouldn't miss it, with you not knowing about it then I'm guessing that it doesn't happen on yours.
I have issues with rain/snow/dirt, but particularly rain with the water the cars kick up. The graphics of the water kicked up by the vehicles causes all kinds of weird graphical issues. Is this the same thing or could this have to do with my PS3 hdmi settings?
I've noticed this.. I think it's a function of the contrast ratio's that the screen can support.
On my newer LCD's and older plasmas I don't have this issue the picture looks fantastic, on the older 1080p lcd the picture looks poor.. just as described.. This weekend I'll be looking for another screen for my PS3 and I'll be taking the PS3 with me to test them :)
I have issues with rain/snow/dirt, but particularly rain with the water the cars kick up. The graphics of the water kicked up by the vehicles causes all kinds of weird graphical issues. Is this the same thing or could this have to do with my PS3 hdmi settings?

I believe that this is a glitch in the game as are the shadows. I'm not sure if it can be improved but I know you can't get rid of it completely.
I have issues with rain/snow/dirt, but particularly rain with the water the cars kick up. The graphics of the water kicked up by the vehicles causes all kinds of weird graphical issues. Is this the same thing or could this have to do with my PS3 hdmi settings?

Your problem sounds like a completely different issue all together. What type of TV are you using?
I've noticed this.. I think it's a function of the contrast ratio's that the screen can support.
On my newer LCD's and older plasmas I don't have this issue the picture looks fantastic, on the older 1080p lcd the picture looks poor.. just as described.. This weekend I'll be looking for another screen for my PS3 and I'll be taking the PS3 with me to test them :)

The issue I really think at hand here is PD didn't take into account that MANY flatscreens out there have a 60hz refresh rate. Even brand new models are still being made 1080p at 60hz.

My 32" Vizio is 1080p at 60hz. That TV is (at the most) only 2 years old.., and it had a very hard time with GT-5. I had to move to my newer high end LG model. The issue is even still present on this model.., but it's so faint you really have to look for it.

I think PD just pushed too hard on the graphics with this title. They up-converted them.., and didn't really consider the "average" flatscreens specs IMO.