*Great Books full of great car designs*

  • Thread starter 2drawings
Some of them you've seen the other 200+ you probably haven't.

Cost me $99.03 somethin canadian for both but I bought em online cause at the local chapters they were $69.99 each. I looked through some stuff there its packed I mean both books combined probably 1000pgs of cars. Creat ways to get your mind goin and I'll let you know how the books turn out.(This is for industrial design in grade 11 I'm hoping they help).
2d out
Hey 2drawings, dude... slow down, read over your text BEFORE you post. I've read three replies from three different threads and I can't understand a freakin word your sayin. As for this thread what do you mean by... "This is for industrial design in grade 11 I'm hoping they help"??
lol sorry man just a bit tipsy after my b-day.
Anyways heres the refrasel;
Some of them you've seen the other 200+ you probably haven't.

Cost me $99.03 somethin canadian for both but I bought em online cause at the local chapters they were $69.99 each. I looked through some stuff there its packed I mean both books combined probably 1000pgs of cars. Great way to get some ideas in your mind goin and I'll let you know how the books turn out.(This is to help my grade 11 industrial design class).It's actualy tech design but he lets us do what we want to and I wanna draw cars like Vip and Cano
2d out
i have the car design yearbook, years one and two.. if thats what you mean, i use those for ideas and photos..

these were around $65-70 USD, at barnes & noble, a 3rd one is due out soon.
btw, ur link doesn't work.
"Industrial Design in high school?"vipfreak

He split the class between industrial design and archietecture so I want to go to industrial design and learn some coo stuff. And suzq044 I think you got your prices wrong. There $39.50 and ones like $42.00 usd. Either way I think I'll get 3 also if I got da cash.
industrial design and architecture in high school???!!!??? :scared:
i wish i had that much choice back in highschool. both interesting subjects...
Another good book is How to draw Car Designs like a pro, or it could be called Draw Car Designs like a pro.

And I have miss placed mine some where so I say grrrrr.